Slime Girl

Chapter 223


- Shari -


The next points on the list are already clear.
Currently, I'm heading to the tailor to order a new set of cloaks as well as children's clothing.
I probably should ask for a discount as often as we’ve bought stuff here.
However, Nia shredded her old set, and my old cloak got quite badly manhandled during the recent event.
Not to forget, she'll need a small pair of gloves, as I know out of experience.
Sigh, slime maintenance is costly.
In the end, I'm leaving another two silver and fifty copper with a more than content tailor.

Now on to the next point.
To be precise, there are two things I need to take care of.
First, I still have my apprenticeship at Tamarah's.
If she still wants me after last night.
The thing is, we also desperately need to refill our reserves.
This means it's imperative that we get some meat.
However, the issue is that I logically can't be at two places at the same time.
This leaves me with a solution that has most concerning implications.


"Okay, Liqu, we went over this several times. Do you remember what I asked of you?" (Shari)

"Yes, yes. I need to go to the place you marked for me, give this money, pay attention that I receive what we need and am able to transport. Then I bring everything back to our place." (Liqu)

"And?" (Shari)

"And 'by god, don't remove your mask or do anything suspicious'!" (Liqu)


Did she seriously have to copy my voice to say this?!
But at least, it seems like she memorized it well.
For a slime this means something.


"Okay, then now for the most important question. Liqu, do you think you can do that?" (Shari)

"Yes? It's not so difficult, right?" (Liqu)


One would think so.
But this doesn't account for if Liqu is involved.


"If you think you can do this without messing up your cover, then it's good. I believe in you. If you tell me that you're able to go by yourself, I'll trust you." (Shari)

"Oh... Well, thank you. I'm not sure, but I'll give it my all." (Liqu)


Usually, this would make me worried, but right now Liqu seems to be serious about it.
If she really contemplates her next actions this is a huge advancement for her.
So we separate and I'm on my way.


"Hello, Tamarah! I'm ready!" (Shari)

"Tsk, I was rather sure you wouldn't come. What about the girl you're doing most questionable things to in your cellar?" (Tamarah)


There'd surely been a more polite way to phrase this.
However, we're talking here about Tamarah.
Polite isn't her thing.


"She's still alive. You know that I'm not doing this because I'm a bad person and want to make her suffer, right?" (Shari)

"Sure, but did you consider how the end product is going to look like? Reverse thinking from the finished product is a basic skill of an alchemist." (Tamarah)


I guess I know where she's coming from.
Even if I made very sure that the girl gave her consent for the procedure, this mustn't mean that she's going to be happy with being a slime.
Heck, I wasn't exactly happy with it.
So even if she formally agreed, she might still hold the same animosity I held towards Liqu for what I'm doing to her.
And this is going to be my answer.


"The first time is the hardest. While most of the bodily functions work somewhat instinctively, your mind isn't truly aligned. There's some disparity in your self-perception that affects everything. Your movements feel wrong, everything's gross, and your thoughts and actions are all over the place. So, no. I don't think that she's going to be happy. Not at first, at least. Yet coming from my own experiences, once one comes to terms with the fact that there's no other choice but to accept what happened and actually put some effort into practicing adjusting, it starts getting better. It might not be much, but I think she's already closer to accepting everything than I was after it happened." (Shari)

"Yeah, asking for consent was probably smart. You're quite lucky. Not all of us actually have the chance to remedy or at least mitigate our past mistakes. You should focus on this. Despite what I said, this is a good thing overall." (Tamarah)


Is Tamarah seriously trying to cheer me up?
That's novel.


"Uh, I gratefully accept this advice." (Shari)

"Whatever, get started. It seems we need to intensify your education or in the near future the whole town is going to be overrun with little slimes you almost killed. If another lesson now can avoid this prospect, I'm more than inclined to pursue this solution." (Tamarah)


Is she making fun of me or does she seriously think that I'm that much of a catastrophe with this being my only solution?


"Then let's get started! First, we're going through the proper assessment of diagnostics and treatment division." (Tamarah)


Seems like I'm about to be busy.


"By the way, what's with the new mask?" (Tamarah)

"Fashion." (Shari)

"Sure." (Tamarah)




- Liqu -


Okay, I can do this!
My Shari instructed me well and I memorized everything as well as possible.
But most importantly...
She said she trusts me!!!

My Shari relies on me to do this right, so failure is not an option.
With clear determination, I step into that building from where I already receive the most appealing fragments as they saturate the air.
Yet I can't allow myself to get distracted.
As tempting as it might be to dissolve all this sustenance that just lies here, ready for the taking, I have to do everything exactly as my Shari told me.
Because then she might praise me and that would be so much better than any satisfaction I would obtain from dissolving.
I focus on the man in front of me and state my intent.


