Sleeping Princess

Ch.48 – Beautiful Christmas Day (7/8)


Together, our hands merged as we walked into the warm, cozy home just a bit closer. When I opened the door, Hana suddenly grabbed my other hand. Thanks to this, we were in this awkward group, handholding and squashed up together. Was… Hana-chan jealous? I… decided it was best not to bring it up with her and just play along.


My ears perked up, hearing Nagumi-chan call out to her sister.

Nagumi-chan approached, holding a plate of decorated cookies. It looked like the table they were at was full of icing, sprinkles, and other goods made for the kids to decorate a bunch of them. Nagumi-chan was covered in surgery sprinkles from head to toe.

“Oh… what the heck is this, Nagumi?”




She didn’t speak, just pushed out her cookies to her big sister. Hana-chan let go of my hand and was the one who spoke up in her place.

“Nagumi-chan… said she wanted to make food for her Onee-san, Okabe-san.”

She explained with one finger in the air. Her expression softened, and… she honestly reminded me of Mari-san with that dreamer's gaze that she'd give me occasionally.

“Yeah, Nagumi-chan wanted to feed you.”

Mae-chan added. Her fingers were full of colorful sprinkles, the same as Sora-chan. They looked like elementary schoolers who had just finished a painting project. Even Nagumi-chan had icing smudges on her face and lips, an off-color red. Reluctantly, Okabe-san took a cookie from the plate.

“Is this… for me, Nagumi?”

Suspiciously, Okabe-san looked at Saya-san and her partner in crime, Takade-san.

"Don't ask me. It was your sister that made it, Okabe-san."

With a sigh, Okabe-san nibbled on her treat. In a way, it was like Nagumi-chan was giving her back all the kindness her big sister gave her. An endearing way to say… “Thank you for being my big sister.”

“Thanks, Nagumi…”

Embarrassed, she thanked her little self. The quiet child lit up. Eyes as wide as stars, she then turned to offer Mary-san some cookies too.

“Thank you, Nagumi-chan.”

Mary-san bowed slightly and took a cookie. With one hand on her cheek, my aunt took a bite.

“Ohh, so good.”

She played it up, only adding to Nagumi-chan’s excitement. Unable to control herself now, Nagumi-chan became a little waitress as she went around the room, offering her cookies to everyone. We all took one happily.

Even Sophia-san took one and petted the adorable girl on the head. Surprisingly, Nagumi-chan took the praise and didn't run from anyone or hide from us. Maybe… this was the kind of girl Nagumi-chan was, but she never had the chance to open up until today.

Finally, she stopped before me and raised her plate of fresh cookies to me, Hana-chan, and Yuko-chan. We all took one, thanking her as we did. The little fairy, eyes full of anticipation, watched us taste her creation.

“I-It’s very good, N-Nagumi-chan.”

Yuko-chan praised. With her almost empty plate, Nagumi-chan returned and set it down. But not without taking a cookie of her own and enjoying the sugary treat. To see such a coy, shy child go around and do something like that… showed me that she was trying her best to open up.

Even Nagumi-chan was changing.


Roughly, Okabe-san called out to her little sister. After a bit more nibbling, she set her giant cookie down on the plate and made it over to her older sister. Still chewing that deliciously sweet, she stopped at her big sister's feet.


Okabe-san gave her a present, earning a gasp from the child.


Nagumi-chan looked surprised but didn’t say anything as she took it from her big sis. It was small, wrapped in a bright blue. Unsure, she looked back at Okabe-san.

“Go on, open it already.”

Her older sister commanded. Nagumi-chan sat on the floor with her feet out and unwrapped her gift. We all watched as she finally got it open… revealing that mystical snow globe she held in store yesterday. Her eyes lit up as she gently shook it, causing a blizzard of white snow to fall upon the city within the sphere.


Without saying anything, she set it to the side and…




Nagumi-chan took her older sister by surprise and held her tight. Obake-san looked as though she wasn’t expecting this either. Unlike her little sister, she wore her feelings on her face.

"Okay, I get it. Don't break it. It costs a lot of money."

She pulled her sister off her and faced her.

