Slime Girl

Chapter 167


- Shari -


We're moving down to the dungeon.
This time on the official ways for everyone to see.

While I left and entered the palace already several times, this time I'm drawing attention simply because of my company.
That much should already be expected as a mere courtesy when the queen is seen.
I hope that no one's going to investigate the queen's newest guard.
Though, I suppose this is only wishful thinking.
We proceed to move through the great halls and corridors of the palace and fortunately remain undisturbed.
At least, the conspiracy isn't yet at a stage where the queen has to answer why she's moving through her own palace.


"My queen! What's the meaning of this?" (?)


That's what I thought when suddenly an agitated voice echoes through the hallway.


"Ah, Chancellor Raowid. What a pleasant surprise. I wasn't able to meet you in quite some time. I suppose you must've been very busy. So I appreciate it all the more that you honor us with your presence." (Serenia)


The chancellor?!
Wasn't that one basically confirmed to work for the bad guys?
Why is he still in his position?
Well, they've told me that it would risk the outbreak of the war to act too openly, but leaving him be to do as he pleases seems all the more risky.


"Why was I informed about an unauthorized guard raid? There was not a single document indicating the deployment of troops to the western wilderness. I spoke to his highness, and he didn't know either. I'm certain it was your doing. So you have to explain yourself for dispatching the guards from the city to another location without involving another party." (Raowid)

"My dear chancellor. I simply had no time to write an official request. From the intel I had received, I had to act quickly or more poor souls would've suffered because of my indecisiveness." (Serenia)


It's bizarre.
Both parties know what is going on, but instead of pointing the real issues out, they try to blame the other party for things that only matter in a hypothetical world without a countrywide conspiracy.


"Queen Serenia, you should mind your position. You aren't alone. To be clear, the power lies with your husband. You have no right to make use of this country's resources as you please!" (Raowid)

"I understand. But I'm sure the people will understand as well if they learn that I was able to deliver a blow against the abolished slavery in this country." (Serenia)

"You still can't act as rogue as you do now. For example, I don't remember this guard. Was there even a screening?" (Raowid)

"You can be assured, there was. My husband himself approved of her. So there's no need for you to concern yourself, chancellor." (Serenia)

"If you say so. But mind your position, queen. Mind your position." (Raowid)


And with this, he leaves.


"If I may speak openly, your highness. I would like to disembowel that man." (Soma)

"You may have your chance soon enough. But for now it's better if he remains as he is. His correspondence alone is a great advantage for our side." (Serenia)


I don't know if I'm going to be okay in this environment.
I only find solace in the thought that I can neither be poisoned nor stabbed.
At least not to any effect.

So we proceed deeper down into the dungeon and arrive eventually at the right cell.
And for some reason, they truly are proper quarters.


"You seriously gave her a private room?" (Shari)

"You might not know it, but this woman is also known as one of the greatest minds of Rakis in the field of magical research. While it's more than obvious that she was given too much freedom on her general topics, it would be a waste to leave her to rot in a cell. There might be exceptions but the common development for a prisoner in the deeper cells is severely deteriorating health. She would eventually succumb to it, and we couldn't make use of her expertise anymore." (Serenia)


Still, it feels a little unsatisfying to think that someone who essentially released something so evil on the world now receives preferential treatment.
I'm quite sure the one who was responsible for causing the great emergence of slimes wasn't looked so kindly upon back then.
Anyway, nothing can stop this dreaded moment from happening and the door opens.
The door to my currently least-favored person.


"There you are. Finally! I'm still waiting for my grapes." (Irene)


Maintaining this level of disregard for one's current situation is actually quite the feat.


"Irene the scholar, if I'm right. I'd like to talk to you a moment." (Serenia)

"Ah, you heard of me! I appreciate that you're not utilizing that dreaded nickname. A pleasant change from the usual. There are far too many who don't stay up to date on the things that truly matter." (Irene)


Now the queen procures a piece of paper and starts to speak without looking up from it.


"Yes, Irene, no second name. While your family was well off, certainly not on the upper scale. You joined the training program for future scholars at thirteen and were the youngest to ever graduate. Your mentor described you as brilliant but too focused on achieving certain results while not paying any attention to the side effects. This in particular goes for safety measures. A habit that almost got you expelled, twice. However, he decided to let it slide out of respect and 'because it would be a waste for such a bright mind'. This proved to be true since you were able to produce various results in the fields of conversion and transformation of magical energy and practical application. Your works are partly used as teaching materials." (Serenia)


She's that much of a big shot?
I can barely see the reasons why someone like that would choose to stoop so low to do such dubious work.


