Slime Girl

Chapter 38


- Shari -


When we're back in the hall I spot Jacob and Liqu starts exuberantly to wave at him.


"Did it work out?" (Jacob)


He sounds anxious, which is understandable considering that he has risked his neck in this.
And still does, with that ongoing vouch for us.
If we mess up he will be held responsible.
I think like this I can consider his debts as paid.
I mean, what are fifty copper for having such a friend?
Good that I wear this mask or my smile would show through!


"You know my evaluation of the guild dropped quite a bit. Apparently they take everyone here." (Shari)


With this, I show him my new membership card.


"Even the monsters they fight against." (Shari)


Jacob is cringing at that comment.
However, this status will help me.
From now on I just need to drill into Liqu to leave the left ear when she dissolves her prey and like this, we can acquire a decent income.
In addition to my other possibilities, it should be possible to make some money, like this coming closer to my personal purpose for now.

Building an own home outside of the town yet with the possibility to regularly come in for some errands, while being well respected enough to have some trust.
This goal doesn't seem too farfetched anymore.
It seems things are developing for me.
Assuming no incident happens.

Before I leave, I take my time to look at this ominous blackboard.
I concentrate on the open assignments.
It is clear that concluding a contract before I have performed a single task is out of the question.
When I can show some fulfilled tasks on my record the guild keeps track of, this will change.
For now, I can just show that I have the ability to handle them.
And like this, I will fulfill the tasks that everyone can take whenever it is convenient.
Anyway, I have at the moment a private contract with Tamarah.
But when there is a chance I can take the possible requested items or proofs of subjugations on the way.

So I concentrate on herbs and common monsters.
There are some that are unlikely to get withdrawn, like the assignment for gathering clearsprout.
Twenty copper per unit is not the world, yet a considerable sum.
It is a good healing herb, so the town should request it no matter what, to stay able to guarantee the condition of its soldiers.
The guild itself is distributing it to the members, as part of the service to provide equipment for longer journeys.
Naturally at a much higher price.
One of the reasons why I still have one unit with me.
You might never know when it will become handy.

The same safety goes for the assignments for common monsters.
Especially here at the border, they want to decline the monster population in the closest vicinity.
It is bad when merchants and farmers get ripped apart by direwolfs.
And as they reward only the confirmed kills, they are paying directly for the result, without any risk on their side if the venture goes wrong.
Quite a one-sided deal in my opinion.

So I memorize the most common tasks.
It is difficult at first, as the memories feel like they actively slip away.
Yet, after I concentrate a while on them it seems like I can fix them in my mind.
Just then I remember the nature of my core.
It's very stable.
I can't easily fill new information into the gem, but those who are certainly acquired will be literally set in stone.
Something like a guaranteed, permanent success for going through this whole hassle of learning.
Maybe I should reconsider if it's smart to fill this thing with random stuff.
However, here we have only some pictures, names, and the reward.
I guess the pictures are for those who cannot read.
Quite detailed they are.

However, those aren't complicated details and so the increased effort to memorize a decent amount is still within the limits.
In any case, Liqu will devour everything she comes across and I have to make sure that we still can pick it up.
So I go back to the others.


"I'm done. We can get going if you want." (Shari)


I don't think anyone ever told him more relieving words.
Well, this might only last until I will eventually return here.
So we leave the hall because I have no intention to cause too many waves.
I am somewhat glad that no one approached me, yet I guess I'm not interesting enough to be worth someone’s time.
Also, if someone would want to know more, I guess he would first check the register for new members.
Yet as you can't be too cautious I hurry to get out of this place where all possibly raisable flags are gathered, to avoid any unwanted encounters.




And like this, I run into someone.


"How dare you, wench! To barge into me like this! Attacking those superior to you! Do you have any idea who I am?" (?)


No, but I'm very sure you are going to tell me, mister!
Also isn't he a bit of a drama queen?
I am basically a walking cushion.


"I am very sorry. Today was my first day here and I was too excited so that I lost my concentration. I sincerely apologize!" (Shari)


The man is with such a fancy coat obviously a noble.
Mum told me how much trouble those people can bring with them and in my position, I don’t need any more trouble.
Because of this, I try to ease the waves and get out of this situation.
All of this while I hope that Liqu is not too focused on this "wench" part and settles for respective reactions.


"And now you dare to talk back! As if I care for the reasons for such an insult! I am Baron Aldreth Moreau and you will regret this!" (Moreau)


I can already hear Liqu plucking flower petals while repeating "kill him, kill him not".

Naturally, Jacob gets nervous at our prospects.
The way things are going right now, this could turn into ground zero of a catastrophe.
Hand backward I stroke gently down at Liqu's coat, which causes a distinctive shiver on her side.
This should give me the necessary time to solve this situation.


