Sleeping Princess

Ch. 24 A Night to Remember (5/5) [R15+ Content Warning]



In the bathroom, we both began undressing. Slowly we both removed our clothing away from one another. Despite me having the confidence to bring her in here...the last thing I wanted to do was be caught looking at her. Sophia-san was my friend...not an object for me to feast over. Yet despite me believing this deep down, I found my eyes taking glances every now and then. When I finally removed the last layer of clothing, I picked up my clothes and turned back to her revealing a brand new sight. 


My lips parted as I met eyes with Sophia-san. Red-faced, she stared at me with a soft gaze. She was holding her clothing across her body just like me.

"We can p-put our clothes in there."

She pointed to a nearby hamper. With a brief nod, I walked over with her and laid them down. Now exposed to one another, I could feel her eyes on me. I'm sure she felt the same awkwardness as we stood here briefly. Wordlessly she began walking as I followed her into the wash. The room was spacious and already had two stools laid out for us, likely from the other girls who were in here moments ago. I could see the small shark shake a little before speaking.

"Ah...would you like me to...wash you first, Madoka-san?"

"O-Oh...ah, I don't mind washing you first, Sophia-san."

Awkwardly, I took the back stool as she took the front. Our skin met as I sat behind her. Feeling my own restlessness, I grabbed the showerhead that was hooked to an extender and pulled it behind her before turning it on. The coil had quite the length on it. If I wanted to, I could run this from one side of the bathroom to the other with ease, despite how large this space was.

"Alright, I'm going to turn the water on, Sophia-san."


The room instantly began to get steamy as I tested the water temperature to the side before running it along her back. As the water flowed, her skin glistened from the drops of water. The echoing of water hitting the spacious room floor was causing my heart to beat a tad faster. 



As the hot water trickled along her white skin…

"Is it too hot?"

I asked, timidly.

"'s fine."

She responded, hesitantly. 


I reached for the shampoo on the side. There was one labeled with a brand called Cinnamon Fresh in English. The text was all in English, too, making me believe it was imported from England as well. It made me a tad melancholic as I thought about her room with the teapots and other goods from England. I wondered how much she missed home at times to go to great lengths to remind herself of it. The more I learned about my friend, the more I understood how homesick she might really be. How I wished that the time we spent together helped ease her yearn to go back home.

"Ah, is it okay if I use this shampoo, Sophia-san?"

"Oh...sure, I don't mind."

As I rubbed the soap coyly along her back, the warmth of her body trickled into me. Her body reminded me of Hana-chan's a lot more now. Both of them were soft and small...and nice to the touch. 

" wanted to tell me something about what happened during your vacation, Madoka-san?"


My heart twisted at the thought of telling another person. With a sigh to regain my composure, I began explaining to her what happened.


“I confessed to Mari-san, my stepmother, Sophia-san.”

“You did what?!”


Astounded, she turned back to me, but I held her shoulders as I turned her back around. With the showerhead, I rinsed her dirty blond hair. For a moment, those feelings attempted to assault me, but I held my tears back as I explained…

“We decided it wouldn’t work out though…”

“…Yeah, I figured it would go that way.”

“But… It was because of Taylor-sensei that I was able to see clearly what I wanted to do. Your sister guided me…”

Her small shoulders slumped as I began scrubbing away at her back. The soap spiraled down the drain as I tenderly brushed her shoulder.

“So, you feel indebted to my sister then?”

“No, it’s nothing that trivial. I don’t feel obligated to do this for her…I want to do this for her, Sophia-san.”

I held her small shoulders. This was the closest I’ve ever been to Sophia-san. The last time I held her like this, it was outside of my home, and we had a layer of clothing between us. But now, in this warm space, we were exposed to one another. I can’t say that there weren’t points of Sophia-san that were a tad rousing to see…and that guilt made me hate myself even more. Like the shape of her back was something I never thought of before. The shape reminded me of a small hourglass. And her skin was the whitest I’ve ever seen… But now wasn’t the time for me to think about things like that…

“That night…I spent a long hour with Mari-san…confessing our feelings to one another.”

I sighed.

“And that night…I was able to release all my feelings without consequence. I…was able to be free of all that shackled me.”

Silently, she listened to me as I finished cleaning.

“Sophia-san…I believe that’s what you both need. You need the chance to…express your feelings.”

“…You sound as if I have feelings like that for her, Madoka-san.”

She spewed bitter words. But I didn’t let up as I continued…

“Don’t you think that’s fine if you don’t feel the same though?”

I added.

“I think…Taylor-sensei might need to be able to express herself without consequence. That way…”


I bit my lip knowing how cruel my next words would be…

“That way if things don’t turn out the way she hoped…she wouldn’t have regrets. …Like I don’t right now.”




