Sleeping Princess

Sleeping Princess – White Day Special

(This is a side story that doesn’t have any merit to the main story. SO DO NOT TAKE THIS AS CANON OR YOUR DREAMS WILL BE CRUSHED!)


The picture models were made by me (Yairy!) and the image edits were made by Mihou

Please be sure to go support all of their works. They are a fantastic writer!

Enjoy all the hard work we both put into this bonus chapter! Thank you for all your support! Much love! The images are a gift to the readers!





It’s late afternoon and mom and Mari-san are out working later than usual. Now was the time for me to get to work. So, I pulled up my sleeves as I walked past a certain flower's room.


Lying on her bed, Hana-chan spun around and paused her game.

“Oh, what’s wrong Onee-san?”

“I’m going to need your help. Can you meet me in the kitchen?”

Without another word, Hana hopped off the bed and rushed down the steps. She didn’t even have to say yes, being the loyal little sister she was. She’s too adorable as she made her way down the steps with her arms reached out.

Today was March 12th, and in two days White day would be coming around. Meaning…I’ll have to give back any candy I received…

My mind raced back to the day I lied on the couch. That black-haired idiot known as Koda Mari-san forced that heart-shaped candy in my mouth on Valentine’s Day. Despite how aggressive she was…it was absolutely delicious. But because she did that…I have to make her a special gift too, won’t I?

“Onee-san! What are we doing?”

Hana jumped about. She seemed more overly excited than I would have ever imagined. But I guess it’s not too often I ask her for help.

Now I made my way into the kitchen. From that hidden department Mari-san used the day we watched Born Free together, I hid all the ingredients to make chocolates.

“We’re making chocolate with caramel treats, Hana-chan.”

“That sounds really good, Onee-san.”

Hana leaped up causing my heart to flutter with joy. Ah, the joys of a kid who loves sweets…But I have to remember that Hana-chan is actually a teenager and I shouldn’t be treating her like a primary school child…but she’s still super adorable.

Now we worked away as I directed my little soldier. Hana-chan was perfect at following directions. Despite being a little brat at times she certainly was the loyal servant in this endeavor. When I was around her age, I learned how to make chocolates. Mae and I spent days perfecting our technique…more so because Mae-chan just wanted me to make them for her on the holidays.

“Onee-san, this looks really good!”

Hana-chan’s eyes lit up with bliss. They became chocolate bars that were still too warm to wrap up. Now, I melted the honey-like caramel around them in a spiral-like heart. It made them cute. You’d have to be a monster or a glutton to actually eat them when they look this adorable.

“Okay, Hana-chan. Let’s put these in the refrigerator and let them cool.”

This was the hard part…the last thing I want is Mari-san to come home and find her special treats. So, I needed to hide them under something she wouldn’t dare touch while making the box it’s in look undesirable…

So, I pulled out my secret weapon…

Two large jars of pickles guarded the tub of delicious candy.

“Mari-san will never touch these.”

I declared, patting my apron.

“Wow, that’s mean Onee-san. You know mom hates pickles!”

I nodded with vigor. Pickles are like radiation to Mari-san. She tries to stay as far as possible away from them. Not sure where her dislike for them came from though…

“That’s the point, Hana-san.”

“Oh, but what about mom?”

My heart sank…mom likes pickles just as much as I do. I’ll…have to plead with her not to peek at the treats…or tell Mari-san about them.

Now all that was left to do was clean up before our parents came home. Starting off with the mixing bowl full of left-over chocolate.

“Hana-chan, would you like a taste before I wash the dishes?”

Hana leaped up and came next to me. After handing her a spoon full she tasted it.

“This is really good.”

I chuckled before the spoon entered my mouth suddenly. All the sugary goodness melted in my mouth. As I looked at the culprit her violent gaze caught my chest. She tilted her head and spoke softly…

“It’s good, right?”

Her tone was so small as if she was hoarse. It…caused the blood in my body to start pumping. So, as a counter, I dipped two fingers in and pushed some chocolate in her mouth.


She cried as I caught her slim back so she wouldn’t fall.

“Ahh! Onee-san!”

Hana flared up with fury.

“Payback for always feeding me!”

She then put a finger in my mouth as a counterattack. It was deathly sweet and full of caramel. This brat dipped her finger in the remaining caramel without me realizing it.

Next thing I knew my tongue wrapped around her small index…when I opened my mouth the hot air escaped.


Hana whispered timidly causing my heart to beat slowly.