"Yes, yes. This one tiny little explosion. His hair even grew back. Is there another reason for your visit aside from wanting to recall my dark past?" (Irene)

"Well, I'm aware of your research, but most of the reason your name is currently so known, or rather 'infamous', would be that you caused quite an uproar in the academy before you disappeared without a trace." (Serenia)

"Tch, only because those imbecilic morons couldn't see the work of true genius! I, solely by myself, accelerated magical research by a whole generation! But do you think I received a single word of praise? No! Those cretins discredited my name and removed me from the academy!" (Irene)

"Right, the collars. If I am right, you were told to abandon this field of research and kindly asked to tend to other topics. However, for some reason, you not only chose to ignore this order, but started to use funds thought for your colleagues to proceed with the development. Only your strong position among the scholars and deliberate use of threats and bribes made it possible for you to proceed until you proudly presented the finished collar to the whole faculty. After your deeds were exposed, you made a point to insult every single member of the disciplinary committee as 'worthless parasites sucking on the teat of science, who got their positions only through money and connections, while not being able to produce a single sturdy piece of knowledge even if their life depended on it' which led to your expulsion. According to my intelligence network, it was not long after this that you were recruited by a certain political faction to mass-produce the collar you created. Did I miss anything?" (Serenia)


When she removes her gaze from the paper and starts to address the person in question, I get a better look at the papers she went through and realize, they're empty.

Now I'm confused.
Why this act?
Furthermore, did she draw all this from her memory?
I would need around half an hour to properly memorize a person's life report who I'm not interested in.


"You've got it all right. The thing I don't understand is why you're here if you already know everything?" (Irene)

"The things I can't draw from such reports are what you, apparently, usually don't pay attention to. The subtext. Why would someone like you, who has a bright career going on and was possibly on the way to the upper ranks of the academy, suddenly decide to throw it all away to develop such a peculiar item?" (Serenia)

"As if I would've ever become headmaster or even something close. No, those positions are reserved for nobles with connections and power. Not much to rival seemingly infinite resources and manpower to intimidate the ones in charge of the decision." (Irene)

"You didn't answer the question. Why were you so fanatic about creating those wretched collars?" (Serenia)


At this, Irene looks straight into the queen's eyes and smirks in a way that I can only label as "mad-scientist-like".


"Because it was worth it." (Irene)

"Pardon me? May you elaborate? You're currently locked in a cell, your bright future ruined, and any reputation you ever had to your name is down the drain. What about this was 'worth it'?" (Serenia)


She's asking the right questions.
If she didn't, I would've asked this myself.


"For science! It was worth it for science! Do you have any idea what my invention might mean for mankind? The groundwork alone is a true masterpiece. Being able to convert any source of magic into a specific kind of element without the need for an intermediate mage! With only pure scientific application! But that’s naturally not all there is to it, no. The true masterpiece is the collar itself. The conduits, capable of channeling the magic in the desired manner, provide precise control of the output. I was even able to figure out how to send a remote signal so you can activate them from a distance! And then the applications! Prisoners could be easily held under control, and soldiers motivated to fight till they shed their last drop of blood! Annoying subjects brought to order. But it doesn't end with this. If I can just develop it a little further we could start to fit them on monsters! Just imagine, an army of powerful creatures at the mercy of the tip of your finger, completely under control!" (Irene)

"Monsters you say?" (Serenia)


Hey, what's that look in my direction supposed to mean?


"Yes, though recently I encountered one kind where I see practical problems regarding the application. May I ask how you got them under control?" (Irene)


Should I be glad now that my blob body can't be fitted with a collar?
If I don't put in the effort to form a neck and consciously keep this thing in place, it would just slide off.
Anyway, I don't like the direction this conversation is taking.


"Could we bring this to some kind of closure? I hate her." (Shari)

"Ah, that one. I'm deeply curious to learn how you were able to tame this creature to stay there like this and not try to dissolve everyone in this room." (Irene)

"Shari, this is no conduct for a guard. To answer the question, the answer is loyalty. Something that is obtained by decency and providing what the other party needs. Something that can't be obtained with such accessories." (Serenia)

"Oh, I wasn't nearly at the end of my research. There's so much room for improvement. For example, what if I wouldn't just use the lightning element? Naturally nothing destructive like fire. But there are some exotic variants in this world. Did you know that it's rumored there's magic that allows one to influence one's mind? Just think about it, slaves who would serve completely voluntary. Well, not completely voluntary but in a sense? Or another approach, it's possible to cause a reaction in the muscles by applying lightning energy to them. So if I can just figure out how to finetune these movements and channel the energy in the right way and disconnect their own ability to move, I could turn any living being into a walking golem! It's gonna be fantastic. They'd do everything they're told, and as long as their body remains functional, they wouldn't have to stop working. Or a cheap version that simply tightens around the neck. Well, the lack of air would make them less responsive, which is counterproductive, but the required energy would go down to a hundredth. The possibilities are endless!" (Irene)

"Bluargh" (Shari)


The slime flows through all the gaps of my mask in the most disgusting way and I have to take it off.
I simply couldn't keep it in.
Just hearing her rambling on and on about the possibly greatest kinds of torture one could imagine was making me sick.
Or at least it caused a mental image that made me think it's appropriate to be sick while hearing this.
So everyone has now to live with a bit of blue slime on the ground.