Sophia-san turned around. Her full body was now on open display to me. Her breasts were rounded and full, she had a lip on her stomach that showed the little shark was a tad tubbier than I imagined. Her hips were a tad wider as they plumped out with a swift curve. She reminded me of a plushie that I’d want to hold in my arms. This…warmed my body up a bit…thinking about her in this way.

“I’m sorry your love didn’t work out, Madoka-san.”

She confessed as she stared me right in the eyes.

“You’re beautiful, kind…even attractive, so don’t be discouraged about finding someone to love you.”

How honest she was being struck me momentarily. It was like the time when she told me I was the prettier one between Ma-chan and me during our hangout. Sophia-san was pouring out her feelings. She was being honest in order to heal my wounded heart. Those words melted into my chest and caused me to warm up all the more. This wasn’t supposed to be about me though. But thanks to her words…my body began to tremble too. I had to hold on and not let these tears escape. They wanted to ruin my face with the pain of giving the person I loved away. So, I turned it around and spoke up, casting away those unwanted feelings.

“I-I want to let Taylor-sensei…experience the same kind of thing. That way…she’ll know if things won’t work out, Sophia-san.”

To my surprise, she put her arms around my stomach. Our breasts pushed against one another. Her lips were close to mine as she whispered directly to me. I could feel the heat of her breath hit my nose.



“You’re asking me…to hurt my Onee-chan, you know that, right?”

Her voice was soft but cut at my soul like a knife. The wet drops of water from her hair fell on my chest as she leaned in closer.

“…I don’t know what all happened between you, Sophia-san. But…I know that right now Taylor-sensei feels a lot like I did.”



In this hot room, we held one another. As if our secrets were melting away, and we were exposed, just like our bodies, she confessed:

“You know Madoka-san…I wish that Linda would tell me…that she hates me one day...”

Her small fingers clutched my back as she reeled me in deeper. The eyes she was making didn’t remind me of the angry Sophia-san that I’ve known all too well…no they were sad…painfully sad. As the corner of her eyes welled up, my heart sank deeper into my stomach.



“I wish she’d yell at me…tell me how much she hated me for doing this to her…that way…that way….”

Tears rolled down her face, trickling on my chest, merging with the flow of the water. In a muffled tone she confessed those horrible feelings that have been buried deep inside her to me, her friend.

“That way she’d be brought back into the family…and her life wouldn’t be ruined. And then…she would find the person who she loves.”

She rubbed her head on the nape of my neck. Her warm tears were hotter than the water around us. The wet breath from her words melted on my cheek. Her voice began to quake as she pushed her body closer to me and opened her heart to me. 

“I-I-I just don’t want to be the reason why she ruined her life anymore…”



I wanted to hold her tight as if that would solve all her troubles. It was apparent I didn’t know the full story between them. All I know is that Taylor-sensei fell in love with Sophia-san and that their family found out and are now going to great lengths to separate them. But Taylor-sensei isn't stopping her advances and that's why her family is punishing her by ruining her slowly. But…one thing always struck me as odd in this entire situation…

Why does Sophia-san feel guilty about it? Wouldn't all of this fall on Taylor-sensei? But before I could ask, she rubbed her tears away and faced me.

“I’ll…talk with her. Here, let me wash you up then we can message her.”

"...Okay, Sophia-san."

Silently, we switched places. In the steamy room, she rubbed my body with the same soap I used moments ago. Gently, the short, crude, boisterous Sophia tenderly caressed me. As if we were becoming one, our scent merged into one with a light hint of cinnamon.  We didn’t say a word as she washed my hair, back, shoulders, and legs…I’m sure all kinds of things were rushing in her head. But one thing was certain… This caring side is shown only to those close to her. In this somber moment, I was experiencing a side of my friend that nobody in our group had seen before. How it made me realize that Sophia isn’t only tired from this ordeal that's been plaguing her family, but she has a fragile side to her that might be on the verge of breaking if nothing is solved…

She’s a girl who doesn’t want to hurt her Onee-chan. How Sophia-san… reminded me of Hana-chan right now.

Now sitting in the bath together, I bring out my phone.

“Just act like I’m not here.”

I whispered. The loud sound of the storm outside helped masked our voices all the more. I ran the shower on high so, if Simpson-san was on the other end I prayed it would help mask our conversation. This was the best I could do right now for my friend and my partner. 



Sophia-san spoke softly.

“…I’m fine.”



She looked up at me as I turned away. How I wish this time between them was truly alone. So, I did my best not to listen to their conversation. Not as though I could hear Taylor-sensei speak from here.

“…How was your day?”

Timidly, Sophia-san spoke. It was a new sensation, hearing her speak so gently like talking with a child…no, that was wrong. Right now, Sophia-san was back in her childlike state…talking with the Onee-chan she loved.

