Slime Girl

Chapter 208


- Shari -


Sometimes I ask myself if I should just say "no", instead of doing something that already, in theory, spells trouble.
Like, for example, when I’m heading out after curfew to raid some bandit headquarters.
The now-dead troop leader told us about several locations his gang controls, but apparently, there's another, higher layer to crime in this town, and the really important stuff is only known by the gang leaders.
For this reason, only the bosses know about crucial information like the details about the slave trafficking deals the gang lords made with the nobles for their little revolution.
Though, I'm not even sure if there's much of a difference between those parties, regarding what I know about them by now.


"What do you think about all this, Michael?" (Shari)

"What in particular?" (Michael)

"I mean the way things are organized in this town. How gang lords can work together and make deals with nobles as if they're equals. I find it concerning. It's certainly not for the benefit of the people." (Shari)

"I'd be careful with stating such thoughts openly. It could be interpreted as critique in the abilities of the higher nobility to manage their lands." (Michael)


Well, that's because this was kinda the case.


"But isn't this what is going on here? Criminals basically control all of the city. How can the lord of Ekoras allow such things to happen?" (Shari)

"You're right. Felion Varros has much to answer for. Yet as things present themselves to me, I doubt he's personally taking part in the conspiracy. He lost control over his very own realm. Such weakness can't be part of the plan of a cunning individual. Though, he might be blackmailed into looking away. Whatever it is, the current condition of his realm doesn't speak for his abilities to rule it." (Michael)


I guess he's right.
It's almost funny how internal politics already affect crime life in this city.
If things drifted off so far that gang lords act like they are the true rulers, then one should be very concerned about the current state of affairs.

However, as things present themselves, it comes to our advantage that the obvious bad guys are acting so openly.
In this case, Michael insisted on us heading out now, because our targets won't expect a sudden counterattack.
Not to speak of, that they should be rather short-staffed now at their base, for obvious recent reasons.
Also, I probably don't have to mention this, but Liqu is in her overeating state and eager to fight.
I even had her fill my pots with her slime for later usage, and she still has energy to spend at the moment.
I just hope that nobody is going to question me about the source of my potions later on.
There's this slight concern that basically making my customers commit cannibalism could cause quite the scandal along the line.

However, I suppose for now I should focus on our planned base raid.
Our destination soon comes into view.
An unassuming two-story building with a slightly bigger build that looks just like the surrounding ones.
There aren't even guards, which might be because this whole area is no longer under control of the local law enforcement.


"So, before we go in there, I'd like to discuss our plan." (Michael)

"Do we even need one? Usually we just send in Liqu." (Shari)

"Which I wouldn't recommend. We want to overwhelm them, yes. However, Liqu tends to cause massive destruction in the way she goes all out, and we need to secure evidence. Also, I'd rather have her block the exits. If she barges in there and they flee, we have a problem. You should be very aware of that issue." (Michael)

"Are you seriously suggesting that we intentionally decide not to use our greatest battle force?" (Shari)

"From what I saw, you were more than capable of taking them on by yourself, with minimal risk for your own person involved, if I may add. If you attack them in your human disguise this seems like a very convenient solution to take them out, one after the other." (Michael)

"You want me to fight them by myself?!" (Shari)

"This is an area that is still traversed by the populace, so it shouldn't be weird if we walk closer till we reach the door. Once we get there, you, or rather your proxy, get in there and start the fight, while we shield you out here. You don't have to worry, I'm a decent fighter myself and can take anyone who comes our way. As long as you play it convincingly to them that they have a chance against a single girl, I am sure you can take most of them out before they realize that they should have fled right from the start. At this point, we should be able to deal with them accordingly." (Michael)


He isn't wrong.
I even thought about bringing my bag with my stuff, just in case I might need it.
For fighting, or for escaping out of town with my possessions.
Those include fresh clothes, in case my current outfit gets ruined further.
His plan is quite smart.
Especially for the part where there won't be an exact part where we need to reveal ourselves.
As long as I can defend myself properly, I might win this way.
And if I don't, all we lost is a set of already quite rugged clothes and we're back to sending Liqu in there.
It just makes sense.
Even if I'm maybe slightly uncomfortable with having to do all the bloody work by myself.
Yet that's a bad excuse, at best.


