Sleeping Princess

Ch.37 – New Beginnings (1/2)




How to truly hurt someone to the core is to give them the smallest glimmer of hope and then take it away, pulling it out from under their feet before they grasp onto it. Sophia-san may have expressed her feelings to Taylor-sensei. Sophia-san may have told her that she is not the heroine she is looking for. Unlike Taylor-sensei’s ex-fiancé, Spencer, who promised her the world and gave her nothing but sorrow, Sophia-san wanted to make sure that she would crush her dreams before things went too far.

“She will be crying after this, Madoka-san…."

Sophia-san said as she lowered her gaze. Her dirty blonde hair fell to the side as she looked away from me. Clearly, she felt guilty about what she would have to do. Suddenly, she took a deep breath and looked me square in the eyes. Our noses almost touched as she pleaded.

“And if that’s the case… you are her partner. I want you to go to her place… and console her.”

She said as she squared up to me.



"You promised you would be there for Linda on Cultural Day. Do you remember, on the roof of the school that day?! You promised, alright, Madoka-san?!"

I recalled that day at the cultural festival. When Sophia-san cried up there, she wasn't upset about herself or the situation. She was distraught over her sister not having anyone for her. At the time, Simpson-san was against her. The world was against her. So, I promised I'd be there for her… and that promise will never change.

“Sophia-san… of course, I will. Taylor-sensei did the same for me. I'm ready to be her rock when you need me to be."

I held her shoulder.

“You don’t have to worry… I’ll make sure she’s comforted if you decide it won’t work out.”

Her crimson irises lit up.

Sophia-san felt guilty. But she knew if she wanted to break her sister's fantasy… she'd have to give it her all before ultimately crushing her. As painful as that was…

It’s reality.

“Sophia-san… I asked this before, but… do you think you might have… feelings for Taylor-sensei?"

I was curious. Maybe there was a seed of doubt in Sophia-san's mind. With her parents finally looking the other way, what if Sophia-san’s feelings began to change. As if someone sucked all the energy out of her body, the shark sat on her bed. For a moment, she waited as she pushed her fingers on the sheets. The silence spoke volumes as she finally started to shake her head from side to side.

“I… thought about it a lot recently, Madoka-san. Before the concert… and after our kiss on stage. While we made our way back home in Eleanor's car…."

She looked up at me with pleading eyes. These emotions were genuine and honest. That's when it occurred to me that Sophia-san… was changing. She wasn’t the same girl I met at the train station when she threatened to beat me up for staring her way. This person in front of me began to mature with her experiences as we grew closer.

“And I’ve decided that I can’t feel that way for her. I love her to death and would die for her… but romantically, I can’t feel that way for her.”

She kicked her feet out and began flopping them up and down as if she was swimming. I’m sure, in her mind, she was diving through her heart, trying to piece together her feelings.

“Honestly… when I kissed you in the basement that night… I felt more alive than I ever had when Linda and I kissed on stage. I am more likely more in love with you than I am with Linda, Madoka-san...”

I had to take a double-take from her words. I thought about that night when she confessed what she did… how all of this was initially caused by telling Taylor-sensei of her feelings. When we finished, she gave me a kiss on the cheek, and it was a surprise I wasn't expecting. In this room alone with her, I was taken aback by her braised confession on that matter.

“Ah… I…”

Sophia-san chuckled.

"We both have all kinds of relationship problems right now. I don't want you to think too hard about it. All I'm saying is… I do have an attraction for you."

Sophia-san gazed into my eyes.

"But that doesn't mean I'm in love with you. It just means that I know that I can have those feelings for you. And I think that's normal, and it's just fine if I admit that."

The shark lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

“But no matter how hard I try…. I can’t feel that for Linda, Madoka-san. She’s the sweetest person I know… and I want to protect her heart. I… I want her to find someone who would fill her heart with love… and that’s not me. And I don’t want to be her 2nd Spencer.”

I understood her. Lately, I’ve looked at other people. I can clearly say that there are those around me that I could give my heart to because I can feel that way for a person.

But there are those that I will always see as someone I wouldn't be with. It's just how love is. It's horrible and very selective, but it is there. Could I fall in love with Sophia-san? I'm sure if I spent more time with her and truly learned all the things that make her who she is… Over time, sure, I could fall in love with her. That's what she's implying, and I understand her.

