Slime Girl

Chapter 36


- Shari -


So we set out for the adventurer's barracks which are located close to the guild.
If I remember right Jacob said it was near the center in the east.
It should be an important building and like this easy to find.
Nonetheless, it makes me a bit uneasy that this place is something like a wolf's lair for me, with all those adventurers in there.
Yet, a wolf’s lair would be dinner to Liqu.
And to be honest, those people there are not much more, if I had to bet.

So I find the guild without problems.
It is not a pompous building, but spacious.
One can already see from the outside that there is quite some business going on inside because of the many people coming and going.
The hall is obviously large enough that they fit in.

I decide to put my mask on, trying not to rub the powder off, so that I can still take it off if I have no other choice but to "confirm" my identity.
But I like the design and it feels better that I don't always have to pull the hood so far over my face.
Also, I wear my hair now which I quickly put on in a quiet sideway.
Before, I had no urge to trigger Tamarah with something like this.

Disguised like this I ask around.
Naturally, the responses were a little suspicious of me, but in the end, I managed to find the barracks.
However, before I can enter I get stopped.


"I'm sorry, but this place is owned by the guild and to non-members, the entrance is restricted." (doorman)


In front of me is a big man that seems to guard the door.
It was to be expected that there would be some kind of security to ensure that the stuff of the residents is left untouched.
After all, this town has a significant crime rate.
It would be bad if an adventurer goes out on a stroll and his sword is gone when he comes back.
This town's economy is based on the adventurers traveling into the Evergrove, so it won't do if they get all robbed.


"We are friends of Jacob and wanted to visit him. Isn't that alright?" (Shari)

"Hm, this is unusual, but should be fine. However, I need first his confirmation before you can come in. Could you give me your names?" (doorman)

"It's Shari and this is Liqu. He should be very interested." (Shari)

"Greg! Go and ask Jacob if he knows a Shari and... Liqu." (doorman)


Yes, I know this is an odd name, but I am surely not going to ask her how she came up with it.
We wait a little while and soon Jacob comes running at us.
He looks quite pale.
I'm a little glad now about this mask because my smile would surely give me away even with the powder.


"What are you doing here? Why did you come? And why those masks? And what is that on your head?!" (Jacob)

"Hair! It's called hair! My hair! Or at least something that resembles it. But this doesn't matter. You are in trouble my friend." (Shari)

"I know I'm in trouble! You are here!" (Jacob)

"Maybe we should continue this discussion inside." (Shari)

"Sigh! Fine. Let me just clear this and inform the others." (Jacob)


He confirms our identity with the guards, and soon we can head inside.


"Am I right that you don't just want to talk with me alone?" (Jacob)

"Partly, there are also other small things but some topics concern your whole group." (Shari)

"Well, in this case, I will need to fetch Myra out of the women's dorms first." (Jacob)


It soothes me that Myra doesn't have to share a room with two guys.
He leaves us standing in front of his room's door.
Before we draw too much attention, I decide to enter.
And there is Chris.


"Hello, Chris! Long time no see." (Shari)


He lies in the bed, yet his wound seems to have gotten better as his free chest indicates.


"It seems you are better now." (Shari)

"Urgh, what the hell does that mean? Is there any reason why you keep pestering our group, or do you intend to attack and feed on us?" (Chris)

"Well, if he insists." (Liqu)

"No Liqu, you aren't going to eat anyone here!" (Shari)

"But I'm not full!" (Liqu)

"You will endure it for now." (Shari)


I'm already regretting that I bought nothing at a stall.
She is annoying when she's hungry.


A short time later Jacob and Myra enter.


"Myra!!!" (Liqu)


In a blink, Liqu rushes past me and has Myra in her grip, before anyone can do something.


"Kyaahh!" (Myra)

"Ah; my friend!" (Liqu)


And she's squeezing her tightly.


"YOU! Urghh." (Chris)


Myra is once again in a paralyzed state, where she ceases all movement.
Chris jumps up but needs to hold his not completely cured wound.
And Jacob is at a loss regarding what he should do while Liqu is holding his comrade as she does and because of that shouldn't be angered.


"Liqu, stop! How many times do I have to tell you to stop this?" (Shari)

"But I'm just hugging my friend. Wouldn't it be good if she would get accustomed? I'm just helping her." (Liqu)

"You! Will! Stop! This! Now!" (Shari)

"Fine! Then next time, Myra!" (Liqu)


She gives her one last squeeze and then lets go of her body.
The poor girl trembles all over and is obviously troubled to calm down but is still unable to speak and because of this stays quiet.


"Damnit! Can you please tell us what you want here? And what is with your head?" (Chris)


Thank you for the cue, Chris.


