Sleeping Princess

Ch.29 Weekend Date (1/4)


I twirled in the mirror as I checked my appearance from left and right.



I looked mature in my baby blue cardigan, white camisole, and crème white skirt that goes past my knees as I spun around. I couldn’t think of a different hairstyle, so I decided to curl mine a bit more to make it wavier. With a light touch of makeup, just enough to glow a tad bit and not overdo it, I could confidently say I looked my best today.

When I stepped out of my room, I instantly grew self-conscious, and I checked my reflection in my handheld mirror. My hair looked a bit disheveled already as if it had a mind of its own and wanted to ruin my first impression out of ill-will.


I gasped as I turned around and spotted my little flower. She was in sweats and a white shirt she likely slept in. In the complete opposite of me, she looked like a lazy mess as she relaxed on her weekend.

“Ah…are you going somewhere?”

I certainly didn’t want to make this a big ordeal so I thought about the best way to respond the previous night. Now to execute my plan, I told her my story…

“A friend I met at work asked me to come out with her today. So, I’m going to be with them and just hang out.”

The last thing I really needed right now is the confusion that I’m going on a date right now.

“Is it a date, Onee-chan?!”

Hana-chan cried as she pushed me, causing me to nearly fall over. It seems she saw right through me and came to the right conclusion. That was a colossal failure.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Onee-san?! Who is it?!”

What was I supposed to say? That I was going on a date with my parents’ boss? I had to calm the situation, so I quieted her down with a pat on her head.

“That’s enough, Hana-chan. I told you, it’s just a person from work that asked me to go out with them…and I’m taking them up on their offer.”

She rubbed her messy hair and crossed her arms. After a brief pause, she looked back at me a bit warily.

“Hey…you’re not just doing this to try and forget about…mom, right? Like…you’re not going on with this person…because you don’t want to think about…your…ah…feelings?”

I had to look inside before I answered that. Was it true that this was just an escape from Mari-san? It was...but it wasn’t all in the same. I did want to move past my coma and all that I lost. I certainly wanted to…forget about Mari-san romantically so our family would be happy. But Saitou-san was a wonderful person who at least deserved to have a date and show me what she’s made of. So, with confidence, I shook my head in disagreement.



“No, Hana-chan. I’m not doing this just to forget about Mari-san. I…feel a great deal about her, your mom…but this person…is nice. I…I’m actually excited to have a date with them.”

She looked a bit skeptical at first but seemingly gave in as she shrugged her small shoulders.

“I’m not good at this kind of thing…but there’s one thing I want you to do for me, Onee-chan…”

“Hm, what is it, Hana-chan?”

“You open your heart to this person. Right now, you don’t think about anything besides them, Onee-chan. They…deserve that...I think.”

What she was asking was the right thing to do. I…had planned to do that very same thing. Right now wasn’t a time to compare her to Mari-san. Saitou-san was a completely different person to who I was attracted physically. So, I decided that I’d give her a chance emotionally too.

“Sure, I promise, Hana-chan.”


“A-And Onee-chan…before you go…”

“Oh, what is it?”



She came up to me, held me tight, and spoke with force.

“If things don’t work out…ah…know that…I’m here to protect your…heart. Alright, Onee-chan?…So…I…”


She looked a little flustered, and I wasn’t sure what she was saying, though. But I hated seeing my little sister struggle to get something out this painfully. Instead, I pet her on the head and comforted her.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay, Hana-chan.”


I still wasn’t sure what she was actually saying, but what was certain was Hana-chan was worried about things. She…is the last person I want to have to worry about anything.

“Have fun today…see you later.”

She bounced her way back into her room, likely to go play games or read more manga. I’m sure she had a lot on her mind also, and I silently hoped she could at least spend this weekend to relax.

When I made my way down the steps, mom was at the door. In her hand was a bunch of papers that looked like bills. She looked through them in a seeming daze as I hit the last step.

“Oh, hey, mom.”

“Oh…Madoka. Where are you heading, looking so nice?”

“A friend invited me to a day out. So…I’ll be gone all day with them.”

She looked me up and down and gave me a charming smile. When she showed that expression it always lit up my world. It was calm and relaxing, a look I haven’t seen on her recently.




“Hm, you really are maturing, aren’t you Madoka. You look nice, sweetheart.”

“Eh, where is this coming from mom?”

She seemed a bit more relaxed today as she approached me. She placed her hand on my head and pet me gently. I didn’t feel as mature as she made me out to be with her doing something like this. A testament to how tall she is.

“I’m just…realizing how old you are. You’re responsible and have your own life now, don’t you?”

Just hearing her say that made me that much more excited. I literally jumped at the thought that I was, in her eyes, more mature.

“It’s thanks to you that…I’m able to try and be more mature. So... thank you, mom…”

I closed my eyes as I felt her fingers caress my head. This brought me back to a time before my confusion with all of this. When it was just me and mom. Looking back…I felt like I was slowly becoming a different person. Unlike the selfish kid from before my coma. And mom acknowledging that was a testament to that.

“Where’s Mari-san?”

She took a deep breath like I just sucked all the air out of her by asking. I might have actually, thinking about the question more clearly now.

“She’s doing some last-minute work with Yashiro. So, it’s going to be just Hana and me today. I might make her watch a movie with me or something.”

