Slime Girl

Chapter 42


- Shari -




Why can't I spend a single night without troubling incidents?

I rush immediately on my legs by throwing my mass upwards.
Having access to this kind of movement which doesn't rely on the usage of muscles might be inhuman yet certainly, it's useful.
And it kinda looks cool.

I recognize Myra's voice in this scream and follow it to the source.
I have a bad premonition that I know what is going on.
The lack of attacking monsters around the campsite is sadly supporting my presumption.

Well; one monster is there.
And it kinda attacked.
A sleep assault cuddling attack.


I find Liqu in a half-liquid state wriggled around Myra's body.
At least her waist and torso are completely enveloped, while the legs and shoulders hang halfway inside the slime.
The poor girl is completely through, yet maybe it starts slowly to dawn on her which slime is engaging there and that she is maybe going to survive this.
This doesn't mean she is fine.
And even more problematic, her friends think so too.


"What is this?" (Jacob)

"You dirty fiend!" (Chris)


While Jacob might have readied his weapon, he is not directly aiming at Liqu.
This doesn't apply to Chris.
All that holds him back from bringing down his already-raised sword is the fact that the girl he likes is nearly completely stuck in her, making it difficult to only hit Liqu.

I ask myself which party I should address here first.
The one who's ready to escalate this situation or the one who is absolutely certain at fault?
I decide on the latter since it might ease the others if I take their side.


"Liqu! What the hell do you think you're doing!" (Shari)

"I'm hugging my friend! This is so nice and she feels warm. Do you remember when we did? I wanted to do something like this again." (Liqu)


Because I have banned her from hugging me she is now going wild, looking for others she can disturb in their sleep.

This slime!


"Separate you disgusting abomination! And stay still so I can execute you now!" (Chris)

"This doesn't sound very appealing." (Liqu)


I can relate to this.


"Jacob, can you hold Chris in check so I can take care of Liqu?" (Shari)


I rather wouldn't want to have to deal with sword slashes directly after I'm done.


"Chris! Sheathe your sword! You want to see her free as soon as possible right? So comply here please." (Jacob)


Chris' whole face is so strained that something might rip there any moment.
But if nothing else he retreats a step.
This must be enough, so I can get started.


"Liqu, for god's sake please leave Myra alone! Please!" (Shari)

"But... we are friends!" (Liqu)


You seriously got something wrong there.


"Not much longer if you do such things to her! You are scaring the poor girl! Why can't you keep in mind that being enveloped by a slime like this would be a deadly scenario?!" (Shari)

"I just want to help her get used to it." (Liqu)

"You've just admitted that you did it for yourself! Don't act as if you do it for charitable reasons! If you don't immediately let go I will become excessively angry at you! Do you really want this?" (Shari)


For a moment, I see how deep dread and absolute unwillingness fight each other.
Ultimately it seems that her obsession with me is winning over, but there is still some reluctance.


"Sigh, if you do it now I might allow you to stay nearby when I sleep next time." (Shari)


And she is off.


"Mieehk!" (Myra)


Chris wants directly take this chance by throwing himself at her.
He has really no idea what he's up against.
However, Jacob can keep him in check by grabbing his sword arm.
Since I'm apparently the only adult here and it was kinda my fault I have to apologize.

With a deep bow I begin:


"I am really sorry for this incident. I will make sure that she won't do this again." (Shari)

"Oh, is that so? Because next time you're ending us for good, right?" (Chris)

"Chris, this isn't..." (Jacob)

"What isn't this? Another trick to kill us when our guard is down? When will you realize they are monsters? Both of them! It is our duty to get rid of such despicable existences and make this world a better place!" (Chris)


Oh no!
Liqu is getting twitchy.
There is clearly some kind of discontent with what he said.


"No matter the cost, we should end them now!" (Chris)

"You..." (Liqu)

"Huh?" (Chris)

"Are you just talking about me or is this hate also directed at my Shari?" (Liqu)


Oh no, this can't go well.


"Naturally you both are perversions of nature and should get eradicated!" (Chris)

"So you are saying this despite knowing she was a human before?" (Liqu)


Said like this it does hurt a bit.


"Maybe it's a lie, but even if not she should have done the right thing and put an end to herself!" (Chris)

"Chris!" (Jacob)

"No! You know I am right! These abominations shouldn't be on this world!" (Chris)

"Chris. P-please stop." (Myra)


Yes. Could you please stop digging your own grave?

But what is concerning me is how calm Liqu stays.


"Mhmm, I wonder..." (Liqu)


And now she did grow this wicked smile.


"What is? What do you want to say?" (Chris)

"Oh, nothing. Just what would be if you had a change of perspective? Or more... Personal involvement?" (Liqu)

"What are you implying?" (Chris)

"Oh, I just wondered what would be if you would be a slime. How would you deal with this? Probably kill yourself. I believe you there, but this would be no fun. So not you but..." (Liqu)


Her gaze shifts to Myra and instantly all the others follow.
My whole body starts to shiver at the implication.


"N-no, please." (Myra)

"You wouldn't dare!" (Chris)

"You know, it wouldn't be this difficult. While the components are hard to produce, mixing them up into the liquid is surprisingly easy. She would just need to drink it and then after some further supporting treatment eventually turn. Not this hard. I wonder what you would do then." (Liqu)


Chris starts to tremble.


"You, you... I will... You won't..." (Chris)


Trembling with hate, that is.
And I hate this discussion as well.
And much more because of what poor Myra is going through right now.
No one knows this better than me.