She nudged closer to me and asked softly.

“Do you…not like me feeding you?”

How could I ever say no to her?! I was going to die of adorable overload. So…I took some caramel on my finger and tapped it on her lips.

“You can feed me…if you let me feed you, Hana-chan.”

That’s how the night went. We sat in the kitchen for a while longer…chatting and feeding one another.





As the chocolates chilled, my determination to offer them to all my friends…and that special gift one to Mari-san blazed past the 13th.

“Here you go, Mae-chan.”

“Ohh! I completely forgot it was White Day!”

I wanted to bonk her on the head but that cute smile of hers stopped me as she nibbled at her treat.

“Thanks, Mado-chan!”

She shined that remarkable smile of hers. When she took a bite, she held her cheek with bliss.

“How is it, Mae-chan?”

She giggled.

“It reminds me of when we were little, and I tried to make candy for you…”

I recalled that time when we shared a pretty bad piece of candy. It was rock hard and super salty. But we giggled and had fun that Valentine’s day.

Mae tilted her head in an honestly cute way.

“Yeah, I didn’t measure anything out. I just figured if it all came out looking right then it’ll be delicious. Boy was I wrong.”

She continued to chew on her sugary meal while holding onto her cheek. That’s when I noticed she was drawing closer to me. Ultimately, she angled her head and gave me a kiss…on my cheek. The warmth of Mae-chan’s lips gently embracing me was brief…but sort of passionate.


“Thanks, Mado-dono. You’ll make a wonderful wife in the future!”

“S-Shut up Mae!”

Out of sheer embarrassment, I cried out. All my childhood friend did was laugh though which irritated me more.




“N-Nakagawa-san What?! What the hell do you want?!”

Not taking my tease today, Conway-san literally exploded from her desk in fury…only to tap her nose on a bag of broken-up chocolate with caramel in it. That’s when her face went from dreaded white to hot pink. It was super adorable and the reaction I clearly wanted.

“I hate everything about you, Madoka-san.”

She cried while ripping the bag of treats away from me. After setting it down she did something else I wasn’t expecting. Her slender hands wrapped around my hips…


“…You’re a good friend…idiot.”

With that, she pushed off me.

“Now this chocolate better dang well be good else you’re buying me real quality stuff.”

Once she bit into it her mood changed in an instant.

But then suddenly her face tensed up. Could it be Conway-san doesn’t like caramel?


She reached under her desk…for a moment I was curious until she brought out a package of chocolate. The spendy kind from a store for sure.

“…I originally…ah…How can I put this?”

“You bought chocolates to share today?”

Conchi-san scoffs.

“Share? Like heck…Everyone was going on about White Day so…I…thought I might enjoy these as I skipped today…but…”

She curled up to me and confessed what was struggled in her heart.

“Ah…would you…like to share these with me instead…N-Nakagawa-san?”

My chest felt as though it was going to burst. This adorableness that wanted to win against Hana-chan so bad…was coming out.

“Sure Conway-san.”

“Okay…but you eat only the white chocolates! All the milk chocolates are mine!”

“Conchi-san’s a bully!”



Now it was lunchtime, and I was looking for a certain ghost. She usually haunted the second year's hallway to find a place to eat alone. Luckily for me, I spotted her setting up her camp.


Like a deer in headlights, Mihara-san leaped up and stared at me with an intense gaze.

“Oh?! N-Nakagawa-san?! I-I wasn’t prepared…ah…”


She spun about looking around as if trying to rush for an escape. So, to block her I held out the bag of chocolates. Instantly she became panicked.

“Oh…oh….oh my.”

She took hold of the candies like a timid cat. But as the situation settled…she put them close to her chest and giggled .

“O-Oh…Are these for me?”

I nodded, bringing about a warming smile from Mihara-san.

“I-I…made some for you…but was…ah…too afraid to give them to you.”

“You did, Mihara-san?”

Now we were equally trading candy. I didn’t expect to receive any. It warmed my chest a little.

“Thanks, Mihara-san. Would you like to have lunch together?”

She nodded with vigor as I sat down next to her. I took my time and pulled out my boxed lunch. That’s when her white hair hit my shoulder. So, I looked over to see Mihara-san nibbling away at her candy.

“This…is delicious, Nakagawa-san. Thank you.”

We ended up chatting for a while as she continued to keep her head on my shoulder. It was…kind of cute as we nibbled away at our candy.