"With the right collar, such behavior could successfully be removed. They also have a teaching effect. Just shock them often enough for misconduct and they'll do anything to avoid it." (Irene)


This woman is the worst of the worst!


"I see. Please, tell me... What do you think justifies putting such a thing on a person?" (Serenia)

"Why would I know? Or care for that matter. Maybe for ascertaining loyalty from the right groups like one's personal guard? Or to subject certain disloyal individuals to corrective measures, possibly permanent ones? Getting your rowdy children under control? Naturally, they find their use for slaves. I'm quite proud of the remote. It has a reach of several miles. You just have to click and it does its thing. Which means running won't help." (Irene)


Can someone please slap her?
I would do it but I’m not built sturdily enough to make it matter.


"This is enough." (Serenia)

"Really? I could say so much more." (Irene)

"Yes, I came to a decision. Shari, keep her still." (Serenia)


Well, it's an order.
I move behind her and wrap my sleeves around her arms, which is the only thing I can effectively do without emerging from my uniform.


"What are you..." (Irene)




She just fitted a collar on her.


"Why?! I'm already locked up here! This is utterly redundant!" (Irene)

"Let me tell you a story. There once was a king who ruled his country in a decent way. Naturally, there were still issues as they happen in any country. After all, it's impossible to always decide in a way that makes all parties happy. One day, a man came to the king with a strange machine. It turned out it was an ingenious torture device. I'll spare you the details about its function just that it was designed to cause the greatest possible suffering. The man spoke: 'Great king! Please take this as a tribute. I worked hard to develop this machine so it may surpass all others of its kind. Anyone you will use it on will beg for death before it will be granted, thus fortifying your reign.' The king looked with interest at the machine, studying its all too creative functions, and then he studied just as thoroughly the man before answering: 'Well, then let's test it on you.' The reason was as follows. If someone puts so much effort into causing suffering, then they deserve to be subjected to the same pain they want to bring into the world." (Serenia)


It sounds as if this is something personal for her.


"So without further ado..." (Serenia)





It definitely is personal.


"Urgh. Good to know it works." (Irene)

"Hm, not the reaction I expected." (Serenia)

"Might be because I tested it on myself and got used to it. Also, the first setting is light." (Irene)

"So I should press longer?" (Serenia)





"Aaaahhh! D-damn, this hurt. But please avoid pressing twice for the heavy setting. If prolonged it might cause permanent damage." (Irene)

"Like this?" (Serenia)


"Click, click"





W-was this too long?
The mad scientist doesn't look too great the way she crumbled to the ground.


"So, I guess now we can talk." (Serenia)

"Groan!" (Irene)

"From the documents we obtained in your little production site, we learned quite some interesting things. Delivery routes, location of smaller bases on the way. However, there's one thing that strikes me as odd. There are several mentions of pairing deliveries from your facility with another. Would you mind elaborating on that matter?" (Serenia)


It's kinda sadistic how she's playing with her thumb around the button of the remote.


"M-must be the slaves. Please be careful. Three times means electrocution." (Irene)

"Oh, don't worry. I plan on keeping you alive for a very long time. So, what about the slaves?" (Serenia)

"Yes, right... The agreement with the Koresoans includes the delivery of slaves as some kind of combined set with the collars." (Irene)

"They're bringing slaves over the border to Koreso? How is this even possible? Slavery is abolished! There's no way they could gather them in greater numbers." (Shari)

"Tch, if there would just be a place where nobody is asking questions or going to look for some poor bastards." (Irene)


I only need a moment to figure this out.
The perfect place for illegal activity, where nobody's going to ask questions if someone goes missing.


"Thank you very much for your compliance, Ms. Irene the heretic sage." (Serenia)





"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" (Irene)

"I'll take the remote with me. I need to agree, it's a fascinating thought that I just need to press this button to cause this kind of reaction. Goodbye, for now. I'll make sure to find the time to visit you again." (Serenia)


If Anvenia would know about this side of her mother she wouldn't dare play around as carefree as she does with Liqu anymore.


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