"You... won't... get... through... with... this!" (Chris)

"I haven't even begun to..." (Liqu)




Everyone is looking at me.
Well; and hold their ears.
Those who need them that is.
I just screamed.

Far shriller and much louder than a human could ever manage.
I came up with that idea some time ago.
In the same way, I can use my throat to have a voice I can also make adjustments.
It didn't need too much effort for me to figure out how I need to form, shape, and have to let them vibrate in order to create the tone I want.
Also, it helps that I don't have to watch out if my vocal cords rip from the strain.
And right now I just had to stop them all here.
Screaming does its good there.


"I'm sorry, but tomorrow will be a long day, so we should all try to get our rest." (Shari)


Well, I don't suppose anyone with actual ears was able to listen to me right now.
As forceful I can I grab Liqu's hand and for once let some mass flow inside to get a bit of grip there.
She is so out because of this that she doesn't act in any way against this.
So I can manage to bring her to our side of the camp.

I turn to Elin, who has wisely stayed out of the conflict zone, and say:


"We will all act now as if nothing happened, alright? If not for warnings in case one of them suddenly comes over." (Shari)


And to Liqu I order:


"I say that now while you are too overwhelmed to react in for me embarrassing ways! The rest of the night you will stay here directly next to me! No touching! You will obediently stay still without making a tone and just be active in case they are attacking us now because you triggered them!" (Shari)


Miraculously, Liqu does as I said.
Like this, the rest of the night passes.
A night I certainly don't want to ever talk about again.




Fortunately, the morning dawns without further incidents.
Maybe Jacob could convince Chris that attacking an expert in annihilating groups of adventurers would be a bad idea.
Liqu didn't even do as much as twitch during the night.
Which was good as I was far too agitated to deal with her.
Yet before we can again join the others I need to make sure.
And this is going to be unpleasant.

So I turn to her.
And with an intentionally dark tone, I begin:


"Liqu; are you listening?" (Shari)


There right now was a flinch.
I guess that counts as a "yes".


"Y-yes?" (Liqu)


What did I say?


"What you said yesterday, about what you would do to Myra. You see, I have no idea if you were serious or just wanted to scare them but either way that did go too far, you understand?" (Shari)

"Sorry. I understand." (Liqu)

"And here lies the problem. I think you don't understand! You don't know how terrible the things you did to me were for me or how much horror you made Myra, who wasn't even involved, experience. You just thought that it would somehow work out, right?" (Shari)

"F-Forgive me!" (Liqu)

"Let me get this straight! Should you ever repeat what you did to me to anyone else and force this form of existence on them, then I am through with you! And there will be no chance to redeem yourself!" (Shari)


I think that was enough.
In front of me, I now have a quivering mess.
The view starts off as pitiful and gradually turns into something indistinguishable, as her body starts to collapse in on itself, turning her into a blob.
This slime is just so emotionally unstable.
So much that it gets physical.
And now Elin got rather interested.


"So... You were a human?" (Elin)

"Absolutely! And I absolutely don't want to talk about it!" (Shari)

"Not necessary. Got the gist of it." (Elin)


You have to grant her that she's perceptive.


"You were rather rough to her." (Elin)

"I have to set limits. It's not like I've asked for too much." (Shari)


On the other side, Liqu is right now at it to combine the definitions of being a mess in the emotional and actual sense.


"Liqu; get a hold of yourself! All I ask for is that you not do something very specific. You aren't inept and you said yourself you aren't stupid. So just act that way." (Shari)


A face forms in the puddle.


"You... you aren't going to leave me?" (Liqu)

"As long as you can keep your part." (Shari)

"I will! I will!" (Liqu)

"Right. Then show me that you can actually make progress. We gonna have to apologize later. And if I say 'we', I mean 'you'. At least to Myra. And that honestly!" (Shari)

"Yes, yes! I can do this!" (Liqu)

"Fine then." (Shari)


The day starts and after Jacob and the others packed their stuff, it's time that Liqu and I do our part.

So we approach.


"Jacob. I did want to apologize. I wasn't diligent enough on my side and caused problems for you. For that I am sorry. And for the supposedly still ringing ears." (Shari)

"It's... both sides made mistakes. Chris said too much." (Jacob)


Now Liqu steps forward and Myra instantly covers behind Jacob.
She really got shaken it seems.


"Myra, forgive me. I've got carried away and went too far. I didn't want to scare you. I... I was wrong! Please forgive me. I promise I will not transform you from my side. Yet if you ask, I would. But not against your will." (Liqu)


Where did that last part come from?

But I told her not to force it onto her, so it should be fine.
If Liqu has permission to do so from the person in question then it's something different.
Nonetheless, I should ingrain in her later to consult me first before making such offers.
However, despite the weirdness, it came through that she was honest and this is enough.

I think even Myra could ease up after this.
At least I saw a nod.
And Jacob is desperately at it to keep Chris from making any comment.
More I cannot ask for.
So we are after all able to move on.

We reach the mine before noon.
While the complex is still recognizable, the way nature grew over the equipment is clearly unnatural.
Given the time this place was abandoned those trees couldn't possibly have grown this big.
This site is a perfect example how the Evergrove repels any attempts to claim this land.
That this is no place where one can establish a settlement.

Yet when we reach the entrance inside the mine in front of it stands a strange structure.
Made of wood and bones it looks like some kind of crude figure.


"What is this?" (Shari)

"Oh shit! Goblins!" (Jacob)


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