Slime Girl

Chapter 43b


- Liqu -


Maybe I messed up.
I could surely have solved better the past situation when Chris started to splutter such nonsense.
But I simply got so angry at how he spoke about my Shari.
She is such a wonderful person and this one tells her to die!
I am used to this, but she would never deserve such treatment.
So I've lost it a little.

It wasn't right to pull Myra in, but my offer came from my core.
She would surely be a nice slime.
However, my Shari was right.
Her consent is important, as I surely cannot give her the same devotion my Shari earns.
She should at least have to be fine with it.
So I left her the choice to ask me when she's ready.

Right now we are approaching this ominous mine.
I start to sense some presence from inside there.
Only small emissions, but enough to discern that something dwells in there.
I think...


"Oh shit! Goblins!" (Jacob)


Yes, that's it!
The humans seem to be quite worried about them being in there.
Still, I don't know what's so bad about them.
They give decent energy if you catch them and are in general very easy opponents who cannot aim for the core even if their life depends on it.
Well, it did.
And now it will again.


"I can fully understand your concerns, but there shouldn't be much of an issue if we engage here. Right, Liqu?" (Shari)


What kind of issue should there be?
Goblin hunting is totally easy.


"I know perfectly what I have to do!" (Liqu)


This seems to have convinced the others.
We delve inside and the further we come the more I notice this unpleasant drain from those stupid stones.
The others seem to have problems with hunting goblins in their lairs.
But to me, this is one of the easiest tasks one could have.
I always was delighted when I randomly found such a place.


"Liqu, we should first concentrate on dealing with the creatures we encounter while heading inside. After that, we can take our time to start the search. And try not to destroy any left ears. We might want to bring them along." (Shari)

"Alright!" (Liqu)


It's bothersome that there is so much I need to pay attention to and I really don't like those stones.
But everything for my Shari.
Since I have unpleasantly to find the strongest concentration, I decide to let go of my cloak and those weird clothes.


"Why did you undress?" (Shari)


"You always say that I'm supposed to make sure that it stays safe. This way I can guarantee that it stays intact. Also, my perception is better without those annoying barriers around me. Also, I thought that no one would see me here until we get out again." (Liqu)


I don't like to be so constricted inside this material but it was a present from my Shari, so I can cope.
However, this time I need the extra awareness to find these stones as fast as possible, as much as I hate them.
Like this, it is very easy to sufficiently gather information and my range is far wider than those who need to rely on light sources.
The others don't seem to know and even offer us a stick that holds a fire.


"Oh, the darkness is no real problem, since slimes have night vision." (Shari)


It's great that she can refer to herself as a slime.
At least this far she could adjust.
I'm a tiny bit proud.

With my senses, I soon spot where this draining feel is the strongest.
That I sadly have to follow.
But what raises my mood is the prospect of the feast that waits for me.
I can be sure that in this tunnel are more than enough goblins to devour, so that draining won't be too bad for me.
And now they are in closest proximity.


"What is?" (Shari)

"Goblins. On the front. They're retreating. Think they scout us." (Liqu)

"We need to stay alert! They surely prepare an ambush." (Jacob)


Yep, they do.
As futile as their resistance may prove to be.
The only thing I have to pay attention to is not letting any of them escape.


"They are in the tunnel we need to take." (Liqu)

"Really? How do you know?" (Shari)

"This unpleasant feeling. The walls feel the worst in this direction." (Liqu)

"No choice then as direct confrontation." (Shari)


Wonderful, right?
This will be so good!
The only problem with them are these traps.


"Stop! There is..." (Jacob)

"What is where?" (Shari)

"I wanted to warn Liqu that there is a tripwire. Yet she stepped right through it. Literally." (Jacob)


But it helps that they don't really have slimes in mind with the design.
Nonetheless, I see that this thing might have got some troublesome impact if the wire would have been triggered.
As shallow as the chance is, anything that can come close to the core is a threat to me.
And even more concerning my Shari.
And just because of this my anger at these green morsels increases.
So we move further inside.


"Why are these creatures even here? I thought voidstone is a monster repellent. And they are!" (Shari)

"I don't know for sure, but exactly this might be the reason. They are weak, but in here no other monsters would follow them. It's a safe place!" (Jacob)


Well, it was until now.
I can't wait to get even the last of these snacks in my grasp.
And suddenly I find myself in a room full of them.
One rushes directly at me.

How nice of him.
I take him immediately up on his offer and can savor my first sample here.
Maybe I got a little engrossed, but as soon I'm done, I notice the rest of the goblins are already retreating deeper inside.

They should know how this ends.
Even my Shari killed one but apparently doesn't wants to dissolve her prey.
We really have to work on this disorder.





"This fucker did just shoot me!" (Shari)


What did he do!?!
No one!
No one brings danger to my Shari!


"Oh, did he?" (Liqu)


They will pay for this!


"Liqu, what you're doing there?" (Shari)

"Ending this! I won't let even one escape!" (Liqu)


I will not let one of these creatures slip.
The only thing keeping me from losing it is that I know what each of them is now going to experience.
I go to the only exit their tunnel has and grow to my full possible size.
It's a little difficult to make concrete movements in this state, but for what I'm going to do I don't need those.
I make sure that not the smallest gap remains and start to move forward.
It doesn't take long and I reach the first.

And in you go.

The others shall see what the future has in store for them.
Their panic is obvious.
The goblins flee further, trying to get away.
Occasionally one stumbles and like this loses his life.
There are some traps in the way, but they either don't activate correctly when I activate them by dissolving or my core is too far behind in my mass so that anything they set up has to travel too far through me to be considered a threat.
This is good, as I want to make it quick to end this as I said.
And eventually, I find this very end.
A literal one in form of the furthest point of the tunnel.

It's as I anticipated.
All of them cuddle together at the furthest point.
Fighters, old ones, their females, children.
This will be fun.
Maybe I will slow down a bit to enjoy every little moment.




There's nothing like having so many existences inside you at once!
And then they vanish!
Just this makes goblin hunting absolutely worth it.
Just this little climax at the finale!

Don't know what the others have against this.
But since I have to stay here a while I must make sure that something of them for my sustenance remains.
But all in all, I feel good.

And my Shari could see my best side!
How capable I am!

This is nice!


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