Sleeping Princess

Ch.29 Weekend Date (3/4)


When we made our way up to the line, we looked at the preview videos on the side. They were made with digital screens that showed us cool pictures of the different kinds of fish that swam about in the tanks.  From penguins to whales to sea turtles batoids, crabs, and much more.

“Hey, what’s your favorite animal, Madoka-san?”


I had to think about it for a bit. She held me closer causing my nose to rub up against her coat. That peach smell resonated in me as I tried to concentrate.

I loved dogs but never wanted one. Even cats were cute, but I never had the need or want for a pet. As I closed my eyes and imagined all the adorable animals, one popped into my head and stayed there…




I cried out in excitement. If they weren’t so big and endangered, I would love to have one. I could ride it around in my room, to the store, to school, and feel its fluffy fur. I would name it something strange to add to the cute charm. Maybe something western-like Jerry or Tom. Suddenly, reality set in as I gave up on the idea altogether.

“Wow, I didn’t expect you to be a Panda lover, Madoka-san. I saw you as more of a cat kind of girl.”

“I do like cats though…but there’s something special about Pandas.”

I marveled at the idea for a bit longer before turning back to my date. She wasn’t letting go of my arm anytime soon, and actually, it was a good thing because it was getting colder out her by the minute.

“What about you, Risa-san?”

“I like panthers actually.”



Her eyes shined as she confessed.

“They feel so free when running around. They have that sharp black color and have fangs and other things like that. But that’s not what I like the most about them…it’s the way they can be so vicious, but still take care of and love their young.

The contrast is what drove her to like them. In a way, she reminded me of a panther too. If what she said in the car is true, she runs her business with a fist of power…but treats me with gentle hands. But would that make me a cub in that scenario? How it fit her personality. Aggressive but kind when she finds someone she doesn’t want to devour.

“That’s…super cool, Risa-san.”

We smiled at one another. That’s when I noticed how her eyes felt like jewels as they gazed at me. Saitou Risa-san, as I already knew, was…attractive. But being this close only reminded me how bright she was. As if she alone could light up a pitch-black world just by being there.

“Ma’am, we’re waiting for you to approach.”

The ticket collector called out to us. It seemed we were so lost in our discussion that we didn’t realize the line faded away in front of us. So, we rushed up to the front.

“Don’t worry, I’m paying for everything, Madoka-san.”

Saitou-san announced as she pulled out her wallet. I expected this, but I still wanted to put some money on it. I got my first ever check the other night and needed to pay for something in order to feel like a proper adult. But instead, she paid for our fees, and we walked inside.



When we strolled in, the lights got low as if we were entering a cave. But then at the end of the small tunnel, the world opened up. Above us were tanks full of ocean blue lights and fish flowing about. As if we stepped into another world altogether, she held me closer as if I’d drift off in the sea if she’d let me go. To be honest, I felt as if I would…so I held her closer too. There was a remarkable amount of sea life flowing about. A large batoid fluttered above us casting its shadow below.


I unconsciously cried.

“Hey…you’re really warm…and smell nice, Madoka-san.”




She sniffed my hair, and it was a tad weird, but I leaned in closer for some reason.

“It’s the shampoo and conditioner that I usually use. It’s nothing different.”

“No…it is different.”

She expressed, holding me tighter.

“Now I’m close to you, and…it’s all mine.”

My heart began to race now that I noticed how close we actually were. Risa-san had me in her arms, I…subconsciously did the same as I wrapped mine around hers. It wasn’t like I was with Mae-chan who I’ve known for years. She was someone I met recently, so doing this had a different feel to it.

“S-Sorry if I’m out of line.”

I expressed, but all she did was grab me tighter, snuggling me into her breast.

“Let’s start over here. I see a collection of fascinating fish.”

She pointed at the collection of school fish in all different colors. They swam about without care as they danced together. The colors were amazing, and my eyes couldn’t stop watching them as they twirled about together.

“Madoka-san…you don’t believe in fate and other things, right?”

She asked suddenly. I thought about it and turned back to her.

“No. I don’t. Well…it’s a little more complicated than that, I guess...”

There was a reason why I didn’t believe in things like fortunes and such. It wasn’t as simple as I just didn’t believe.



“You see, Risa-san…when my dad passed away…I kind of stopped believing in things like magic and such. It’s not very magical when reality takes so much from you.”

I confessed something that I don’t believe I told anyone. Mainly because nobody has asked this kind of question.

“I see…sorry to hear that.”

I nodded.

“When dad was here, he’d talk about things like that all the time. Even when I got too old to believe in the stuff. So, when he finally passed…I guess all that died with him for me.”

I thought about him again. I didn’t expect my dad to come up in conversation like this, but I guess that was the effect of this place. As if we were in a different world, miles away from earth, I was able to put my feelings away and express myself.

“So, I don’t care for horoscopes and the like. It’s just something that people believe in to have reasons for the unexplained. A mechanism to help them get through the day.”

I knew this wasn’t something that Risa-san wanted to hear…but I had to be honest with her and myself. That’s the point of this date in the end. For us to experience each other’s good and bads, right?

“I understand that and respect that, Madoka-san.”

She admitted, holding me closer to her. We watched the fish dance by a bit before she opened her small mouth once again.

