Slime Girl

Chapter 230


- Shari -

The next day eventually starts and with it the daily grind.
Liqu instructed me to regularly push more slime down Nia's gullet, which has become a bit easier because she doesn't resist in her consciously absent state.
If I ask her to open her mouth, she will readily do it.
The act itself still feels wrong as fuck though.
Especially, the sense that I'm exploiting her defenseless mind.

Also, we opened the shop again today.
It seems the initial surge of customers slowed down, but we still made like six silver.
If I deduct the acquisition costs I had to make, this nets me a profit of four silver.
Though, as our customers aren't on the all-too-wealthy side, all of it is in copper.
I really need to figure out how to change that into something more transportable, like silver.

All in all, the day was rather mundane.
However, I just finished preparing the last order and got done with any immediate tasks, already thinking about whether I should take a meal, when something out of the ordinary happens.


"Hah, just as he told! There's truly a shop here! Just outside any guard surveillance!" (ruffian 1)

"It's basically begging for this!" (ruffian 2)


Oh my, I can already see where this is going with those two ruffians.
Also, Liqu is right next to me, so things might turn ugly.


"Shari! They're not nice humans, right? So can I?" (Liqu)

"No. Let me handle this." (Shari)


Can't hurt to play it nice for now.
In the best business speech, which I learned from a certain cosmetics shop, I address them.


"Good day, esteemed customers. How can I be of assistance?" (Shari)


They seem to be taken aback for a moment before one of them gathers his mind enough to respond.


"Oh, I don't know. How about you give me all the money you got?" (ruffian 1)

"I'm afraid I can't do that, dear customer. Can I interest you in something else in the selection?" (Shari)


Unfortunately, even if I'm nothing but polite, it seems like they're not all that open to my hospitable demeanor.


"Don't fuck with us!" (ruffian 2)

"Oh, you can be sure I had no intention." (Shari)


Not to speak of that I'm bodily not capable of that kind of action.
Okay, some perverts might get off, but for me, there's nothing enjoyable about it.


"You damn bitch!" (ruffian 2)


He gets ready to commit violence, briskly walking up to the counter.
At this, I raise my hands.


"Please, wait. Please, wait. Now that I think about it, I can give you the money you're demanding." (Shari)

"Why not right from the start?!" (ruffian 1)

"Yes, I'm deeply sorry. Right away." (Shari)


I pull off the glove from my hand and extend my arm covered by the sleeve in his direction.


  • Slime bullet!


With this, a shot filled with a copper coin is ejected at the greatest possible speed I can manage, right into the waiting guy's shoulder.




I intentionally targeted his upper body, as I still want them to remain able to run.
Yet once I see the result, I think I went slightly too far.


"Wha-? Aaaaaaahhhhh!" (ruffian 1)


Because I shot right through it, leaving a fierce hole within.
Blood is gushing out and I am convinced that this wound will have severe consequences if left unattended.
It seems like I vastly underestimated my own prowess with that ability, or rather how much more proficient I became with my slime control.
While I'm aware that the distance was quite small, which makes for a harder punch, I am taken aback by how strong the impact actually is, as I haven't used this technique for quite some time.
Although I'm quite dumbfounded myself, I think I should take control of the situation.
High-speed processing helps with overcoming my stupor and formulating a response.
So I throw him a unit of my salve.


"Put that on it and you might survive. Also, you should run now and next time rather not attack an ex-adventurer, or I’ll have a bottle with highly potent acid with your name on it." (Shari)


Maybe I'm too nice, but this budget unit might save his life.
He might be a criminal, but I didn't plan on killing him.
Nia's example showed me how bad festering flesh can be.
It would be hypocritical to inflict a deadly wound he most likely has no money to get treated and then act like you showed mercy.
Also, it's good advertisement.


"We, we will remember this!" (ruffian 2)

"I sure hope so. Or I'll have to reinforce this lesson." (Shari)


Since his friend has to get the injured guy to safety I've successfully got rid of both of them.
I look at the blood that's spilled everywhere.


"Liqu, could you clean the floor? But please in a way that we won't get into trouble if someone comes." (Shari)


We are out of business hours, but if the sight of Liqu dissolving in a puddle of blood wouldn't cause wrong impressions I don't know.


"Sure. Energy is energy." (Liqu)


She walks over, and like a maid using a cleaning rag, spreads her arm over the small puddle.
I hope it didn't seep too deep into the wood, but Liqu is rather proficient.
So if anyone can get it all out it's her.
So I once again have to think about that slime cleaning service business idea.
If not for the general nonacceptance of slimes we would be highly recommended.
With this, all the business is concluded for today.
I even prepared a "closed" sign for the door.
Not that I think my usual customers are capable of reading, but for that reason, I added some pictures.

After this is done, I finally head to the second floor to take in my well-deserved meal.
Yet once again something comes up.
Because I notice Okin in the room we prepared for him, as it would be plain wrong to send him back on the street while his sister is here.
From what I can see, he's crying.
Damn, I just have to be the kind of person who can't ignore stuff like that, huh?
So I enter.


"Hey... Uh, I'm aware I might not be the one you'd like to see right now, but are you alright?" (Shari)

"Uhh?" (Okin)


Once he processes my presence he quickly wipes off his tears, yet due to how stained his clothes are this rather makes things worse.
I try to be inoffensive and sit down next to him at a distance he hopefully won't interpret as an immediate threat.


"You seem to have something on your mind. I'd be open to hearing you out if you want." (Shari)


At first, he doesn't seem all that willing, but then he apparently decides to say something.


"You, you are turning Nia into, into... a..." (Okin)


You should be able to use the word "slime" if you're planning to talk with your sister about her matters.
But sure, I can see how that would distress a kid as young as him.


"I know it might seem like a purely bad thing, but you need to believe me, I wouldn't have mentioned this option if I didn't believe it's at least a chance for her. I won't sugarcoat it. I can't. This life can be quite difficult. But it's at least something." (Shari)

"But will she still be herself?! My sister?!" (Okin)

"Yes. I can guarantee you this. It was the same for me. My personality didn't change. Okay, at times I have weird urges or thoughts, but nothing that's important changed. She'll still be your sister, and she'll love you all the same." (Shari)

"I-if you say so." (Okin)

"Yep. You can be sure. But once it gets started you'll have to support her. The first time is going to be the worst. Yet there have to be some rules. Otherwise, you'll get into trouble. For example, you may not have noticed, but many people have a problem with slimes. She'll need your support to survive that." (Shari)

"Yes! Of course I'll help her!" (Okin)

"Good. I'm sure she'll appreciate that." (Shari)


Suddenly a certain slime shows up.


"Ahem, the girl is stirring. I think she's about to wake up. You should come." (Liqu)


No rest for the wicked, huh?
Seems like my meal will have to wait a while longer.


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