But it’s different when it comes to Taylor-sensei. Sophia-san doesn’t think her feelings will ever change in that way for her. Just thinking like that caused my heart to ache for my nurse.

So, I decided to shake my head to try and push past all the sadness. The mood had to change if I wanted to do my best work. My hair probably became a mess when I did this. It was too late to complain about that, though, as my determination began to set in. This night wasn't just to break Taylor-sensei's heart or to give her false hope.

Tonight, we will ensure that Sophia-san can convey her feelings at the most substantial level. We want Taylor-sensei to know what Sophia-san will go through to make her happy.

“Well, how should we start, Sophia-san?”

I asked, looking into her closet. What I was greeted with was a mountain of clothing.

“What the?!”

I was surprised by how expensive these brands of clothing were. I don’t even think Sophia-san had an idea of how much all of this cost. There had to be… all kinds of seasonal specials that couldn't be found on the shelves anymore. Clothing like turtlenecks from two years ago in some obscure special for scarfs. Neckties that were sold from stands in limited events. The Conway's were… something else.

“Eh, what are you going on about Madoka-san.”

The shark sat up, seeing me in a rush of excitement.



“Sophia-san! You can make a bunch of money from all these clothes if you don’t want to wear them.”

Annoyed, the shark plopped on the bed and started kicking her feet in the air. She wasn’t acting like a proper lady in the slightest.

"It's all leftovers from mommy. She just keeps sending me things, and I really don't care anymore."

Like a child, she complained. I rushed over to her and jumped on the bed. My excitement took over me as I held her small shoulders. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. I must have had a scary look, but it was too late. I was in my field of study, and the adorable shark was going to be my next test dummy.

“You don’t know the value of any of these clothes, do you?”

“T-That’s why I called you over… don’t bully me.”

Her cheeks turned red as she laid her head to the side. Noticing that I was on top of her in this compromising position, my heart skipped a beat… seeing her act too vulnerable.

"Sorry, Sophia… B-But, why are you acting so cute? I kinda expected that you’d punch me, and I'd fall to the floor or something."

I accused. The shark's cute blush went away in an instant as the rage finally came out.

“Oh, how rude!"

She pushed me off of her. I fell to the side of her bed, giggling as I did. Suddenly, she started kicking my sides violently.


It actually hurt as her tiny feet knifed into my sides.

"I'm just apprehensive about tomorrow, and I have to ask someone for something because I'm no good at it! Why the heck did I bring you here?!"

The last kick felt like it ruptured something in me. I prayed that I'd live to see tomorrow morning and wasn't internally bleeding. The shark jumped off the bed and ran to the mirror.

"Haven't you noticed that my hair is always just brushed! I don't put on much makeup, and I usually put on the simplest things to get through the day. Madoka, I'm not a girly girl like you!"

Sophia-san looked herself up and down.

“Girly-girl? Is that what you think I am?”

I complained as I watched her look in the mirror. She was looking at her curve and figure. Usually, when I do this I start seeing all the flaws that I want to fix. Silently, I hopped Sophia-san wasn’t becoming too self-conscious by all of this.

“Only thing I really have going for me is a decent breast size for how short I am. I… I want to at least look good for my date… even though it might end terribly.”

She pushed up her chest as she said this. I chuckled under my breath, trying not to upset her again.

No matter what anyone would say, what the truth was… Sophia-san was a lady in the end. She wanted to have her heart flying, and I'm sure even she knew deep down inside that there was a slight chance that her feelings would change. So, my job wasn't just to make her look pretty… but to show her that she is a woman worth pursuing.

“I’ll fix you up, Sophia-san.”

I promised as she turned to me. In the bright light of the room, I saw a side to her that looked like she was glowing. I doubt she’d believe me if I told her, but Sophia-san certainly was beautiful without trying too hard. It made me a tad jealous that she thought that she wasn't…

“Let’s start with the best clothing for you. Do you know where you two are going?”

I asked. The shark put a finger in the air and responded.

"Ah… Linda wanted to go dancing at a small club. So, I'll need something that's not too restrictive…."

