Sleeping Princess

Ch.28 Her Choice (2/4)




When break time came around, Sophia-san cried out.

“That was brutal as hell!”

She slumped her body on the table. I actually didn’t think it was that bad. I knew I did well in the first couple, and I wasn’t worried in the slightest. Thankfully English wasn’t until after lunch.

“It wasn’t too bad.”

“Speak for yourself, Nakagawa-san.”

Okabe-san spoke up as she lifted her head. She looked as if someone beat her with a blunt object. Her eyes were strained, body slumping in exhaustion. What was certain was this test took a toll on her both mentally and physically. Strangely, I wanted to pet her on the head. But this being Okabe-san, I doubt that would go over well.

“I’ll likely have to take supplemental classes…well whatever."



“Too stupid to find time to study during all your skipping, Okabe-san?”

Sophia-san ridiculed.

"Piss off, Conway-san! You always butt in when I'm not even talking with you."

The atmosphere instantly turned heavy as they glared at one another. Now of all days wasn't the time to be doing this. We have a  lot of mental strain on us. So, getting into it was the last thing anyone needed. So, I put my hand out, stopping the two of them in their tracks.

“Today isn’t the best day to be at each other’s throats, Okabe-san…Sophia-san.”

Backing down, Okabe-san sat back down and crossed her arms.

"I've just been busy. But it's whatever. It's lunchtime now, so the last thing I want to do is sit here and watch this prick any longer.”

With that, she stood up and made her way out of the room. I wondered if she’d be back later. With it being exam day, I doubt she’d skip. I take it she even worked last night. With how tired she is...and knowing that she is likely only working so much because of her little sister...I couldn't lie and say I didn't feel a bit bad for her right now. Even knowing the kind of person she is.

“Well, are you going to the cafeteria today, Madoka-san?”

Sophia-san asked, breaking my train of thought. We both stood up and made our way to the door as well.

“Hm…no, I wanted to go check in on Taylor-sensei.”

She crossed her arms.

“Hm, good luck finding her. I think she’s swamped in grading for other teachers right now.”


The shark put her hands on her hips and sighed sharply.

“Remember, Linda…I mean, Taylor-sensei is an intern for the school. With all the grading, I don't think she's working her nursing position right now."

That didn’t even occur to me. She is still in college and is actually only working at the Jinda High School part-time. Right now, during the exam period, she must be swamped with her own work. But even so, I needed to have a chat with her.

“I’ll give it a try anyway.”

She shrugged, seemingly giving up on me.

“It won’t hurt I guess. If you can’t find her, we’ll all be in the cafeteria if you want to join us, Madoka-san.”

With a lift of her bag, she turned back to me.

“And I even brought some of Eleanor’s cookies if you want them.”

Her usually mean expression was taken away by an angelic one as she beamed at me. Ever since we had our chat…and she kissed me on the cheek, I’ve come to enjoy seeing that smile on her. Sophia-san…was very feminine when she chose to be. Her small frame swayed from one side to the other as she walked to the cafeteria alone. Her dirty golden hair swinging from one side to the other. I couldn't deny that I've been...looking at Sophia-san a bit differently since that night.


I psyched myself up as I walked in the opposite direction. As I journeyed down the hall, students were in all kinds of painful positions. Today was taking a toll on everyone, and that was apparent. As if we’ve all been through a major war, the wounded were mentally exhausted. I seriously felt bad for these girls. Even the exams in junior high weren't as extreme as they were here. But then, I wasn't part of the exams beforehand. This was my first time enduring this with everyone. So, I felt as though they were my partners in this mental warfare.


“Oh, Nakagawa-san?”

A voice I wasn’t familiar with called me out. When I turned around, I saw the pink-haired pigtailed girl named Takade Saki-san walking with two bento boxes in hand. Now that I had a better look at her, even her eyes shined that bright pink tone too. She kind of reminded me of how an idol would look. Showy, cute, and a tad spunky. 

“Oh, hello again, Takade-san. Did you need something from me?”



“No…not really. I just saw you and decided to call you out. You know, be friendly and stuff.”

We walked together now.


 She looked as though she was determined to make sure nothing happened to them. As if was as if she was an agent delivering a precious package. She held them with the utmost care.