"Hello! I want to buy flesh!" (Liqu)

"Uh, you mean meat?" (butcher)

"Yes, yes! Exactly!" (Liqu)

"Oh, I think I know you. Weren't you one of those two girls back then who regularly bought large pieces from me?" (butcher)


Were we?
I suppose we were.
I'm not remembering the man that well.
Back then, just as now, having all this sustenance around me is very distracting.
I should just focus on my task.


"I want to buy meat!" (Liqu)


Hah, I got it right!


"Alright. What exactly? Shoulder? Leg? Do you even want beef? We also have sheep or horse." (butcher)


To think that my Shari scolded me for devouring that one.
But now I learn the humans eat those as well!

A horse might be fine.
Well, most meat would be fine as long as it's fresh, which it looks like here.
But which would be best?
Would he even have something better than what I see here?


"I need much and rich meat, full of energy!" (Liqu)

"Huh, interesting. Rich, you say? Sounds like monster meat to me. Especially since Cid isn't obstructing the deals anymore I got some good deals with adventurers. I can assure you that it's quite filling. However, the taste isn't for everyone." (butcher)

"Oh, oh! I want that! Monster meat is good! Great even!" (Liqu)

"Well, the customer is king. Direwolves would be the most common thing we have in that category." (butcher)

"Direwolves are good!" (Liqu)


He brings a decently sized chunk.
However, I'm not sure if that's going to be enough.


"Can I have more?" (Liqu)

"Uh, okay. Seems like you're preparing for an event." (butcher)


Thinking about it, he might be right.
That girl might be soon going to turn.
I'd call that an event.

So he brings another piece.
But is even that going to be enough?


"Maybe more?" (Liqu)

"Huh? Can you even transport what I have here? I see your bag isn't really made for this kind of load. Do you want me to pack it up for you?" (butcher)


I compare my bag and what's supposed to get in there and find that he's right that this could get difficult.
So I probably should take him up on this offer.


"Yes, yes! As much as you can fit please!" (Liqu)

"Okay... As you wish. But the sac costs extra. Or you can clean it and bring it back later if you want the money back. That's up to you." (butcher)

"Okay. I have money!" (Liqu)

"I hope you have, or all this would be rather pointless." (butcher)


So he cuts and binds the meat and puts it all in a sac.


"Hm, are you sure you can handle this amount? It's got quite heavy." (butcher)

"Yes, yes. I'm strong!" (Liqu)


As if that bit of weight could bother a slime.
I already lifted those things they call ragers.
This much is nothing!


"If you say so. Here. This makes three silver and thirty copper." (butcher)


Oh damn.
How was that again?
I got money from Shari for this, so I should pull it out and see what to do with it.

Okay, different coins have different meanings.
That must be gold, which is a yellow color, silver, that is more bright grey, and copper, which basically is brown.

So, how to use those again?
I know how many three and thirty are.
I'm good with numbers.
Also, I already saw Shari use those.
So of the grey, or rather silver ones I need three.
I don't really know about copper though.
They have different shapes.
Does that mean something?

Okay, first the silver, and then I'll slowly add more of the copper.
I just need to gauge the reaction.

One piece.
Another piece.
Yes, that's good.

Okay, now his look got weird.
Did I make a mistake?


"Is there a reason why you're giving me four great coppers?" (butcher)

"Is that wrong?" (Liqu)

"Yes. Yes it is. You need to take one back." (butcher)


Oh, okay. I quickly take it back, trying not to brush too much against his hand.


"You seem like a nice girl. But I'm not sure if you should do this by yourself. Are you really doing okay?" (butcher)

"Sure, I need to." (Liqu)

"What do you mean?" (butcher)

"How else could I improve? It's important that I get challenged, or I'll stay as I am. It's nice to have this chance!" (Liqu)

"Alright. Then I won't get in the way of your 'challenge'. But the sac is still heavy." (butcher)


Oh my, he's right.
The sac isn't easily lifted.
Especially not with human-formed arms.

However, I think I have an idea.
I make extra sure the part to open is secure.
Then I get some appendages below it, lift everything, and wriggle inside.
With this, I now only have to balance everything on top of me.
That should work.


"Wow. Consider me impressed. Seems like you can really do everything you focus your mind on." (butcher)


Hm, I think I like him.
Though, maybe only because he gave me flesh.
However, now I'm supposed to buy, buargh, vegetables, cheese and even bread.
Just why would she want those?!


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