Sleeping Princess

Ch.51 – Yuko-chan (1/3)


A new year, and a fresh start. I looked into the mirror, recalling the first time I wore this school uniform. The appeal wore off, and now I’ve started to change it up a bit. I wasn’t allowed to wear a lot of makeup at my school, but I could do a little bit of things here and there to feel trendy, like unbuttoning the jersey and showing off my necklace. Even the Christmas gift from Yuko-chan was around my wrist.


I touched my necklace again. When I first received it, I was happy, but it also hurt. But since then, it was like a symbol to keep moving forward. And seeing Mari wear my bracelet... I never felt so connected with her.

I smiled.

“Okay, I have a few things I want to accomplish…”

I thought about what needed to be done, like finding out how to help Kasumi-san and Nagumi-chan with their parents. Figure out what happened between Yuko-chan and me so we can be closer. And maybe even decide what my future plans are so I can stop looking back at my past.

And mom…

I don't know what to do about Mom…

Because the only one who can solve the issues between us and the family she made would be her.

I lifted my bag, as if I was adding more weight to my choices.

“Alright, time to go.”

I exited my room and made my way down the steps.

“Madoka-chan, are you heading out?”

Coming out from the kitchen, the strikingly beautiful aunt of mine. She had a casual look on today.



"Yes, I am, Mary Oba-chan. Do you have plans today?"

She leaned up against the wall, looking a bit exhausted.

“Yeah, I’ve been talking with Saitou Risa-san recently about a few things regarding your mom. I just wanted to mention that.”


With a wry smile, she nodded.

“Don’t worry too much about it. Your mom is fine. When she figures her own problems out, I’m sure she’ll be ready to talk and tell you what was going through her mind. But for now, I’ll make sure she’s safe.”

It warmed my heart knowing how much she cared for all of us. I left it in her capable hands and replied to her with a bright smile.

“Thank you, Oba-san.”

Mary-san chuckled and turned away slightly. She had a satisfied look on her face as she did.

“It’s time for you to focus on being a high school girl. Have fun with your friends and enjoy your life. Remember, you can always talk to me about anything. Your lunch is on the table, don’t forget it.”

I walked over and picked up a neatly wrapped bento box. I had no idea what was in it but it smelled great. I giggled, a bit more excited for the day.

“Yeah, I know. That makes me happy, Oba-san.”

I waved to her as I walked out the door.

“See you later.”

With that, I stepped out the door into the crisp air. I was excited to get back to school and see my friends again. It’s been a long break, and I was ready to get back into the flow of things.


As I was walking, someone suddenly grabbed me from behind. I expected it to be Takade-san, but no, it was Saya-san.

“Ahh, you’re a little excited today!”

The psychic pushed her cheek on mine, let go of me, and bounced off me with her hands behind her back.

“Well, I have some exciting news! My sister made me lunch again but this time she followed a recipe you gave her.”

She revealed her bento box, all decorated and cutesy.

“I’m sure if she followed your expert advice my lunch bento wouldn't taste too bad... right?”

I scratched my cheek.

“Expert advice? I wouldn’t go that far. But how about we have lunch together today? I think it would be fun seeing how it tastes.”

I made it sound like we were going to analyze a specimen in a beaker and see how it was created. Risa-san’s food isn’t great... I couldn’t even call it food. That would be an insult to all foods. But today might be different.

“Ah! Senpai! Madoka-chan! ”

Saki-chan finally came running up to us. In her hand were two bento boxes, likely one for her and the love of her life.

“Sorry, Saki-chan, today my sister made me lunch.”

"The heck?! I spent ages on this meal last night, and my sister-in-law just goes and does this?! That's bullshit, Senpai!"

Saya-san giggled.

“It’s fine, how about we share our meals and have a feast for lunch today?”

With her pointer finger, she poked her kouhai's nose, causing her to squeal in bliss. Saya-san was an expert at dealing with her unruly kouhai. But looking at her closely, I could see her slipping something devious into Saki-chan's pocket. It looked like a lucky charm... or maybe a demonic emblem, I couldn't tell...

All I knew was that it had to be bad news.

“Alright girls, let’s go!”

Saya-san ordered with a fist pump in the air. She genuinely looked happy. She really loved her sister, didn't she?

We talked about mundane things like food and such until we made it to the train station.


On the dot, my fashion kouhai ran up to me. She had a fresh new style of makeup blush on too. Over the holiday break, she dolled herself up all the more.

“Oh, Higashi-san! How was your holiday?”



With a bright smile, she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of her... wearing that blue cardigan and white dress we spoke about earlier. It was just an example, but she took it to heart and ended up buying it.

“Wow, it looks so good on you!”

She clapped.

“Yeah! My friends were stunned. I-I would love to get more advice about things from you if I could. My date on the other hand... It didn’t work out.”

Saki-chan giggled a tad bashfully. I felt bad but at least she got something cute over the holiday.

“Ohhh, it’s so cute watching Madoka be a good senpai~”

I could feel my face get warm as I turned to the twin-tailed teaser.

“S-Shut up!”

It’s all I could muster. I was too busy shielding my face because of how red it was getting.


A familiar voice caught my ears. We all turned behind us to see Hana-chan standing there. Her mouth was opened and her eyes were focused on her...

Higashi Sakura-san.

“Higashi-san? Is… that you?”

The overzealous middle schooler turned at the sound of the familiar voice. Running our way was my little flower, Hana-chan. I didn't know she took this train going in this direction. I assumed it had to be near their new apartment.

She slowed down as she and Higashi Sakura-san's eyes met.


