Sleeping Princess

Ch.45 – Pains (4/5)




We walked into class, and the first person to approach us was Addison-sensei.

“Kasumi, would you mind if I speak with you a bit?”

“Ah… what is it?”

The class was about to start, and people were getting their supplies out. However, Addison-sensei had books and other materials in her hands and looked like she was ready to leave the classroom. She gave me a glance and a bright smile.

"I wanted to give you a special chance for makeup on the last test."

She whispered.

“A… special chance?”

Confused, Okabe-san turned to the side. I doubt she believed anything Addison-sensei said, and I had my suspicions. I think it's more likely that she was concerned about her and wanted to have a private chat with her and was using this as an excuse.




“I’ll see you after class?”

I asked, prompting her to go with sensei. Reluctantly, Okabe-san did just that as they both exited the room. Before the door shut behind her, Addison-sensei gave me a tender wave and said…

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her, Nakagawa-san.”

And with that, they closed the door, leaving me standing alone. The embarrassment of being the only one up got to me as I rushed to my seat. Takanaki-sensei coughed slightly before beginning her lesson.

“Addison-sensei said she wanted to help Kasumi… I mean, Okabe-san improves her grades."

So-chan whispered to me. I nodded as I took out my books.

“It’s likely she understands the situation… and is trying to help her improve.”

So-chan sounded relieved, and the weight of the entire situation felt a tad lighter hearing that even adults were starting to get involved in this matter.

“That’s… that’s good.”

I said with a sigh of relief as I focused on the last lecture before the break.



“Everyone, Okabe-san will come with us to the shopping district."

The massive group of girls all gathered around outside the school gates. From here, we planned to meet up with Sora-chan and Hana-chan on the way to the station. However, today, we're going to make a detour and get off at the elementary school one stop away to pick up little Nagumi-chan.




Okabe-san greeted the group, a tad put off. Saya-san tilted her head and spoke up first.

“I haven’t officially met you before, Okabe Kasumi-san. My name is Saitou Saya-san, and my sister visits the Red Roses all the time."

Her almond eyes pierced Saya-san.

“You mean that creepy woman who writes all the time? That’s your sister?”

“Yes, she’s that creepy woman. She’s told me that you look adorable in the restaurant's uniform."

Already at the start, Saya-san was creeping people out. Takade-san, rowdy from jealousy, jumped in front of her senpai, flaring her arms up and down.

“Senpai! Would you notice me more if I wore a Red Rose’s uniform?! Would I be adorable too?!”

“Now, Saki, you don't have to do anything else. You're already perfect."

Saya-san poked her partner's nose, causing her to squeal in excitement and bliss.

“You two…”

Mae-chan rubbed the back of her head. She gave Yuko-chan a glance, which confirmed that Mae-chan and her might be used to these kinds of interactions between them. So-chan seemed to be getting annoyed as she turned the conversation over.

“Anyway, we need to go meet up with the kids… let’s go already.”

So-chan ordered. Before we could start walking, a certain nurse called out to Sophia.


We all turned to see Linda-san rushing out of the school building. Okabe-san huffed and turned to the side. She might have been embarrassed, knowing that Linda saw all of her weakness only a few hours ago. I felt bad looking at her. There shouldn't be shame in expressing her feelings, but the situation that she's in… merits only shame from her.

"O-One second, everyone…."

Sophia reluctantly walked over to her older sister. I’m sure this moment between them was tense for the two of them. The last time they saw each other, Sophia-san expressed her true feelings, and… it didn't work out the way they had hoped.


Sophia started. She was firmed as she straightened her back. Before the nurse could say anything, Sophia continued.

"I would like you to come to our Christmas Party tomorrow!"

Taken aback, Linda drew back slightly. A few girls who noticed the “lovers” began watching them. People were still enamored by the idea that these two were a couple when in reality… that wasn’t the case.


She closed her eyes. It seemed that Linda had something else to talk about. Still, instead of that, she shook her head, likely washing away her previous question.

“Christmas Party?”

"Yes… I heard that you'd like to see me on Christmas. E-Even if it isn't the way you wanted to see me… I still bought a gift for you. W-We haven't shared a Christmas together… in years."

The honesty of the shark came out as she expressed her love for her older sister. Linda pondered for a moment, then nodded.

“S-Sure. Ah… message me where it is, and I’ll be sure to show up.”

She rubbed the sole of her shoe on the cold ground.

“I-I have a gift for you too, Sophia.”

The wind blew gently, causing their blonde hairs to dance in the wind. It was like a picture from a movie, and it caused everyone around them to watch and root for the pair. Despite my group knowing the truth of what happened, it was still a tender moment seeing the sisters come together… Even though it's not the ideal way for the both of them. Clearly, they both were hurting just by being in their presence. But despite that, they still yearned to be together. Love is complicated like that, and Sophia and Linda’s love was no different.

“Sophia… take care of Okabe-san for me.”

It seemed that was what she originally wanted to say. Okabe-san scoffed at the nurse and turned to the side. So-chan looked behind her at her "enemy" and then at her sister.

“… Yeah, I’ll do my best.”

Linda smiled at that beautiful beam that lit up the cloudy day. She gave Okabe-san a wave and made her way back into her school. Girls whispered and gossiped about the star-crossed lovers, but So-chan ignored them as she returned to the group.

“Linda looked happy.”

Yuko-chan commented. So-chan gave her a smile and nodded.

"Yeah, she seems to be doing better, thanks to Madoka-san.”

I shrugged.

“What is that supposed to mean? And we have to go before we’re late picking up Nagumi-chan.”