“But without fate…I wouldn’t have met you. We wouldn’t be here looking at this beautiful sight in each other’s arms. I…wouldn’t be trying my hardest to make sure that we enjoy our time together. So, you have to admit that there is something magical going on right now.”


That…felt so romantic coming from her. Like a scene out of a drama movie, she entwined her hand in mine as we watched the fish tango about. I…felt like we were the only two people in this world right now. The room was dark, illuminated by the lights in the tank, and it made me feel as though I wanted to be a tad closer to her, interestingly enough. Could it be that she placed a spell on me the moment we got here…one that opened up my emotions a bit more to her?



“…if you say it like that…I guess luck is a little bit magical.”

I admitted to my own surprise...


As we explored the aquatic ruins like two adventures in a new world, we came to a booth. There a man with a fine beard was holding a starfish in his hand. Together, we approached.

“Ah, do you want to give it a feel?”

There it was, looking as slimy and strange as I expected a starfish to look. But strangely, it was beautiful and bright pink. However, the tube feet are what made me nearly scream because they looked…gross.

“Give it a feel , Madoka-san!”

Risa-san pushed me forwards, I pushed back.

“No, I don’t want to!”

I cried, earning a laugh from her.

“Fine, let’s touch it together then. It will be fun, I promise!”

Reluctantly, I approached the booth with Risa-san beside me. There the star-shaped creature sat as I glared at it as if it was my mortal enemy. I seriously didn’t want to go through with this, but Risa-san had other plans.

“We got this, girl.”

She took my left hand in hers as we both pushed out our pointer fingers. I closed my eyes, anticipating the slimy feel of the nasty-looking fish. As I touched it, I could feel Risa-san’s finger right on top of mine. The texture was scaly and caused me to shiver but…strangely enough, I was experiencing this with someone else so…it was a different kind of moment. My heart was…pounding for another reason.

“How does it feel?”

Risa-san teased, still giggling.


I cried as we finally severed our connection. The man put it back in the water, allowing it to swim about. He pointed to a nearby sink where we could wash our hands together.

“It’s an experience, learning about the things that swim in the sea all the time. Madoka-san, wasn’t that fun…just experiencing something new with someone?”

I couldn’t help but beam as she brought that up. Doing that alone might have been worlds apart from doing that with someone else. I nodded as I finished drying my hands.

“Yeah…it was nasty…but fun.”

“Oh, you’re such a girly girl I’ve noticed. You don’t like to get your soft hands dirty.”

Annoyed, I spun back to her.

“Hey, I used to be in basketball. I could get rough if I needed to.”

“Oh…really? I never expected that.”

She was astounded. Now that I thought about it…just looking at my outwardly nerdy appearance, I guess it would be a surprise that I used to be one of the top members on my basketball team. I’m not sure if I’d be as good as I was in middle school if my coma didn’t happen, but the fact of the matter was, I was pretty skilled in it.

“Yeah, I used to be in basketball…before I suffered my coma. I even got a scholarship for it.”

We walked together now.

“Is that right? So…when you woke up you lost all that?”

“Yeah…but I’m over it now. So, there’s nothing wrong with talking about it.”

She looked up at the fish around us as we went about down the corridor.

“When I visited you in the hospital…I never considered how much you might have been missing, lying in that bed.”

“That’s right, you visited me while I was asleep, didn’t you Risa-san?”

She nodded as she looked back at me.

“I couldn’t imagine going through something like that. But looking at you now, you’re strong in more ways than one, Madoka-san.”

“…What do you mean?”

“Going through that…then your struggles with the person you love…it’s admirable that you can keep pushing forwards. I…don’t think I want to see you struggle like that anymore, though.”

Now it was time for me to ask this question that’s been swirling around in my head for a while now. So, I turned to her and asked…

“What makes me special though, Risa-san?”

Confused, I wanted to know. I’m sure I’m not the only suitor for her. So…what made her want this kind of relationship with me? She tilted her head cutely and confessed.



“Maybe it was your bright blue eyes that captured my heart or your curvy brown hair that dances in the wind. Maybe, just maybe I have a thing for girls with glasses and you happened to have just the right ratios from top to bottom!”

She pushed her body up against mine, causing me to only blush more. But she continued by caressing my hair. I could feel my face burn brighter and brighter as she pointed out pieces of me one by one.

“Ohhh, you’re so adorable. Hey, there’s a corner over there…wanna make out?”

She teased, causing me to blush.


I shrieked as she laughed and took her arm in mine. We explored the aquarium more for around an hour or so, just chatting away, talking about different things like my school, friends, and family. She even brought up uncle Ryuji and how he wanted to give me a gift or two while I was in my coma. It seemed she didn’t work with him too often. But when she did, they would talk about me and mom more than anything else.

“Working with my uncle must be difficult.”

“Nah, Ryuji-san is a smart man who is overconfident and thinks that his way is law, but…he’s a little bit of a softy if you push the right buttons.”

Risa-san snickered.

“Did you know that I rejected him before? He asked me out on a date once, and I had to tell him that…”

She put her finger in the air and announced it like a flight attendant.

“That he wasn’t my type. Little did he know that I’m actually only attracted to girls. Mostly girls with a fine, cute butt. Oh, and respectable breast sizes too. I like them just round enough for me to hold them in my hands and squeeze them to my liking.”

“You do know we’re in a public place, right?”


She giggled.

“Aww, getting all shy on me now, Madoka-san?”

She teased as we made our way back outside.





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