Sleeping Princess

Ch.40 – The Afternoon (4/4)



Nagumi-chan pulled my jacket as she put away her homework. She took out her coloring book and showed me a picture. It was a duck that was colored bright red. The colors went past the lines, but it looked as though she was proud of this one.

“Very good, Nagumi-chan.”

Her eyes lit up as she took out her purple pencil. She assaulted the poor duck’s eyes… making it look like an alien from a different world. But this was Nagumi-chan’s duck…

"I don't get people…."

I whispered. How could someone… do such horrible things to someone so tiny and precious. Nagumi-chan's innocents were shown by how she let her imagination flow. There was no judgment that the duck wasn't the right color. Nagumi-chan was happy because of something so simple... but this child was dealing with something no kid her age or any person for that matter should me. It only... upset me more knowing this.

“We have to figure this out soon, Nagumi-chan.”

I promised her as I took her in my arms. I don’t think Nagumi-chan realized what I was talking about as she continued coloring.

“Here you go, Nagumi-chan.”

Okabe-san brought out a small plate of food along with some oolong tea. She stared at the duck in horror before turning back to me.

"You're about to be late, Nakagawa-san."

Okabe-san reminded me.

“Oh, it’s almost time to clock in. “

I jumped up, realizing I was having too much fun with Nagumi-chan. I gave her a wave, and she waved back. Her cheeks were a tad reddish as her eyes lowered. They looked a little dreamlike, and it made my heart melt because of her cuteness.

I marched to the time clock, but before I got there, I passed Risa-san, deep in her writing.

“I’m starting, Risa-san. Would you like anything before I get back?”

“Oh, yes! I would like more coffee. I’m really into this part of the story. A bit of caffeine would get me going.”

Her eyes were shining, and it made me smile. Risa-san really did love writing, and it showed with her passion. I nodded as I made my way to start my shift.

So, I went and got her the cup of coffee she needed.

“Here you go.”

I said as I set it down. Risa-san looked up at me, fluffed her long hair with her arm, and smiled brightly at me.

“Thank you, sweetheart!”

Her writing slowed down as she looked up at me. A tad anxiously, her nails tapped on the table before she spoke up.

“Hey, at your break, I want to chat with you. Would you mind… coming back over here to me.”

I was briefly reminded of Saya-san’s words. She told me to be more confident… and do my best to change.

“Yeah, I’ll be right across from you as soon as my break starts.”

Excitedly, I rushed to get dressed. It's been a few days since I wore my uniform, and I was a little excited to do just that for some reason. It was getting busier, and I was ready to put all my frustrations and feelings into something positive.

“Nakagawa-san, could you give this extra plate to that table?”

Okabe-san asked. I did just that. We were slammed, and even our elderly bosses were out here taking orders. Another was in the kitchen, working beside that ivy-haired girl. They actually made a good team as plates were being pushed out fast.

"Go, Madoka!"

Risa cheered, clapping her hands at me.

“Go, Naka-Onee…”

Even little Nagumi-chan was chiming in. She’d look over at Risa-san then shyly go back to her coloring book. Even the boss lady was waving at the little girl when she did. It warmed my heart to see Risa-san being so motherly.

The place began to calm down as we all took a much-deserved break. Nearly exhausted, I sat in front of Risa-san. After taking a deep breath, I pushed it out in a much-needed exhale. She began laughing, and that's when I realized that I had done something… improper.

“Eeehh… sorry, Risa-san.”

“No worries! You deserve to take a load off after that madness.”

I slumped my shoulders.

“So, what did you want to chat about?”

She put her paper down and straightened her back.

"I have information regarding something vital!"

Like a sergeant in the military, Risa-san announced. It took me off guard, and I backed up slightly.

“Someone lives really close to me now!”

With one finger, she bit her lip.

“That means we can… come over to each other’s house and learn more about each other… on an intimate level.”

Like a schoolgirl, Risa-san cheered. I’m sure Saya-san must have messaged her about it, and it led to this conversation we're having here tonight. I smiled shyly and looked away.

"Yeah… I think it would be fun coming over and teaching you how to…."

I stopped not to hurt her feelings before turning back to her.

“I think it’ll be fun to show you how I cook!”

I corrected myself. I didn't want to be mean and tell the passionate Risa-san that she didn't know how to cook correctly. I mean… she doesn't, but if I just gave her my tips, maybe she'd correct herself and become someone worthy of the title chef.

"Would you like to come over tomorrow? It's Sunday, and probably the only day we both have off."

“Sure, that would be fun.”

I had no plans. I think… it would be best for me to show more confidence. The pain of my situation will linger with me, but I should explore more things for the time being.

Risa-san calmly finished her coffee, closed her writing book, and stood up.


She jumped, causing the people around us to look at her. Some were obviously annoyed, but she didn't waver as she danced in place for a moment.

“My palm reading came true once again!”

“Palm reading?”

“Yes! Saya-san does the best ones. Tomorrow, you should have your soon-to-be sister-in-law do a few readings on you. We're… going to have a lot of fun, Madoka-san.”

The boss lady literally danced out of the establishment.

“Geez, influential? Am I… really like that?”

I was starting to see what Saya-san was telling me. But I started working again to not think about it too much more. When my shift ended, I got back dressed in my casual wear. With a wave to Okabe-san and Nagumi-chan, I made my way out the door.

“Mary-san should be picking me up.”

I reminded myself as I stepped outside. In a slick white car, Mary-san flagged me down. She had one hand out of the vehicle.

“Did you have a good day?”

She asked as I stepped inside.

"…Yeah, I… I had a perfect day, Mary-san.”

I confessed, thinking about it in its entirety, from waking up in the morning and fixing my closet… walking around the neighborhood, and getting to know Mary-san just a bit more. I thought about what happened at the Red Roses and... I couldn't deny that I had a good day.

“Thank you…”

I whispered. I don't think Mary-san heard me as she continued to drive without saying anything else. Together, we rode in silence for most of the trip… but I felt like my mind was at ease as we did.

Things were changing, and I had to make sure that I was ready to change with them. I had faith that mom and Mari-san would finally address their problems. My worries on what will happen afterward… would have to be determined after the fact.

I… hoped that everyone would be okay.


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