Yuko towered over us as she took the lead, and we all began walking. At first, Okabe-san was standing there. When I turned around, she perked up and began following in the back. There was a noticeable gap between her and the rest of us. And sadly, it appeared as though everyone else was ignoring her besides Saya-san. I didn’t know how to integrate her into this hostile group without outing her and making her feel uncomfortable. So, I just walked between Mae-chan and Sophia-san for the time being. Takade-san and Saya-san were directly behind me, and it felt as though I was in a castle tower, surrounded by walls. There would be no way Okabe-san would be able to chat with me… like this.

There had to be something that would help her open up to the group and vice versa. I just had to find it. Else this entire trip would be… awkward for all of us. Mae-chan feels betrayed by her. Sophia-san is the same. From what I heard, Yuko-chan is deathly afraid of Okabe-san. Even Takade-san avoids her because of the rumors that spread about her. The only person who didn’t have a stake in befriending her was…

I turned around and caught eyes with that devil, Saitou Saya-san. She grabbed me with her gaze and nudged her head slightly to the back, indicating something I believed to be "talk to her too."

That made me feel all the more guilty. But thankfully, it seemed that Saya-san was heightened to the situation and wanted to make sure Okabe-san wasn’t left out.

Once we reached the intersection, Hana-chan and Sora-chan came rushing out from the side streets. They were sprinting around like two dogs chasing one another.

"No, Sora! That's not cool! Leave me alone!"



Hana-chan cried as she rushed between the group. She brushed passed the shark, causing her to light up in frustration.

“What the heck are you two doing?!”

So-chan screamed, causing her hair to bounce around as she twisted her body. Hana-chan jumped around, trying to avoid her best friend.

“Just give it a look, Hana-chan! Here, here!”

Sora teased her best friend.

They circled around the group as Sora-chan chased Hana-chan with her phone out. Clearly, whatever was on that phone was like poison to the little flower. This was probably the most animated I’d seen her in a long time, and it was pleasant to watch.

“Onee-san! Sora-chan is showing me something gross!”

Hana-chan screamed. 

Okabe-san smirked but what caught my attention was her bright little giggle. I glanced over to see her watching the two play. At this point, Hana-chan was beyond frustrated and probably ready to beat the living daylights out of her friend.

“Ah, Hino-san!”

Yuko-chan, likely noticing Hana-chan’s hostility, rushed over and tried to de-escalate the situation. It reminded me that Yuko-chan and Hana-chan rode the train together more often than not since I started staying at Mary-san’s home.

"She's trying to show me something gross, Mihara-san!”

Hana-chan accused. Yuko took one look at the phone, and her face turned pale. Sora, the devil, seemed to have traumatized the poor girl, and she looked as though she was about to turn into a ghost. During all this mayhem, with Mae-chan, Sophia-san, and the rest trying their best to calm down the middle schoolers, I escaped the castle walls and made my way over to Okabe-san.

“Do you like kids?”

Quizzically, she turned to me. The slight smile on her face faded as she must have noticed her mask slipped just a bit. It reminded me of Mari-san’s porcelain smile when I thought about it.

"What do you mean? Kids are stupid…."

I looked back at Hana and Sora. They were still bouncing around, playing this odd game of “look at this” with each other.

“Well… you’re great at taking care of your little sister. So… I was just curious.”

For a moment, she didn't respond. I felt I might have hit on a sore spot and was about to chalk it up to a failure when…

"Yeah… I like kids because they're stupid."



She said harshly.

“That’s a bit too harsh.”

I added with a bit of a tease to try and lighten things up.

"It's because they're stupid that they're genuine. Nagumi is stupid but sweet and honest. I like kids a lot… because they can express what they feel without restraint in most cases."

She closed her eyes, and it looked as though she was thinking of something.

“Do you like kids, Nakagawa-san?”

"Of course. Kids are cute, Okabe-san."

"Yeah… I should have seen that coming from you."

She smirked… and it warmed my chest. The way she expresses herself is a tad crude compared to others I know. But I slowly understood the reason for that.

The way Okabe-san had to grow up made her seem mean… but her meanness can be interpreted as kindness when all the pieces are put together. The way she speaks to her little sister, Nagumi-chan, is a tad harsh… but thinking about it, she only wants her to grow up without a softness that would hurt her one day. Okabe-san… is training her little sister to be strong… like she had to be.   

It seemed she was getting enjoyment out of this little game. For the first time today, I saw a hint of light in her. I notice by watching her closely that Okabe Kasumi… likes kids just like Sophia-san. It’s no wonder that they were friends when they first came to the Jinda High School. 

“Hana-chan, Sora-chan!”

I called out to the two “kids," and they turned towards Okabe-san and me. They gently pushed through the crowd of girls and walked over.

“Hey, Okabe Kasumi-san will come shopping with us and join us for the Christmas party tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Hana-chan seemed to hesitate at first, but after looking at her, then back at me, it appeared as though she might have caught on to something, no thanks to the black ring around her eye.

“Sure, the more people, the better."

Sora-chan added in. She rubbed the back of her head and straightened her back.

“It’s nice to officially meet you, Okabe Kasumi-san. I’m Hino Sora, Koda Hana-chan’s best friend.”

She rubbed her nose and put one hand on her hip.

“Yeah, you’re the little squirt that gave me that takoyaki full of mustard.”

Mae-chan jumped in.

“No, you stole that takoyaki from us.”

Ma-chan corrected her as she scratched her cheek in embarrassment. Okabe-san brushed it off as she turned back to the redhead.

"It's nice to meet you, I guess."

Despite how she sounded, I saw a glimmer of a genuine smile coming from her. It was true… Okabe Kasumi seemed to really love kids.

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