Sleeping Princess

Ch. 46 – What is Family? (4/5)



“Saitou-san said we needed to get white streamers.”

Sora mentioned with one finger pointed up towards the shelves of lights. Hana-chan attempted to jump and get the one on the top shelf… even though the same brand was below her. I was unsure why she wanted to prove that she could reach it though.


She'd bounce up and down like a small bunny, trying to reach the boxes on top. Okabe-san and I watched in anticipation. Would it be this jump that would reach the box of lights or the next? I wanted to cheer her on like a cheerleader, but I refrained from doing it to not embarrass her further.


I called out to the kindergartener. She turned like a deer in headlights. Nagumi-chan looked away from me and put her hand behind her back.

“Are you helping Hana-chan and Sora-chan?”

Nagumi-chan didn’t react, but instead, she looked back at her friends. Finally, the little flower bloomed high enough to reach the box of white lights. Hana-chan bounced down on her feet like a gymnast landing in a pose. Elegantly, she held the box in her hand and smirked at Sora-chan.

“Told you I could do it.”

Proudly, the flower said. When Hana-chan was around Sora-chan, I could see how they became best friends. Their personalities melded together well, and I was happy to see that they had so much fun.

“We need to get three more boxes of white lights, though, Hana-chan! Get back on those tippy toes!”

Sora-chan commanded and slapped her friend on the back. The flower squealed as she jumped.

“Eh?! I hate you… Why aren’t you doing this for me, Sora-chan?!”

Hana-chan complained.

I bent down and met Nagumi-chan in the eyes. During my deep internet browsing, I found an article about doing this. It said to get eye level with the child to make them feel like you're one of them. I wasn't sure if this was working, but… I always found it cute looking at small girls like this in this way.

“Make sure you work hard. You can help Hana and Sora by picking up whatever they tell you. Alright, Nagumi-chan?”

I assured her.

As if the lights were off in her brain, Nagumi-chan stared at me blankly at first. I was tempted to pull her earlobes in an attempt to turn them back on. But I felt as though she wouldn’t take too kindly to that, and the last thing I wanted was to upset her further.


Like a bolt of lightning hit the factory that was her mind, Nagumi-chan’s eyes perked up like a toy wound up. Eagerly, she bounced over and picked up the remaining three boxes of lights on the bottom shelf... Like offering a gift to a god at a shrine, Nagumi-chan raised it up to Sora-chan.

“What the? There were more on the bottom shelf?! Sora-chan!”

Hana-chan was fuming as she hit Sora-chan’s shoulders.

Hana-chan was shocked that her hard work was for nothing, and she swung her arms around. Her best friend burst out in laughter, likely knowing this entire time and having used her as the butt of the joke. After she calmed down, the little flower turned to her new friend.

“Thanks for helping, Nagumi-chan.”

Hana-chan thanked her. The flower bloomed with a smile. Surprisingly, the mute opened her mouth, and... spoke.

“W-What… else… do we… ah… need?”

Surprisingly, Nagumi-chan spoke up.

Sora-chan and Hana-chan were astonished, as if they didn't realize that Nagumi-chan had an actual voice. It was a line for the ages. I'd give her that, too, though. Realizing I was in the way, I stood up and backed away, giving them room to interact with each other. It seemed that Nagumi-chan understood she could be more helpful. With her arms stretched out wide, she focused on Sora-chan for direction.

"Oh… we need to get…."

Sora-chan listed off the items. And with that, the three musketeers made their way through the aisles. I watched them for a bit before I walked back to Okabe-san. She was admiring the fake Christmas display trees by picking off the pines. I'm sure she'd get in trouble if an employee saw her.

“Come on, Okabe-san.”

I waved to Okabe-san, calling her along. With a shrug, she moved over to me, and we made our way toward the back of the store. We ran into Mae-chan and Sophia-san, who were looking at gift wrap.

“I didn’t think about our presents. Hey, did you get me something, So-chan?!”

My idiot best friend asked the shark. Mae-chan clapped and cheered even before the shark said yes. Sophia-chan rubbed the back of her head and sighed deeply.

"No, I didn't, Mae. We're not dating, and it's just a friendly party. And don’t say we all get presents because it’s ‘western themed!’”

Mae poked So-chan’s face a tad violently as she explained to her.

“Hey, what if I got you something?! Wouldn’t that be rude, So-chan?!”

