Sleeping Princess

Ch.41 – Alongside You (2/5)


When I woke up for the second time, my room was nice and warm, just how it should be. It was Sunday, my second day off, and I wasn't going to let it go to waste.

"I promised that I'd go to Risa-san’s place today…."

Yesterday at work, Risa-san asked if I'd like to come over and 'cook' with her. If that's what was going to happen, I had to decide on something easy that she could make quickly, so Saya-san wouldn’t be forced to eat something she’d regret.

With my newfound excitement, I kicked my sheets off of me and got off my bed. After fixing them and spending a bit of time straightening them up, I walked out into the hallway. It was quiet and around 6 in the morning, so that was expected. Casually, I walked to the bathroom between Mary-san’s and my room.

Quietly, I hummed my favorite songs as I washed my face and brushed my teeth. As I looked in the mirror, that brown-haired girl with dark blue eyes stared back at me. This was going to be a fun day. I was excited to show Risa-san the skills I'd learned from videos online. This would also be a great escape from everything and just… have fun.

One thing Risa-san was good at was taking me away from the world I found myself in and bringing me into hers.

“This is going to be fun.”

I mumbled.

“What’s going to be fun?”

I literally jumped as Mary-san walked inside behind me. She had a toothbrush in her hand as she walked beside me. I almost choked on my own toothbrush. But thanks to whatever god was watching over me, I didn't. They prevented me from being one of Hiroshima's most awkward accidental deaths.

“Are you okay, Madoka-san?”



Mary-san asked as she pats me on the back like burping a baby. Tears were rolling down my face as I wheezed for air. This was beyond embarrassing. I was crying from shame on the inside and outside.

“I’m okay.”

I managed to get out as I finally began to calm down. When I looked back at the mirror, I was met with my auntie’s slightly amused smirk.

“So, what were you talking to yourself about when I first came in?”

“Eh? Ah… I was thinking about going to a friend's place today.”

"A friend's place?"

She questioned as she put toothpaste on her toothbrush. Before putting it in her mouth, she turned back to me.

“Her name is Saitou-san.”

“Ah, that’s right. Saitou Risa-san's house is close to us and she has a little sister your age.”

Surprised, I lunged back.

“You know, Saitou Risa-san?”

She nodded.

“Yep. Risa-san is Ryuji’s coworker and Koda-san’s boss. She also used to be Ayumi’s boss before moving departments because of her relationship with Koda-san. I remember that she had a little sister that went to your high school. I take it that’s who you’re going to visit?”

It all made sense. Of course, Mari-san would know Risa-san by all those connections. But it seemed she thought I would see Saya-san… which would be the most appropriate thought.

"Yeah, she invited me over today, and I'm going to head over there probably around 10 AM."

We both brushed our teeth for a few minutes. I glanced over at Mary-san, whose hair was disheveled. Her bangs draped over her face, and occasionally, she would flip her head to the side to get it out of her eyes. Despite the morning mess she was in… I found her looks captivating like always. After a bit, she finished up, rinsing in the sink next to me.

“Ah, I love that feeling right after brushing my teeth.”

She took a deep breath, exhaled, and turned back to me.

“Would you like me to drive you to Saitou-san’s home? I know where it is because Ryuji had to go there several times."

I thought about it. It’s likely Mary-san just wanted to actually spend some time with me, which is why she's offering. So, to test my theory, I nodded.

“If it’s not too much trouble for you, I would appreciate that.”

With a clap of her hands, she excitedly nodded.

“It’s no trouble at all. If Saitou Risa-san is home, I can have a nice chat with her about Ryuji."

I was a little concerned about Risa-san saying... something that might tip Mary-san off.  But before I could protest, with one finger in the air, Mary-san continued.

"I don't know her personally… but if her little sister is friends with you, I think it'll only be right that I get to know her a bit better."

“Oh, sure.”

I couldn’t say that Saya-san and I were "friends" but more like acquaintances. Little did she know that the person she wanted to have a friendly chat with had romantic intentions for me. I felt guilty for not telling her the entire truth, but I could imagine the freak out she'd have if I… told her the truth.

She walked out, and I ended up following her down the steps. We both made our way into the kitchen, and I watched her look for a proper pan to make the breakfast she wanted.

“Would you like me to help?”

I asked.

“I would love that. Ah… what would you like to eat?”



Mary-san asked mindfully. She brought out a small saucepan and set it on the counter. I assumed she already had something in mind. I was curious about the foreign dish she was probably planning to make. I put my hands behind my back and tilted my head slightly.

"Anything you want. I'm… curious about the kinds of food you like to make."

Like a tornado, she turned around and began taking out a bunch of different pans and utensils. But unlike a storm, Mary-san was setting things in the proper place, lining up her kitchen as a professional cook would.

“I have a recipe for chicken and waffles that’s on the lighter side, so you don't feel all drowsy and lethargic."

When saying this, she brought out a small bag of flour.

“I’ve always wanted to show someone how to make them. Would you like to learn, Madoka-san?”

“Sure, I can’t wait to try it.”

She handed me an apron, and we both got to work. Mary-san brought out a chicken breast and began cutting it into small long slices. I've had chicken and waffles before, but usually, the chicken was one large piece. But the way she was going about it, it seemed she was measuring out good portion size.

“Could you mix the ingredients here to make the waffles? The mixer is on the counter over there, Madoka-san.”


Before I realized it, the sun filtered through the window, casting a simple bluish tone on the kitchen as we worked hard. The sounds of crackling from the chicken frying and the buzzing from the mixing had brought me into the pleasant world of cooking.

