Slime Girl

Chapter 186


- Liqu -


It's kinda funny that I'm back in this town.
So much is still like I remember it from last time.
There are several things coming to my mind.
The streets, buildings, people.
Human cities are clearly far more rigid than a forest, for example, in maintaining their state.
Yet, the most important thing that remained like before is that we can still move freely here.
As I said, it's funny how few issues there are with this.
I only need this mask and no one disturbs me.

I really thought that humans would fuss more about ascertaining whether or not you're one of them.
Yet this doesn't seem to be the case.
Right now I'm even with this one human they sent with us.
Or did they send us with him?
Anyway, currently we are on our way to the guild.
The place where all those people who, under different circumstances, are supposed to hunt me gather, which brings me back to my earlier thoughts.


"So, uh... What exactly do we want to do in there? You know, this isn't my favorite place." (Liqu)


Which should be a given, considering the implications of me going in there.

Shari wouldn't like it if I ended up killing all the adventurers.
She is very adamant about avoiding unnecessary casualties.


"We're trying to request information from the adventurers. These folk are the kind to regularly scout the close vicinity of the town. Even if those who organize the slave deals somehow manage to keep them in town, at one point they have to deliver them over the border to Koreso. While it's not guaranteed, the chances are at least good enough that I think we should give it a try by plying the group of people that regularly operates on that route to see if anyone noticed something that could be of interest to our mission." (Michael)


Well, it's an interesting concept.
As a slime, it was never much of an option for me to simply ask someone if they saw what I was looking for.
I am at least intrigued.

So we enter the adventurer building.
The first steps inside are encouraging.
At least no one shows particular interest in us.


"Do we have to speak with all of them? I'm not sure if I'm a good enough talker." (Liqu)


At least, Shari always says that I tend to mess up in social interaction.


"No, nothing like this. We'll simply put up an open assignment for anyone to take. If they can provide genuine intel about our mission, I'll gladly pay them for this. And if they're hostile and try to bait us into a trap... Well, all the better. It will serve as a more decent trace. And they'll certainly not expect you. In this regard, it serves us quite well that you two bought that building. It serves as a suitable address for any quest taker and is remote enough that no one will notice." (Michael)

"An assignment? I thought those are for hunting monsters?" (Liqu)

"No. At its base, those are about things someone wants and is willing to pay for. And that can be anything. As long as there's a desire that needs to be fulfilled, and isn't going against the local rules, we can put it up here." (Michael)


If he says so.
If I understand this right, all we need to give in return for getting what we want is money.
That's kinda convenient.
I mean, I never understood what humans like so much about it.
It has no energetical value nor does it serve any other practical use.
Nonetheless, they're willing to give us anything we want for it in return.
If it's like this, it might be quite useful to have around to achieve one's personal goals.
And this means I should work hard to obtain it...

This makes so much sense!
I think I understand it now.
Would I've been able to draw such conclusions before repeatedly linking with Shari?
At least, I'm sure it got easier for me to get a grasp on such concepts after they happened.
I need to say, enabling those options sounds interesting.


"Can you tell me more? How exactly will this happen now?" (Liqu)

"Sigh. I'll take this description of our request, which I prepared yesterday, to the counter. They'll check if there are any obvious flaws with my planned assignment, which shouldn't be the case. While the guild is strictly neutral in political conflicts, which is as blatant a lie as it could be, the guild shouldn't interfere as long as we pay." (Michael)


Okay, that sounds possible.
Oh, but I think I see one more issue.


"But I don't have any money with me." (Liqu)

"You don't need to concern yourself with this. For this kind of expense we are allowed to make use of the mission funds. In the first place, we'll only pay on completion." (Michael)


Oh, okay.
I like not having to worry.
This Michael guy walks in front of me to the counter.
He leans in a quite relaxed way against it and starts talking to the woman working there.


"Excuse me? I'd like to put up an assignment." (Michael)

"Sure, please hand it over. We'll hang it out after the screening." (clerk)

"Will it take long? I'd like to have this settled rather sooner than later." (Michael)


While saying so, this Michael guy puts two of those silver coins on the table.


"I'm afraid I'll have to decline. Please, take notice that the guild regulations are very strict against any form of bribery. The screening is a mandatory step of the process. The guild carries responsibility for any assignments members are performing in. As such, we have to ascertain that missions are in accordance with the law, offer the minimum compensation the regulations demand, and make sure that the mission is a credible one. You wouldn't believe how many are willing to ask for ridiculous things like the heart of a dragon. Such requests are naturally declined." (clerk)


Oh, I would pay much if someone could take down that one dragon for me.
Shari helped me a little with that trauma that basically 'burnt' into my core, so to say, but I still feel some animosity towards it.
Seeing it killed by petty humans would be nice.


"Well, this is nothing like that. Just a general request for information." (Michael)

"If you say so. The screening will take a while. You can return tomorrow. By then the assignment will either be on the blackboard or we'll inform you about the reason for the denial." (clerk)


Michael-guy nods and with this, it seems to be over.
That was kinda boringly simple.
Now we're already done and on our way out.

