Sleeping Princess

Ch.34 Separation (1/4)



“She wants to see me?”

I expected this to happen since she was here, but I was still nervous over the idea. Mari-san stepped to the side of me and held my shoulders. Before I knew it, the rest of the group crowded around me as if making a shield of some kind.

“I’m her stepmother, so if Conway Karen-san wants to speak with her, she’ll have to have me legally with her.”



Simpson-san looked at the group. Not only Mari-san was defending me, but Mae, Hana, Yuko, and everyone else. Sora-chan looked like she was going to beat the living daylights out of the detective, and that worried me a bit. But instead of backing down, she crossed her arms and looked me right in the eye.

“I understand everyone’s concerns, but right now…Conway-san isn’t taking no for an answer.”

She sighed.

“Conway-san said she’ll agree to let Sophia and Linda have an interview outside, right now, if Nakagawa Madoka-san agrees to speak with her alone. If not, she’s going to put them both on a plane back home….”

That’s when it hit me…

“She’s still in control...”

I whispered bitterly. After everything we did, their mother was planning to not allow them from getting in contact with anyone. She was…still in control of the situation.

Mae-chan crossed her arms and glared.

“Are you freaking serious?! Does she really think we’re going to allow her to chat with Madoka alone?!”

Risa-san approached.

“There’s just too much concern. At the very least, allow her stepmother to come with her. If you can’t allow that, then forget ever having an audience with her.”

I was getting upset. I understood how everyone felt…but everything we worked for was about to crumble. If there was any time to be mature, grow up, and stand on my own two feet, now would be the time.


I resolutely got their attention.

“Don’t worry, I’ll speak with Conway Karen.”

Mari-san grabbed my shoulder all the tighter.

“No, you won’t. I don’t think you understand, Madoka. It’s too dangerous for you to speak with someone like her without a guardian present.”

Mari-san spoke…like a mother. She was solid, determined, and everything that showed she wanted to protect me…And no matter how much I wanted to stay in her embrace…the fact of the matter was, I needed to grow and learn to stand on my own two feet.

“I understand that, Mari-san.”

I faced up to Mari-san. Her leaf green eyes that I still adored today were hard to look at. She wasn't happy in the slightest, no, she was apprehensive for good reason.

“But right now, she’s holding our friends hostage essentially.”

I smiled.

“Thank you everyone for worrying about me…but I’m not a little girl. If something happens that I don’t like, I’ll stand up and leave. But you all have to trust me.”

“Madoka, it’s not that we don’t trust you; we don’t trust her.”

Mari-san firmly raised her voice.

“From what you told me; she willingly destroyed her own daughter’s life because she didn’t like the direction she was going.”

Frustrated, Mari-san let me go and crossed her arms.

“You helped break open everything, exposed to the world what was going on behind closed doors…what do you think she’ll do to you?”

“It’s not like I didn’t consider that, Mari-san!”

“Then what are you thinking? Honestly, I’m about ready to just take you home and screw the idea of her getting to chat with you.”

I shook my head now.

“And ruin everything we all worked for? Mari-san, I can’t allow that.”

“And I won’t allow you to do something stupid that you might regret. If she won’t allow others in with you, you’re not going, and that’s final!”



The people around us seemed to be wary to step in. This side of Mari-san, protective, dominant, powerful…was one that I was surprised to see.

How it made my heart jump at the idea that she…was protecting me. And how it equally made me…need to rebel and fight back.

“I thank you for everything you did for us today, Mari-san, Saitou-san…but I can’t allow everything to be ruined because of this.”

She took my wrist and firmly looked me in the eye.

“Then we’re going home! Hana, let’s go.”

Hana timidly made her way away from Sora-chan. It was clear that she wasn’t playing around, and even Hana-chan could notice.


I pulled away.

“Mari-san, I am not your daughter! I understand how you feel but I’m going to chat with Conway-san whether you like it or not.”

Mari-san’s eyes grew wide as she turned back to me.

“Then what are we, Madoka?!”

My mouth opened slightly as her calm composure began to break...

“If I’m not your stepmother like you wanted me to be, then who am I, Madoka-san?!”

She put her hands on her hips.

“This is how I know you’re not mature enough to go through with this! One minute I’m one person, and the next, you want me to be someone else…and I don’t think you realize how hard you’re making things for me!”

Her eyes widened.

“Right now, you decide…what do you want me to do? Do you want me to act like your stepmother and tell you no, or am I someone else today?”

As if the world was formed only for the two of us…everyone else faded into the background as I stood up…to Mari-san.

“…None of this would have been done without your help, Mari-san…and I thank you for doing what you did...”

I shook my head.

“But I’ve decided I’m going to chat with Conway-san…even if you and Saitou-san don’t want me to.”

For a moment we gazed at one another. She sighed harshly and turned to her daughter.

“…Hana, grab your stuff, we’re leaving. Madoka-san can figure this out herself.”

She grabbed Hana-chan and brought her to her side. After giving her a hug, she held her hand. Assertively, she turned to Saitou-san.