"I can only ask for your forgivingness my lord. Please consider it." (Shari)

"Why should I! You filthy peasant dirtied my coat!" (Moreau)


Why can’t he just let this slide?
And there is no dirt!
We just washed the coats!
If anything it will get dirty if this keeps on.
Ever tried to get slime mass out of your clothes?
Well, it is surprisingly easy to wash it out, yet I doubt you could do this when Liqu is completely enveloping you.
So stop now you idiot!


"I am just able to apology my lord." (Shari)

"Who cares for your apologies? I warrant compensation!" (Moreau)


Are you really so pathetic to strip us of our money?


"All I can give are two silver. I simply don't have more. We just came into town and do not own anything." (Shari)


He can look for the rest in my body if he dares.


"Tsk; do you take me for a beggar to give out such a patty handout? Are you trying to insult me even more? Who do you think I am?" (Moreau)


Someone with serious mental problems.


"Oh no. I know my lord must be too honorable to take any money from a peasant such as me. Please forgive my carelessness." (Shari)


It is very fortunate that I have full control over my body including my vocal cords.
Otherwise, my voice would have already given away my mockery and annoyance.


"Kneel and beg at my feet! Then maybe I can find it in me to forgive you." (Moreau)


But if it ends like this.
I lower myself extremely careful to not leave a stain on the ground.
When I think I'm low enough I start.


"Please forgive me, my lord! I promise that it won't happen again." (Shari)


Otherwise, this slime behind me will kill everyone in this town.


"Tsk. And that you call kneeling? Duh, I have no time for this, leave my eyes." (Moreau)

"Immediately sir." (Shari)


As if I would want to prolong this.
Hurriedly I grab Liqu before she does anything Liqu-like, and rush away as fast as possible.
We three calm down in an alley further down the street.


"Huh, that was close." (Shari)

"I really badly want to dissolve him." (Liqu)

"I know and I'm very glad you didn't. After all this work please don't just blow our cover." (Shari)

"But I don't like this person. And what was this with this weird positioning?" (Liqu)


Oh, she doesn't know kneeling.
Maybe that was what prevented bloodshed.
Or rather slimeshed, as no blood would remain.


"This was kneeling. Basically, it means that you show the other one he is superior by lowering your height. Yet, to me, it was just a gesture you can do like this. This person was rather powerful. And so I could end this by performing such an act and then stop talking to him." (Shari)

"What? He didn't look strong!" (Liqu)


"Not this kind of power. I mean he controls many people, also strong ones. We wouldn't have a calm second if we had done something to him. So I rather did something embarrassing instead of dealing with the troubles." (Shari)

"Duh, I understand. But I don't want my Shari to do things she doesn't want." (Liqu)


And again she gets possessive!


"This wasn't much. Please understand that I know what I'm doing. If I want you to act I will tell you." (Shari)

"Alright!" (Liqu)


Slime calamity prevented for now.
Now let's talk to the other mess at my side.


"And Jacob anything to add?" (Shari)

"We are still alive!" (Jacob)

"Very observing. Thank you for your input." (Shari)

"No. I mean, Baron Moreau is infamous. He isn't the kind of person to let things slide. And that slime there isn't either. It's unfathomable that this went so mildly. He must've been busy to let us off like this." (Jacob)

"I am just glad we had no issues with guards. Taking aside the point that there might be issues to arrest us, as we could just walk out of the cell. There would be the more concerning problem that Liqu would go on a killing spree before that happens." (Shari)

"I am getting more and more anxious regarding you two." (Jacob)

"I seriously try to keep her in check. But as you might guess, she is a rather... slippery individual." (Shari)

"Well, you are acting mostly normal. Just promise me that nothing else will happen until we depart." (Jacob)

"I will do my best under the circumstances of being surrounded by vengeful gangster bosses, raving nobles, and apparent assassins." (Shari)

"Assassins?" (Jacob)

"Our room neighbor is quite creepy." (Shari)

"Just... I don't want to know." (Jacob)

"That's a deal. We will then meet tomorrow at the east gate." (Shari)


Without anything else to settle we split at this point.
This time I am especially careful to not bump into anyone and can like this make it without any further incidents back to our inn, where I will need to pack for our departure to this mine.

On the way there I bought Liqu five meat skewers for twenty copper.
Might not make her full, but it’s enough to pacify her for now.
Naturally, I forced her to only dissolve them by putting them through her mouth.

She did so.
Sadly by awkwardly stuffing the whole thing inside, wood included, which means I had to correct her.

When we finally enter, I try not to have direct contact with the innkeeper considering that she might be upset because of last night.
But I will have to when I tell her that we might leave for some time.
At least there is nothing that can prevent my well-deserved rest now.


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