“Mine was good…I’ve been forced into classes by…my best friend, Madoka-san.”

She gazed at me as she continued her conversation. The tenderness in her eyes couldn’t be mirrored. In that brief moment, I realized something that struck me more than anything in the last few months that I’ve known Sophia-san…


And that was that Conway Sophia-san…

...Is gorgeous.

From the top of her head to the bottom of her feet…the crude, rough, rugged Sophia-san…was gorgeous, wasn’t she?

How that made me want to protect that smile.



Sadly, It lasted all of six or seven minutes. Of course, we couldn’t stay in here for much longer without the others being suspicious. So, she bobbed her long hair indicating she was about to cut the conversation short.


That special holiday came from her mouth. Her lips trembled as her eyes darkened.

“Sophia, Nakagawa-san, are you two alright in there?”

Not to my surprise, the gatekeeper called out to us from outside the door. Sophia-san took a deep sigh and lowered her tone of voice… Crudely, she spoke to her sister...

“…Don’t be stupid.”

She whispered those bitter words before hanging up. Her gaze was intense as she bit the bottom of her lip.

“Yeah, we’re just coming out now.”

Sophia-san cried out… I prayed she didn’t catch wind of anything. When we got dressed into our one pieces, we opened the door revealing Simpson-san right at the door like a prison guard.

“Oh, I was scared you two collapsed in there. I was just about to open the door.”

In her hand was a key. This woman was scary to put it lightly.

“Sorry, we got caught up chatting.”

She snickered.


“Hey Sophia, Nakagawa-san…you both aren’t in a…relationship, are you?”




She put a finger to her mouth as she asked…

“I won’t tell anyone. I mean…Sophia had something with her best friend in England. I…just figured the same was going on here.”

“W-What the hell are you saying, Eleanor! Why would you bring that up?!”

“Oh, I’m just wondering. I heard my Sophia mention Christmas…so I thought you two were talking about a date or something. Was that a misunderstanding?”

She was listening in…but it appeared as though she didn’t catch the beginning half of the conversation. Thankfully, I sighed with relief.

“It’s nothing like that, Simpson-san. W-We were just talking about it…I-I mentioned it first.”

“Oh, what were you talking about then?”

As if that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, Sophia-san lashed out as she pushed her guardian away.


“How dare you bring her up! Can’t you piss off for a damn day, Eleanor?!”



To both our astonishment, Sophia-san rightfully exploded. I’m sure everyone upstairs even heard her.”

“Stop it already! You, dad, and mom never give me a moment to breathe! Can’t you see you didn’t just embarrass me…but humiliated me right in front of Madoka-san?!”

She took my hand and forced me upstairs with her. Briefly, I turned around to catch eyes with Eleanor. The expression on her face wasn’t one of surprise…


That was too tame for it…

She looked as though she was in grave pain as she watched us walk away…

Once we made it to the doorway…Sophia-san let go of my hand.

“…I hate that woman so much.”

She stated as she walked inside leaving me outside the doorway.

“Sophia-san, is everything alright?”

Mae-chan cried out.

“…I have a headache; I’m going right to bed. When you girls are done, put everything away. And for the love of god…don’t mess with me right now.”

With that, the princess pulled the sheets over herself and laid in her bed. The room was heavy with an awkward silence. Sora-san and Hana-chan waited a bit before turning the game’s volume down and continuing their session. Mae-chan looked my way…all I could do was give her a shake of my head.

“I see…”

Mae-chan mentioned before she leaned against the wall and quietly kept reading her manga. Yuko-chan awkwardly kept drawing away. There was nothing more I could say, so I began studying again. After a bit of time, we all decided to check in as the time turned to 11 PM.

With the futons Simpson-san offered us earlier, we all got right into bed…doing our best not to disturb our friend. However, the weather didn’t care for her mood as it slammed constantly at the window.

“Good night, everyone.”

We all cried as the lights shut off. After my mind started to fade away into the night, I felt a tug on my side. When I opened my eyes, I saw Sophia-san hovering over me.


She held a finger to my lips. Wordlessly she grabbed my hand. Everyone seemed to be asleep…as we made our way out the door. Quietly, we stepped about the hallway.

“…Where are we going?”

I questioned as she made her way into the basement with me. There she shut the door, took out a key, and locked it from the inside. Slowly, she stepped down the remaining steps and turned on the light. I followed her, and once I reached the bottom, Sophia-san rushed me and wrapped me in her arms. With her body trembling and voice cracking, she cried out to me.


“I can’t take it….anymore.”

She confessed.




“…Madoka-san…It’s my fault…It’s all my fault.”

“What’s your fault, Sophia-san?”

She cried into my arms and confessed her sin.


“I’m the one who told Linda…

...that I was in love with her first…”






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