Slime Girl

Chapter 184


- Shari -


After something that can only be considered a violent crash course that puts the emphasis on the "crash" part, I'm finished personally, as well as with my tasks.

Ultimately, I was allowed to brew two healing potions and one stamina potion, which apparently can be considered the basics.
I should mention here that my first potion was barely acceptable and that the stamina one was a complete failure.
Oh, and I doubt anybody would be surprised to hear who had to provide the foundation ingredient.
Just good that I had no chance to relieve myself before I got to Tamarah.


"We are done for today, right?" (Shari)

"Sure, as long as you don't want to help me with the sales." (Tamarah)


Well, it might be ungrateful, but I still have plenty of other commitments.


"Sorry, I'm expected and... and also quite spent." (Shari)

"I thought slimes don't require any sleep. That should include exhaustion." (Tamarah)

"Mental fatigue is still a thing. Concentrating like what was required here still costs energy." (Shari)

"Well, in this case, you could as well 'spend' a bit here. You didn't believe I would let you use the equipment and hand out all the ingredients for free, did you?" (Tamarah)


I kinda hoped so.
Yet Tamarah isn't a charity, and it would be unfair to expect any different from her.


"Fine. I have still some slime to spare." (Shari)

"Oh, and I also want a liter of the good stuff. As I mentioned before, it can tune certain potions up a notch. After all, better effects are a good advertisement since people prefer to consult the best." (Tamarah)

"You are really set on harvesting my body, huh?" (Shari)

"Don't look at me like that. It's not like you wouldn't just have to dissolve something to refill." (Tamarah)


She isn't even completely wrong.
Yes, energetic slime needs particular organic matter, but she doesn't require this.
For low-energy slime, almost anything would work out.
However, I have no intention of devouring something only to create more slime.
What I have must suffice.


"Okay, you win." (Shari)

"I'm not winning anything. By the way, take your first attempts with you. I can't sell something like this here. People don't come to the great Tamarah for mediocre quality." (Tamarah)


Wait a moment!
While the fact stands that she almost certainly insulted me just now, she also just gifted the potions I made today to me.

To be honest, it would be a lie to claim that my first attempts at potioneering were in any way professional.
The ingredients I spent can probably be considered a heavy blow to her budget.
On the other side, those are still potions.
Bad potions, I admit, but they still have their value.

After profusely thanking Tamarah for her generosity in the hope of continued acceptance as her apprentice, I leave.


"And don't forget to practice! Practice is what defines a good potioneer!" (Tamarah)


Easy for you to say.
I'm not even close to getting the tools Tamarah has all around in her shop.
But now that I think about it, there might be a way to work around some of them.
It might be possible for me to achieve a downgraded version of her processes.

Seems like I have to take care of quite a number of things.
I need to start asking around the slums for missing people and actually begin my investigation.
Also, I should maybe spend a bit of money and buy a door for our place from a carpenter.
Yet the most pressing matter is that after I went through Tamarah's training, I'm not only lacking energy but also mass.
Which means I really have to replenish it.

So first, I stop at a meat vendor and pull out enough coins to, while not making for a full recovery, at least restore a good chunk of energy.
Now that this is taken care of, I should make use of the fact that I'm in the market district.
Following Tamarah's suggestion, I'm going to buy several things I might require for making potions.

Foremost, an assortment of flasks which I'm gonna need if I want to store the contents.
But also possibly things like a simple distilling tube.
Fortunately, I'm able to find a good glasswork shop.
Unfortunately, the prices are ridiculous, and for now I can only get the flasks, not anything more specific.
However, if I'm thinking about this right then it should work out.
Next, I also buy some camping equipment.
Mostly cooking utensils and fire starters.

After this, I also get some clearsprout and andora grass, which I today learned is good for stamina.
In the end, everything comes down to eight silver coins.
Most of this is due to the glassware and ingredients.
Fortunately, my bag can store all of my items, so I have both of my hands free while marching back to the south.


"Help! Stop the thief!"


Suddenly, I hear this shout from behind me.
I look back and find that someone is running in my direction.
The fact that this figure has covered their face and is holding a small bag is enough to convince me that this one isn't the victim.
In what is most likely a moment of too much social courage and insufficient foresight, I decide to help.
I let my bag slide down and move to intercept the cloaked figure.


  • Slime dash!


Fortunately, my whole body is covered so my move should just appear as a particularly impressive skill through which I throw myself in the man's direction.
Once I have contact, I use the momentum to swing around my target's torso, up the shoulders, and ultimately on the back and neck, while clinging with my boneless arms and legs to them.
The thief isn't all that impressive of a figure, which means the sudden jerk from the side was already enough to throw them off-balance.
So when I focus all of my weight on their upper back, they can't maintain their posture any longer and crash into the dirt, skidding down the graveled road with me on top of them.
Naturally, they didn't manage to hold on to the bag, as they had to use their arms to catch their fall.

I stand up, take the stolen bag, and look for the victim.
Fortunately, the thief didn't come very far so the woman in question was still in the vicinity.
I move over and wordlessly hand the bag to her.


"Oh my god! My hero! Thank you so much!" (woman)


I play the act of the silent hero, give a small curtsy, and wordlessly turn to take my leave with an acknowledging wave with my hand.
Too late, I become aware that I should've paid more attention to my own stuff in a town that is known for its unfavorable crime statistics.
Since I was occupied, some brat is right now carrying my bag away.


"Oh shit, my stuff!" (Shari)


Apparently, there are no other wannabee heroes aside from me in this street, as nobody makes even an attempt to catch that boy.
At the same time, I notice how the first thief is already getting up again and preparing to run the other way.
Of course, nobody is feeling like stopping that one either.
They probably don't want to take on the responsibility of bringing them to the guard.

As I choose now to adapt the same thinking and prioritize my own stuff, I decide to run after the boy with my bag.
My only advantage is that the bag is heavy and running at full speed with it almost impossible.
Yet the sad truth is that I have a similar problem.
Why can't these stupid slime legs allow me to sprint faster?!
However, I manage to catch up to him in the next alley.


"End of the road, boy." (Shari)


I get a better look at him.
Disshelved brown hair, a bit scrawny, and quite ragged.
All in all, what one would expect from a town like this to do to its weakest.
I almost feel bad for him.
If he just wouldn't try to take what is almost all the fortune I own.


"Not yet!" (street urchin)


He starts to run further and dashes around the next corner.
Naturally, I follow behind.

Yet when I reach it, I see that he threw my bag to the side and runs onward.
He's still too far away that I could reach him with a dash, and if I leave my stuff here this won't help me in the slightest.
Since my philosophy is to maximize my personal gain independent from feelings of revenge, I decide in a split second of high-speed processing to abandon the hunt and instead secure my equipment.
Clothes, weapons, rations, the super deadly poison, even the packed-up glasswork did survive.
Everything is still there, except for one thing.
This brat stole my book!


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