Sleeping Princess

Ch. 46 – What is Family? (2/5)


We all approached the shopping district together. It was bustling with couples showing their love for each other during the Christmas season. Girls and boys were holding hands, smiling, teasing, and having a wonderful time. People of all ages were enjoying the day before the holiday. Takade-san was already hopping around, excited to go.

“Where should we go first, everyone?”

Yuko-chan asked, slightly overwhelmed by all the people around. It was like a chaotic storm of shoppers, and getting around would be difficult.

"I think spitting up would be a pain…."

Mae said for good reason. Getting through the sea of people would be like wading through an ocean; impossible.

So-chan crossed her arms and pushed hot air from her lips. Those burning eyes glanced at Hana, Sora, and Nagumi-chan.

“Wherever we go, don’t get lost, you kids. Hana, keep that elementary kid with you. The last thing we need is for that squirt to get lost.”

The little flower lunged back like a harpoon shot her in the chest. So-chan knew how to get under my little sister's skin, which showed on her face. Hana-chan crossed her arms and stepped forwards, going toe to toe with Sophia-chan. The battle of the shorties was in full force as their noses nearly touched.

"When were you in charge? And don't worry about her. I'll take care of her!"

Hana-chan yelled.

"I'm just trying to make sure you three stay in line. Someone here has to be the adult…."

Sophia said as she looked away.

Poor Nagumi-chan must have felt lost or confused. She scampered over to Hana-chan and took her hand, ensuring that she didn't lose that connection that they had just made. My heart fluttered, seeing that Nagumi-chan was already so enamored by my little sister.

But I couldn't let this go on. Clearly, Sophia was undermining my Hana-chan, and I refused to let that happen.

“That’s enough, Sophia. Hana-chan is way more responsible than you give her credit for.”

Sternly, I spoke as I approached them.

So-chan glanced at me, and for some reason, she shuddered in fear. I might have been giving her a stern look, but… I wouldn't have thought it was that scary.

“O-Okay, Madoka. I’ll… I’ll back off. I just don’t want them to get lost… is all.”

Sora-chan giggled.


The sly middle schooler went up to Sophia-san and nudged her on her shoulder.

"You really care about the kids, don't you, Conway-san?! Aww, I get it!"



Our group watched Sora-chan and So-chan, interested in what was happening. It seemed that Sora-chan latched onto what I did… but she planned to use this to her advantage. With a skip and a hop, she twirled around the shark while clapping.

“It’s so cute! Sophia just likes kids! I get it now!”

Sora-chan screamed it to the world, earning the attention of the shoppers. Yuko-chan was self-conscious as she hid behind me… despite being so tall. Okabe-san’s eyes lowered as if all of this was a nuisance to her. But Takade-san’s eyes lit up like a firecracker.

“Conway-san loves kids! That’s so cute!”

Together, Sora and Takade-san joined forces to pester the shark. They held hands and circled the growingly annoyed Sophia.

“So I like kids, what of it?!”

Her face as bright as a cherry, the shark confessed. Finally, she exploded, causing all of us to… laugh. Even Okabe-san smirked.

“I like kids a lot! I don’t want to see them get lost! Don’t you girls agree?!”

Flustered, she turned to Yuko-chan.

“Mihara-san, how would you feel if the kids got lost?! M-Mae-chan?! Madoka-chan too?! Won’t you feel guilty?”

Mae wrapped her arms around the frustrated foreigner and held her tight.

“Isn’t it nice to be honest, Sophia-chan?!”

"Get the hell off me, Mae! Else I'll kick you in the shins!"

Mae escaped before the shark made good on her threat. Everyone was lively, and even Okabe-san… looked pleased. She cupped her hands together as if making a microphone and called out to her little sister.

“Nagumi… stay with Koda-san, okay?”

As gently as a mother coaching her child, Okabe-san expressed her concern by telling her little sister. Nagumi acknowledged her with a short nod. She tightened her grip on Hana-chan, causing the little flower to straighten her back.

“I’ll… make sure she doesn’t get lost, Okabe-san.”

Hana-chan said. Sora finally made her way over to them, making them the trio that would stick together.

“We’ll keep her safe. Don’t you worry, green head!”

Sora said as she rubbed her nose. Annoyed, Okabe-san curled her green hair in her fingers and bit back.

“I have a name, asshole!”

After settling down, we made our way to the wall to formulate a plan.

“So, what are we buying again?”

Yuko-chan asked timidly. The poor ghost was waiting for the right time to bring it up amid all the chatting. Since we all were relaxed for the time being, she stepped up to the plate.

"Well, you all decide. I'm buying everything anyway."

Sophia’s tone soured with a deep sigh. Saya-san clapped, gathering everyone’s attention.

“Don’t worry, Conway-san. I’m buying half of everything too, remember? It’s only fair that way.”

Saya-san walked up to Sophia-chan. Playfully, she wrapped her arm around her shoulder suddenly. This shocked Takade-san as she jumped up and made her way to the both of them.

“So, don’t worry!”

The senpai expressed to her underling.

“I don’t get why you get to decide that, Saitou-san. And don't say it's because you're the senpai of the group! Madoka, Mae, and Mihara-san are the same age as you!”

Like the spoiled child, Sophia acted out. It was adorable, if I had to be honest. There were times when she acted this way… but the truth was she was just complaining for the sake of it. Mae-chan and I looked at each other, giggled, and watched the entertainment unfold.

Takade-san shot up and bounced over to both of them.

“Senpai! It's rude to suddenly grab someone! Grab me instead! Grab me instead, senpai!”

