Sleeping Princess

Ch.19 Two Years Older (4/6)


“Ehhhhhhh?! Watanabe-san?!”

Mihara-san shouted causing all of us to turn towards her. I was a little afraid that the guest under us heard that cry for help. Her face went apple red as she lowered her neck in a panic. Mae-chan squeezed the plush so tight I was in fear that she'd crush its wobbly head. She kicked about laughing all the way. The way she curled up reminded me of a panda and it was...super cute for the tomboyish Mae-chan.

“Aww, so innocent, Mihara-san.”

Mae teased as if she expected this reaction from the poor dove. Still, in her ball-like curl, Mihara-san attempted to reach for her shoulder but to no avail as Mae would tussle away from her. This banter was unique and it revealed to me that the two of them certainly have been seeing each other more often now that Mae-chan joined her club.

“Where is this topic of conversation coming from, Mae-chan?”

I accused as Mihara-san settled down a bit.

“Well, Sophia-san and I just met Mihara-san not too long ago so, what's the best way to get to know each other than some cheesy pillow talk?”

Even though she said this Mae was just fooling around too much. Even the music behind us didn’t fit the mood for this sort of game she wanted to play.

“T-This isn't about the picture is it?!"

Mihara-san cried as she lifted herself out of her seat again. Mae-chan leaned and shook her head from side to side.

"Of course not Mihara-san! That's a secret between me and you!"

Mihara puffed her left cheek, responding to Mae’s tease trying her best to save face. Now I really wanted to know what Mihara-san was drawing the other day. Mae-chan wouldn't tell me no matter how much I pressured her to. It felt as if that picture would change the way I looked at Mihara-san forever...

“So, Mado-chan, have you fallen in love yet?”


I was first up to bat, apparently. Just the question alone was causing me slight anxiety knowing that I'm certainly in a version of love right now. I prayed that my cheeks weren't warming up, exposing the truth without my consent. My neck angled down for a moment...what should I say? Should I confess that there is someone in my heart right now and she's found a way to break down all the defenses I set up with ease?

"Well, ah..."

That pitiful attempt to disregard her was noticed as Mae-chan pushed her body up from my bed.

"Ohh?! Is that why you've been acting so different lately, Mado-chan?!"

Exposed, I coward back slightly.

"Who is it?! Did you meet a boy on the ride to school or something?!"

"M-M-Maaaeee-chan! Stop!"

My tongue tripped over my teeth trying to get her name out of my mouth. Worriedly, I gently stood and wobble over to her.

"I-It's not like that!"

"Oh, is that really true, Madoka-chan?!"

"Mae-san, stop bullying Madoka-san!"

Conchi-san severed Mae-chan's relentless assault by cutting in.

"Fine! I won't tease you anymore, Madoka-chan."

My heart was ready to explode. If I confessed that I was in love with Mari-san...I didn't want to imagine how everyone here would look at me. It was apparent, I wasn't ready to share this with my friends quite yet. It was one thing speaking with Taylor-sensei about it because is in a way far removed from my immediate connections so chatting with her had little to no consequence. As cruel as that may sound it was the truth...

“So, what about you Sophia-san? I’m sure you’ve been to Paris, the city of love. You probably have all kinds of romantic stories.”


The delinquent crossed her arms and spewed to the side. With a huff she… confessed.

“Well, I have kissed someone Watanabe-san!”

To my surprise and everyone else’s, we all turned to her. Could it be that this shark was actually the most mature out of our group of four high school girls?

"Oh, you've kissed someone other than family, Sophia-san?"

"Kissed someone?"

I parroted.

Sophia-san looked at me as I did the same to her. It was super awkward in my head but I wasn't sure if Mae-chan or Mihara-san read into these whirling feelings around us. What kiss was she talking about I wondered?



Was it the pecking of the lips we did by mistake in the Cultural Festival?! Or could it be something related to Taylor-sensei and her? Whatever it was she was staring at me and it flustered me a little. Face as red as a beet, she steamed as she turned away from us.

“Wow…I didn’t expect that.”

Mae confessed.

“How rude, Mae-san!”

Could Sophia-san and Taylor-sensei have been in a hidden relationship before? I don't know the past behind what happened. All I know is that Taylor-sensei is in love with her stepsister...I don't know too much beyond that point.

“Ahh…how did it feel?”

That’s when her ghostly voice whispered in. She gazed at Conway-san with a slight shine twinkling in her eyes.

“Huh? How did what feel?”

“…Falling in love, Conway-san?”

Mihara-san brought it up to the group. Just like she asked me a while back if I've ever fallen in love with someone, here she was again journeying down that rabbit hole of a question. Could it be that Mihara-san is more interested in that kind of stuff than I first assumed about her? Maybe she's a romantic at heart and she goes about the world asking others about their romantic exploits to vicariously live through them?

Conway’s face however twisted maddeningly.