"Fine, I'm in, but shield me properly." (Shari)

"That was the intention. Or do you think I'm suicidal? If I don't, your green lover is going to torture me to death." (Michael)

"He's right!" (Liqu)


This is an idea that certainly shouldn't even be entertained!
But well, Liqu is kinda loving me, and he's a good judge of character.
It's not too hard to get an idea about my and Liqu's relationship, after all.

We stop in an alley close to our target, where I can prepare everything that I'm going to need. This time, I think I'm going for something special.
As I want to avoid blowing my cover, but still give them a decent fight, I think this is a good occasion to inaugurate the two blades I got from the queen.
Just in case, I also have my own daggers, but I want to know if they can keep what they promise.
In addition, specially for this occasion, I have brought some bottles.
I thought about using them for making potions, but now I have another idea.
With this, I should have prepared all I need.
However, now comes a very crucial part.


"Michael, can you please turn around?" (Shari)

"Why?" (Michael)

"Because I need to change clothes. So, would you kindly turn around?" (Shari)


I hiss that last part, as it should just be common sense not to gawk at a lady while she's changing.


"Are you serious?!" (Michael)


Yet apparently, it isn't.


"You should just do so. My Shari is like this. You’ll get used to her." (Liqu)


So now I'm the weirdo!?!


"Okay, okay. As you wish." (Michael)


Now I can put something fresh on and slip into the good royal cloak to become "humanly presentable".
Once I'm done, the real act comes.
Just like before, with the sole difference that this time I'm only half a meter away, I create a second body that essentially looks just like me.
A perfect blue representation of myself.
In the meantime, Michael goes about covering what I'm doing with his cloak, so no bystanders who aren't even supposed to be out at this time can see my slimeplay.


"Ahem, and in what way did this now prevent me from seeing every little thing?" (Michael)



Oh no!
I was focusing on the outside perspective, to arrange everything in a way so nobody would notice the inhuman nature of my shaped construct.
This way, I totally forgot that he's still going to see me naked!
I'm not a statue and should be aware of it!


"Look away! Now!" (Shari)

"Fine. Sigh." (Michael)


Okay, I need to calm down and get back on track.
First, I pull the chest plate and my old shirt over it since it's supposed to take a hit, or two.
Arranging the pants is a bit tricky, as the connection lies around the left leg.
So I first need to put the right slime leg inside, recollect the link to the right side, and step in with the left leg.
After this comes the cloak.
It's rather worn by now but still covers enough to serve its initial purpose.

However, before I pull the hood up, I dunk a good amount of the makeup powder on my second body's head.
The mask was more expensive, and I don't want it to get broken when I'm about to provoke close combat.
Eventually, I'm finished with my humanizing project.
My construct looks just like I usually do while my original body gets covered by Michael's cloak.
Does he want it back?


"Well, I think we're good to go." (Shari)

"Wonderful, I was already considering if it would get bright again before you're done." (Michael)


I ignore his critique and start.
We approach the door as secretly as possible.
The lack of guards helps with this.
I can only hope that the locals will stick to "not getting involved" if it concerns an attack on a bandit hideout.
At least I don't need to worry about guards patrolling the area.
They abandoned this area long ago, coming from the state of the environment.
Walking simultaneously with two bodies is rather weird, but I can manage the short distance without issues.
In there, I'll only control one body, which should allow me to move it smoothly.

For a few moments, we stop a short distance in front of the door, and I use that time to mentally prepare myself.
Then I lay my second body's hand against the door, stabilize the appendage at the midriff with the other one, and focus.


  • Impact!




This is enough to send the whole door flying into the room.
Even though it's late, there's still quite a bunch of hoodlums gathered here.
Naturally, they are all quite perplexed at my entrance, not to speak of, apparently some of them were already beforehand in one or other tranquil state.
A man coming from the backroom is the first to regain his bearings and get active.


"Wha-, what is going on?! Who are you?!" (Renkos)

"Hello. I'm your worst nightmare!" (Shari)


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