Slime Girl

Chapter 210


- Shari -


At this point, I think I got it.
None of the remaining thugs are willing to fight me anymore.
There aren't even so many left now.
Just eight who took the smart way out.
The injured ones won't do much anymore after I hit them as even the most shallow wound was deadly with the kind of poison I used.


"I congratulate those of you still alive for your wise decision-making. Now stay like this until I have dealt with your boss." (Shari)


With slow steps I walk in his direction, paying attention that my body always covers the small strand on the ground.
Yet I'm not as stupid to believe that confirmed criminals would just do as I say.
So I take this chance and walk in there with my real body, which is at least somewhat covered by Michael's cloak.
Let's just hope none of them is so stupid as to take a discerning look at me.
The reduced distance will also serve to decrease what is visible of the connecting stand.


"Michael, I'm done! You can enter!" (Shari)


I shout with my original body but concentrate on making my voice a bit higher than usual, so as to not raise suspicion.


"For real!?! What makes you think shouting names in front of these people is smart?!" (Michael)


Maybe the fight riled me up too much so this slipped my mind.
Michael, for now, concentrates on keeping the lowlifes on the ground in check.
Meanwhile, I still have to subdue their boss, the only one not yet on the ground begging me to spare him.


"It seems we won, so I'd suggest for you to cooperate!" (Shari)

"As if!" (Renkos)


Oh my.
He's running.
To the backroom that is.
Too bad that I can't quickly get behind him because I have to control two bodies and need to mind the strand between them.
Not taking into account that slimes aren't fast runners.

When I reach the door that the gang leader went through, he's already on the other side of the room.
Ahh, there's a door that leads out, according to the testimony of the man Michael killed.
Yet when he opens it...


"Hi!" (Liqu)


Yep, we had Liqu guard the other exit.
It was a bit weird to trust Michael, the smiling killer, with my life while covering the main entrance, but he was pretty convincing, and I still kept my core hidden.
So it's not as if he was really a danger to me.
Especially, as there's still Liqu, who is currently a very impressive figure, her frame exceeding the door's by far.
Her cloak is barely covering her body.
Just good that the gang lord did freeze once he spotted my slime companion so I have time to think things through now.
Yet he couldn't do much in the first place, as Liqu effectively blocks off the only exit.
And just coming from her size, she's not someone to be messed with.
Or to simply squeeze past.

With my second body, I start speaking.


"Now that everything's settled, I hope we can finally sit down for a long talk." (Shari)

"You are crazy! You have no idea what you've just done!" (Renkos)

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You should be more aware of your position. Just accept that you messed with the wrong people and can consider yourself lucky if you make it out of here alive." (Shari)


Suddenly, I get startled by Michael, who taps on my main body's shoulder.


"I want to talk to their boss in there, but first we need to tie this scum down. Can you do this?" (Michael)


I honestly wouldn't trust a single knot I make with my slime hands.


"Sorry, no. I'm not good at ropework." (Shari)

"Sigh. Then hand me some of the ropes in the backroom. They obviously must have some for the people they abducted." (Michael)


Who would've thought?
He's right!
It should even be enough for all of them.
First, we bind the boss at blade point to a chair.
This will keep him from running.
Then we proceed with those in the other room.
Or rather, Michael does.
It's very impressive how skillful he is at this.
A man of many, very questionable, talents.


After mere moments, they're all perfectly tied together.
Michael even thought about how they would have to walk with us later when we'll escort them to the guard barrack while tying them up.


"That will do the trick. We only need someone to keep watch." (Michael)


Oh, right.
Someone has to stay and make sure none of those lying on the ground runs.
I nod at him and he walks past me into the back room.
I look over the eight remaining people and they're already a bit twitchy.
I should ensure that none of them is going to do something stupid.


"Hey, as you all should be aware, you are still alive. This should be evidence enough for you that we have no intention of finishing you off. So if you would like it to stay like this I suggest you avoid moving at all costs. For those of you who would rather still try their luck against us than later with the guards, I just want to say that there are still more of those acid bottles, and I have no qualms about using them." (Shari)


To be exact, I have only one left and that one is with my other body, but that's not something they need to know.
In the worst case, I might just use my slime bullets to shoot them back down.

Meanwhile in the other room:


"That was quite impressive. I didn't think you could deal with them so easily without going all out." (Michael)


Is he saying this to further intimidate the gang leader or is this genuine praise?

Well, in any case, the best response is to be humble.
If it's the first, then I'm looking as if this was no big deal, and if it's the second, I'll uphold general politeness.