“…Gosh you girls are embarrassing! You guys always make my stomach cramp.”

Mae swung her body back and forth, bursting with excitement. The plushies head wobbled back and forth like a jack in the box flapping about on its spring.

“C’mon, tell us! We want to vicariously live through you!”

“S-Shut up, Mae-san!”


Mihara-san out of all of us seemed the most eager to hear. This…was certainly a side to her that I didn’t know existed. The eagerness of her voice sparked my interest.


Sophia-san closed her eyes and with a deep breath, she began.

“Well...It’s certainly a complicated feeling…”

She tapped her tiny fingers alone the plush she lied in now.



"To feel as though you can walk on a cloud one day...then like the world has pressed a ton of weight on you to the point that you can't breathe the next. Anxious...but happy..."

Her shoulders dropped along with her tensed body. As if she gave up on her tough girl act I could feel tenderness in her voice now.

"Always thinking about them...yearning for that person you back. It's...painful, Mihara-san. Love is...painful."


That's when it occurred to me who she was speaking for. I don't believe she was talking about herself at all. It seemed to me that Sophia-san decided to put herself in her sister's shoes as she expressed what love truly is. How I agreed with her that Taylor-sensei certainly has a level of love that goes beyond. From following her sister to Japan to understanding that her love may not be recuperated...but still wanting to see her sister happy even though it may not be for her...

Mihara-san nodded with vigor though.

“So you do have a crush now, don't you Mihara-san?!”

Mae pointed out, kicking her feet in the air.

"I knew it! I knew it!"

“Huh?! N-No…it’s not like that, Watanabe-san!”

“That’s enough Mae! Your jokes are bad taste!”

Mae giggled and lifted her head.

“So, girls…what’s your types then?”

Sophia crossed her arms as she leered at the blue-haired madwoman.

"Why don't you go first, Mae-san!"

"Yeah, why don't you go first Ma-chan?!"

Sophia and I now banned together to assault the joker. She snickered as she sat up straight.

“Fine, I’ll go first!”

With a hug of my plush, she swung her body left and right.

“Well, because I think I’m high-spirited, maybe someone who can level me out a little?”

“They call that medication, Mae-san.”

“That’s mean, Sophia-san!”

She puffed her now redden cheeks and rubbed them on my plushie. At this rate, I should just give her to her.

“Well, what about you, Mihara-san?”


Still new to the group of us, I think this was a bit mean to strike her with this. But Mihara-san took a deep breath and…confessed.

“…I want…”

She sighed…Our eyes met but she instantly looked towards the floor.

“…Someone to take care of me, I guess?”

Mihara-san's honestly made the room reserved. After a moment, Mae chimed in.

“…That’s sweet Mihara-san.”


“I think it’s sweet to want someone to take care of you. Like a knight in shining armor!”

I've heard that phrase recently so it stuck with me. Recalling the night I chatted with Taylor-sensei and her asking if I was a knight in shining armor. Was this something all people who think of romanticisms refer to? To be recused by a hero of some kind?

“Soo, what about you, Mado-chan?”


“Who is your white knight?”

I knew she was planning to swing this back to me eventually. It was broad enough that I could give her a vague overhaul and nobody would be the wiser about my feelings for the person in the kitchen right now. So, I squinted my eyes and decided to piece together what attracts me most...



"How about...someone that makes me feel safe I guess?"

That seemed to be number one on my list. A person who I could run into their arms and feel as though the world couldn't hurt me when they are beside me."

"Ah...I'm pretty levelheaded I like to believe so if there was someone who'd open me up a little...make me laugh and stuff."

A contrast to my seemingly well-mannered self. A person who would make my life a bit exciting. I might complain about being teased and such but I do find a way enjoyable because I'm able to express a different side to myself.

"Ah, and mature...I really like someone who is able to be mature... I...think that would be the perfect person for me..."



My stomach hurt as my mind raced back to the moment when she kissed my forehead. That moment was one I've replayed in my head for days since then...Mari-san was certainly the one that made out my attractions, wasn't she?

"That's super sweet Madoka-chan."

I expected Mae-chan to tease me about it but she was genuine in her response. Sophia-san mumbled something under her breath and even Mihara-san was looking away slightly. I debated what could be going on in their minds but suddenly a knock on the door revealed mom entering in. She waved to my friends before making her announcement.

“Oh, I didn’t want to interrupt you ladies but Madoka, your uncle, and his girlfriend just arrived and we all will be eating soon.”

“Okay, mom. We'll be down in a minute.”

Now with the mood erased, I raised to my feet. Mae-chan tossed the plush on my bed. Despite the tender embrace they shared for so long she gave up on loving it half-heartedly. Our group of four made our way downstairs.


As I closed my eyes I pieced together a few that came to mind in my broad statement. The allure of a mature woman that would make my life exciting at times and that I'd feel safe around...

How a certain person fits that to a tee...

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