Sleeping Princess

Ch.26 Getting to Know You (1/5)



“Thanks for taking us home, Simpson-san!”

Hana-chan waved as we exited the car. After our night at Sophia-san's house, we ate breakfast and Simpson-san drove us all home. Yuko-chan’s parents came and picked her up, so Hana-chan and I were the last stop on her list.


Before I could follow my little flower inside, I was called out by Simpson-san. So, I approached the car and looked at her. Her gaze lowered as we met eyes.



“Yes, Simpson-san?”

“I never got the chance to apologize to you…”

She sighed.

“Listen…I didn’t mean to upset you or Sophia. It…was inappropriate for me to say that of you.”

“Oh…it’s fine. I forgive you.”

With a shrug, she continued...

“I’ll make sure not to pry too much next time. But even so…It was a pleasure to meet you, Madoka-san.”

“You too, Simpson-san. I…hope to see you soon.”

With a wave, she drove off. Here in the early morning, that night felt like a distant dream. But as I looked about the streets, debris of signs, trees, and bushes reminded me of how crazy the storm was. So, to not get depressed at the scenery, I made my way inside. When I entered the door, I met mom with a few things in her hand. A couple of purses, a bag full of what appeared to be make-up along with other assortments.

“Oh, are you going somewhere mom?”

“Yeah, Ryuji’s girlfriend wants to pick out a few pieces of clothing…she asked me if I would like to come. She’s picking me up right now.”

She moaned.

“Of course, Mari doesn’t want to come because it’s about Ryuji. They seriously need to set their differences aside. It’s ridiculous by this point.”

I could clearly see the frustration exploding from her.



“…Ah…Mari-san mentioned that Ryuji doesn’t…approve of your relationship. Is that...true, mom?”

My mom huffed as she crossed her arms.

“He never said anything like that! They both just have big heads and won’t work out their differences.”

Mom nearly shouted…likely so Mari-san could hear her in the other room. That made me realize that Mari-san might be on her favorite couch right now.

“Hey mom…”

Now curious…I had to question further.

“Have you…talked with Mari-san about why she’s not getting along with uncle before?”

I might have known the reason why Mari-san actually doesn’t like Uncle…thanks to Saitou-san telling us what happened in the past. Mari-san decided to be with mom…to protect her…and because uncle was unreliable. He wasn’t there when mom overdosed. Mari-san…probably believes uncle doesn’t care for mom. But something told me…mom doesn’t realize that.

“It doesn’t matter, Madoka.”

She shook her head in frustration. Before passing she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m glad you both made it home alright. I’m leaving the car here, so if you three need anything, make sure Mari goes and gets it.”

With a groan, she walked past me and closed the door.

“…I’m home.”

I stated. It was obvious by this point though.

“Welcome back.”

Mari-san’s gentle voice echoed from the living room. She wasn’t lying on the couch as I expected; she was sitting up staring at the screen. Her stare was a mile long as if she wasn’t even focusing on the screen.

“Did you two have to stay late at work, Mari-san?”

“Yeah…we ended up sleeping there. Saitou-san had a bunch of pillows and mats so it was a nice stay…”

With her head down she contemplated something. So, I sat next to her and asked.

“Is everything alright, Mari-san?”



“…Me and Ayumi…had our first major fight. After nearly two years of being together…we had our first major fight.”

Since the day I woke up they’ve always been picture perfect. Now Mari-san was saying that they had a fight. If that display from just a moment ago wasn’t a testament to them fighting…I don’t know what was.

“What happened?”

“The stress of work…us being forced into a room together to give us privacy by Saitou-bucho…and my inability to talk openly to her right now.”

Mari-san turned to me.

“I don’t know where to start…but I…need to tell her everything. It’s…eating me up day by day now.”


From the steps, Hana-chan cried out,


That’s when Hana-chan bounced down the steps. She saw us sitting next to one another. I wondered if she called out to Mari-san because we were alone together more than anything. If that was the case, I wouldn’t mind. I…expected behavior like this from her for the time being.

“What’s the matter, Hana?”

Timidly, she walked around the couch and stood in front of her. This prompted me to look at both of them. Hana-chan certainly shared her mother’s features.



“I need to pick up some school supplies…ah…can you take me to the store later today?”

“It’s almost winter break. Are you running that low on things?”

It was obvious that Mari-san was suspicious. But as I searched Hana-chan she seemed to be rubbing her hands along her skirt. Could it be that Hana-chan didn’t just want to pick up supplies at all?

As if picking up on Hana-chan’s nervousness, Mari-san smiled endearingly.

“…You want to go somewhere with just the two of us, sweetie?”

I turned back to Mari-san with a nod.