I stepped into the nurse’s office. There in her seat writing away with papers was Taylor-sensei. Her long hair flowed like the wind as she turned to me. With a beam she smiled as I handed her the treats.

“Oh, Nakagawa-san.”

I set the chocolates on her desk. With a slight squeal, she giggled as she tilted her head.

“Oh, thank you so much! Sorry…I didn’t make any for you.”

“No, it’s okay Sensei.”

Sensei rose to her feet and rushed to a nearby cabinet. She took out two white packages and two mugs.

“I can take a little break. Here, follow me Nakagawa-san!”

So, I did just that as she led me into another room deeper in. It was small and homely. I sat on a couch and waited for her to return with the mugs.

“Here you go.”

In the cup was hot cocoa. It smelled nice and took me off guard.

“Oh, thank you Sensei!”

She sat right next to me with little to no space between us. That’s when she brought out my chocolates. She dropped the pieces in her mug and sharply stir them around until they melted. With her full lips, she tasted my homemade treat.


“Do you like it, Sensei?”

She then turned to me. With a tilt of her head and a short embrace, she pecked me on the forehead suddenly.


“Here’s a bit of sugar from me, Nakagawa-san!”

She winked.

“That’s a gift between partners. And another secret between us.”

My mouth hung open…that’s two kisses so far today. I…wasn’t expecting that at all when I woke up. We snuggled in the warm room drinking cocoa and chatting away…



Now home from school, I walked in to see mom on the couch. Hana-san rushed up the steps to play a brand-new game she got earlier.

“Oh, you’re home early mom.”

“Yep, Mari is running errands and dropped me off.”

In her hand was the remote. It was rare for my mom to use the TV alone. I’m too used to seeing Mari-san in this spot over her.

“Madoka, would you like to watch a movie with me?”

“Oh, sure…let me get undressed first.”

I did just that. And when I came back downstairs mom was all ready to go with snacks in hand.

“One second before we start, mom.”

I rushed into the kitchen and pulled out her chocolate treats. Once I came back mom was already selecting a movie.

“Let’s watch a mystery, Madoka!”

Mom shined as she held my arm in hers.

“Oh, what’s that?”

Mom curiously questioned.

“Here, take a bite.”

I suggested as I held out the treat to her. Mom leaned in and bit it from my fingers. It was like she was a puppy eating from my hand. Mom…was super cute at times like these.

“Oh Madoka, that’s so good! Did you make this?”

“Yep. I’m glad you like it.”

Now together on a movie date, mom and I fed each other snacks as the night moved on. A time between only me and my mom…



Now with everyone sleep, the night cleaved in suddenly. In my hand, waiting for a certain troublemaker to come home I relax on the couch. The dramas that are on aren’t catching my attention…and to be honest, my heart is beating a little…fast.

“Where is she…”

I complained as I lazed about. It was getting later than usual, and I needed to head to bed soon.

“I could just give it to her tomorrow…”

No, that’s not what I wanted to do. It…had to be on White Day. But with how late she is…

My mind went back to that day on Valentine’s. How she assaulted me and forced me to eat that…delicious chocolate…

“…Please come home soon…Mari-san.”

My consciousness waned…before I gave in to my fatigue. Still holding onto the last gift of the night…

“Wake up, princess.”


I imagined that black-haired flea bothering me with her teases. As my wild imagination took over, forcing me to feel…this unusual warmth on my face. That’s when I opened my eyes slowly…revealing her tender green eyes…


I questioned. Was this a dream?

There she was with her face close up to me. She tilted her cheek and before I knew it her small lips were nearing mine.


It was too late to react. That’s when her lips…met my…nose. She gave it a sharp peck and giggled manically.

“You were so cute, I just wanted to prank you!”

“P-Prank?! That’s your idea of a prank?!”

Everything she did was in bad taste.

“Oh, are these White Day chocolates?!”

Mari-san ignored my heated feelings and went right for the food. She opened it…revealing a perfect heart. My body warmed up. It’s because this heart…was special. Unlike the others, I gave away…

“I…like you?”

Mari-san read the small note on the side. It was originally supposed to say…well love but…I opt for something less direct.

“Yeah…I like you Mari-san.”

I confessed.

“You’re an idiot…overly touchy…and a bit of a child…but I like you...a lot.”


She giggled.

“Yeah…I like you too.”

There in the night we both ate candy and chatted away about dramas.

My heart couldn’t settle down…but this is White Day, right? The time where all feelings are exposed, if only for a moment.



Happy White Day.



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