“Promise me you won’t break it, okay, Nagumi-chan?”


The sisters were enjoying themselves more than I thought they would. With a sigh, I was relieved that they didn't have to worry about… life for a bit.

“Oh, Saki-chan, can you set up the karaoke machine for me?"

Saya-san asked.

“Yes, Senpai! Mae-san, help me out too!”

They seemed to be struggling with hooking the machine to the TV correctly. It didn't help that Saki-san hit the screen with her fist, trying to make it come alive.

Mae-chan walked over, bent down, and plugged it in from the back.

“Maybe that will work?”

Mae-chan asked.

Takade-san whacked it again, though, and as if the magic of the electricity god answered her pleas, the screen lit up. There was a selection screen for eclectic music. There was a colorful label that said Rhythm U in English letters. But thankfully, the katakana was behind it, helping me grasp what it said.

“All in the hand!”

Takade-san showed off her karate chop. My childhood friend waved it off with that mysterious smile of hers.

"Let's do a duet, Hana!"

Sora-chan grabbed her best friend by the stomach and pulled her close. She rubbed her cheek on Hana-chan like a kitten purring up to their mother.

"Sora! You haven't washed your face. It's sticky from all the icing from those cookies! Stop it! Stop it!"

As everyone started to filter around the machine, Mae-chan took my hand.

"Hey, Mado, let's do a duet too!"

Sophia-chan raised her hand.

“I take it we can just pass the mics around? There’s no contest, right?”

Takade-san nodded.

“Right, that was the idea! Anyone who wants to go can have a go for it!”

Okabe-san shrugged.

“I’ll sit this out... I’m not a fan of karaoke.”

I turn towards my best friend with stars in my eyes. I swear, even her blue ponytail kicked left and right as if it had a mind. It reminded me of a horse's tail. But that might have been my imagination, though.

"Ma-chan, can we sing Twilight Star?! You know, the new song STARS did during the concert?!"

I tried to be civil, but my feet wouldn't stop bouncing as if I had jumping beans in my bones. I must have been overcrowding Ma-chan, but she didn't push me away. Instead, she brushed up against me too.

"Sure, Mado-chan! Just pick the song, and I'll sing whatever."

"Okay, but you have to sing Rika’s part. I think that'll sound best for you."

Rika, the [R] in STARS, was the hot-headed girl I constantly screamed over when she did her solos. This song had a solo; having Ma-chan sing would put me over the moon.

"I-I'm not asking too much, am I, Ma-chan?!”

My best friend giggled.

“Just don’t expect me to become Rika, Mado-chan.”



Risa-san dimmed the lights as the room lit up with a dusty glow of Christmas color lights. Above us, a soothing red and blue light was made for this occasion. One thing Saya-san was good at was attention to detail, just like in her Cultural Festival booth. 

The music started, and I felt a jolt of electricity ripple through my bones. The musical vibe was like icing on the cake, super sweet and peppy. Each beat resonated with me, and without thinking, I hopped up and down as I sang my part to the song.

Mae-chan waited patiently, and I could tell the rhythm was getting to her, too, as she started bouncing her head, causing her ponytail to spin and dance around.

I finished my part and passed our mics to Ma-chan. Our eyes met, and the shine in her eyes reminded me of the past, the days before her depression. I briefly saw that child I love dearly merge with the present I still adore.

And just as I thought when I asked her to sing the next part...

Mae-chan’s singing voice was perfect for this duet.

The music ended, and I found myself panting. It's been a while since I put that much effort into any activity. Maybe I should lay off the sweets after this party and... perhaps even start exercising before I grow sideways.

“Nice work!”

Ma-chan high-fived me. She locked our hands together and pulled me with her. We left the front of the television stage and passed our mics to Saya-san. 

“That was great, Mae-chan!”

I praised.

"Right, right?! I fumbled a lot, but it was a good song."

Hand in hand, we turned back to see Mary-san and Risa-san next up to sing a song. 

“What are you in the mood for, Auburn-san?”

“I’m up for anything. I like singing a lot. You chose, Saitou-san.”

Ma-chan whispered to me.

