Sleeping Princess

Ch.32 The Plan (4/4)






The day felt like it had been extended. Minutes began to feel like hours as time began to slow to a snail's pace. Likely the result of my worrying about the matter ahead. The board has been set, things were in motion, and now I needed to get everyone on board. Okabe-san left sometime around the last two periods, but it was normal for her to do this.

Before she left, I gave her a copy of my notes. She didn't say much, but I figured she'd appreciated it by saying thanks. Other than that, she was in a rush and made her way out of the class.

“I hope everything’s alright.”

The rest of the day finally went by, and Sophia-san and I waited outside at the school gates. It would be like the previous time we did this, but instead of getting a ride from Simpson-san, we’re going to make our way to Bellows.

“So, where is this Bellows place?”

Sophia sounded like the name was causing her to grow sick. No matter how strange the name was, I already assumed it was directed to the older clientele.

“It’s around the shopping district. So once everyone gets together, we’re all going to take the train and go there.”

“And I take it, you're paying for it?”

I had every intention to pay for all of us, but hearing Sophia-san as in such a condescending way, I decided to tease her a little.

“I’m only paying for the good kids. That doesn’t include you, So-chan.”

“S-So-chan?! And hey, I’m a good kid too!”

That was one I was saving for a while now. It felt like a good time to mess with her, so I used it as my battle weapon.

“I-I get it. Now stop calling me So-chan…it’s dumb.”

“I think it’s cute and suits you way better than Conchi-san did.”

I rubbed my nose, with one hand firmly placed on my hip. With a flip of my hair, I claimed victory over the shark once again. At first, she grumbled but then…a soft chuckle came from her.


Confused, I looked back at her only to find her holding her stomach.

“I-I can’t help but feel happy.”



She admitted as she tilted her head at me.

“I can’t thank you enough…for doing all this for me.”

“Sophia-san…you don’t have to thank me.”

I revealed what was going through my mind.

“You and your sister…did so much for me while I was struggling. I…want you both to be happy.”

With a nod of her head, her confidence seemed to rise in her body.

“Y-You're right. I can’t wait to meet up with everyone.”

“Conway-san! Conway-san!”

That sparky redhead ran in. She literally jumped on Sophia-san, causing her to almost fall to the ground. I was worried she’d retaliate by striking the poor Sora-san.

“Hey, get off me!”



She complained, but the smile on her face said otherwise. Again, Sophia-san had a side that really liked kids.

“Sora-chan, get off of Conway-san!”

The struggling flower cried as she tugged at her shoulder.

“Listen to your best friend, or else I'll throw you, kid."

Ruggedly, Sophia-san threatened the rowdy child. She finally gave in as she jumped off the shark. With that bright smile, she looked back at me.

“I heard Onee-san is taking us to Karaoke today!”

I rubbed the back of my neck as she encroached further. Like a cat, her butt moved back and forth, ready to pounce on me.


I cried before she lunged at me, took a hold of me, and nuzzled her nose in my shirt.

“I can’t wait! I haven't done karaoke in so long! I can’t wait!”

She visibly started shaking. It took Hana-chan and Sophia-san to pull her off me, but like a rabid dog, she kept lunging.

“Sora-chan! That’s enough.

“Get a hold of yourself, kid!”

“Hey, it’s Sora-chan!”

Mae-chan and her ghost Yuko-chan rushed over. Instantly, Sora-chan jumped and tackled Mae-chan.

"Alright, that's enough already."

Finally calming down, she took a deep breath and turned back to me.

“So, lead the way, Onee-chan.”

I did just that as we made our way to the train. Huddled together on a cool day, we kept pushing.

Back in middle school, I didn't do things like this with friends. I focused more on my studies, and my only true friend was Mae-chan. But when she started focusing on her life…I didn’t have many people my age.

But now as I look around, I am surrounded with…friends.

We all filtered onto the train. The next stop would be the shopping district. Luckily, we found a nice place to relax. I was next to Sora-chan, Yuko-chan was chatting with Sophia-san, and Mae-chan and Hana-chan were having their own conversation.

“What have you been up to, Sora-chan?”

She kicked her feet about.

“Lately, Hana-chan and I have been getting really good at an online role-playing game.”

“Is that right? What’s the name of it?”

“Eternity Online. You see, it’s so in-depth that you can even marry on the game. Hana and I got married the other day.”

“For the perks, Sora-chan! For the perks!”

Sophia-san smirked.

“EO is a really good game, but it gets grindy.”

Sophia-san nodded like the expert she is.

“I even got married on it. The perks are good!”

They are talking about getting married on a game…as it dawned on me my head started to hurt. Suddenly I found myself in the middle of these girls…talking about marrying each other…on a game.

After the train stopped, we all traveled down the block. It wasn't too crowded, likely because of the cold weather on a school night. When we reached the door, Mae-chan started counting heads as they'd do in primary school.

“Is everyone here?”

We all cried out…


“Alright, let’s go!”

Not sure when Mae-chan became Watanabe-sensei, but I took it with stride as we walked inside. When we came in the female clerk at the counter jolted up, likely because of the big crowd suddenly arriving.