“If you don’t mind, would you take Madoka-san home today, Saitou-bucho?”

“Oh…sure, I don’t mind.”

She pulled her dark hair as she spoke up once more.

“Don’t take her anywhere else…do you hear me? I want her home right after this.”

I was taken aback that she was speaking to…Saitou-san in such a harsh way. Her boss nodded gently before she turned back to me. Suddenly, she approached me, wrapped me in her arms, and whispered to me.

“When you get home, we’ll talk, Madoka-san.”

Her words were like ice even though her breath was warm...and even sweet. I think for the first time, Mari-san was angry with me but she was suppressing her outburst. As she took her daughter in hand…I watched the two of them exit the stadium. Hana-chan turned around and waved at me before she left my view. I understood what she was saying…

I've been forcing what she doesn't want on her…and changing her when it fits my needs…

I’m…pretty terrible, aren’t I? Mari-san…deserves better than that.

"I'm not going to fight with you like Koda-san, Madoka-san.”

Saitou-san stated as she looked at everyone else.

“Does anyone else have any objections?”

Mae-chan raised her hand.

“I object…just like Mari-san…”

Like a knife, Mae-chan’s stance took me by surprise. She sighed deeply and continued…

“I do…but I think Mado-chan is worried about our friends. I understand how you feel Mado-chan…just be careful.”

My best friend’s words…warmed me up a bit.

“M-Madoka…We’ll be waiting for you.”

Yuko-chan clenched her fist as she pushed me on.

"Yeah, I'll be cheering for you too, girl!"

Sora-chan, be it awkwardly, cheered me on too. So, I walked up to Simpson-san and stood tall as she escorted me to the third floor. When we got in the elevator, she angled her head to the floor.

“Sorry…I didn’t want to make a big scene.”

Simpson-san apologized as she closed her eyes.

“No…we have other problems that we need to chat about.”

Mari-san was clearly hurt by my decision…and she was right too. What do I want her to be? As we lied on the grass that night, I asked her to be my mother. To keep the family, we loved together and that would make me the happiest…

But clearly, I haven’t been keeping up my end of the deal. I’ve asked her to do many things…a normal daughter wouldn’t. I still have feelings for her that I’ve internally brought up. I’ve been…trying to keep her without wanting to keep her. Just like Takae-san said over the phone…

And now we had a fight…and I feel terrible.

The elevator chimed, marking its ascension to the 3rd floor. We got off and Simpson-san guided me to the room.


“What is it, Simpson-san?”

She put her hand on one hip and confessed.

“Conway Karen-san it’s pretty brutal when it comes to getting what she needs. Just…don’t agree to everything. Koda-san was right about one thing…she’s dangerous.”

As if an anchor was lodged in my stomach, I couldn’t move. I had to clear my mind as I opened the door.

“Excuse me.”

I called out as I made my way through the door. Sitting on a grand sofa with bright hair, almost brighter than her daughter Taylor Linda’s, and clear blue eyes, she waved me in. In a stylish dark sweater that had two black belts sharply around her hips, she crossed her legs as I approached.

“Wow…you look nothing like what I expected.”

I couldn’t tell if that was a backhanded compliment or not, but I nodded as I sat across from her.



“My name is Conway Karen and as I’m sure you know, I’m the mother of the two girls you helped get on stage and embarrass.”

“Nakagawa Madoka, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Oh, stop.”

She cut my words.

“Listen, you’ve caused my husband to nearly go ballistic with your stunt today. He’s playing clean up…and I have every intention to make your life a living hell right now.”

The smile on her face didn’t mirror her words. She wasn’t like Mari-san in that regard. This woman felt…scary.

“Where are Sophia-san and Linda-san?”

“Right now, they are in the back relaxing…thinking about the dumb decision they made and how much trouble they put their friend through.”

“…What do you want with me?”

“Honestly, I’m impressed.”

She tilted her head.

“I watched on the monitor you and your friends run about. How you made Eleanor spin as she tried to stop your plan.”

Now she chuckled. I wasn’t sure what to make about all of this, but she suddenly stopped, as if everything she said was a lie up to this point.

“I was planning to fire her when she came back into this room…but I stopped myself.”

“You…were going to fire Simpson-san?”

“Oh, of course. With all the resources at her disposal, she couldn't stop you, a dumb kid, from outsmarting her?"

Everything in me wanted to stand up and leave, not deal with this abuse any longer, but…for the sake of Sophia-san and Linda-san I stayed firm.

"Apart from that, when I shut the lights down and planned to have the staff escort Sophia and Linda off of the stage…it was Eleanor that begged me not to."

“During the blackout?”

I recalled the sudden black-out. Mari-san assumed it was the Conway’s that had it set up…and her assumption was correct. It seemed that Conway-san planned to have them taken away…

But Simpson-san…stopped her. She put out her neck…and stopped that from happening.

“That’s when it occurred to me…I wondered…”

She grinned as she pushed up her glasses…

“What did Nakagawa Madoka-san say that helped sway even Eleanor?”

“…Okay, enough. What do you want from me?”

