Sleeping Princess

Ch.39 – A New Normal (1/4)




I opened my eyes and found myself in a new world. This wasn’t like the previous two nights. During the stay with Mae-chan, I had the familiar scent of my childhood friend embracing me when I woke up. I was comfortable and felt safe…

When I woke up in So-chan’s room, she held me in her arms. The scent wasn't as familiar as it was in Mae-chan’s room, but I felt loved, safe… as I should in a friend's home. 

But today… the room felt was dark and cold to me. This place was twice the size of my room, and that only made it feel… hollow. As I adjusted the sheets, everything in me wanted to hide under them… escape from this messed up world I found myself in. I was bitter… upset that all of this happened, and there was nothing I could do about it.

“It’s Saturday…”

I reminded myself as I burrowed into the bed. I didn't need to get up early because our school was closed this Saturday. The thought of waking up, walking downstairs, and seeing Mary-san only added to the idea of staying in my bed for as long as possible.

“…I shouldn’t have said that.”

I reprimanded my words from last night. I was upset about everything. My frustrations of her and my mom going behind my back to remove me from my home. The look on Mary-san’s face came back to mind. I found myself on those steps again as I told her my feelings.

That we are strangers and nothing more.

The look on her face was one of…


But the way she acted throughout this situation didn't reflect that look at all. In my eyes, she seemed to have been distancing herself from everything. She was cold to me as she told me what was going on. The way she went about things was more like an observer, looking down on me for the pitiable place I put myself in.

"It's a weekend… and the only thing I have to do today is head into work later tonight."

I looked out the window. Even the way the sun reflected into the room was different. When I woke up from my coma, everything about the world felt like it wasn’t right. But eventually, I got used to the home and everything else. I would be able to walk down the hall and know that I’ll see Hana-chan walking about. Mari-san on her sofa, and mom in the kitchen. Things were different… but I was slowly getting used to it.

But here I was, isolated from what I was getting to know. I wasn’t sure how long I would be here either. There might be the case that I won’t even go back home. What if mom and Mari-san don’t get back together… and that destroys my relationship with mom? What if they did get back together and she decides… I’m better off away from them?

“It sounds to me like no matter what happens… my relationship with mom won’t mend that easily.”

It was like a vase that was broken. Before my coma, the vase, our relationship, was whole… But when I woke up, it began to crack, and when I confessed what happened between Mari-san and me, it was completely destroyed. I… have no idea how I'm going to fix this.

As I sat up, my hair fell to the side and stuck to my cheek. The room was warm… a little too warm for my liking in actuality. As I pushed the sheets off of me, it felt like I was in a desert.



“Why is it so hot?”

I complained as I got off my bed. My feet hit the carpet as I marched to the other side of the room. I opened the door and looked in the hallway. There, on the wall, was a temperature adjuster. When I looked at it… it was turned up to the highest it could go.

“Does… Mary-san always has her temperature up so high?"

I adjusted it. It was kind of sophisticated as it showed all the rooms of the house. I could see the temperatures of each room, and mine was turned up the highest.


I liked being cozy and warm… but this was ridiculous. After fixing the thermostat, I made my way to my boxes on the floor. I took a deep breath and sighed harshly.


Last night, I showed her my frustration then ran into my room. I never came out for dinner and went to bed early. Everything in me… didn't want to see her, and now I'm regretting it.

“Come on, Madoka…”

I shook my head and began pulling out my stuff.

"I'll start with my clothing…."

I said as I pushed myself to stay positive. I had a lot of clothes, and organizing it was going to be enjoyable in a way. I decided to put it in order by color. I was curious about how my new closet looked, so I stood up, strolled over, and opened the door.


It was massive in comparison to my room. It was like a hidden room for me to decorate and enjoy. I would be lying if I said my excitement wasn’t taking over. This… established that I needed to look forward.

“This… is for the best.”

I told myself. If I believed it, that was another story. But like Takade-san said, I needed to separate myself somehow, and coming here with Mary-san was the best option I could think of. As I paced around the closet, I noticed how wide the space was. It felt like I would fall into a new world if I ventured too far in. When I finally reached the wall, a tower of racks were at the back. I could put all kinds of shoes and scarfs along here. My mind was starting to race.

“I… I know what I’m going to do.”

Today was the day to become the decoration queen. If this was going to be my room, then I had every plan to make it my sanctuary. Suddenly, my phone rang. I rushed out of the massive closet and found it on the nightstand, screaming to me.




“Madoka, it’s your uncle.”