“Geez, your auntie can sing also?”

I shrugged.

"I don't know. Well... Mary-san was a model, so I'm sure she has all kinds of creative talents."



I held Ma-chan’s shoulder, eagerly anticipating what was in store. As the lights dimmed down, thanks to Takade-san setting the tone, a more mainstream song resounded from the speakers. 

Risa-san opened her mouth to start her part, but Mary-san took the stage instead...


The world shook violently as if a nuclear explosion had been detonated in the room. I held my ears, Ma-chan jumped backward, and the rest of the girls took shelter from the ear-piercing cries from the speakers.

“Stop! That’s enough!”

Sophia-chan yelled, holding her ears. Everyone was petrified by the horrendous squawks coming from the lips of that beautiful dove with the mic. Eyes glistening like gemstones in the red light, Mary-san sang her heart out...

And it was blowing us away... in all the wrong ways. 

“C-Can someone make it stop?!”

Yuko-chan said with tears in her eyes. 

I looked at her signing partner, Risa-san, who seemed flabbergasted. Too stunned to even move. It was like she was petrified by staring into the eyes of the beautiful Medusa. But in this case, it was her voice that captured the weak mind of the boss lady.

The power went off to the television, and standing behind the cord was that ivy-head with a bad attitude.

"For fuck sake, what the hell was that?!"

Mary-san, mid-lyric, stopped and looked back at the black screen.

“Oh no, the power went out? My favorite part was coming up in the song.”

Risa-san touched Mary-san’s mic and gently pulled it away from her.

“Okay, Auburn-san... y-you’re not allowed to sing anymore, okay?”

The look of confusion on her face was priceless. I felt a bit bad for her, but... if we were to survive this party, she had to stay clear away from that mic. Still confused, Risa-san gently pulled her along and sat her on the couch.

“Alright, who’s next?”

Risa-san held out the mics. My poor aunt was still bewildered as she pondered to herself. I learned some important things recently. Always keep Risa-san from the kitchen, and Mary-san has no business singing anything, lest we all want a speedy death.

As the party settled, we all chatted in smaller groups. I tapped my childhood friend on the back to get her attention. Her ponytail swung and nearly hit my glasses off.


“Here, Ma-chan.”

It was a small box. Mae-chan opened it, and a tender and sweet smile appeared. I wanted to thank her for cheering me up after my fight with Mom. Mae rescued me again, and it was only fair I made sure she knew... how much I appreciated her always being beside me.

It was a keychain that had a cute character on it. I wasn’t sure what show it was from. The toy knight had a little sword in their hand, instantly reminding me of my knight... Mae-chan.

“Hey, I remember this. It was from those princess movies we used to watch.”

Mae-chan teased.


I knew I saw it from somewhere when I picked it out. The embarrassing memory of us watching those overly dramatic kid princess movies came to mind. That character was one of my favorites... 

Because they reminded me of what a real knight should be. I was just a dumb kid, probably overblowing everything like I always did at that age.

“You forgot who this was? This character... reminds me of the good days, Mado-chan.”

The good days were when there were no worries, and we only had to worry about the next meal our parents would make for us.

“Yeah... it does.”

I agreed.

Happily, she hooked it to her keyring and jiggled it. The little knight danced as it dangled around in the air.

“Thanks, Mado-chan.”

She hugged me, and the warmth of my dearest Ma-chan made me feel... safe, as if nothing in the world could hurt me when I was in her embrace. Just... like a knight.

She let go, and we smiled brightly at each other.

"I'm going to get some food. Want me to get you anything?"

Getting seconds right now wouldn't be great, not after nearly hurting my sides while dancing around like a lunatic.

“I’m fine for now. Eat a lot for me, okay?”

“Don’t have to tell me twice!”

Happily, she made her way to the buffet table. Saya-san and Risa-san ordered food instead after the aftermath in the kitchen. It's a shame that the food was too good. I... kind of wanted to get more.



“Hey, Madoka-san. I wanted to show you something.”

Risa-san tapped me on the shoulder and pointed upstairs.

“Show me something? Sure, Risa-san.”



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