I was firm. There wasn’t anything else to say. I wanted to know what she needed from me…so I can save my friends from whatever she had planned.

“I’m sure Eleanor told you that I planned to have Sophia and Linda on a plane, away from the Japanese Media in a few hours.”

She crossed her arms.

“But…I don’t think that would be the best course of action. We’ll have to cover up so much, make sure the media’s interest dies down before coming out with a statement…”

The lion waved her hand back and forth.

“But…then it came to me…this Nakagawa Madoka did everything in her power to help my daughters…but nothing to protect herself.”

Like a viper, she hissed at me under her smile.

“One rule in politics is to always preserve your own well-being before anyone else. If you have to throw your best friend in the fire to keep warm, do it.”

I found myself swallowing unconsciously.

“Your grades aren’t in from finals yet. Wouldn’t it be sad if you were struggling after all you’ve been through?”



Confused, I tilted my head…but then it came to me what she was saying.

“Are you implying that you want the faculty to falsify my grades?”

“No, but mistakes do happen...”

Could she even do that? Or was this…a bluff?

“If you can’t keep up with your studies, there’s an amazing school near the outskirts of Hiroshima, Japan. They specialize in…harder to deal with kids like you.”

Smugly, she crossed her arms.

“The dropout rate is extraordinary…mainly because the labor is so intensive. They like to take failing students…and push them to drop out.”

I shook my head.

“My parents wouldn’t let me go to a place like that.”

“They wouldn’t have to. Members on the board would lead them to either allow you to drop out…or give you a chance to make it here instead. It’s just simple business practice.”

I felt a chill go down my spine. I hoped she didn’t pick up on my uncomfortable behavior.

“What do you want from me? Do you want an apology?”

As strong as I tried to sound…I was obviously on the weaker end of it. She had me right where she needed me…and I didn’t have a way to come back at her.

“I just want you to know how much trouble you’re in. How I can easily…have your life changed for my enjoyment.”

The snake put her hand on the desk as if trying to comfort me.

“But don’t worry, Eleanor is keeping her job. Sophia and Linda will have their chat with the media soon…and I won’t destroy your life…yet.”

I was getting tired of looking at her smugness. She looked so much like Linda-san, and her beauty was wasted on her personality. Her eyes pierced through me.

“I have to go back to England soon, but I want to come to a deal before I go with you…”

“What is it?”

“When I return…around the summer, I want you to work beside me while you’re on vacation.”

“Work…beside you?”

She beamed.

“I’ll give you more details when the time comes. But as of now, I want your word that you’ll be willing to work with me then. If not…I’ll just ruin everything you worked for…like I said I would.”

Her demands were unreal. I couldn’t…deny that I was trapped. She could be asking me to do anything…

“…Do you promise that Sophia and Linda will get to talk to the media outlets and that Simpson-san will keep her job?”

She shook her head.

“No, I don’t promise any of that, little girl.”

Her tone was sharp like a roaring lion.

“You have no place to make demands of any kind. You’re the one who has to beg me for everything to happen the way I want it to.”

It was then…I realized how powerful she was…and it made me angry. I wanted to lash out, shoot horrible words her way…but I would ruin everything we worked hard for. Who would think that she’d stop at me? She might go to harm Hana-chan or Yuko-chan and the rest of my friends…

She might…even turn her claws to Mari-san…

“Fine…in the upcoming summer I’ll…help you.”

“Good. Now, Sophia, Linda!”

She clapped. A door to the side of me opened as my two best friends walked out. Sophia-san ran to me, held me in her arms, and scowled at her mother.

"I swear if you did something to Madoka-chan I will…”

“Enough Sophia. We came to an agreement. Now, hurry along before the media gets a new story, you two.”

Linda patted me on the back as we exited the room.

“What did mom say to you, Madoka?”

Linda questioned, harshly.

“She…oddly wanted me to work with her this summer. I…don’t know what that means.”

Sophia-san scoffed.

"Sorry, we put you through that...”

“Oh no…just make sure to tell everyone how you feel about each other.”

As we made our way down to the lobby, everyone rushed over. After a brief hug and reassurance by the group, they looked about.

“Where’s Hana-san?”

Sophia-san questioned, looking around.

“Yeah, I don’t see Koda-san either…”

Even Taylor-sensei was worried about them as she looked about too.

“They had to go.”

I said, a tad timidly.

“So…do a great job for them, okay?”

I cheered. They both tilted their head, I must have sounded weird but instead of pushing forward, they looked at one another and nodded.

“Good luck you two…I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

I smiled…trying my best to cover my uncertainty. The lights of the cameras and crowd went wild…just like my heart was still doing now.

“Hey, I’ll take everyone home. Are you guys okay with that?”

Saitou-san suggested, looking at Yuko-chan, Ma-chan, and Sora-chan. Sophia-san and Linda-san were likely going to go home with Simpson-san. Mari-san and Hana-chan…already left.


“…Yeah, let’s get out of here…”

I coldly replied…as we all made our way to Saitou-san’s car.

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