"So, I forgot, Nakagawa-san. Are you a 2nd year like Saya-senpai?"

" I'm a 1st year. I'm the same age as her's a bit complicated."

She tilted her head for good reason. 

"Hm? Not enough time to explain it right now I guess. That's cool, we can chat about it some other time. So, where are you headed for lunch, Nakagawa-san?"

The pigtailed questioned, pushing her bento boxes higher to her chest.

“I need to go speak with someone, so I'm heading over there right now. What about you, Takade-san?”

“Oh, I’m giving Saya-senpai a lunch. So, I’m going to the Fine Arts room right now.”

I titled my head as I looked at her boxes in hand. That was a good amount of food, and I was curious about when she found the time to make all that. She didn't have anything in her hands this morning. It made me wonder when she found the time to make them or if she already had them prepared before school and just stored them for later. 



“You see, Nakagawa-san. Senpai’s older sister makes her lunch almost every day….”

She started without me prompting her. It sounded to me that she just wanted to talk about Saya-san. That wasn’t a problem, but suddenly she brought up Saitou Risa-san, her older sister.

“What about her?”

“Well, she’s a terrible cook, and Senpai is kind enough to eat her food daily.”

"Saitou Risa-san is a terrible cook?"

I couldn't actually imagine that. She felt as though she was perfect in everything. From her smarts to her beautiful figure, it took me by surprise that she was...a bad cook. Before I knew it, I giggled a bit earning a strange look from Takade-san. But instead of questioning me, with a puff of her cheek, she shined back at me.

“But I want to change that. I want Senpai to enjoy her meals. So, earlier today, I decided that I’d cook for her instead!”

That was thoughtful of her. She looked as though she was on cloud 9 as she spun around, likely thinking about her meal with Saya-san.

“Wow, how dedicated, Takade-san.”

“It’s because I like Senpai, Nakagawa-san.”

Even if you like someone…making food for them every day is another thing. Curious now, I voiced my opinion.

“Do you like her enough to make food for her every day? That's a lot of commitment for a friend, you know?”

“I’m gay, moron. I like Senpai.”

She looked me square in the eyes and straight-up told me her true intentions. 



How blunt she was about it was almost astounding. But I chuckled it off as we continued walking together. It seemed as though this wasn't just a friend giving a meal but a romantic gift to the person she likes. I would have never guessed that Takade-san had a crush on Saya-san when I first met them this morning.

“Oh…you like Saya-san like that?”

“Is there a problem with that?”

She was getting defensive now and for good reason I guess. So, to ease her worries, I backed down slightly.

“No, not at all.”

Her shoulders dropped a bit as she closed her eyes and blew hot hair from her lips.

"Listen, I've been through the wringer in middle school about my sexuality. I've been called all the nasty names in the book. Now, anyone who wants to make a fuss about it, I say piss off. So, when I came to high school, I swore I'd find a soulmate. And my gosh, Saya-senpai is perfect!”

This spunky girl had a different level of acceptance than me. It was…refreshing and a bit of a miracle that I met her this morning. I never realized that someone…like me was this close to me.

“Oh…you misunderstand me, Takade-san. I don’t…mean anything bad at all about it. Ah...I'm rooting for you?”

"Oh, thank you much! It would be amazing if Saya-senpai noticed how aggressively I'm going after her...I mean, how hard is it to see that someone who's basically doing everything to be beside you likes you?"

I certainly wasn’t ready to admit my own feelings for the same sex with someone I literally just met near hours ago. But she was a completely different breed. She seemed to have accepted who she was and openly pursues the woman she likes. In this case, Saya-san was that target. We met at that step, this is where we’d have to cut our ties.

"Well anyway, sorry for my rant. I'm actually not normally like this. It's just Saya-senpai knows how to push my buttons that I get all worked up about her."

I couldn't help but giggle. How refreshing it was...hearing someone so openly talk about liking a person of the same sex at our age. It made me...want to talk to her about this kind of stuff another time. So, I pumped my fist and gave her my all.

"Good luck with your lunch, Takade-san. I hope your Senpai notices you."

I gave her encouragement. With a blush, she turned to the side.

"Eh, she probably won't notice much about it. I might just take this chance to eat off the same chopsticks as her or something. At least I'd be able to get her in me that way."