“Oh, when was the last time you two went out together, Mari-san?”

I teased, doing my best to push them forwards.

Mari-san said she didn't know where to start. But there it was, the answer to her question. I think the one who deserves her honesty most is her daughter. The one who unwarily defended her no matter what. Hana-chan and Mari-san needed this talk. And if Hana-chan was more than ready to open her feelings to her mom…I think it’s only right for Mari-san to do the same.

“…Okay, get dressed, Hana. We can leave in a few minutes.”

Mari-san announced. Hana-chan did just that as she raced up the steps.

“Mari-san…do me a favor when you talk with Hana-chan.”

“What’s the favor?”

“…Don’t tell her what she wants to hear…no matter how hard that is.”

Her eyes went wide. I already figured Mari-san probably planned to take the best course of action not to upset Hana-chan. But she didn’t need that right now. Hana-chan…needed that brutal honesty so she could make her own decisions just like me. Mari-san…had to do her best to express her feelings to her daughter if she wanted things to work out.



“You…could always read me. That’s…that’s why I fell in love with you, Madoka-san.”

It felt like someone just took a knife and twisted it in my heart…but I had to settle it down. I wanted to hold her as I did with Sophia-san the other night…or how I held Yuko-chan too. But I couldn’t…because if I did hold her…

I’m not sure if I’d want to let her go.


“H-How long do you plan to be out with Hana-chan, Mari-san?”

Nervously, I changed the subject. She pondered for a moment with her finger to her lip.

“…To be honest…I wouldn’t mind spending the day with her. I don’t get much alone time with Hana, Madoka-san. Is…that okay?”

I nodded, happily. How I wished they’d do just that. I know Hana-chan is having difficulties right now. Maybe being together would help ease her mind.

“I would be happy if you guys did. You two…deserve time together.

“I’ll get dressed then. Do you have work tonight?”

“Yeah…I need to get my stuff finished then get ready for work later.”

“…Will you be okay at home alone?”

With a slight pump of my fist, I nodded.

“Yeah…I’ll be fine. I have my music.”

I planned to listen to music…think about what I can do to help my friends…my partners, Sophia-san and Taylor-sensei. It was obvious that their feelings are different but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be able to see each other…to express what they feel.

“Are you struggling with something too, Madoka-san?”

Her cool voice came across and touched my heart. There, Mari-san’s bangs fell in front of one side of her hair, making her look all the cooler.

“Ah…yeah, I guess.”

“What is it?”

“…It’s complicated and it’s about a friend. I’m going to think it over and I would actually like the time alone to do that.”

She nodded.

“In the past when you had troubles…you would always talk with me about them, you know?”

That’s when it hit me…Mari-san was on my side…no matter what I told her, she’d help me, wouldn’t she?

“…I’ll talk to you about it soon, maybe? If I can’t find an answer to my problem…you might have the solution, Mari-san.”

We smiled at one another. I’m sure our feelings yearned for something else, but we obviously couldn’t allow that. If our family was going to get past these feelings, then we would need to be that much stronger to help them.

“Well, I’m getting dressed.”

“Wear something cool.”

I teased.


She teased back with a wink. How that made my chest fly for a bit. With a deep sigh, I stood up. It was time to listen to music as I wondered about the situation that came to me. So, I did just that as I got undressed. I took out my trusty headphones, put them on, canceling out the noise around me. My body fell into my sheets as I started listening to music that didn't fit my mood. It was happy, hyper, wonderful...but I couldn't fly as high as it. My mind was racing...

How would I help them to have a place to be together…Would me helping them…harm Simpson-san in the end? I questioned as I walked into my room. There I lied in bed…it felt like it’s been forever since I laid in my bed. But it was only one night.

“Yesterday was a long day…”

I moaned. Thinking back to me getting closer with Yuko-chan…Saya-san’s prediction about her sister getting my number…to Sophia-san…confessing what she did to her sister. How I wished to be the pillar that my friends can rely on...Now it was becoming difficult that was. How hard it is to be emotionally stronger.

“…Was it really Sophia-san’s fault though?”

I questioned. Thinking about it…what if Hana-chan found someone who she thought was the perfect person for her…but they abused her feelings. It would make me angry… Now, what if I had feelings for Hana-chan? Would I do my best to whisk her away…

Yes…I would…



Even if it felt like nothing would be solved. The act of taking her away from that horrible position…Would it be worth it?

But what if Hana-chan felt one way about me and I felt a whole other way?

“…Love is terrible.”

I scorned. The idea of love is so convoluted. If only it was as simple as saying I love you to solve all the problems in the world. The emotional turmoil of the day finally caught up to me. My tired eyes caused them to shut. My mind raced and raced until I finally drifted off to sleep.


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