Her voice vibrated, shock overtaking her. She even backed up a bit, to my surprise.


With one hand on her hip, Hana-chan's face twisted in disgust. I'd never seen her look so angry before, and it took me back.

“That’s my stepsister you’re talking to! Y-You know, the one from my other mom’s side of the family!”



Higashi-san turned back to me in surprise.

“Nakagawa-san... knows you Hana-chan?”

Abruptly, Hana-chan grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

“Don’t talk to us ever again, Higashi-san! Y-You have some nerve!”

Before I could say anything, our train rolled into the station. Aggressively, Hana-chan pulled me inside the train. I caught a glimpse at the shock on Higashi-san’s face. She bit down on her bottom lip and rushed into another train car, avoiding the two of us.

“Hey, is everything okay?”

Saki-chan asked Hana-chan. She bent down and got to her level. This only irritated her more, and she crossed her arms and looked away.

I looked at Hana-chan who was fuming, face hot red. So much happened in so little time, but I had to address her feelings. It not only shocked me but Saya-san and Saki-chan as well. I waved Saki-chan away to have a private chat with my little sister.

The twin-tail gave me a nod and made her way beside Saya-san. I bent down and met eyes with my riled up little flower.

“Hey, what was all that about?”

I drew her attention to me, lifting her chin with my hand. She looked up at me, still with rage in her eyes.

“Higashi Sakura-san is a horrible person, Onee-chan! I’m so angry that….”

The commuters on the train looked our way and Hana-chan took notice. She took a deep breath and cooled her head before looking back at me.

“I’m sorry. I’m not like that, you know that, Onee-chan. Ah... Saya-san, Saki-san, sorry.”

With a sorrowful tone, she whispered to us.

“But she’s… such a horrible person, and… I’m so upset she was talking to you. I just... lost it, Onee-chan.”

With her shoulders drooping, she shook her head. It was clear she was embarrassed by her behavior. With a quick glance at Saki-chan and Saya-san, I gave them a nod and turned back to Hana-chan.

“Well, for now, we can talk about it later.”

I assured her. Hana-san nodded, but her lips were still pursed. Clearly, she was still irate over Higashi-san.

“We’ll talk about it some other time. I-I wanted to surprise you and sneak on the train this morning. Guess I screwed that up, Onee-chan.”

I trusted my little sister’s judgment when it came to people. She’s pretty loyal and can tell when something isn’t right. Like her perception when it came to Okabe-san and our first meeting at the mall with her.

Higashi-san must have done something… unforgivable to Hana-chan if she reacted that way. With my hands on my lip, I pondered.

“Well anyway, why are you here?”

I held her shoulder, trying to cheer her up.

“I ride this train to school now.”

With a pout, she looked back at me. I was aware she and Mari's apartment was nearby, but I didn't expect that we'd ride together again. Excitedly, I gave her a big hug.

“I’m so happy we can ride the train together, Hana-chan!”

Doing my best to sound giddy with excitement, I flashed her a tender smile. Thankfully, it worked, and she blushed a bit as her lips parted.

“Yeah… it was one of the good things that came out of this situation…”

She crossed her arms and turned to the other two...

“Ah, Sora-chan told me she wouldn’t be here for a few days. Her family went on a trip at the end of vacation.”

I wondered where she was and assumed something like that was the case. It already passed the stop she’d usually get on and try to terrorize me.

“Sorry again you two.”

Hana said, rubbing the soles of her shoes on the train's floor.  Saki-san scratched her head.

“Old enemy?”

Curiously, Saki-san asked. Hana-chan just shrugged.

“Yeah, something like that. It’s complicated...”

Her voice drifted off. To think those two knew each other. I silently wondered if they could work out their differences. But I had no idea what happened between them. So, the only thing I could do was be a good older sister and listen to her when she’s ready to tell me.

"Oh, Madoka-san. Did Hana-chan tell you about our New Year's party and what happened to her?"

Saya-san teased, clapping as she goaded the little flower.

“Ehhh?! Y-You promised you would keep it a secret!”

Flustered, Hana-chan barked back. They were being a little loud while on the train, and I had to pull her towards me. I glared at the demon though, accusing her all the while.

“What did you do to my sister?”

I shot daggers at the demon, Saya-san. She smirked and turned away.

“I didn’t do anything~”

Saya-san chuckled.

That was a lie, and my Onee-san alarm was going off like sirens in my head. The devil Saya-san must have traumatized my Hana!

“We’ll talk about it later. Anyway, I haven’t been to your new place yet, Hana-chan. Let’s set up a day that I can come over.”

She pondered before that smile I grew to love came on her face.

“I'll have to get Mom to clean up a bit. So, we'll set up a day soon."

My little sister rubbed the back of her head. They just moved in and Mari was already making messes it seemed.

“Sure thing.”

Hana-chan waved me off as we split. Together with Saya-san and Saki-chan, we made our way to the front of the Jinda High School gates only to see a shark cornering a ghost. Holding one of Yuko-chan’s wrists, Sophia-san pinned her against the wall. The height difference made the shark have to stand on her tippy toes though.

“You’re not going anywhere until you tell me and Mae what’s going on!”

The feisty shark had her prey where she wanted her. Mae tried her best to calm the situation down, tapping on Sophia-chan’s shoulder to no avail. Yuko-chan was groaning, looking for her exit strategy.

“Oh, hey guys.”

I said casually, but Yuko-chan exploded, bursting out from Sophia-san’s grasp and dashing into the school, not looking behind her.



Watching her run from me, unable to even talk with me... hurt.



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