"This is my old hair. Maybe not exactly the same, but similar. I bought it at this outfitting store. You know where you can buy this handy make-up powder. You wouldn't believe it. It was fascinating. It was only two silver and fifty copper and they even went twenty copper down. I mean isn't this crazy? I was so sure it was three silver." (Shari)


It is at least a pleasure to see his distressed face when he realizes what I am implying here.
That might be worth fifty copper on its own.


"You know it was all a little chaotic at this day and we had no savings. I really needed a bit to pay for some medicine for Chris' wound before the shops were all closing." (Jacob)

"And so you thought: 'Let's scam the slime! It won't notice! The stupid thing hasn't even a brain!' Am I right?" (Shari)

"We were in dire need and I didn't want to raise your anger before we get into the town." (Jacob)

"As I see it you owe me something. The good thing is here is your chance. I want to hire you!" (Shari)

"Hiring? A slime? You've got to be kidding us!" (Chris)

"Thanks for your input Chris, but this is not just about you and it's an absolutely serious offer. As long you respond in the right way." (Shari)

"What is this about?" (Jacob)

"I've got an order from Tamarah to bring her voidstone from the mine. A fairly good one that is. Yet, this would require quite some hard work to dig them out and also to transport them. And as you might've guessed, both of us lack something essential for this venture. Muscle strength." (Shari)


I free my arm from the sleeve and plunge with my other hand through it while saying this to emphasize my point.


"And so you intent that we do all the heavy work?" (Jacob)

"First, without us, there is no job at all. Also, it's not like we would do nothing. I was told the way is dangerous and you know pretty well, that you don't have to fear any monsters when we are with you." (Shari)

"Tsk; that was a good one." (Chris)

"Any other monsters. Satisfied Chris? You know, I hate it to refer to myself like this." (Shari)

"Why us?" (Myra)


It seems Myra managed to find her voice again.


"Because Chris's smoldering hate is so appealing to me. Or it could be more about the fact that you lot are the only ones who know about us. And like this, you are also the only ones I can let accompany us, without having to fear that our throats get cut the moment we lower our guard. As negligible as that might be for us." (Shari)

"So you're asking us to follow you, mine the voidstone, and then carry it all the way back to town." (Jacob)

"Yes, you got it right. As things stand, I think three to two is fair. Naturally three for us. We got the job in, and aside from the monsters on the way, there's another reason why you'd be completely screwed without our help." (Shari)

"And why is this?" (Jacob)

"The mine we are heading to is abandoned, deserted, empty. You won't find any significant amounts of voidstone there. You would just end up digging holes at random." (Shari)

"So why should we go then in the first place? What's the difference?" (Jacob)

"I was coming to this. As I said, you won't be able to find anything on your own. However, out of my own unwanted experience, I can tell you that slimes have a distressingly detailed track of what they dissolve. Or in other words, I know what and how much is inside that what I take in. And Liqu in this regard is a natural. So we can tell where the concentration does increase." (Shari)

"That sounds reasonable, but about how much are we talking?" (Jacob)

"Four silver per kilo at an upper limit of thirty, given the purity of the stones is acceptable. I don't need to say what it would mean for you if we could get full payment. You might know better what Tamarah is able to pay. If you agree on your share that is." (Shari)


At least Myra stays mouth-agape. Jacob looks pretty tempted and Chris seems at least to balance hate and benefit in mind.


"I am very sure that this is more than you would earn in general and also at a much lower risk, as we cannot carry the stones by ourselves and you can be like this sure that your survival will have priority to us." (Shari)


I get at least an exaggerated nod from Liqu.
From Chris, it’s more of a death glare conveying he doesn’t believe a single word I say.


"Can you give us a moment?" (Jacob)

"Fine." (Shari)


We leave the room and wait outside.
It is quite clear what happens.
Jacob should vote for my proposal since it is simply a good offer with nearly no risk and they have no savings as he just admitted.
Chris is vehemently protesting against working together with the evil monsters.
And Myra might be extremely scared of Liqu, yet I think she is now in a state where she can endure her presence without fearing death every second.
This way I should have two votes on my side, as long Chris cannot influence her.
And when Myra goes he will eventually give in as well.
After a while, the door opens.


"We have discussed and decided to accept your offer." (Jacob)


What did I say?


"Great to hear. By the way, procuring the mining tools is your duty. I’ll see this as collecting my debt." (Shari)

"Sigh, fine. Was that all or is there anything else?" (Jacob)

"Good that you ask. There is one place, I need you to accompany us there first." (Shari)

"Why? Where is this place?" (Jacob)

"Quite close. We are going now to the guild where you will help us to register me and Liqu as adventurers." (Shari)


"What?!!" (Jacob)


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