“Can we get a room for 6?”

I asked, ready to pull out my wallet.

“How long are we getting it for, Madoka-san?”

Sophia-san questioned as she looked about the place. 

“I think 2 hours is long enough, Sophia-san.”

The rest of the group seemed to agree as they nodded along with me.

It seems they have reorganized since the last time Mae-chan and I came. The place was brighter than before, likely to try and draw in a different crowd during the Christmas season. The clerk led us into one of the rooms. Slowly, we filtered in. I sat in the middle, Sophia-san sat next to me, Yuko-chan on the other side. Mae-chan was on the side of Yuko-chan, at the end, and Hana-chan and the rowdy Sora-san were glued together on the other section of the booth.

Now I took out my notebook and pen and set them on the table. With a sharp nod of my head, I turned to everyone. Like the teacher I am, I put one finger in the air, gaining the attention of all the girls.



“Before we begin, I think it’s best we all get on the same page of what’s going on. That would mean, Yuko-chan, Sora-chan, you both should know what’s been going on.”

The center of this ordeal stood up. Without wasting any more time she held her hands together.

"You see…you two…there's been a situation between my sister and me…and everyone else has been trying to help me. So I ask…if I tell you what happened that you’ll try and understand?”

Sora-chan tilted her head.

“Hana-chan mentioned that there was something going on. So, don’t worry! Whatever it is, I’m sure I can help!”

The beam on Sophia-san was like a diamond, glowing in the room.

“…I should have expected that reply from you. Geez, you’re such an airhead.”

"Eh?! What do you mean by that?! How rude! Hana-chan, she’s so boorish at times!”

She flipped her dirty blond hair to the ghost now. Yuko-chan’s eyes went wide as she hid behind me slightly.


Trying her best to get out her feelings, she closed those crimson eyes and opened them timidly.

“Y-You see, C-Conway-san…ah…”

She sighed as I petted her on the thigh. When she turned to me in awe, as if the motivation of what she wanted to say came in, and she spoke up.

“You’ve…been helping me more often…than not…Ah…I…I consider…you as my friend.”

Those words were jumbled, but she got them out.

“I…I want to help you too. B-Because you're my good friend.”

“…Oh Mihara-san…thank you. Those words mean a lot to me.”

With a clap of her hands, we all gave her the full attention she needed.


“It all started when my sister, Taylor Linda, met her ex-boyfriend…”



Sophia-san went into detail about what happened. How she wanted to save her from a neglectful relationship, how she thought that she could save her by…loving her that way. Up until she was attempting to be with her romantically and her parents found out. Sophia-san didn’t stop as she explained everything. Her friends, everyone, listened to her in support. I’m sure Sora-chan and Yuko-chan were surprised at things; I was too, but the fact of the matter was, Sophia-san was being open. She was expressing her feelings… to the people she trusted.

When it was over, she leaned against the wall, likely emotionally tired. Sora-chan stood up and walked over. Not as rowdy as before, she gave her a big hug.

“Wow…you really are the sweetest, aren’t you?”

“What are you going on about, kid?”

“I always knew you were cool.”

She grinned. It was apparent, Sophia-san had really made a position for herself when it came to Hana-chan and Sora-chan. From how it sounded, we were all on the same page. So, I began.

“Here is the plan; we have to get them on stage, everyone.”

I tapped the pencil on my notebook.

“Our main goal is, as stated, to get Sophia-san and Taylor-sensei on stage so they can make a statement to their parents.”

Mae nodded.

"The goal isn't to make the world believe they are in love…but to give them the chance to settle their feelings off stage. We just have to get them in a place where their parents won't see it necessary to keep them apart anymore."

I nodded in agreement.

“So this is what we’re going to do to make this happen.”

I stood up now and walked to the side of Sophia-san now.

“Firstly, the tickets I received for my birthday contained the winning 2 tickets. I’ve already handed Sophia-san hers. Taylor-sensei will get hers when she arrives at the concert."

Sora-san gasped for good reason.

"How the heck did you obtain those, Onee-san?!"

Everyone else was just as flustered about it. Now wasn't the time to explain that I had a hot older woman who wanted to give me the world...give them to me. 

"Ah...I'll explain that later. Okay, Sora-chan?"

Still excited, yet equally confused, the redhead calmed down.


Now the crowd focused as I became the centerpiece.

“Simpson-san has no idea that Sophia-san is selected to be on stage. We have to keep that a secret until the moment that they bring her up there.”



“Right, Onee-chan.”

Hana chimed in.

“We’re all going to be getting to the concert in Simpson-san’s car. Sophia-san has already arranged that. That’s the easy part, getting there without Simpson-san becoming aware that anything is wrong. We have to enjoy ourselves and let nothing slip.”


Sora-chan leaped up, but Hana tugged her back down.

“This is where the difficult part comes in…and that’s getting Taylor-sensei to the venue without setting off too many red flags. So, I’ve already chatted with her. She believes we're meeting up to discuss Christmas ideas that day.”

Yuko-chan surprisingly raised her hand.

“Ah…what would be the…purpose to keep this from her?”

