Sleeping Princess

Ch.38 – Connection (1/3)





I said as I got into the car with Simpson-san. As we drove away, I waved to So-chan as she stood on the porch. When she disappeared out of view, I turned back to the driver.

“Thank you for taking me to school.”

“It’s no problem, Nakagawa-san. Thank you for making Sophia’s night worth it.”



Her shoulders slumped as she turned the corner.

“I just hope her date… goes alright.”

Simpson-san said in a lamented tone.

“Yeah, me too.”

There was nothing we could do but to hope everything would go alright. When we reached the school, I stepped out.

“Have a nice day.”

The driver said.

I waved to Simpson-san. She gave me a charming smile and was off. I was a little earlier than usual and, I decided what I would do. I looked at my phone. The dials here staring me in the face… as my choice was going to shake my world.

When I pushed the name… it began to ring.

“Oh, Madoka-san?”

It was Mary-san, and she sounded a bit confused.



“… I decided that I want to take your offer?”

“Oh? You… you want to live with me for the time being?”

She made it sound so casual like this wasn't that big of a deal. I'd noticed something when it came to Mary-san… she seemed to have a different feel about her when chatting with others. I wasn’t sure if it was her foreign directness or not, either.

"Yeah… after school, I'm going to go home and pack a few things… I… I can't stay in the same place as a mom right now."

“That’s fine. I’ll be over there to pick you up right after school.”

She sighed.

“I spoke with your mother… I’ve been taking her to work for the past couple of days.”

“Yeah… I heard.”

“It’s clear to me that she is in disbelief over everything that transpired in these last few days. Madoka-san… please don’t be too hard on Ayumi.”

I could hear the pleading in her voice. I had to remember that Mary-san has been beside mom for a while. She probably listened to the deepest parts in her heart that mom won't reveal to me.

“Hey… we have a lot to talk about, Mary-san.”

I demanded. On the other side of the line, I could hear Mary-san take a deep breath.

"Yeah… I know. Well, you enjoy your school day, and I'll see you later tonight. I'll call your mom and explain what's going on."


“Oh, and Mari-san got in contact with the school Ayumi had planned to send you. She canceled your enrollment… and it upset your mother."

I was in awe that this had happened so quickly. Mari-san wasn't lying. She told me that she’d start taking charge and this… warmed my heart.

“She… did that?”

"Yeah, and I'm glad she did. We have a lot to talk about, so tonight, when we get home or tomorrow, we can figure things out."

In a way… Mari-san was my heroine again. One minute she makes me feel like I want to cry… and the next, I'm over the moon with happiness.

“Alright, I’ll see you later, Mary-san.”

“Ah… Madoka-san.”


In a low tone, she spoke up.

“Thank you… for accepting my offer.”



The phone clicked as she hung up before I could respond. Mary-san was strange, and I didn't know too much about her. To me, she is nothing less than a stranger. I began walking when, from the corner of my eye, I saw a ghost walking… no, running towards me.


“Yuko-chan, good morning!”

“You weren’t on the train again today. W-Where were you?”

I rubbed the back of my head.

“Remember, So-chan asked me to come over to her house yesterday?"


Yuko-chan asked. It took her a bit but she seemed to have realized who I was talking about. Her shoulders lowered.

“Oh… I forgot. Ah… Koda-san told me that you were going to be off of the train for a bit… is that… true?”

It must have been hard for Hana-chan to dance around the issue. I took a deep breath and explained to the best of my abilities.

"Yeah, there's some stuff going on at home, and I'm going to be moving out for a little bit."

Yuko-chan’s bright lips hid under her scarf. She looked away slightly as she spoke up.

“I… was beginning to enjoy our… mornings together.”



With a deep sigh, she slumped over. It looked like she was about to fall to the ground and break into a thousand pieces. I was starting to feel really bad.

“Don’t worry, it’s only for a little bit.”

I assured her, patting her on the back.

“Hey… why don’t we have lunch together, Yuko-chan? Just the two of us?”

Like a doggy, she perked up. If she had a tail, it would be wagging out of control. Her hips began whooshing from one side to the other. For someone so tall and big… she was one of the cutest things ever when she acted like this.