I was surprised, but it's not that I didn't expect this call from him. Hearing is voice so early in the morning took me off guard. Because when I usually chatted with Uncle Ryuji, it was in the evening. His tone was low, and I could tell he was worried as he continued.

“Is everything alright? Mary mentioned that you would be living with her for a while. Ayumi told me that you both had a disagreement… and that you both need time away from one another.”

I was about to chime in, but he continued.

“Madoka… it’s not right for a disagreement to cause this kind of friction. Did something bad happen between you two that Ayumi isn’t telling me?”


I… felt my father in my uncle's voice, and it took me off guard. My stomach began to tense up as I held the phone with both hands.'


I began.

“Mom and I have been having differences for a while now. Ah… Mary-san offered that I stay with her for a while until things… calm down.”

Uncle grumbled.

“What kind of differences? It’s not every day that a daughter moves away from their mother, Madoka.”

He brought out his sharp tone. It made me picture him in a large chair, looking over an army of people. This small chat with him reminded me of how high up in society he was. He wasn’t going to back down without getting stern with me. So, I had to calm my nerves and tell him the truth… without telling the whole truth.

“Uncle… mom has been hiding what happened to me before my coma.”

I clenched my fist.

“Mom went too far… and I’m really upset at her. She won’t listen to me, and she treats me like my opinion doesn't matter."

It was then that my frustrations finally peaked.

“I want mom to learn how to change! I won’t let her treat me like a kid anymore, Uncle. We… we need time away from each other. When she wants to sit down with me and tell me everything, then I’ll go back.”

I was angry… and it finally came out. I brought out my feelings as clearly and sharply as I could. It wasn’t time to back down from my stance. Mom and Mari-san had their problems to settle… but I also wanted mom to stop treating me like a child who couldn’t make her own choices.


Uncle gentle said my name as he sighed.

"Listen, you can stay there as long as you need…."

I could hear him scratch his beard.

"Your mother… is very protective of you. I don't know all that happened between you two before your coma, and if you need time alone, so be it."

He exhaled.

"I won't be back home for a while, so this might be good for Mary."


I parroted.

"She's been a bit standoffish. Likely upset by my long absence. I try to tell her that most of the year I'll be abroad, but…."

Uncle’s words trailed off.

“With you being there… maybe you two can get to know each other? Keep her company?”

My fingers connected with one another as I thought about last night. Because of my outburst… I already made it that much harder to face her. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to gather my words.

“Is that… what you’d want me to do, uncle?”

I asked.

“Well, it would be nice. Just… remind her that she’s important for me… because she is.”

His strong voice turned a tad soft. It was as if his heart was speaking, and because of that, every word he was saying was gentle compared to before.


I said, just for him to be at ease. At this time… I didn’t feel like being best friends with Mary-san all of a sudden. She was with my mom when she attempted to push me to another school. Mary-san didn't come out and say anything until far into the process either. I… couldn't trust her, and I honestly still don't understand why she wanted to help me out in the first place.

But here, my beloved uncle was asking me to do the near impossible.

“Thank you, Madoka. I’ll be in touch.”

“Okay, uncle.”

He hung up as I sat there… standing in this massive room. It felt like he put the entire Mt.Fuji on me in the span of a few seconds. I shook my head and bent down to grab more clothing.

“Let’s not… worry about that right now.”

I reminded myself as I began to organize my new room. The colors I used started out bright, like whites and yellows, and by the end of the spectrum, they were dark and trendy, like blues and purples. I've always loved designing my rooms, and before I knew it, the clock hit around 10 AM. I was roaring to continue, but my stomach screeched at me, causing me to remember I… had not had breakfast.


I knew what I had to do. I… was forced to walk out there and likely ask Mary-san for food. After treating her that way last night, I felt guilty to even consider that.

“Maybe… I could go out and get food myself?”

I was reminded that I wasn't a child anymore. I had money from my paychecks that I hadn't spent much of. I thought about going to the corner store and buying a bunch of unhealthy snacks. Things like candies and chips so I can hunker down and get through the day without… asking Mary-san for anything.

“I’m… going to eat so poorly today.”

I complained as I got up and went into the closet. I decided to go with a white long-sleeved shirt with a bright purple jacket. It came with a dark purple skirt that stopped at my knees and cute shoes that I'd die for. The scarf that came with it was a collection of purples that brought the entire outfit together. If Mari-san was here, I'm sure she'd be proud of the clothing choices I made. With my new style, I was prepared to venture into the unknown of my new world.

Slowly, I opened my room door. The house was quiet as I made my way out to the steps. With each step, my anxiety was soaring. It felt like I was breaking out of prison as my feet stepped one by one.

