Slime Girl

Chapter 220


- Shari -


"Wh-what?" (Nia)

"You could become a slime." (Shari)

"A slime? You, you're kidding me, right?" (Nia)


I throw her a glance that clearly conveys that I wouldn't lie about something like this to a dying person.


"Shit. Really?" (Nia)

"Oh, my! Things are getting interesting!" (Tamarah)

"Great god. I didn't think my night would develop like this." (Bokkan)


I throw those two a glare, as I seriously have other concerns right now.


"It's just... I was a human before. There are really many issues that come with this. But, you, you know, slimes can't... You'd be..." (Shari)


How am I even going about this?


"Slimes aren't bothered by those little human ailments. So you'd not be dying of them. That's what you're trying to say, right, Shari?" (Liqu)


Well... essentially yes.


"You're saying, you could save me... by turning me into a slime?" (Nia)

"That's the gist of it, yes. But the process is anything but pleasant. It's long, agonizing, and absolutely traumatic." (Shari)

"What... Cough! What did you mean by it will cost my soul?" (Nia)

"Well, I'm not sure if you're religious, but you'll without a doubt become a monster. Also, your soul is going to be stuck in a crystal just like this." (Shari)


At this, I expose my stomach and show my red glowing core.


"So yeah, depending on who you ask, there might be issues in that regard. However, I require an answer." (Shari)

"I, Nngh! ...I'm not sure." (Nia)


Yeah, being in a rushed situation while you're so sick that you can barely think straight anymore might not be the best pretext for making literally life-altering decisions.


"Look, while I'd like to grant you some time to think about this very carefully, unfortunately, time is currently exactly what we're lacking." (Shari)


Without Tamarah's promised treatment she might not even survive the night.
At my words, she looks dolefully at her little brother.
Then her gaze steadies and becomes harder, before she speaks.


"Do it! Cough!" (Nia)

"Are you really sure? It might not even work. The process was originally devised for a more developed body. Also, you're weakened. You could die before we're even halfway through. And that in a very painful and messy way." (Shari)

"You're not doing a great job at selling this." (Nia)

"This isn't to convince you. If there'd be any other way, I wouldn't even suggest this. And even like this, it's still questionable if dying wouldn't be preferable to what this would force on you." (Shari)

"I said, do it! Cough! I, I can't leave my little brother alone. Please. Please, let me still be there for him." (Nia)


What am I supposed to say to this?


"Well... Okay. I just wanted you to be sure you know what you're signing up for." (Shari)


I can't really say much, as I was the one who brought it up.
It's just, that this sounds like one of those terrible ideas you're not the slightest bit sure about.
Unfortunately, you can't take them back once they've been spoken aloud.


"As utterly intriguing as I find what happens here, as I mentioned before, I'll require a pristinely clean environment if she’s to have as much time as possible. Otherwise, the first spore or flesh-consuming nasty in the air that finds her will take root and flourish in her defenseless flesh, treating it no different from the dead they typically sprout upon." (Tamarah)

"We... might have something that fits." (Shari)


I move down with her to show her Liqu's cellar.
As expected, it's completely drenched in her slime.
The floor, the walls, for some reason even the ceiling.
She was very thorough.


"Okay... That might work." (Tamarah)


It's quite simple.
Slime not only dissolves but stays clean in some way.
This basically means that this room won't allow any of these "nasties" she mentioned to survive.

The downside is, we now have to carry the girl into what is clearly a monster lair.
Not only does that trigger a nasty trauma of mine, I am also by personal experience very sure that she will find this disturbing.
Yet maybe not as much as I do.
My god, this all is so wrong!


"I won't comment on the ambience and its implications, but I'd like to make it quick. My boots are getting soaked." (Tamarah)


Yeah, unfortunately, the stairway wasn’t spared Liqu’s attention.
However, let's talk again if your feet are doing the soaking.
Anyway, it doesn't help to beat around the bush.
We need to fetch Nia now or she's already as good as dead.

I'm quickly back up again.
Now it's time to put our abduction expert on the task of how to transport a human girl.
Fortunately, she has practical experience.


"Liqu, I need you to carry the girl down into your room. Please be gentle. If you're too rough, she might die." (Shari)

"Yes, yes. I don't really understand why you're doing this. I don't like this human all that much. But it seems to be important to you." (Liqu)


At least she's supportive.
I guess I can't expect her to share all my motivations.


"Wait! What are you..." (Nia)

"Sorry, but you agreed. The unpleasant part starts now." (Shari)

"Wha-glrlmph." (Nia)


In a blink, Liqu has the girl in her clutches and starts moving with her.
As always, it's a rather unsettling sight seeing young kids embedded inside her like this.
At least she makes sure that Nia isn't shaking too much, although it feels like she would if she were in any better state right now.
Liqu quickly floats with her down the stairs, into the backroom, and further down to the cellar, with me and Bokkan following behind.
There she moves to the wall on the other side and sets her carefully down on the room-encompassing puddle of slime.


