Sleeping Princess

Ch.31 What I’d Do For Her (3/4)




"M-Morning, Madoka-chan!"

On the train, my mind was still a bit hazy. I didn't end up eating dinner the previous night and the breakfast I did eat was minimal. But now Yuko-chan's adorable face came into view and the only thing I could think about was what I and Takade-san chatted about. Not only the stuff about Mari-san...but all the feelings that might be kept from me by Yuko-chan.

"Morning, Yuko-chan."

I beamed. Her face was a tad red. Could that just be me noticing her more? Just an illusion made from the chat between Takade-dan last night. My heart slammed against my chest thinking that Yuko-chan might be thinking...things about me right now.

"Are you feeling better, Onee-chan?"

Hana-chan asked while her small elbow nudged my side.

"Oh, yeah. I was just tired last night. A little tired today actually...but I'll be okay."

I had a lot going through my mind. So, I just gently relaxed on the walls of the train and let Hana-chan and Yuko-chan talk. So much was going through my mind...but I needed to set it to the side right now. My main focus should be Taylor-sensei and Sophia-san. All the other feelings of so many things needed to be brushed aside...

Because right now I feel as though I'm in a tornado that's swinging my body from one end to another. All the whirls of different things pulling at me at once. Like my constant feelings for Mari-san, my family on the breaking point because of our secrets, Saitou Risa-san's caring love towards me that I can't deny any longer...and now the thought that Yuko-chan might really feel...for me that way.

So right now I can't focus on all of mind needs to be on my nurse and best friend. Else I'll begin to break down again...and I don't want that. 

"Are you okay, Madoka-chan?"

That tender, mouselike voice of Yuko-chan soothed me as I opened my eyes.

"...Yeah, just a lot to think about...but I'm okay, Yuko-chan."

Again, I beamed. She returned with a smile of her own. It felt as pure as an angel's as it tugged at my heart. Now I wanted to shake Takade-san for making me think about Yuko-chan like this...

"Thanks, Takade-san..."

I groaned as we made our way to school by train.



After the morning bustle, I made my way into class. My mind started to shift back to Taylor-sensei. I didn't have the will to talk with her yesterday, though after my chat with Takade-san. My thoughts were to keep her from knowing what we plan to do. I…don't want her to start buying gifts or doing things that make her tails suspicious.

“Hm, Okabe-san isn’t here?”

Sophia-san mentioned as she walked into the room after me. She looked a bit dismayed as she sat in her seat.

“No, it doesn't look like she came today.”

“Well, that just means my day is easier. Nobody who thinks they have the right to say crap about me here to ruin my day.”

With that, she leaned down and put her head on her bag. The sharp pain in my stomach grew even more. Tonight, I have work, and she should be there too. Maybe before the shift, I could spend the time and apologize to her, but equally, tell her why I feel the way I do?

But knowing Okabe-san, she might not even want to deal with me. But it has to be said…that there’s a reason why I can’t trust her. I might have gone overboard by telling her that I didn’t like her though.

“…It’s not that I don’t like her…but I don’t like the things she does.”

That might have been a better way to explain it. The things she’s done to my friends, the hurt she caused those she doesn’t even know, all of it. She needed to know that I don’t condone anything she does. So, it will be my goal to make sure I at least have a chat with her.

“And Nagumi-chan…”

The last thing I want her to do is not to allow me to help Nagumi-chan. It sounds to me like Nagumi-chan is struggling, and this awkwardness that's bound to happen might make things that much harder on her little sister. I'll do everything in my power to make sure Nagumi-chan isn't affected…but Okabe-san needs to know that I care for her.

“…Things are going to get difficult from here on out.”

With the planning almost in order, I’m likely going to need Taylor-sensei to come to the Red Roses. That would be the perfect spot for her to bait and switch her tail. If she comes to the restaurant one hour after our group leaves for the concert, it might work. Taylor-sensei comes in and leaves in a different car. She might even be able to change her clothing while there, only to add to the illusion.

“A bait and switch…is perfect.”

That way she will be able to come to the concert and by the time Simpson-san is aware, it’ll be too late. We would already be there enjoying the STARS concert.

“I hope it all works out.”

I plead as I wrote in my book. The class was going on like a normal day but the stuff in my heart was racing with worry. Despite how I feel, the fact of the matter is…things would work out better without Okabe-san’s interference.

When school was over, Hana and I got on the train. When we arrived at the shopping district, I waved her goodbye as I walked off. It was likely that I was going to see Okabe-san when I reached the Red Roses.

“…She wouldn’t skip work.”

The school was one thing. However, Okabe-san valued work too much not to show up. It was a little sad thinking about it like that. I bet if she had the choice, she'd just go to school like any other girl, wouldn't she? I started thinking back to the time when Hana-chan and I met her in the mall that day.

The day where I was getting Hana-chan’s supplies for her camping trip. Even then, Okabe-san was taking care of her little sister.

“…Why do you have to be such a jerk?”

I scorned. If Okabe-san wasn’t so much of a jerk then I wouldn't be so conflicted right now. Of course, I feel guilty about making her upset…but knowing what she did to Sophia-san, Mae-chan, and even Takade-san, I can’t help but feel I was justified…

But again, this conflict in my heart tells me I should make some sort of agreement at least with her.

