Sleeping Princess





Sora Perspective


“Why do I have to buy new clothing, mom? Why can’t I just wear what I have on?!”

“Sora, don’t you give me that tone! You’re not going to make me look bad at your uncle's party. Now get!”

I was literally thrown out the door by my mom and my little brothers. My body rolled on the cold lawn. Now I knew how a dog felt when their masters pushed them out for no reason.

“Ah, hell.”

I cried as I began my walk.

My mom kicked me out of the house with a pocket full of money at least. Now I’m annoyed that I can’t play my game online with Hana-chan today, I’m stuck at the shopping district.

“This sucks.”

We’re going to a party, and my mom wants me to be dressed all formal and proper. It’s complete bullshit if I had to be honest. I wasn’t in the mood for clothing shopping, my stomach wanted something good to eat instead.

“Oh, I heard good things about the Red Roses.”

Curiously, I walked inside. The place was pretty nice and had a cabin feel to it.

“Table for one?”

An older woman asked as she guided me to a table. Across the way was an ivy-haired child, probably around elementary school age, coloring in her book. Other than that, this place was pretty empty today.

“Hey…is that Sora-chan?”

“Ehh?! Onee-san?!”


There she was in a super cute pink outfit. I never knew she worked here…Well, maybe Hana-chan told me, but I didn’t listen too well. I’m…pretty bad at remembering things.

“You work here, Onee-san?”

“Ah, yeah. I just started a few weeks ago. Funny meeting you like this.”

Even in something like this she still found a way to shine. Hana-chan was right; she is gorgeous, isn’t she?

“I had to buy some clothing and…”

I sighed.

“Okay, to be honest, I didn’t know what to buy so I’m spending my money here instead, out of spite for my parents.”

“That’s…not good, Sora-chan.”

She looked at me a tad disappointedly.

“Well, if you wait about an hour, I will get off early today…Maybe I can help you?

“Oh, you’d do that Onee-san?!”

I jumped with glee. Knowing Madoka-san was super good at clothing and all that junk.

“So, what do you want to eat?”

“Hmm, what about teriyaki?”

The idea of having delicious teriyaki without having to pay out of money for it made me literally leap from my seat. Probably a way to underhandedly get back at my mom for kicking me out though…

“That’s really good. It comes with a drink and two sides too. It’s a good deal for someone on a budget…well I guess that doesn’t mean much to you because you’re spending your parents’ money.”

“I’ll take it Onee-san!”

I jumped up, and she sat me back down. I liked how calm and collected she always was. It made me want to be even more rambunctious so I can throw her off her game!

After a moment my food arrived. It looked so delicious that I had to dig in.

“Sora-chan, don’t be a pig!”

Madoka-san scolded, but I didn’t listen to her as I continued scarfing down my meal. She sat across from me, took a napkin, and wiped my cheek.

“My goodness. I can’t believe you eat like this at your age.”

“Hehe, aren’t you a good mommy?”

“Aren’t you a bad child?”

She’s snarky. This was the first time we interacted alone like this, and she’s super snarky! No wonder why Hana-chan’s personality has changed lately. I’m…having a lot of fun right now.

Once she finished work, she took me to get some nice clothing. I didn’t know what kind of stuff to pick out, but Onee-san knew just what I needed to look nice. 

“Wow, this looks nice.”

“It does but it wouldn’t fit with your skirt. How about you try this instead?”

Onee-san skillfully picked out the right clothing and everything. I had no sense of taste, if it was warm and kept me cozy that’s all I needed. Thankfully, she picked out something cheap and trendy.

We walked out of the clothing store together. I felt like a million yen as I swung my bags from side to side.

“Thanks for helping me, Onee-san! My train is this way!”

“You have a good night Sora-chan. See you around.”

I couldn’t control myself, so I ran up, took her in my arms, and gave her the biggest hug ever. She yelped as I pushed my head into her chest.



“You’re awesome, Onee-san! This day is only between you and me. Don’t tell Hana-chan about it!”

“Huh? Sure, I guess. See you around, Sora-chan.”

I skipped away. But before I went too far, I turned back to her standing there like a statue.

“See you around, Onee-san!”

“Hehe…yeah, see you around, Sora-chan!”

She cried before looking around. It appears as though I made her embarrass herself which I found hilarious. With one more nod of my head, I spun back around and rushed out of the mall.


Today was my time with Onee-san. Sorry, Hana-chan. I cheated with your Onee-san behind your back…

And I might just do it again one day.



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