Mom giggled at the idea. Before I could say anything she started walking up the steps.

“I’d like to spend more time with Hana! Hana, come here! Hana!”

Mom began her hunt for the dove. Now that I thought about it, I can’t recall the last time those two watched a movie together. That might be for the best that they spend some quality time together.

Knowing that Mari-san was likely gone for the day made me a little upset. I wanted to chat with Mari-san about what I was doing, so I called her phone when I made my way outside. The day was cold, and it looked like it was going to rain soon. So, I took an umbrella just in case.




“Oh…Mari-san. I…wanted to chat with you before I left today, but…you were gone when I woke up.”

“Madoka-san…Hm…I take it you’re going on a date today?”

“Huh? H-How did you know?”

“Saitou-bucho kept going on about a date she had on Sunday. She usually talked about her dates. She’s…a little open about her love life sometimes. I…figured it might actually be you, but you were being considerate enough to not tell me.”

Her tone was a bit low. Mari-san read into me that well to know that I was keeping something like that to myself. It went to show me how closely Mari-san actually watches me and made me feel…like I was going behind her back despite us not being in a…relationship like that.

“Yeah…sorry for not telling you.”

“No, I assumed you were worried about it. Ah…just promise me you make sure to take your time…don’t rush everything.”

I could hear her come to a stop as she opened her car door. I think she finally made her way to Yashiro’s apartment or something.

“I won’t rush, Mari-san. It’s…just going to be a day for us to get to know one another.”

“Yeah…I’m sure it is. But…as a parental figure right now…even though you both are women…sex changes a lot in relationships.”

The blood in my body began to boil. To think the first person to have this kind of chat with me would be…Mari-san.  She sounded like a true mother, but her voice was a bit shaky. Of course, it would be…Mari-san…still loved me.

“I…understand, Mari-san. It’s just a date. I’ll take it slow and make sure she doesn’t pressure me into doing something I’d rather not on the first date.”

I could hear her take a sigh of relief. I…couldn’t imagine how painful this might actually be for her. As if I was cutting her…but I needed to do this. Not just to move on from Mari-san…but to help her move on from me too.

“…Good. I hope you have an amazing day. Also, make sure you mention those concert tickets to her when you get the chance.”

Suddenly, she brought back up the idol tickets. I was slightly confused, but I let it go as I nodded to myself. No matter how you looked at it…this conversation was nothing short of awkward.

“…Bye, Mari-san...”


That last word felt like it stabbed my heart as we hung up. I looked at my phone and instantly began to regret telling her. But now wasn’t the time for that. I promised to refocus my mind and give Saitou-san my full attention. Today wasn’t a day for anyone else…besides me and her.

Earlier last night, we texted about where we’d meet one another.

I promised I’d meet her at the park near my house. So, I made my way there. The sky was cloudy like usual and looked as if it was going to rain. There was nothing I could do about that, so I held my umbrella close. I just hoped it wouldn't rain while we were out.

Curiously, I thought about what we’d do on this date. Was it going to be dinner and a movie? Or something similar like in a romance movie. My feet continued to walk as I thought about Risa more in-depth now. Why did she choose me out of all the other girls in the world?

“What made me special?”

I questioned. I’m sure I wasn’t the first girl who looked at her butt. Was it seriously because of her fate reading from Saya-san that she’s going all-in on me? I don’t actually know what attracts her to me. Maybe Mari-san was right…I don’t know too much about the person I agreed to go on a date with, and I should take it...slow.

That would be my goal then. To make sure I get to know the overly flirty, rich, popular, Saitou Risa-san and understand what I have to offer her and why I’m special to her.

“I promise I’ll put my all into understanding her today.”

With that conviction driving me forwards, I made my way to the park with haste. The pavement was harsh, but I stood my ground and kept moving with vigor.

When I made my way to the park, Saitou-san was waiting patiently, sitting outside of her car with her arms crossed. When I saw her burgundy hair blow in the wind, the scene was so remarkable that she captured me as her model-like figure drew me in.



She was in a bright red coat that flowed down along with her black dress.

Her bands were adjusted to have a curlier style that caught me off guard. 

Like I was looking at a picture made by Hokusai, she amazed me just by standing there.

She looked so mature and vibrant that it made my heart slam into my chest.



Now I began to be self-conscious again. I took out my mirror and instantly regretted not fixing my hair into a different style. All I did was curl my hair a little bit more to my liking. It was simple, and I wouldn’t mess it up. Despite how I sounded, it was the first date in my head, or the first date in my memory, at least. The last thing I wanted was to look stupid…

“How…should I approach her?”

I thought about it. Should I just come in and see her, give her a cute wave as I walked in. Or maybe I should act like I don’t see her and wait for her to call me out? Before I knew it…I was coming up with all these scenarios when…

“Madoka-san! Are you going to stay over there and keep me waiting?”

I was exposed due to my carelessness.

“H-Hello, Saitou-san!”


She rushed up to me, grabbed me into her long arms, and pulled me closer to her. Her breast pushed up against my sides as her curvy body melted with mine. She…felt nice to hold.


“Thanks for agreeing to come with me. I plan to treat you like a queen today!”

She announced as she took a deep breath, calmed herself down, and opened the passenger door for me.

“Thank you, please take good care of me.”





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