Finally, I made my way to the restaurant. When I walked in, I was instantly met with Okabe-san with her hands behind her back, hovering over a mini version of herself. Her gaze was fierce and in an authoritative tone, she barked her orders at her little sister.

“Listen, I have a lot of work to do today, so you’re going to have to help me, Nagumi-chan. I can’t afford a lot so try to take what I give you now and don’t complain…do you hear me?”



I didn't want to interrupt, but I felt guilty at eavesdropping too. Should I just walk in and go right to the back without her knowing? No, she's going to see me come through the door regardless.


Before I could decide what to do, a tender cute voice perked out. Instantly, Okabe-san turned to me and crossed her arms.

"Nagumi-chan, don't ask too much from Nakagawa-san. I mean it, or this is the last time I’m taking you here.”

Coldly, she warned before making her way into the back. I could see the look on Nagumi-chan’s bright face tone down to gloom in an instant. So, before making my way to the back I walked over, bent down, and looked at the innocent child.

“Hey, is everything alright?”

She didn’t respond by speaking…all she did was shake her head from side to side. When I looked at her paper it was full of red marks, likely from the teacher’s corrections. I could already assume that she must be struggling with her work again.

“When my break comes, we’re going to get a perfect score on everything, alright?”

Suddenly, her puffy gloomy face turned into a bright smile. She nodded.

“So, for now, color in your book, okay?”


Just that sweet smile was enough to give me the confidence to go see Okabe-san. I still have around a half-hour before my shift, so I needed that time to confront her.


I called out in the back. She appeared from the locker room; arms crossed.

“What do you want?”



I could see her eyes were tired…like always.

“…I want to talk.”

“Well, I don’t. I have a lot of work to get done today. The cook called out, and I’ve been waiting and serving all day. And you’re the last person I want to see right now…so piss off.”

She rushed past me and made her way to another table. Just like she mentioned, it seemed she’s doing both today. The manager was helping out, but she was older and having trouble getting around. Needless to say, Okabe-san was a one-woman crew.


So, I walked into the manager’s office. I explained to her that I’d like to start early to help Okabe-san out. She allowed me, and the first thing I did was rush to an already open table.

“I’ll be your server instead. What would you like to order?”

When Okabe-san walked out, she caught me already dolled up in the uniform. With a shrug of her shoulders, she walked back into the kitchen. I had the restaurant’s front end; she controlled the kitchen.

I’ve already known that Okabe-san was actually a good employee, despite her work ethic at school. But I think I know why she was like this now. It’s because she values the work here rather than school. For whatever reason, she needs this job more than I may have realized.

She stays later than I do when she works too…

Okabe-san’s life is much different than mine. Does it excuse the fact the way she acts around people? Of course, not…

But maybe…

Just maybe….

She’s struggling so hard that she doesn’t trust others the way I do.

I didn’t get a chance to have a break during the rush. So, when my shift ended, without time to spare, I rushed over to Nagumi-chan. Okabe-san would be working a bit longer, so I had the time to help her out, I decided.

“Looks like you’re struggling in writing today, huh?”

I looked over her work. It seems she had an assignment to write 10 sentences about her family. I read the first one out loud…

“Onee-san took me to the doctor.”

“Onee-san took me to the arcade….”

They went along with this dry fashion. It seemed that her hiragana was wrong in places, penmanship was bad, and punctuation was off too. The content didn’t matter yet, her handwriting and symbols were the true aims for this exercise. So, I got out a piece of paper and started writing it over for her.

“Let’s start from the beginning.”


She agreed as she pulled her paper over to me. As I read all of her sentences, they…were all about Okabe-san, weren’t they?”

“…You love your Onee-san, don’t you Nagumi-chan?”

She nodded, without a word. I pointed out mistakes and explained to her why they were wrong. Together, we fixed them.

“…You know…I don’t know too much about her, Nagumi-chan. But…she’s a little mean…”



I confessed as I guided her hand now. Together we were making beautiful hiragana. When I made a loop, she followed me without question.

“But…I’m not sure how to approach her. I want to get to know her…but I don’t either…It’s a little complicated I guess.”

It’s not as though she understood me. She was too focused on learning her hiragana to really acknowledge me. The innocent girl was doing her best to learn, and my mindless chatter might have been hurting her efforts. But the guilt in me was still causing me anxiety as it pulled at my chest.

“…I probably took it too far yesterday…”

I sighed.

“…But I wanted your sister to know that she needs to change if we want to be friends.”

Suddenly, her hand stopped as she looked up at me.



“...Onee-san is mean, but she’s mean because she’s nice….”

My eyes went wide as Nagumi-chan clearly expressed her feelings. Those cold almond eyes reminded me of... 




The icy voice of her older sister caught my neck. I didn’t realize she was in the same room as I turned around.

“Can I see you outback? The back door that leads to the alleyway?”

Coldly, she stabbed me with her almond eyes. Reluctantly, I followed her out the side door in the back of the restaurant. 





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