“D-Do you mean it?”

"Sure, I've wanted to chat with you for a while, and I think today would be fun."

She pushed one foot out with her hands behind her back and blushed harshly.

“I-I… wanted to show you that… ah… picture… ah.”

Shyly, she turned to the side. Clearly, she struggled to get something out, so I gave her a push. Literally, I gently pushed her.

“Come on, say it. What did you want to show me, Yuko-chan."

She held her hand up to her face and struggled to look me in the eye. I continued to poke at her like a bully.

“Don’t clam up now, tell me! Tell me!”

Finally, she burst from her shell. What was in front of me was a bright red Yuko-chan.

“Ah… I made you… ah…. a picture in the fine arts club.”

I remembered the carnation picture that I still used on my phone. Yuko-chan didn't have to make me another one, but the idea that she was working on a project just for me caused me to feel all warm inside.

“You don’t have to give me anything, Yuko-chan.”

"No… No… you don't… realize how much… I…."

She held her breath. All these actions of the adorable Yuko-chan were turning the eyes of our students. If she kept this up, she'd be placed into a talent show for the most dynamic poses in less than a minute. People would flock from all corners of the world to see the fantastic Yuko-chan experience.


She sighed.


I took her hand, hoping to calm her down… and to prevent her from running off. They were warm and soft… something that I always cherished when I occasionally held her.

“Thank you… you mean a lot to me. And… I’m sure your picture is going to make me really happy.”

I calmed myself as I looked back at her.

“I’ve had a lot happen recently, Yuko-chan… and you always seem to ease my mind. I… I want to say thank you for everything.”

My words were as honest as I could make them. From the beginning, when I met Yuko-chan, she's been one of the sweetest people ever. I could tell that I embarrassed her as her face was the color of a tomato, but it needed to be said.

“C-can we walk inside together… holding hands?”

I noticed that I was still latching onto her soft, warm hands. I lifted them up, holding them high above the both of us.

“Yeah. Let’s go together.”

She giggled, and I did too. We crossed the street, holding hands awkwardly at first, but eventually, we lowered them and walked together. Okabe-san strolled past us as we made our way past the gates.

"Morning, Okabe-san.”

Surprised, she turned and looked at me like I was a new species. I don't think she expected me to say anything to her as she held her backpack and looked at Yuko-chan and me.


She concluded.

“Yuko-chan, have you met Okabe-san before?”

She nodded then turned away. It seemed that even these two didn’t get along. I watched Okabe-san’s eyes gaze at my hand still wrapped in Yuko-chan’s. She gave a huff and turned around, back to the school entrance.

“Well, I’ll see you in class, Nakagawa-san.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you…."

Abruptly, she walked away.

“O-Okabe-san… is really mean, Madoka-chan.”

I looked up at the giant. I wasn’t sure if she was scared of Okabe-san. I found that interesting because she was so much taller than her.

“Hey… Okabe-san has a lot on her plate… and she’s mean because she’s stressed.”

I tried to explain without explaining. It would be rude to toss rumors about Okabe-san when she's struggling with something… horrible like that. 



To be in the middle of a family who... would do something like that to her. My family problems are strangling me... but I even know that Okabe-san... needs help in comparison.

"I know she might have been rude and mean to you at some point, Yuko-chan… but could you do me a favor and try to get along with her?”


She looked panicked. I wasn’t telling her to become her best friend or eat rice cakes with her on the roof like in some anime.

“If anything, Yuko-chan… next time you see Okabe-san… please give her a smile?”

Yuko-chan stared me in the eyes for a moment. I could see her reluctance, but eventually, she nodded.

"If you want me to…."

“Thanks, I think Okabe-san needs a few more people to feel safe around… and you’re sweet and nice. I… I think it would help if anything.”

The ghost looked towards the ivy-haired, putting her indoor shoes on. She then turned back to me.

“You’re… always looking out for others.”

She confessed, and it caused me to back up slightly.


My mouth opened wide as I looked away slightly.

Yuko-chan squeezed my hand as she closed in. My cheeks were warm because of this.

"Just like… how you were in the past. You… lookout for others…."