Mae-chan complained playfully. The shark bit her, nearly taking off Ma-chan’s finger. In fear, Mae-chan jumped away and shrieked.

“Eh?! I almost lost a finger!”

“Just wait. I might have some old toy for you in the closet somewhere in my house.”

So-chan smirked.

“Old toy? How old do you think I am?”

Like a child, Mae-chan complained.

They bickered, but it was in good fun. Mae perked up as she saw me and Okabe-san approaching. I was already giggling by the time she reached me.

“What are you picking up, Mado-chan?”

Cutely, my best friend asked as she bounced over to me. Her body pushed against me, and she wrapped her long arms around my shoulder. My best friend suddenly held me close to her and rubbed her cheek on mine. A sharp peach scent hit my nose, likely from the shampoo that she had used this morning.



“Ah, I don’t know, Mae. Saya-san and So-chan didn’t really tell me what to get. So… I’m just looking around with Okabe-san.”

I clarified.

The shark looked at the two of us and lowered her shoulder as if Mae-chan was a weight she needed to have lifted from her body.

"Well, I need help selecting some table covers for the party. Ah…”

So-chan stopped mid-sentence and looked at the girl next to me. The two enemies glanced at one another, causing the area around them to drop below freezing. Despite what happened this morning, it had little to no effect on their core relationship. Okabe-san was still punched in the face by Sophia-san before I met them…

“Okabe-san… would you like to come with me to pick… things out or something?”

Strangely, Sophia-san asked.

It was as if she was chewing nails, forcing herself to ask Okabe-san this. It was so off-putting, and I didn't understand why she would have brought it up in the first place.

“I don't really want to help you…."

Okabe-san admitted.

Her enemy's honesty sliced at all of us. The thick layer of awkwardness set in like a lingering fog on an ice-cold day. I rubbed my neck, trying my best to find a way to break the tension. But before I could, Okabe-san looked at me, lowered her shoulders, then relented.

“Fine, if it’s that much of a problem, I’ll go.”

Begrudgingly, Okabe-san gave in.

Annoyed, she approached Sophia-chan while gripping her backpack tight. They both were tense, moving like robots around each other.

“Oh… good.”

So-chan grumbled and turned away.

Sophia-chan walked down the aisle first without looking back. After a bit, Okabe-san followed. It looked like the pair wasn't even together. From an outsider’s point of view, it looked like they were just two strangers who happened to be in the same aisle.

Mae-chan sighed deeply, then nudged my shoulder.

“I’ve wanted to talk to you for a bit now, Madoka…."

Mae asserted. She didn't sound playful as she dropped her façade at the drop of a hat. My best friend took me to the side. It felt awkward and out of place, but I could only guess that Mae-chan wanted to speak with me.

“What did you want to talk about, Mae?”

I asked, knowing full well what she probably wanted to bring up.

“I understand why Okabe-san is here, but I want you to keep your guard up around her. I’m not asking you… I’m telling you, Madoka.”

As cold as she sounded, Mae was right by past experience. Mae-chan confided in her, which turned into her using that to mock me. Knowing why Okabe-san was the way she was didn't change the fact that Mae-chan and the rest of the people she hurt wouldn’t instantly forgive her.

"Yeah, don't worry. I just… want to understand Okabe-san better, though, Mae.”

“I get that, but I want you to know she's not going to change in a day. I don't want you getting hurt for being too nice."

Mae warned.

She reached out and touched my head. Her gentle fingers brushed the back of my hair, tenderly. When Mae did things like this… I always felt safe, like she was my knight who swore to protect me all those years ago.

“I know how you are, Madoka. But if Okabe-san does anything to hurt you, I’ll hurt her. I feel bad for her, but I still want to protect you first."

My knight swore an oath to me.

My face grew warm, and I found it hard to look at her in those bright green eyes. It was like we suddenly fell into a fairytale story. I imagined her as the knight that she always was. Embarrassed, I could only nod and say…

“Mae-chan, thanks.”

My hero, Mae, knew what to say to make me feel at ease. Cutely, she rubbed her nose on mine like how two puppies would show each other affection. I always saw this as her way of kissing.

“No problem.”

With a broad smile, she changed the mood in an instant.

“Hey, Mado-chan, I think Saki-san is trying to buy a mistletoe behind Saya-san’s back. Don’t say anything, alright?”

Harshly, she nudged my hips with her sharp elbow.

"Eh! A-Alright. I won't say anything. I know Takade-san mentioned she wanted to make out with Saya by Christmas, but…."