She tapped her feet… and it was super adorable. I wanted to stand up and spin her around just for doing that, but I held myself back.

"What kind of club are we talking about, Sophia-san?”

I inquired for more information. I wanted to match the clothing with the kind of place they were going to. What if Linda went to a classical club and Sophia-san looked like a punk-rocker that belonged in an idol band? That would embarrass the heck out of her.

"Eh, we aren't going to those places where people just lie down and have sex with each other! My sister is more respectable than that!"

Sophia-san complained as she kicked about. Her face heated up and I think our idea of “clubs” was vastly different in this case. I found myself scratching the side of my cheek as I imagined those wild western nightclubs briefly.

"I never said that, Sophia-san. I don’t know where you got that idea from.”

She put her hands on her hips. Clearly, the shark was out of her element.

"It's a nice club with English music and caters to the higher clientele. We're going to dance there and then walk around town. I think Linda wanted to go to a movie, but then she might have been rambling by that point."

Her face began to blush.

“I want her to at least enjoy the date… even though I know how it’s going to end. I want… Linda to have fun like we used to when we thought of each other as just sisters.”

The innocence in her wants made me smile. To be able to treat her sister the way she'd used to seemed to be what she thrived for most. How I wished they’d become closer in that way, if anything out of this. I… didn't want to see Taylor-sensei and her grow apart in the end.

“Okay, I’ll see what we can do, Sophia-san.”

I got off her bed and walked over to her. With my hands behind my back, I approached her slowly. She was cautious, and for a good reason. I… just had to do it.

I pinched her cheek.


She shrieked. That rounded face was there for the taking, and she fought for a bit before bringing out an angry… but satisfied smile.

“Let’s have fun, Sophia-san.”

I added, trying to lighten the mood. I think Sophia-san took the hint as she rubbed the side of her face. Casually, we went into the closet together and began looking for the perfect outfit. I went into clothing mode as I picked out what she'd be wearing.

"If you wear a dress when you spin, it will show how remarkable you are by the waves. If you're going to a club, a red dress is nice. However, if you're going to do something else… do you really want to look that way all day?"

“Ehhh, I dunno.”

She looked into the mirror.

"I say you wear something easy on the eyes, like a soft blue. It will be beautiful in the club, and everywhere else you go… it will just click with the environment, Sophia-san.”

She shrugged her small shoulders.

“I’ll take your word for it, Madoka-san. You're the girly girl."

"Will you stop with the girly girl, stuff?!"

I picked out a lovely soft blue dress. It had frills on the bottom and would help Sophia-san look slightly mature with a kid-like side to her. Sophia-san had a puppy kind of look, and I believed this is what we needed to make her explore that side to her.

“Your hair. I think it’s time to change the style too.”

I demanded like the hair queen I was. Today, I deemed that she had to change the style, and there was nothing she could do about it.

“Oh? What should I do? It’s been a while since I… did anything with my hair.”

I could tell she was apprehensive as she pulled it with one finger. Gradually that became her entire hand as she caressed it like how one would pet a dog. She watched it flow in her hands as she searched the mirror. All these sides to Sophia-san brought out the “girly-girl” within her. There was a piece to her that wanted to shine like a princess, I could tell.


“I think you should braid it into a ponytail, Sophia-san.”

"I… didn't even think about that. Ah… I don't think I have had my hair in braids since I was like… 6."

I sat there in her computer chair. It was the kind that had wheels at the bottom, so I took her for a spin.


She cried out in a high-pitched squeal. I wasn't expecting it, and it made me giggle.

“Oh my gosh, that was adorable.”

Clearly, Sophia was out of her element as I fixed her up. We got all kinds of makeup and began playing with her tones and definitions. I explained to her how much to put on to look lightly touched. I didn’t need her to cake up her face to the point that she’d look like a plastic doll. Adding the blush to her cheeks also made her look all the cuter. She was going to be the princess of the ball.

“How does this look?”

I asked, holding her shoulder as she looked in the mirror.

“Oh, wow…”

She was surprised how a little bit of touch-up here and there would change the person's mood wearing it. To me, it was like looking at a blank canvas at first, knowing that I could make her look beautiful. Even though Sophia-san was already beautiful without makeup.