Yet suddenly, I notice how my leg gets obstructed in its path by an adventurer's foot.
This takes a bit of my body's balance.
While I could dash backward to regain it, it would raise questions.
It wouldn't do to hit my mask this hard on the ground, so I decide to catch my descent with my arms.
I only need to be careful that my clothes won't get damaged due to this action.
For the rest, there's no need to worry.
My body won't be harmed by something like this and I still have this chestplate on.
Therefore I drop safely to the ground.

Yet then someone grasps the construct of mine that's supposed to be my body's right shoulder and forces me to turn to him.
Well, at least if I want to maintain my shape.
Which I currently do.


"I knew it! That mask! It's one of them! The Core Dwellers! Those are the ones who killed Cid!" (adventurer)

"Cid's killers!?!"

"Why would someone like that show up here?"

"I wasn't able to sell any of my spoils at that time! They all rotted away!"

"Do you have any idea how much money I lost because of that shit?!"


Hm, I need to say that this doesn't look good.
Surprisingly, Michael moves between me and the one holding me.


"Please, there's no reason for violence." (Michael)

"Who the fuck are you!?!" (adventurer)

"Ahem, gentlemen. I'd like to inform you that we just were yesterday at the guardhouse where all the claims against my companions were set aside as unfounded. As you see, there's no reason for such a harsh welcome. We're just colleagues and already on our way." (Michael)

"As if I care! That one is responsible for my losses!" (adventurer)


He really doesn't seem to be interested in talking this out.
While I don't think he's especially strong, I have to ask myself if I can deal with him without blowing my disguise.
Shari wouldn't like that.
Now it seems like he's focusing on me.


"Put that fucking mask down and apologize!" (adventurer)


Oh no, he grabs for my mask.
I can't let that happen!

I make use of my body's properties and bend backward.
When he moves closer in to cross the distance to my mask, I use the resulting weakness in his balance to my advantage by grabbing his head with my left hand and pushing as hard as I can.
This move works quite securely to throw someone who's not as agile to counter this movement to the ground.




"Unngh!" (adventurer)


And to make sure he won't get up anytime soon, I place myself on top of him.
If things get dire, I can take him out and have already a good source of energy to deal with the others.


"She attacked Boris!"

"Excuse me? It's obvious that she was the one who was wronged!" (Michael)


This doesn't seem to help, as more adventurers are closing in on us.
I'm sorry Shari.
Doesn't seem like I'll be able to avoid detection.




Huh, an attack?
No, nobody moved.
But where did this sound come from?

Ah, now I see it.
A door behind the counter was just opened.
Quite roughly, I need to say.


"What the fuck is going on here?! Can't I leave you bunch of worthless slobs for a single second?!"

"Guild leader!"


Well, that explains who that is.
In all my time on the run from adventurers eager to end me, I developed something like a sense to assess their individual strength.
Well, it's more of an ability to analyze their stance, demeanor, general bodily condition, and what I can see of their souls.
The last being the most valuable, but also most subjective hint on the matter as it's basically impossible to fully determine something as complex, vast, and intangible as a soul from a shallow glimpse through the eyes.

Just a bit of a general feeling.
Is it warm, active, vile, or intense?
As I said, just a shallow glimpse.
But because of all my experience on this matter, I'm rather sure with my assessment that this buff guy there is quite strong.
There is something like a glimpse of determination I can see through his eyes.
Maybe he's even the strongest in the whole room.
Though, I can't say that I checked many of the others with my currently obscured vision.
Anyway, I find it far more understandable that this man has a leading role here than that Cid back then.


"So, would any of you have the decency to tell me what is the reason for all this noise here that disturbs our processes!" (guild leader)


Michael once again takes the initiative and steps toward him.


"If I may be so bold, I and my acquaintance were here to put up a simple request when we were one-sidedly approached with hostile intent from some of the local dwellers." (Michael)


His gaze swipes along the faces of the others before settling on me.


"Hrmph. You there, answer me. Are you part of the team 'Core Dwellers'?" (guild leader)


Ah, right!


"Yes, yes! I was the one who chose that name!" (Liqu)


I still remember how happy I was that my Shari let me make that decision.


"Ahem, to repeat myself, all the charges against her team were dropped." (Michael)

"I'm well-informed about the business inside my guild, thank you. Count Kahan paid us already long ago a suitably high compensation. For this reason, I'm surprised to find you showing up here and not in his services." (guild leader)

"Things changed. The count transferred them to another superior." (Michael)

"Which would be?" (guild leader)

"One I have no intention to disclose. The only thing that is relevant is that they're sufficiently backed to allow for punitive measures against those who offend them." (Michael)


Some of the adventurers who were so hostile before apparently become distressed at this statement.
The human sense for arbitrarily applying power to a status is still weird for me, but if it works I'm fine with it.
The big man seems to at least contemplate what was said before answering.


"I suppose there's not much else to discuss on that matter. If possible I'd like you to avoid further conflict." (guild leader)

"Okay!" (Liqu)


Sounds like an agreement to me.
Why would I deny this?


"Farewell. I hope tomorrow we'll receive a better welcome." (Michael)


Yes, it makes sense to make sure of this if we want to return.
Which I still don't find to be too appealing of an idea.


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