The senpai giggled and latched onto Takade-san instead as requested. Stars lit up in her eyes. This girl was in pure bliss.

"How about we start with the decorations? We have enough people here, so carrying everything around won't be very much."

Hana-chan suggested.

With all the manpower, everyone could carry two or three bags each.

“Am I even… going to you girl’s dumb party?”

Okabe-san sighed.

Everyone turned to her. I guess we all just assumed she was. Nobody stated that she had to if she didn’t want to.

“I sure hope so. My sister would love it if you came.”

Saya-chan said with a sly smile.

"You mean that creepy woman again? I don't know… I'll see how I feel after we're done shopping. Honestly… I'm tired."

The day must have been getting to her. I could see her visibly slumping. One could only imagine how she must feel with all the high emotions.

"Okay, everyone, there's a holiday decoration shop downstairs. Let's head over there first."

Saya-san pointed us in the right direction.

"Saki-chan, hold my hand, so you don't get lost."

"Y-Yes, senpai!"

Saki-chan jumped on her entire arm, taking Saya-san by surprise. She giggled warily as they both walked together. We all stayed close as we waded through the crowd.

"Alright, girls."

Mae-chan took my hand suddenly.

“I won’t let you get lost either, Mado-chan.”

“I’m not a kid, Mae-chan.”

I complained playfully.

We all walked through the crowded shopping mall.

“Mae, get over here. I have a question for you!”

So-chan, who was in the back of the group with Saya-san and Takade-san, called out to her.

"I wonder what they want…."

Mae asked me. I shrugged. I could tell she was a tad annoyed as she slumped her shoulders.

"I got to go, dear…."

My idiot Mae-chan said before letting go of my hand. She leaned on me briefly, gave me a cute smile, and rushed off behind us. Yuko-chan and Okabe-san stepped on the escalator first. I was right behind them. 

Sora, Hana, and Nagumi-chan stayed close to us as they trailed behind me. We were heading to the third floor's supplies shop by Saya-san’s directions.

“Hey… you’re really tall, aren’t you?”

Okabe-san pointed out.

Yuko-chan squeaked and looked around. Clearly, Okabe-san was talking with her, but Yuko-chan was still looking about like there was an invisible person next to her. It seemed as though she realized she couldn't get out of the situation, so she looked behind her.


The ghost said, giving her a light bow. It was awkward because she couldn't entirely do it while going up the long escalator.

“Why the hell are you apologizing for that?”

I poked my head into the conversation, trying to help the shaken ghost.

"You know, Okabe-san, Yuko-chan used to be really short. She was like Hana-chan’s size!”

I pointed to my little sister behind us, earning a poke on my hip.


The air pushed from my mouth as the vengeful flower continued her assault on my back with weak slaps.

“That’s not funny, Onee-chan! I’m not that short!”

"Sorry, Hana-chan."

“But you are short and adorable, Hana-chan!”

Mae-chan called out. She was at the bottom of the escalator, just getting on. Hana turned back to us in a huff as we continued to rise to the third floor.

“Anyway, Mihara-san told me she had a big growth spurt in high school. Maybe I might be taller than you, Onee-chan?”

Okabe-san looked at Hana-chan, then back at Nagumi-chan.

“I wonder if she’ll get taller than me one day?”

The older sister whispered.


I asked.


She turned back to Yuko-chan, who was towering over her.

"Well, anyway, how did you and Nakagawa-san meet, Mi…Mihara-san?”

Okabe-san asked.

“Oh… ah… w-we were both in basketball together. Madoka-chan…”

The ghost turned to me and gave me a light smile before turning back towards Okabe-san. Her puffy cheeks were as vibrant as a strawberry as she continued her heartwarming story.

"S-She helped me get through hard times.”



I felt a tad embarrassed as I looked away. Her voice was like a violin as it serenaded my feelings. Her adorableness was hitting me hard, and if I didn't stay strong, I would fall off this escalator to my death… but I'd be happy, I guess.

"Yeah, she sounds good at butting in on other people's problems. I can see Nakagawa-san wedging herself into things she has no business in."

Okabe-san said with a light smirk.

“Hey, that’s not called for!”

Hana-chan defended me from behind. But I didn't think she meant anything by it. It was just the way Okabe-san spoke. Gradually, I learned that Okabe Kasumi-san wasn't the kind to decorate her words. Okabe said it the way she felt… and in some cases, that was just fine.

“I don’t think she meant it the way she said, Hana-chan.”

I nodded to Okabe-san. Our eyes met briefly before she looked away. We finally reached the third floor of the mall. The rest of us waited for the last four to get off.

“So… are you coming to the party, Okabe-san?”

I asked with my hands behind my back. The ivy-haired girl glared at me, then back at her little sister. Nagumi-chan tightened her grip on Hana-chan as if that were her lifeline.

"Maybe… that is if I can make it or not. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

“Sure, do you have my number?”

Okabe-san pulled out her phone, and I did too. We punched each other's numbers into our phones and created yet another contact that linked us together.

“Promise you’ll tell me?”

Annoyed, she sighed and looked away.

“We work together… I won’t stand you up like that. I’ll… I’ll message you and see if we can make it.”


Surprised, we all turned to Nagumi-chan, who jumped in the air. Her tiny heart must have been hoping that her older sister would agree. Sora-chan giggled.


“Yay, Nagumi-chan might come!”

Nagumi-chan looked with a blush before hiding back into Hana-chan’s grasp.

She looked down like a child being scolded for doing something wrong.

The rest of the girls got off the escalator, and we all made our way to buy decorations together.

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