Slime Girl

Chapter 201


Earlier that morning


- Nia -


This situation is so ridiculously awkward that I have no idea how to make sense of it.
I seriously got my arm treated by a friendly, human-shaped slime that apparently makes potions in its free time.
I even let it dissolve part of my arm.
That was weird.
Not only this strange kind of numb pain I felt after it crept around there but how clean it closed afterward.
To think that someone would spend anything on me.
But I can say what I want, my arm is better.
My skin there is still quite raw, tight, and tender, but I can move it again. 

Now for the stamina potion.
I can barely believe that someone would waste something like this on the likes of me.
Especially when a piece of bread and a bit of water would do the same.
Though, thinking about it, the healing potion from yesterday was probably worth much more.
Yet this isn't exactly an argument against the strangeness of this situation.
No, rather it emphasizes it.

Not to speak of this blue color.
Could that be... I really shouldn't think about this.
That slime doesn't really have a reason to pull one over me with this.
It already left after all.
This should truly be a stamina potion.

I take a sip of this strange mix the creature left with me.
My eyes widen the moment the effect kicks in.

Wow, so this is how it is!
I'm feeling totally refreshed and there's energy coursing through my body.
Unbelievable how riled up I feel.
Much better than before.
Also, not the slightest bit sleepy anymore.
This stuff is really good.
It should have quite the value.
How could I drink something like that?
It would benefit me much more to make this into money.
Huh, but I have to be careful, or I'm at risk of getting scammed or robbed.
Why would anyone be so stupid and gift this to someone they don't even know?
Heck, my brother robbed it!

But on the other hand, we're talking about a slime.
Maybe I'm the weird one for applying human common sense to such a creature.
What do I know what it thinks in its slimehead?
Maybe I should just take it as the miracle it is and pray to some god next time around.
I was so sure I was going to die of this...
I really have to go now and do something with this energy!

When I step out, the corridor is clear, but I hear noise from the floor below.
Once I'm down the stairs I see something strange.
My brother is helping a man to fit a door into the frame.


"Hold it tight! I need to bolt it down." (Michael)


I wouldn't say my brother is the most skilled craftsman or even strong enough to do such a job, but the other one gives good instructions, so it seems to work out.
Anyway, it's weird to witness such a thing.


"Nia! You're awake! Are you better?" (Okin)

"Actually, yes. Ehm, where are the... you know?" (Nia)


Is it rude to call them that?
I seriously don't intend to make them upset with me.


"You mean those calamities? The blue one is out and about its study session, the green one went sulking in the cellar." (Michael)

"And what is going on here?" (Nia)

"Consider this as the far insufficient payment for your treatment. It might be a strange concept for you, but houses should at least have the option to lock them." (Michael)


That guy is belittling us.
No idea who he is, though.
Noticing my confused gaze, Okin speaks.


"This man is with those who helped us. The blue one said all I need to pay our debt is giving them a door. And now we're done!" (Okin)

"I hope you realize how stupidly generous this was towards you. Your part was, at best, an excuse to give you some way to make you feel better." (Michael)


That much is obvious.
What we were given is certainly not going to get compensated by a shabby door.
Though, that doesn't mean he can talk down on us.


"Well, it's not like we could do much about our situation. " (Nia)

"I perfectly understand. Well, helping others isn't wrong in itself. You two should at least be thankful. But on another note, would you mind sharing a meal with me? I'd like to ask you some questions?" (Michael)


Okin already gets big eyes.

A meal?
I mean, I feel good from the potion, but my stomach is empty.
In my position, I should consider it if such a thing is offered.
But this clearly isn't for free.
Before I accept, I should first inquire about my position.


"Before I agree, what is it that you want to know?" (Nia)


Okay, he's smiling.
Smiling people make me uncomfortable, because whenever people around me have a reason to grin, it's rarely because whatever they're grinning about is good for me as well.


"You won't believe it, but we are the good guys. We've got the difficult task of saving a certain individual from slavery. It's a very personal assignment, so I can't go into detail, but we'd be very happy to hear anything about possible places they could've taken that poor child to. You know, she's probably really scared right now and so I really want to save her." (Michael)


Damn, this is dangerous.
There are good reasons why people don't do stuff to draw the attention of the ganglords.
We wouldn't be the first to suddenly vanish.
To be honest, our chances are especially bad.
The poorer you are, the easier of a target that makes you.
After all, people with connections might raise unwanted questions if they vanish.
Not like that would keep these thugs from doing so anyway.
In the end, the money one has is only an indicator to decide if someone is worth the trouble to act against them.
Even the wealthier citizens might get targeted if they prove to be too annoying.
The only exception might be the nobles.