I knew Takade-san adored her senpai… but to trick her into a kiss or even a makeout session was a whole other thing. Mae-chan pointed to the pink-haired girl looking about with her hands behind her back. Suddenly, she bumped into an employee stocking a new product.

“Sup?! You guys got those plant thingies that force people to kiss?!”

The female employee scratched her head, confused.

“Oh, the mistletoe? I think we’re all sold out of those.”

“Say wah?! Are you serious?! I'm trying to tongue-tie with my senpai! You have to help me!”

In a fit, Saki-chan shook the employee's shoulders. The poor female employee who was around our age took the abuse quite well, regardless.

"She's loud…."

I said, looking at Mae.

“Yeah… she’s really loud.”

Mae-chan agreed.

“Saki, what’s the problem?”

To the rescue, her beloved senpai strolled over in an attempt to mediate the situation. 

“Senpai, there’s no more mistletoes! We’ll never tie the knot with our tongues this Christmas!”


Depressed, Takade-san admitted as her shoulders slumped. Her secret was out, and everyone around them watched in fascination. I was curious about how Saya-san was going to take this news. Intensely, she looked at her first-year student, contemplating what to say.

“You silly thing, it’s just a plant. There’s no magic in that. If you want to make a charm spell, I’ll help you make one at the party tomorrow.”

Takade-san’s eyes lit up like fireworks bursting in the sky. She danced around and sang loudly, praising the lesbian gods for giving her this gift.

“I’m going to charm spell senpai on Christmas! ~ I’m going to charm spell senpai on Christmas~ How romantic!”

My childhood friend and I glanced at each other and sighed deeply.

“That girl…”

We both chuckled under our breaths.



After we picked up everything, we all exited the store. Nagumi-chan carried more than her share of bags, and I pointed that out to Sora-chan.

“Nagumi-chan, how about I take…"

Snappishly, the little soldier shook her head and straightened her back. Visibly, she was working hard, and it was delightful to see, but that wasn't the lesson I wanted to teach her.

“Nagumi-chan, why don’t you let your friend help you?”

I suggested.

Everyone watched as she looked at her two friends empty-handed. The little girl glanced at her older sister with her four bags. With a shrug, Okabe-san looked away, allowing Nagumi-chan to make her own choices.

Okabe-san was a good older sister in that way.

The little Nagumi-chan had to make a big choice, though. It seemed she felt terrible, hogging all the shopping bags for herself.


She groaned in embarrassment. She approached her two new friends and held out two shopping bags, one for each of them.

“Thank you.”

Hana-chan said with a smile, causing the little girl to blush and look away. Together, they all shared the last two bags. Hana held one side of one of the bags, and Nagumi-chan held the other. Sora-chan and Nagumi-chan did this with the other bag on the other side. They all were… holding hands without holding hands, all three of them. Mae-chan and I squealed and held hands.

“You siscons!”

Okabe-san bullied me.

“You can’t say they aren’t cute, though… I’m not a siscon.”

I pouted.

I didn’t like being labeled something that was seen as unfavorable. So, I loved watching my Hana do adorable things. And… I wanted to hold her close and swing her around from time to time. I slapped my face, trying to fight against all the urges.

While we chatted, we all made our way to the food court for dinner with our bags in hand.

“I am hungry!”

Saki-chan said as she looked back at our group.

Once we got to the food court, it was a wide-open space with plenty of tables and chairs still open. This was the same spot that Okabe-san and I ate at together a while ago. It was only Hana-chan and me back then, for the most part.

To sit together, we had to pull two tables in our spot to ensure that we could all sit down and eat. Mae-chan did it like she owned the place, but it looked like the employees didn't mind that we did this.

“While we wait for Eleanor to come and pick up the stuff, let's relax and have a good meal, girls.”

So-chan said, then looked at Saya-san.

“Saitou-san has nice taste when it comes to design. I was surprised by what she picked out. Oh, and Okabe-san picked some nice things out too.”

The shark complimented.


Okabe-san shrugged it off like her words were poisonous. But Saya-san nodded happily.

“Oh, thank you, Conway-san. I used to be in the Fine Arts in middle school too. When I first got to Jinda High, I joined the club again. It was full of third years, and once they graduated, I took over.”

Saya-san explained as we all sat with our meals. For the most part, we all got generic burgers with fries. The oil from the heavy, greasy food was causing the plate to sag sorrowfully.