"I wasn't too great. Some of them managed to nick my armor." (Shari)


I still need to say, that the plate mail is of great quality.
For its shallow weight, it offers almost perfect protection.
The crude weapons of the bandits barely managed to scratch it.
There isn't a single gash in the surface.


"Nonetheless, you subdued the whole room by yourself. That's something." (Michael)

"Well, thank you for the flattery, but I only took out those coming at me. I'm not too quick. By the way, did any manage to squeeze past you, Liqu?" (Shari)

"No? There were three coming my way, but I properly 'dealt' with all of them." (Liqu)


That might answer why she's currently so big.


"Sigh, see to it that you get rid of them somewhere. But we need to settle something first." (Shari)


I intentionally look at the gang leader.


"Hello. Sorry to keep you waiting. Hopefully, we can just continue where we stopped. I don't have to tell you again what I'm here for, right? So, would you kindly tell us where you're keeping any relevant evidence for your deeds? And while you're at it, you may also tell, or even better, show us every little bit you have about the slave trafficking in Ekoras." (Shari)

"Slave trafficking? I don't know a thing!" (Renkos)

"Oh seriously, please! Don't try talking yourself out of this. I know for sure that your people are, or rather, 'were' abducting people in this district. It's not even a secret among the locals. Your guy confirmed it before he died." (Shari)

"You, you killed Calios!?" (Renkos)

"Was that really in question? Why do you think we are here?" (Shari)


He's starting to sweat profoundly.
It seems he begins to realize how screwed he is.


"This really shouldn't be difficult for you. Just tell us what you know, and afterwards, we'll go to the guard and tell them how justified we were to apprehend you and your men. By the way, we have connections to the upper ones in this town. This means, in any case, my word weighs more, but let me tell you, if you betray me I'll make sure you die before you can regret it.


"No, I can't! I won't say a thing! I could directly slit my own throat if I would talk." (Renkos)

"Are you seriously going to be stubborn in this situation?" (Shari)

"Hah, you have no idea what we do with snitches. I'm dead anyway. Nothing you can do is gonna compare to the alternative." (Renkos)


Damn, this might be an issue.
I have no idea how you handle unwilling gang lords.


"I suppose I'll need to torture him. This isn't ideal for extracting this kind of information, but we need to find all the locations. You can leave while I'm at it if you're too faint-hearted." (Michael)


Okay, he seems to have an option.
Though, I'm not really fine with seriously torturing people.
The one thing with the viscount was already bordering what my conscience allows.
This is apparently going to take this one step further.
But what else could I do here?
If there would just be a way to get him to talk.
I'd have to convince him in some way, but he isn't directly amicable towards us.




"Wait! I, I think I have another way." (Shari)


I just got an idea!
Oh damn, I reacted with my main body that's still in the other room.
That's awkward.

Fortunately, I still hold control in this room, so it's not like they can question me.


"Okay, I'm all ears, but we don't have too much time. It's not like we can camp here all night." (Michael)


I fetch my bag with my main body, deliver it to the backroom, and procure the exotic poison.
If I think back to Tamarah's reaction when she drank it, this should do the trick.


"What's this?" (Michael)

"Something that is gonna make him very docile." (Shari)

"Hey! What are you doing?! Stay away! Hey!!" (Renkos)

"As far as I know, it also works if you pour it in the blood. So you can either cooperate and drink it or make this much harder... for you that is." (Shari)


I turn back to Michael.


"Can you help open his mouth?" (Shari)

"Alright. If this means we can sooner get through with this." (Michael)


The gangster boss still struggles quite a bit yet I manage to pour some drops down his throat.
I'm sure it worked once he becomes calm again.


"Huh, what is going on? Pa? What are you doing here? I thought I killed ya." (Renkos)


He looks directly at Michael while saying so.


"He's all yours!" (Shari)

"Okay... Hey... boy. Tell me what you know about slave trafficking in Ekoras." (Michael)

"Hah, my, what would I know? We just deliver some few poor souls and they make sure our business can continue undisturbed." (Renkos)

"Sigh. And where would you bring them?" (Michael)

"Various locations. Just good that I noted all of them down and hid the info in case I would need bargain material later on." (Renkos)

"Well, then show me." (Michael)

"Since when are you so interested in my business, father?" (Renkos)

"Consider it a tribute to your character. So where are the notes? I'd like to see everything you have." (Michael)

"Okay, okay. It's up the stairs." (Renkos)

"Seems like I'm gonna be busy for a bit. You two, I trust you to keep everything under control down here. I'll try to make it quick." (Michael)


As such we proceed with guarding the guys in the other room.
Well, let's hope that Michael can unearth something interesting.


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