"Umnngh! This is so gross! Cough!" (Nia)

"If you detest the slime so much, I see issues for you." (Liqu)


Liqu sounds almost berating here.
I find this rather weird.
Given her initial reasons for transforming me, I thought she would be totally elated.
Yet this doesn't seem to be the case that much.
However, now we should get started.


"Ehm, Tamarah, could you do now what you suggested before?" (Shari)

"Okay, I just want you to know that I have my concerns with this. This isn't a treatment. It's basically brute-forcing an experimental effect. This is morally terribly ambiguous. The intended effect you're trying to cause here not even taken into account." (Tamarah)

"I know, I know. Believe me, I am not doing this lightheartedly." (Shari)

"C-could you please just start? I'm freaking out a little here." (Nia)



Yeah, she probably wants as well to get over with this.


"Fine. First, preparation. Drink this or you'll probably die during the next step." (Tamarah)


She does as instructed and wondrously seems to get better while doing so.


"Okay, we don't have much time before the positive effect ends and we're instead boosting the contagion. Hah, so now for the real deal. This is going to kill any remnants of the disease. Along with everything else." (Tamarah)


She procures a potion and lays it to Nia's mouth.


"Just swallow it as quickly as you can. Don't let it linger on your tongue. Won't be nice." (Tamarah)

"Buahh! Cough, cough, cough! Wha-what is this?! Ugh!" (Nia)

"An anti-magic catalyst combined with a specific cleaning solution. Naturally not thought to be ingested." (Tamarah)


What we're doing here feels so wrong.
On a positive note, Nia is still alive.
Although, she now looks as if she's about to puke.


"Bokkan?" (Tamarah)

"It worked. I can tell that her internal energy is running low. You know, Tammie, this potion's effect isn't quite to my taste." (Bokkan)

"Okay, whatever. Seems like this worked. At least she's not writhing in agonizing cramps." (Tamarah)

"Urbh. This, this wasn't nice." (Nia)


Well, that's nothing compared to what we still have in store.


"Just so you know, I clearly stated my issues with this act of mine. So if you don't do your part now and make something out of it I'll take it as a personal offense." (Tamarah)


Yeah, that was clear.


"There's no way around this anymore. Liqu, would you be so kind?" (Shari)


At this, Liqu finally begins.
She towers in front of Nia, who shows visible distress.
She looks straight at her, focusing with clear intent.
Then she turns back to me.


"I'm not sure." (Liqu)


What the heck!?!


"Liqu, you just told me you could. What is the issue now?" (Shari)

"I don't really want to do it with her. You're special to me and always will be. Doing it again with this human would mean I have a responsibility towards her I don't want to take up on me. So it's not a simple request for me." (Liqu)


Now this slime is getting second thoughts?!


"Liqu, you can't be serious! I promised this. We already went too far! There's no way I can break it off now only because you changed your mind." (Shari)

"I didn't say I would do it. You only asked me if I could." (Liqu)

"Wh-what now? Do I have to beg you to turn me into a slime?" (Nia)


This can't be true.


"Liqu!!! ... Liqu, please. You heard Tamarah. Nia is going to die a horrible death if we don't do this." (Shari)


Maybe I can get through to her.
A few moments pass while thoughts fly through that core of hers.


"This is very important to you, is it?" (Liqu)

"Yes, Liqu. It is." (Shari)


Now she has this absent-minded expression she always gets when she's lost in thought and not really there.
Given that she's likely using high-speed processing, this has quite the implications.


"Ah, I think I have a solution." (Liqu)


I always worry deeply when this slime says that.


"Yes?" (Shari)

"I'll pass it onto ya!" (Liqu)


I'm not sure if I understood that right.


"You'll pass what? What do you mean?" (Shari)

"Well, I don't want to do it, but can! You want to do it, but can't! So I'll just transfer the seed cocktail over to you, then you can pass it to her and everyone's happy. This works out perfectly!" (Liqu)


Okay, now I have second thoughts.


"Is that even possible?" (Shari)


This isn't something you can pass as simple as a ball.
If I understood it right the seed cocktail is a special mix of slime that has a supercomplex inner configuration.
I don't even understand how it works in general.


"It should work. You're so smart. I'm sure you'll be able to adapt." (Liqu)


Sometimes I feel like Liqu's overbearing confidence puts me on the spot.
Not only that, but she seriously expects me to do to someone else what she forced on me!


But I was the one who made this offer to Nia.
Liqu is right in a way that this is my responsibility, not hers.
It would be hypocritical to push it all onto her.
No matter how unwilling I am... I promised.
So I can't just abandon this duty.
Neither because I feel uncomfortable nor because it gets difficult.


"Shari?" (Nia)

"Okay! Liqu, whatever you intend to do, just do it!" (Shari)

"Yes, yes!" (Liqu)


For a moment, Liqu's whole form seems to disintegrate, and after some time she extends an accumulation of slime in my direction.
I realize that I won't get around this without a linking.
And for the next step clothes might be, in the truest sense of the word, a deadly hindrance.
So I, unfortunately, have to shed my clothes as well.
Oh damn, and there is even Tamarah's guy present who sees how I'm stripping.
Avert your thoughts from this Shari, don't even think about his impression of you.
Now is not the time.
I just can't afford my usual reluctance and directly touch Liqu's slime.
Instantly, Liqu's thoughts flood my mind.