Yuko-chan looked my way.

“Is everything alright, Madoka-chan? You’re… staring at your food like it’s going to kill you...”

The ghost commented.

If anything was going to kill me, it was all the junk food I'd been eating as of late. Even the meals at Mary-san’s home were far more calorie dense than the meals at home. I assumed that was because she was from overseas. America… From what I heard, Americans ate a lot...

“It’s fine, Yuko-chan! I’m okay!”

I pumped my fist, even though my plate sagged heavily with fried goods.

With all the junk food and sitting around recently, I felt like I was gaining weight steadily. I've been stagnant since I woke up from my coma, and I knew that I would have to start being more active again eventually.


“Yes, Hana~”

A bundle of fries soared through the air, attacking my mouth suddenly. Hana jammed the food into my mouth, causing me to lunge back and nearly fall out of my chair. I wasn't prepared, and my little flower did what she did best.

"There you go, Madoka~"

My adorable sister smiled as she violently shoved more fried goods in my mouth. It’s been a while since we shared a meal, and I wasn't ready! I chewed and finished the fries. Before she could push more in my mouth, I stopped her.

“H-Hana, give me a heads up. Geez!”

I waved my hands in front of my face. But the sweet, innocent Hana-chan saw this as a challenge. She waited for the right time and shot another bundle of fries at me.


The fries got through my shield and nearly choked me to death. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that she was trying to kill me. Could it be… that Hana-chan was actually upset with me and that this was her cute way to get rid of me?

“Is it good?”

Sweetly, she asked, tilting her small head of hers. I couldn’t scold her with that face. Hana-chan would make me fat at this rate... and I would let her for that amazing smile of hers.

"It's good. Now eat your own food, Hana-chan. I don't want you to be hungry. Your mom would be upset if you don’t eat."

In a pout, she nibbled on her meal… like she always did. Hana-chan was never a big eater, and I'm sure she used me as an excuse to finish her meal. I didn't mind… but I wanted to ensure that she was well-fed too.


Nagumi-chan mimicked her new friend and tried to prompt Hana-chan to open her mouth.

“Oh, no thank you, Nagumi-chan-“

But Nagumi-chan forced the fries on Hana-chan this time.


Hana-chan cried.

My little sister's eyes closed, and I could swear they turned to Xs. Defeated, she fell back, but I caught her from falling. Everyone erupted with giggles. Karma was on my side today, and even Okabe-san gave us a chuckle before cutting in.

“Nagumi, eat all your food. Koda-san has her own meal.”

Okabe-san berated, albeit a bit more light-hearted than usual.

As we all calmed down and ate our meal, the mood leveled out, and everything was pleasant.

"Alright, girls, tomorrow at 6 PM is the start time. My Onee-san knows, and she's excited to see everyone!"

Saya explained.

With that, we all established the party for tomorrow. Something to forget about the hard times that came onto us this year. Especially for the sisters that still felt out of their element with us. As we continued eating, Hana-chan’s phone rang. The ringtone sounded like it came from an anime. Most likely it was a series she was in love with, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.


I assumed it was even my mom or hers. I strained my ears to try to hear, but there was no way I could hear if it was my mom on the other end.

“Okay, see you soon.”

With her tiny fingers, Hana-chan hung up the phone.

"Oh, mom is outside, Madoka-chan. Can you please walk with me out to the car?"

Hana-san asked as she pointed at her phone. The message displayed was from “Mom.” It made me wonder if Hana-chan had both our moms under mom, and if so… how does she differentiate them?

“Alright, I’ll take you to the car.”

Hana-chan hopped off her seat and scampered behind me.

"I'll be back, everyone. I have to take Hana-chan to her mom.”

I explained.

"Bye-bye, Hana-chan!”

Sora exclaimed, waving her arms wildly. Nagumi-chan poked her head up and… also waved.

“Bye Ha…Hana.”

Nagumi-chan struggled to say but got it out.

The girls all waved as we walked away. The mall's crowd thinned, making it easier for us to get through. When we got outside, the cold wind hit our noses.



"Hey, you."

Dressed in a warm winter hoodie, trendy scarf, and dress skirt, Mari-san smoothly glided over to us, waving her hands our way. With one hand she saluted me like I was a soldier in the military. This looked a little strange… but everything Mari-san did always looked a little off-kilter. Like a fashion model with her own little flair, it was part of her charm.




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