With a tilt of her head, she gazed at me endearingly.

“Oh… can… can we talk about my grandma later when we hang out? I-I wanted to tell you… ah… what you… forgot about.”

She was struggling but making the best effort to show me her feelings. It was always fun seeing Yuko-chan push through her anxieties and worries to express herself clearly. Well, I don't think that fun would be the right word. More… impressive.

“I would love to.”

I said as I took her hand within my second habd. I cupped them together, only adding to our warmth. Her eyes were shining, and her lips curled tenderly. I felt this hot warmth in my chest as I realized that our relationship was one of her constantly running from me only a few months ago.

Yuko-chan made an effort to change, and it was showing as she slowly pushed her feelings out more and more. It felt like an eternity had passed in this brief time. But to destroy the small world we made, the bell rang, telling us that we had to part, if only for a few hours.

“Oh, I need to go this way to the first years’ hall.”

"Yeah, I got to go this way…."

With a beam and my hands behind my back, I teased.

“I bet your grandma was cool. I… want to hear all about her today.”

She lit up like a Christmas tree. I wasn't expecting that reaction as she backed up a bit and turned to the side.

“Yeah…. She’s… something else.”

With a wave, I turned around and began walking. That’s when I heard Saya-san and Saki-san come behind Yuko-chan. I turned to see the fine arts club giving Yuko-chan a hard time as they rubbed their shoulders up next to her. Mae-chan even joined in as she came inside late. That was the fine arts club, and it warmed my chest to see Mae-chan merging in with them well enough.

“Time to get to class.”

I murmured as I made my way inside. There, Okabe-san was at her desk. The girls around wondered where So-chan was as they saw her desk empty.

“How are you, Okabe-san?”

“Eh… I’m okay.”

She looked up at me.

"These girls like to gossip, and it's annoying to hear."

She shrugged.

“When is your next shift, Nakagawa-san?”

I set my stuff down and turned back to her.

“Oh, tomorrow.”

“Good… ah… I’m bringing Nagumi in. She's been… complaining that she hasn't seen you in a bit."

I instantly shot up with excitement.

“Calm down… she’s not an animal.”

Okabe-san said. However, her words didn't match her look. There was a slight smile on her face as she watched my reaction.

“…How’s home?”

I cautiously asked.

“It’s whatever.”

She coldly replied as she took out her book.

“You know Nakagawa-san…”

Okabe-san looked about the room.

“These girls can gossip about all kinds of things without a care in the world. One day about boys and other things… the next about some other bullshit.”

Bitterly she spoke as she looked away.

“It would be nice… to be able to think about that kind of stuff… you know.”

It occurred to me… that for the first time, Okabe-san was… opening up to me in a way that wasn't full of aggression. She tossed her feelings out… and saw if I would latch on to them. So, I reached out my hand… expecting to be turned away to my surprise. 

“Yeah… I would like it if you could gossip about dumb things too.”

Her mouth opened slightly. I don't think she expected me to reach out to her like this. For a moment, she looked surprised, then as if reality set in, she took her hand from under mine… but that brief smile was still on her.

“You girls are dumb.”

She whispered as she opened her book, looking for a page. But it was clear to me that she was embarrassed, doing her best to escape from her vulnerability. I started giggling.

"What's so funny. Shouldn't you be preparing for class, Nakagawa-san?"


I smiled as I turned around. A sharp breath pieced into my ear as I searched through my book.


I jumped up, causing the class to look at me. Okabe-san chuckled as she leaned back into her seat. That bully blew air in my ear. I wasn't expecting that level of cruelness to come from her.


I wanted to get back at her, but the time and place weren't right. So, I silently waged war on Okabe-san as Takanaki-sensei walked into the class.

“Girls, please take your seats. I would like to introduce you to our new teacher in training.”


A woman with burgundy hair and a sharp suit walked into the room. She wrote her name in both English and Japanese. However, I just looked at the Japanese version because it was superior in every way. She was short, shorter than me, but taller than So-chan.

“Ah… more teachers.”

Okabe-san complained.

“Hello everyone, my name is Zoe Addison, and I'll be here working beside Takanaki-sensei. Pleased to meet you all.”





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