Sophia-san crossed her arms and answered for me.

“It’s because we don’t want Linda alerting Eleanor that she’s planning something. If we told her our plan, knowing Linda, she’d start changing up her routine. Buy more gifts, new clothing in anticipation of meeting with me.”

Crudely, she scorned.

"I love my sister…but she isn't subtle when it comes to what she loves. She'll happily be a fool, not realizing how much it would affect what we're doing."

“Oh…I see.”

In a sorrowful tone, Yuko-chan leaned back into her seat.

“My plan is to have her come to the Red Roses, a restaurant I work at in the shopping district that day. However, she won't be meeting me. We will already be on our way to the concert at the time."

“Because we leave at 3 PM that day, right Madoka-san?”

Sophia-san repeated as I nodded.

"Yes. We're leaving at 3 PM that day to make it there. Taylor-sensei will be meeting me at 5 PM. By the time she gets there, we'd already be at the concert that starts at 4 PM."

Hana-chan nodded.

“I get it. So that way if Simpson-san does get alerted about Taylor-san missing, it’ll be too late?”

“That’s the idea, Hana-chan.”

I confirmed with my little sister.  The shark scratched her cheek and questioned.

“Who will she meet to take her there at the Red Roses, Madoka-san?”

Sophia-san asked the right question. The only person I could think of was…


“I’m going to ask Mari-san…if she can take Taylor-sensei to the concert for us.”

“Mom, Onee-chan?”



I crossed my arms. She's already done so much for me, but I won't be able to do this without her help. She already knows the situation and how important it is that Taylor-sensei gets on stage that night. Koda the only option I have. 

“Yeah…I was thinking of Saitou Risa-san at first…but it turns out that she actually has to be at the event earlier than us. She’s a sponsor and has business there.”

Hana-chan waited for a bit and nodded.

“Mom would do it. And I think she’d do it with a smile on her face, Onee-chan.”

“Yeah, that idiot certainly would do it with a smile, wouldn’t she, Hana-chan?”

Sora-san raised her hand now.

“Okay, so let me get this right. Taylor-san will come to the Red Roses casually, thinking it's a meet-up with Madoka-san. But Mari-san will intercept her, take her, and drive her there, and any person tailing her will lose her from that point on?"

I nodded.

“That sums it up.”

“Oh, I like that idea! So, what will she do to keep herself hidden?”

Sophia-san stood up next and walked over to the table.

“We’re going to dress her up, so she won't be noticed easily. I was thinking she could change in the locker room and slip out the back door when she’s done.”

Yuko-chan raised her hand timidly.

“Yes, Mihara-san?”

Sophia-san asked calmly. It was a little nice how she made her tone that much gentler when chatting with the mouse.

“Ah…do you have the clothing already picked out?”

“Not yet.”

Dejectedly, Sophia-san slumped her small shoulders. I picked her up by answering her question.

“That’s okay. I honestly thought the best time to do it would be with everyone. That way we’d at least know how to find her in the crowd, just in case someone other than me has to go find her.”

Mae-chan jumped out of her seat.

“We’re going to buy her a disguise today?! Woohoo! This is going to be awesome!”

Sora-chan high-fived the blueberry as if they were in sync the entire time.

“Now for the last step to the plan…getting them on stage at the finale of the concert.”

Now everyone focused back on me as I went into the next part.

“When Taylor-sensei makes it to the concert, I’m certain Simpson-san will be on high alert. At all costs, we have to make sure those two never meet."

Simpson-san had the power to keep them apart. If she found Taylor-sensei, I don’t know what would happen. As Mari-san told me, getting them on stage is the goal. If that can’t happen, everything else is a failure.

“This is where everyone comes in. We all have to ensure that Sophia-san and Taylor-sensei make it on stage at the finale without a hitch.”

The first to jump up was Hana-chan.

“Alright! I’ll do whatever is in my power to help!”

“Me too, Onee-san!”

The red-head bounced up next.

“I’m ready to help, what about you Yuko-san?”

Yuko nodded timidly to Mae-chan. Everyone agreed as Sophia-san crossed her arms. As if all the tension had finally rested she spoke up.

“…Thank you, everyone. You…have no idea how much this means to me."

Now we were one. Everyone was on the same page. To shatter this turmoil that's been strangling our friend. Somehow I knew everything would work out, and it was apparent why…

It’s because my friends and family were working together for the sake of them.

Sunday will be the big day, and I’m not afraid anymore.

“Now that we’re here, let’s at least sing some songs! Then after that, we can go get the rest of the stuff for your sister, Sophia-san.”

Sora-chan shouted. And we did just that. To ease the tension, we all took turns in singing.

Yuko-chan was the only one not willing to sing. It took a duet for her to finally open up and push out her voice with me. But the last song is what took the stage for me.


It was Sophia-san and I singing a slower STARS tune. The lyrics fit the mood most…

The song was telling us…no, telling Sophia-san to open her heart…

Because that's what she'll need to do.

If she wants to get past this, she’ll have to express her feelings clearly to Taylor-sensei…






Even if it destroys her in the end...



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