That last bit was a bit...shocking for such a cute thing as her to say but, I shrugged it off. It seemed that Takade-san was the honest type, maybe even the brutally honest kind.

“Catch you later, Nakagawa-san. This was a fun chat; let's do it again sometime!”

She beamed as she made her way up the steps. What a fun person to chat with. I hope…I get more chances to see her. Something in me…wanted to touch her pigtails too. They are just so adorable.

I took a sigh, gaining back any kind of composure I had as I made my way to the nurse's office. When I stepped inside there was nobody there. The room was quiet as I made my way around. So, I went to the back area, the place where Taylor-sensei took me before, and stepped inside.



There was the couch I cried on when I was confused about my feelings for Mari-san. On the other side, Taylor-sensei consoled me as we confessed to each other about our feelings….for people we shouldn’t have feelings for.


Even though it was only a month ago when this happened, it felt like it was a distant memory. Now knowing what she's been through, falling in love with someone who didn't treat her well at all…only wanting to be with someone she loves and how aggressively they are taking that from her.

“…I think I get it.”

Even though she wasn’t here to tell me…I can understand why she might have wanted to keep that a secret. Even though we were confessing our feelings to one another, the fact of the matter was at that time…

We were and still are in some regards, strangers to each other. The reason why I could chat with Taylor-sensei was the fact that her opinions…of me didn’t matter. Because we were just that, partners and nothing more. I’m sure the same was for her. She could tell me whatever she wanted, and we both would keep our secrets because we were partners.

“…But you’re not a stranger to me anymore.”

I mumbled. After my chat with Sophia-san…and all the pain and hurt around her and Taylor Linda-san…There would be no way I could go back and call her a stranger.

“We’ll figure this out.”

I concluded as I made my way out of the room.



I wasn't able to catch Taylor-sensei for the rest of the day, and sadly, I went home empty-handed. Even when I attempted to call her to schedule a get-together, it seemed she was busy and turned her phone off.


I stared at my phone.

“Is everything alright, Onee-chan?”

Hana-chan questioned as we walked home together.

“Oh…I’m just thinking of a friend…we haven’t talked in a while, and I was getting a little worried.”

"Well, it is exam days. A lot of us are trying to focus on school right now. I wouldn't worry too much about it, Onee-chan.”

I sighed.

“Yeah, Sophia-san said the same thing.”

Everyone had a life outside of their feelings. Even I needed to focus more on my curriculum rather than my emotional feelings for my family right now. There were times for those things…and a time to move forward to make better opportunities.

“You’re right, Hana-chan. I think I’ll focus more on school for now.”

Right now for these next couple of days, the last two days of the exams, I needed to put mine all into school. That way I wouldn't have this extra stress on me. Then I could clearly see what to do next.

“Would you like to study together tonight, Onee-chan?”

“I would love to, Hana-chan.”

That night we studied together. I had flashcards, and we used them to get better at our subjects. Thankfully they were tailored so even though Hana-chan was helping me with a higher learning grade, she didn’t have to know the process to help me study.

Right now, everyone seemed to be in a state of suspended animation. We all were focused on our own life issues at the moment. Hana-chan and I with our exams caused us to internalize our feelings right now and focus on school.

It appeared as though Mari-san had more work outside of the house regarding the book deals, so she would drop mom off and be on the errand runs until late at night.

Mom wouldn’t stay for long; she’d be picked up by Mary to help with the wedding that was coming this spring. Needless to say, our family that was broken didn’t have time to be repaired right now…

And interestingly enough, that might be a good thing. I’m not one to want the problem to be pushed aside, but having the ability to focus on something else created a new kind of help.

“…I can think more about everything.”

I whispered as I lied in bed.

“About my family…about my friends…”

This time to push me away from the constant conflict gave me a chance to look at everything objectively when I came back to it. I still didn't have an answer to how to get Mari-san to speak up to Hana-chan and mom…but at least new ideas were coming into my head.

I still didn’t know how I was going to help Sophia-san and Taylor-sensei. All that I’ve come up with was…


They need to talk it out…

Even if they don't see eye to eye on matters of love…nothing will change until they finally meet, away from the eyes of their parent's constant monitoring…

Gently, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.





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