“We have a lot to do, Sophia-san. Are you ready to look wonderful?”

I teased. The shark brought her head back, bonking me on the forehead. I bounced back and fell to the floor.

“Oh, Madoka-san! I didn’t mean to do that so hard!”

I rubbed my forehead as my legs crossed together.

"But you did mean to do that?! Wow, you're so mean, So-chan!”

Sophia-san ignored my tease as she rubbed my reddened forehead. She looked concerned, and it caused me to start giggling.

Finally, she spoke up.

"Don't call me So-chan... and are you okay, Madoka-san? I... I didn't mean to hurt you."

Sophia-san was worried as she tended to the bump on my head. It... showed me how kind she could be at the right time.

"I'm okay. I shouldn't have teased you so much. I know you're nervous, Sophia-san.”

We looked into each other’s eyes. I saw the hesitation in Sophia-sans face as she looked away slightly.

“Yeah… I am.”

“But when you’re on the date… don’t worry about the small things. Just do your best to enjoy the other person’s company. I mean… you’ve been in a relationship before, right?”

She nodded softly.

“Yeah… you’re right. W-Why am I letting this get to me, Madoka-san?”

She took a deep breath and exhaled. I saw the smile come to her lips as she turned back to me and began rubbing my forehead gently.

The night went on, and as we began chatting about mundane topics like school, work, and the like, there was a knock on the door, causing us to look towards it.

“You two better not be in a compromising position!”

Simpson-san said as she pushed the door open.

“Oh, my god!”

Simpson-san joked as she backed out of the door. We weren't in a compromising position. Clearly, this was her way of teasing the heck out of us.

“Get in here, Eleanor!”



The guardian did just that as she walked back inside. There we were, braiding the dirty blonde hair into a fantastic ponytail. We had all kinds of things laid out on the floor, and we had music playing. I was singing to STARS, and Sophia-san was being tortured by it.

“Hey Sophia-san, this is the last song they played before you two kissed on stage.”

I teased. Suddenly, the vicious puppy turned around and pushed me to the floor. I laughed as the out-of-control English girl literally jumped on top of me and began punching my chest. At this rate, I would have to press charges against her.

“That hurts! Sophia-san! That hurts.”

"I don't care how cute you think you are! I'll beat you up if you keep bullying me. You no good weasel!"

Simpson-san did her best to pull Sophia-san off, but her anger got the best of her. As she rushed me again. Her guardian took her in her arms and held her by the stomach.

“I’m joking! I’m joking, Sophia-san!”

"Let go of me, Eleanor! I swear, Madoka-san, I'll kick your ass."

I approached and gave Simpson-san a nod. That’s when Sophia-san shot out of her guardian's arms and ran right at me. Before she could strike, I took hold of her and held her like a teddy bear in my arms. She struggled, causing Simpson-san to start laughing at our banter.

“I didn’t mean to tease you so much, Sophia-san. Forgive me…”

Her face was buried in my chest, causing her to murmur words. I'm sure she was cursing me out, but I didn't mind. Finally, she calmed down as we both turned back to Simpson-san.

“You kids… are so much fun to watch. I’ve never seen Sophia-san’s hair braided like that. She… wouldn’t let me touch her hair.”

Simpson-san put her hand behind her back and smiled.

"She really likes you if she lets you change her hairstyle, Madoka-san.”

The shark was pure red as she jumped up and rushed out of the room. It reminded me of something Hana-chan would do.

“Let’s just eat dinner already!”

She demanded like an evil villain from a show, cursing the heroes that they would get their revenge with all the stuff lying around the room. I wanted to start cleaning immediately with the hair ties, clips, and the like, but Simpson-san took my hand. Confused, I turned to her.

"Hey… thank you for helping Sophia. She feels really comfortable around you. You don’t know how often she kept reminding me that you were coming over, Nakagawa-san.  I… think she needed this more than you can imagine."



This heart-to-heart moment between my former enemy and me took me by surprise. She expressed her true feelings on the matter, and it made me smile shyly.

"She's amusing to mess with... but I care about Sophia-san, Simpson-san. I… want you to know that.”

I confessed.

“Don’t worry, I already know, Nakagawa-san.”

Simpson-san smiled brightly as she took my hand and led me out the room.



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