"Then why are you smiling?" (Okin)

"Oh, damn, you got me. Actually, we're getting paid by the parents to save the girl, so it's not like we are personally involved. Nonetheless, it would still be a good deed and probably make us feel great for a week. Yet this will only be possible if you could tell us anything about possible locations." (Michael)

"Uuhh, Nia?" (Okin)

"Okin, don't! Whatever we owe them, it's not worth it. If they hear someone has talked, we're screwed." (Nia)


The mere fact that we're in this house could already tip the ganglords off if they're getting attacked.
It's not like this group here is not recognizable.


"Listen, you saw my companions. Do you think there'll be much of a threat left once we're done? Also, if those two attack they'll do so in their monster form. You can rest assured that there won't be anything pointing at you." (Michael)


Well, that they're monsters is a convincing argument.
Also, it's more of a reason not to raise their ire.


"Why not this? If you can tell me something of interest, I have here ten large copper coins for each of you." (Michael)


Large coppers?
He's smart.
He knows that any money above copper would be a nightmare for us to exchange.
If you're walking through the slums sporting silver, they rob you before you reach the end of the street.
Not like any shops in the wealthier areas would be better.
There we'd be accused of having stolen the coins.
But how is he so insightful?


"Well, you can think some more about it. Meanwhile I will just prepare the meal." (Michael)


The man takes his backpack from the ground, which he kept close to him, and walks to the backroom.


"Damn, that woman really did a number on this place." (Michael)


I'm curious and follow behind.
In there, I see several pots filled with blue stuff.
They're all labeled with short notes.
Could it be that this is as well...
Uh, I shouldn't focus on this.


Anyway, considering I got my own stamina potion just before, it's quite safe to assume what this is.
The labels might tell me what exactly they are.
If I could just read them.

Somehow the man manages to procure a pan and uses the oven in this room to fry some eggs inside it.
Then he follows swiftly with some strips of meat, distributing the results to several small plates.
Those he places in front of us smell so great, that my mouth is instantly watering.

When was the last time we even had close to something like this?
Even the provisions Elin shared with us weren’t nearly this good.
She made a point of it, that she's not going to pamper us and that we shouldn't rely on her to get through the week.
Okin isn't faring much better than me and I can't tell if he's going to stay strong.


"Just to say so, there are second servings." (Michael)


I can't stand the way he's smiling at us, but the offer is just too good.
That, and we're already in a bad enough spot that they might target us anyway.
I would blame myself really hard if we'd end as slaves either way but without having enjoyed this meal before.
And I would regret this even more for my brother.


"Fine, you win. What do you want to know?" (Nia)


He proceeds to ask us questions, and we answer truthfully.
We tell him about the bosses we know about, the most infamous enforcers, and most importantly, the many places we don't go because the gangs gather there.
For the latter, there is the eastern warehouse district in which the business happens, and the hideouts in the southern slums established to suppress the locals and spread illegal goods.
There are also a few in the wealthier districts.
If only to keep an inkling of them.

Suddenly, I feel a weight on my shoulder.


"Hello! What are you doing?" (Liqu)


It's the other slime!
It's touching me!
Please, let it still be friendly!


"You finally came out again, Liqu? Is there a reason?" (Michael)

"I noticed shifts in the air that contained particles of meat. Is there some?" (Liqu)


It smelled it all the way from the cellar!?
Let's hope it can differentiate us from the meal.


"Sure, I also have some provisions for you. Regular meals are covered by the expenses." (Michael)

"Great! I want to be full!" (Liqu)

"I don't know about this, but here's your share." (Michael)


He procures a raw piece of meat that already starts to smell as soon it's uncovered.
However, the slime looks weirdly enthusiastic at this.


"Thanks!" (Liqu)


Before I can even process what happens, there already extends a green tendril from this monster.
It snatches the meat from the man's hand, pulls it inside the main body, and a strange sound sets in.




I can see how the meat quickly loses shape and after a mere moment is no more.
One rarely sees slimes within the walls of Ekoras, but now I get why they're considered to be so dangerous.


"Was that all?" (Liqu)


Oh damn.
That question is extremely disconcerting.


"You can have a bit more for the way later on. Your Shari wants you to accompany me like last time. We'll meet at the door in ten minutes. Please be ready by then." (Michael)


It's astonishing how cool he can act around this monster.
I tense whenever it moves and almost cramp up whenever it comes closer.
This isn't even weird, considering I just shortly ago experienced firsthand what it feels like to get your flesh dissolved.
And now he's leaving us alone with it!
It looks straight back at us.


"Hello, you two!" (Liqu)


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