“Ah, Madoka!”

I nearly jumped down the rest of the flights. Everything in me wanted to reach for the door and run, but I heard the footsteps of Mary-san walking down after me.

“Oh… Ah, Mary-san.”

I said, guiltily. She was wearing something different. A simple striped shirt. The top was unbuttoned, exposing her neck and collarbone. Her sleeves were rolled up and she looked relaxed. How she managed to look... so beautiful right out of bed took me by surprise. With black pants that I'm sure she just threw on, she walked down the steps after me. Her dark hair bounced as her wonderful eyes took me captive. She appeared like a model, and her dark skin only added to her beauty. I didn't get a chance to chat with many foreigners older than me like this, and it went to show me how… amazing she actually looked. I... wanted to know how Mary-san naturally looked so gorgeous.

“I was waiting for you to wake up, Madoka-san. I made breakfast but had to put it in the refrigerator for you.”

As if last night never happened, Mary-san rushed into the kitchen. For a moment, I stood there like Mary-san just turned me to stone with her gaze. My chest was pounding as if my new guardian was going to come out brandishing a weapon. But what she brought was far less sinister.  

“Sorry for not waking you up to eat it. I wanted you to sleep in as long as you needed.”



With a black box in hand, she approached me with that calm smile. I stood with a blank look as I studied the foreign object. My hands reached out, and I took it from her.


I said shamefacedly. When I opened the top, it was a yogurt dish with fruits and vegetables on the side. To me, it looked strange, completely different than what I'm used to seeing for breakfast.

“I originally had pancakes, but they aren't too good cold. So, I just saved the yogurt and fruits. There's also granola in there, and it's good to get your energy going in the morning…."

With a tilt of her head, she held out a spoon in front of me. Gently, I took it from her hand and stood there…

That’s when it came to me what she wanted from me.


I dipped the spoon in the yogurt. The texture was full of small bits of granola, making it less smooth than I expected. When I lifted up the creamy mixture, there seemed to be a swirl of a red syrup mixed in. I could feel her eyes watching me as I placed it in my mouth.


I was surprised by the blast of flavors. The red syrup turned out to be fresh strawberry jam, and it complimented the rest of the snack. It wasn't overly sweet, and there was a bit of sourness to it that brought the food together. I closed my eyes and smelled the ripe berries that were sprinkled about.

"I make my own yogurt. A neighbor of ours has a family farm, and they always give me fresh fruits. So, I got a bunch of strawberries from them to make the syrup."

Mary-san’s fingers entwined together as she continued her spiel.

"Everything is fresh but the granola. Well, it's high-end, so there are no major preservatives either…."

“It’s really good, Mary-san.”

I said as I took another bite. The flavors were powerful, and I was taken aback by how she was able to bring out the fruits so well.

“Well, you can take it with you as you get to where you were going.”

Remembering that I was in my outdoor clothing, I looked down at myself. I felt a bit guilty because I wasn’t even going to tell Mary-san where I was going.

“Ah… I was going to look around the neighborhood… I guess?”

I didn't lie, but I wasn't too honest either. I was going to use my phone’s map and find a corner store to buy junk food and rebel by eating more than I should have… like the immature child inside me wanted. But here I was, taking a fantastic snack that was low in calories but likely high in sugar for energy.

“Well, if you are going out… would you mind giving this jar of pickled eggs to our neighbor who lives a few houses down?”

I shrugged.

"Yeah… I guess I can do that for you, Mary-san.”

I closed the small lunch box and put it in my bag for later. Mary-san walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She took out a large jar of pickled, boiled eggs. It was… big.


I opened my mouth, about to protest, but she set it in my hands. My cute outdoor outfit image would be dampened if anyone saw me holding this giant pickle jar.

“They live at ***. Just knock on the door and tell them that Auburn Mary wanted you to give these to them.”


Mary-san opened the door for me. I couldn’t get a good read on her. Was she upset from last night? Was she holding in her feelings on the matter and just being nice? Mary-san… was difficult for me to understand.

“What time do you think you’ll be back, Madoka-san?”

"Ah… in like a few hours, I guess?"

“Alright, you have my number. Call me if you need anything.”

The door was still opened as I casually made my way out.



Mary-san said cheerfully as she shut the door. It was sunny out, and the birds were flying around. Mary-san’s yard was well-trimmed, and for a larger property, everything was well maintained. There was a black fence that surrounded the yard that made me think of a home in those western movies.

I… felt out of place here. My feet began to move on their own. I got off the porch and turned to the sidewalk.


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