  • "Hello!" (Liqu)
  • "Liqu, we don't have time for this." (Shari)
  • "But we do! Time runs so slowly right now." (Liqu)
  • "There was a reason for this! Let's get down to business." (Shari)
  • "Yes, yes. You need to concentrate and take the seed in its entirety. It's very important that you don't change anything. Just accept it fully without making alterations." (Liqu)
  • "Okay, I'm ready." (Shari)
  • "Then here it is!" (Liqu)


The next moment, I perceive something crossing over and immediately switch into high-speed processing, as there's no other way to handle this otherwise.
It's a sensation that is almost impossible to describe.
Something like a thought construct, but denser.
Filled with all of Liqu's desperation and longing to have someone like her.
A condensed idea that was manipulated and turned into something completely new.
Like... a... recipe.
Yes, that's it, but far, far more complicated.
Countless variables, procedures, and information in its very base structure are inscribed here in this batch of slime I'm holding.
Very similar to the way my core is instinctively working and, for example, telling me how full I am, I’m sensing concrete mechanical instructions on how to do this.
But they're not for me.
They're not to read.
They're... They're what's going to turn Nia.
Oh my god, I have it!
The seed cocktail!
I, I'm fairly overwhelmed.
I need to get a hang of myself!


"Liqu, what the heck... What... How, how did you even come up with this?" (Shari)

"Uh, it was quite difficult to do all the calculations, but I'm smart!" (Liqu)


Smart isn't even beginning to describe it.
She's so many steps further than this.
It's sheer madness.
Or genius.
Or rather both of it!


"Still, this is unbelievable. That you came up with this." (Shari)

"Well, I wanted a friend." (Liqu)


She's sometimes just too much.


"I, I don't want to impose, but are you now going to do something?" (Nia)

"You should do it now. She has to ingest it completely. Not a single drop can come to waste. If anything spills this would be really bad. You know, there's a good way for this." (Liqu)


At this, I recall a certain scene from that fateful day where my relationship with my body got so twisted.
Immediately shivers come over my whole surface.


"I'm not doing that!" (Shari)


I certainly won't kiss a little girl to spew something down her throat!
This is already messed up enough.


"Well, then you'll have to find something else." (Liqu)


Okay, I need to somehow figure this out.
There’s no way she would be able to drink it herself.
As revolting as I remember it being, she would certainly spill at least some of it no matter how hard she tried.


"Ahem, Nia, I'll need to implant now the... the stuff that is going to turn you. You heard Liqu. I need to get it all into your stomach. You... you'll need to work with me here. Would you open your mouth?" (Shari)

"It's not like I have a choice at this point, right?" (Nia)


She spreads her mouth as wide as she can.
I'll need to put it in there.
I can feel where the seed cocktail is contained, and so I can guide it to my arms.
I put them together and gather everything in the forming center.
Then I bring the resulting bundle carefully to her mouth.


"Uh, I suggest you close your eyes. Also, please, try not to retch." (Shari)


Before she closes them I see how they distinctly roll at this instruction.
Damn, here goes nothing.

I guide the slime to her mouth, meticulously paying attention not to spill even the tiniest part that belongs to the seed.
She starts to squirm once it enters but forces herself to hold her mouth open.
Yet I've grown concerned and use a bit of extra slime to stabilize the passage.
It's certainly not a nice job, but ultimately, the bulk slips down her throat.
Only to get pushed up again, as I feel her starting to retch despite my warning.
I can just in time force more slime inside and force it back down.
This is naturally not nice for Nia, but Liqu was clear enough during our connection that a passing inconvenience is preferable to what will happen to her if an incomplete seed cocktail does its thing.


"Shari, you need to let her breathe." (Liqu)


Oh my god!
She passed out.
She was already weakened, and I blocked her throat.
It's not too surprising that this overwhelmed her.

Abruptly, Bokkan rushes quickly to Nia and lays his hand on her.


"She's still alive! Just give me a moment... Yes, she should be fine. Although, her energy reserves are expectedly dangerously low. Aside from... huh, interesting." (Bokkan)


Promptly, Tamarah shoves him to the side to get herself a look at the girl.


"Yeah, yeah. Be this as it may, according to what I can see everything worked out as intended. About the implications how what you filled her with is ravaging her metabolism, I won't comment." (Tamarah)

"Ah, that takes me back!" (Liqu)


This slime!!


"Now you need to continue." (Liqu)

"Continue?" (Shari)

"She needs more energetic slime or the process will come to a halt. So you need to provide her with more." (Liqu)


Why me?!
After I, according to Liqu, successfully completed the first treatment, I can finally pull away from this poor mess of a girl.


"Well, that was certainly disturbing. But it seems you did what you had to and no immediate change is undergoing. I can take my leave now, right? I'm tired." (Tamarah)


I throw her a glance.
Her indifferent attitude is totally inappropriate for this situation.


"But seriously, Shari, keep me informed. I want to know every detail!" (Tamarah)


Sometimes I believe I'm hanging out with the wrong people.


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