Slime Girl

Chapter 206


- Shari -


I guess nobody likes waiting.
Be it standing in a queue, having to pass time till a certain event begins, or not being able to get started with an assignment after you finally made up your mind.
Though, I suppose the worst kind of waiting is the anticipation when you know that something bad is going to happen.
In this case, it's about waiting till long into the night for some bandits who may or may not come and may or may not set my place on fire.
I can't even do my alchemy, as it would decrease my overall energy level, and I should rather be full when this gets started.
Yet a bit of reading in my book should be possible, even if I have to be careful or it might get damaged in the raid, which would really upset me.
So yes, I don't like this kind of waiting.

For strategic reasons, I sit behind the counter in the main room, which has now become a shopping hall.
Though since it was built as a shop, I suppose one could say it has returned to being a shopping hall.
In case anyone scouts in advance, Liqu and Michael remain on the second floor.
If bandits come, I want them to lower their guard and enter all at once.
Too many people would be counterproductive to that purpose.
In addition, the ceiling above the hall isn't high enough for Liqu to remain concealed up there to the point I can be sure that no one's going to start screaming before the trap snaps closed around them.
However, I have a plan that should work to successfully make that happen.
The quiet of the night helps me to concentrate well on my book so I'm making good progress with it.
I'm just at an interesting point about strengthening potions and how it's rumored that with the right ingredients, naturally of legendary origins, one could achieve permanent effects, like increased speed, strength, and toughness, when suddenly my senses spark up.

There isn't much going on at this time of the day, especially with the nighttime curfew, so the vibrations of a dozen people’s steps on the street are something I catch onto quickly, as I was already rather invested in scanning my surroundings.
I quickly bring my book to the backroom, while focusing my awareness on the area in front of the building.
True to my suspicions, the steps gather there.
At, as I suppose, a previously agreed-upon sign, they all burst into the room.
Shit, I hope the door is still fine.

I calmly enter from the backroom and first take note of its state.
The hinges are still holding the frame, it seems.
In hindsight, it was probably good that Michael didn't install that lock yet.
Wouldn't have made much sense just for it to get crushed by those ruffians.
Speaking of them, I should probably grant them some attention as well.
Oh damm, they have crossbows.

Instantly, I move my core down, so the shooting line is covered by the counter.
Yet now I'm slightly more alert.
I doubt that they prepared anti-monster measures, but fights should never be taken lightly.
One lucky shot could be my end.
Yet this shouldn't be an issue if my plan works.
All thanks to a new trick I thought up.
Yet for now, I want them to relax.
So a nice business welcome is in order.


"Hello! How may I help ya?" (Shari)

"That's her!" (Visk)


Oh my.
It's the same guy as midday.
Seems like he didn't learn his lesson back then.


"Good evening. May I say, you're awfully full of yourself, missy." (Calios)


My eyes twitch at this exclamation.
While I witnessed far more traumatizing stuff since that time, the day I saw Liqu obliterate bandits for the first time will always have a special place in my core.
Along with all the horror I associate with it.


"And if you stay here, you’ll be awfully screwed. Just saying, I’m more than capable of handling all of you on my own." (Shari)

"Oh, you think you're a big fish, only because you're a retired adventurer and fought some monsters. Let us tell ya, you’re nothing special. There are countless adventurers in our ranks who decided to take the smart option instead of risking their lives just to earn enough to get by. Your kind gets chomped by this city and digested in its bowels till nothing remains!" (Calios)


This is very ironic wording, my friend, considering what is going to happen to your group.
Which reminds me that I should go on with my plan, as I can’t let any of them escape.
The thing is, while there is a connection from the cellar to the floor, Liqu is simply too big to fit below the planks and pass to the entrance without threatening its integrity, and I would like to maintain it a bit longer in a functional condition.
Instead, they're lying in wait, to strike at my sign.
This means, I had to come up with another solution to prevent their escape.
The one I found is based on my experiences from when I dealt with that one assassin in the count's mansion.
Just a slightly more elaborate version.
I'll simply get behind them.

So I guide as much slime as I can, without risking disturbing my form in any noticeable way, through a hole I prepared in advance and channel it through a passage below the floor which I created beforehand.
This way, I can avoid the dissolving sound that may alert them.


"You made quite the enemies, missy. But I’m sure we can work out something together." (Calios)


While he’s talking, he walks closer to the counter until he’s standing directly in front of me.
Hmm, but if he’s already talking, I guess I should use this chance to ask some questions.


"You know, I’ve been curious. Do you guys know anything about the slave trafficking in this town or are you just a bunch of hoodlums?" (Shari)

"Oh, and here I thought you would just be an annoying shopkeeper, but you're apparently far more interesting than I thought." (Calios)

"Thanks for the compliment. So, would you mind telling me what you know?" (Shari)

"Mhm, I have a counteroffer." (Calios)


Promptly he lashes out with his fist.
At first, I'm asking myself if it's really so smart to punch with your bare fist against a solid mask, but then I notice that this isn't where he's aiming.
That asshole is targeting my throat!
I decide to play along and manage to move my matter right with the impact, to avoid a too squishy sensation for him. Yet without moving away from my position.




"I think this should finally shut you up. Well, not like it would matter if you scream. Don't believe there's anyone going to come to your help if you try. I just don't like the noise." (Calios)


My sympathy for the fate that's in store for him decreases to an all-time low.
As they're properly distracted, I use the chance to guide the mass further to the other side of the room.
However, my core stays with me.
Yet maybe a bit further to the hole, in case I need a safe place in an emergency.
By now, my effective range for detailed, controlled movement lies at around twelve to fifteen meters.
At twenty, it gets less precise, and thirty should be my max.
Which comes convenient, as the door is only nine meters away.


"Well, not so confident anymore, are you? Take your time to catch your breath and then you'll tell us where the others are." (Calios)


As I said before, I don't have much sympathy for them.
However, I still have a slightly guilty conscience at what's going to happen.


"Listen. If any of you leave now then I'll not chase them down. This is your last chance." (Shari)

"Ah, stop that tall talk! You're done for!" (Visk)

"Seems like you're not one of the smart ones." (Calios)


He gives a sign, and a moment later I find a bolt embedded in my shoulder.
Damn, that's not good for the clothes.
I mean, it's just some spare outfit, and my old cloak is already so often riddled with holes that I doubt I get to resell it, nonetheless, this doesn't mean I want to provoke such a thing, even if I could see it coming.
At least, I still have the high-quality one I got as part of my royal agent equipment.


"Hah, if it's like this, none of you will hold it against me when I kill you, right?" (Shari)

"Kill us!?! You're so stupid! How do you intend to do that?!" (Visk)

"Like this." (Shari)




And then I burst through the small hole I added in front of the door.
At first, there's only a big pillar of slime, but I'm not satisfied with that.
So I concentrate and add four more appendages and more detailed features.
They become quickly more pronounced and I soon feel like it's complete.
Next, I open my eyes and stare from the other side of the room at the bandits and myself.
To add to the effect, I decide to add a line from behind the counter.


"There goes your chance. It seems like my business is closed for today." (Shari)


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