“Come over here really fast, Madoka-san.”

I did just as I was asked as I looked over her chicken. It was golden brown as she lifted it up from the oil.

“I’m going to add a bit of this and plop it back in for another minute.”

She sprinkled more battle on the piece and dipped it back in, double frying it. The aroma overtook me, and I couldn't help but imagine the taste.

"The batter for the waffles should be done. Add a bit of this sweetener to it. I'll get the waffle press-ready."

She was like a director as she danced about the kitchen. She reminded me of one of those princesses in the movies I used to watch and Mae-chan’s place. But this wasn’t like those movies. Mary-san was real… she was an actual princess, unlike in those movies I adored. Mary-san shined, thanks to the lights above. The light bounced off the light sweat on her face as she worked hard to make the perfect meal for us.

Mary-san was smiling, and it showed me that she… was enjoying this moment beyond what I could have imagined.

Like she asked, I began putting the batter in the waffle press. When I filled it up correctly, I pressed the liquid batter and watched the steam flow out from the sides. It reminded me of a teapot when the hot water was ready. The smell of sweetness wafted into my nose. I take it was from the added sweetener that Mary-san gave me earlier.

“Those will be done in a matter of minutes. This is where the fun part comes in.”

The cook bounced to the refrigerator and took out a few fruits. Strawberries and blueberries.

"Which do you prefer, Madoka-san?”

I put my finger to my lip.

"Strawberries, I guess?"

“Perfect! I’ll start to make the syrup right away.”

I wasn't expecting this twist. The cook began heating up the fruit and adding the water and strawberries into a saucepan at medium heat. While humming, Mary-san added the same sweetener that she gave me for the waffles earlier. I watched as he smashed the fruit and let it melt into the mixture.

“Oh, I almost forgot.”

Mary-san said in a high pitch as she made her way back to the counter. She grabbed a fresh lemon and began to squeeze it over the saucepan.

“This will be done very soon. How about you take out the waffles and begin plating them with the fried chicken?”

“O-Oh, right!”

I nearly forgot about the waffles as I watched her glamorous cooking show unfold before my eyes. I grabbed two plates and did as I was told. When I opened the waffle press, the golden brown waffles faced me. They were fluffy as I pulled them out and set them on the round plate. They came out square and looked nothing short of delicious.

“Set them on the counter, Madoka-san.”

I did as I was told. Mary-san came over and placed three slices of fried chicken on the sides of the waffle. Still warm, she drizzled a bit of her homemade strawberry syrup on top of the waffle. To add the finishing touches, she threw on a bit of whip cream and the blueberries from earlier sprinkled on top.

“I thought you said this wouldn’t make us feel tired and lethargic?”

I complained jokingly.

“I lied. I think today’s a good day to splurge on ourselves, Madoka-san.”

Suddenly, she pulled my cheek.



"You could have just a bit more of a rounder face, Madoka-san. You shouldn't worry too much about your weight and all that."

With her pinky to her mouth, she nibbled at it as she looked me up and down.

"I wouldn't mind a pudgy Madoka-san."

With a  giggle, she turned back around and began straightening up. That look she gave me before turning around burned into my memory. The joke aside, Mary-san exuded the high society air with how she went about every day. I helped her, and before I knew it, the kitchen was tidy as we both brought our meal to the table.

“Ah yes!”

Mary-san jumped from the table and went into the refrigerator. There she took out a large pitcher of what appeared to be lemonade.

"My grandma would always make this meal with lemonade on the side or just water, sometimes milk too. This lemonade has strawberries mixed in, so it just compliments everything perfectly.”

She explained in excitement as she brought out two tall glasses. Mary-san added some ice to them before pouring me a drink. Before she walked off, Mary-san put in a bit of a mint leaf into my cup. She placed a cut lemon at the edge of the glass. It looked so professional that I didn't want to disturb it at first.

“Thank you.”

I tasted it, and it wasn't as sweet as I expected. There was just the right amount to make the flavors blast from it. It was rewarding after our hard work.

I took a deep breath then looked at the meal we made together. With a fork and knife, I began going into the hardy breakfast. When I cut into the golden-brown chicken, it crunched satisfyingly. But it wasn’t until I tasted it that I came to realize the level of Mary-san’s skills was striking. I chewed as the flavors erupted in my mouth.


I’m sure my eyes were shining like gemstones as I took a bite of the waffles too. They were fluffy and like little clouds as they puffed on the sides. With the warm strawberry syrup, this meal was… too good to the point I was feeling guilty.

“I’m glad you like it. Thank you for helping me this morning.”

Mary-san said honestly. She began eating too. Clearly, she was enjoying her own meal as well as she mumbled, "yum."

“We did a great job, Madoka-san. Thanks for helping.”

“Oh… sure.”

I was a tad embarrassed as we sat together like this. The morning was peaceful as the heat of the moment died down. The chatter of utensils hitting the plate echoed throughout the home. This massive place for one person… made me think about what went through my mind earlier in the morning.


Midway through her meal, Mary-san stopped and looked to the side. She clearly had something on her mind, and it looked like it was about to surface.

“What’s wrong, Mary-san?”

For a moment, she thought to herself as she turned back to me.

“No, it’s nothing.”


She continued eating.

Whatever it was that was weighing on her mind, it was clear she wasn’t ready to tell me, and I had no intentions of prying it out of her. So, I just enjoyed my meal as we silently ate for the time being. 

This was worlds apart from how it was in my home. I… didn't feel all those overbearing emotions. Everything was… just pleasant, and that made me happy.




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