Slime Girl

Chapter 64


- Shari -


We are back on the road.
Just Liqu and I.



Just now I realize how much it helped to have other folks aside from Liqu around me.
Now it is just her.
And I've got the feeling she became bolder.
She’s actively seeking contact now.
It’s just above the cloaks, but it’s interfering with my walking.
I can push her away, but it doesn't take long till she is back.

This happens now the entire time!
She is totally in couple mode!


"Liqu, stop this now!" (Shari)

"But why?" (Liqu)

"Because it's annoying! You said once that you didn’t want anything more from me? That being near me was enough?!" (Shari)

"Did I?" (Liqu)

"Don't act like that! I know for sure that you can remember almost everything because I do too! You said just one-sided admiration and no couple stuff! Right now you're trying to force me to reciprocate!" (Shari)

"Uhh, but it's so nice! Just the two of us, walking like this." (Liqu)

"Then did you lie to me at that time as well?" (Shari)

"No I didn't, but..." (Liqu)

"What but? What it is that is making you contradict yourself?" (Shari)

"I... I started to love you! You are just so wonderful that I want to show the whole world that we belong together!!! Ever since you saved me I can barely contain myself around you! But... you don't like it. Especially not when others see. I know that and so I try to endure. But right now no one else is here to make you feel embarrassed about it, so it's fine!" (Liqu)


What have I done?

I made this already obsessed slime fall even deeper into her desire.
It seems everything I do backfires on me.
Like this, I have no real way to ban her from getting close.
I could try to order her, but this has its limits and will get less effective when repeated.
To be perfectly honest, it’s all just one big bluff.
In the first place, I need her and can't easily proceed completely by myself.

Even if I would make my threat come true and leave Liqu behind, this wouldn't prevent her from doing something undesirable.
Nothing can keep her from enforcing her will and she is the stronger one.
I already shudder at the thought of what she could do.
The biggest horror might be forced linking.
I've noticed that she can move during that action a bit.
This might imply... shiver... that she could... just swallow my core and take me with her.
Absolute horror!

With possibilities like these, I’d rather keep Liqu the way she is now instead of cornering her and provoking some desperate action.
And all that leads to this.


"Is there anything that would satisfy you enough to leave me be for the rest of the way?" (Shari)

"Umh, what do you mean?" (Liqu)

"It's simply annoying when you are this clingy. So is there any alternative which would make you calm down?" (Shari)

"Linking!!!" (Liqu)


How fast did she come to this?!


"You know that I hate that! It's as if my thoughts are no longer my own!" (Shari)

"This is the great part about that! We couldn't be any closer than we were back then." (Liqu)

"But I hate it! I don't want you to intrude in my body! And worse, my mind!" (Shari)

"Then you can do it!" (Liqu)

"Pardon?" (Shari)

"I-It doesn’t have to be much. A finger is enough. And just a second. Or less!" (Liqu)

"Less than a second?" (Shari)

"Yes, this would be absolutely enough!" (Liqu)

"And you will stop then? Without any complaints for the rest of the way?" (Shari)

"Yes, yes, yes! Certainly!" (Liqu)


It wouldn’t be the first time, so doing this isn't too bad.
Also, a finger barely counts as having contact.
I think I can cope.


"Urrgh, fine! Just the tip of the finger!" (Shari)


She is far too eager about this.
I slip a hand out and hold it towards her, still taking some time to look around on the empty road.
This is still a major trade route, so I have to be careful about any gawkers.

Liqu on the other hand doesn't seem to have these kinds of concerns and directly bares her stomach and core to me.
A strip with very unsettling implications.
I would have preferred a handshake only with the fingers, but it seems like that was asking for too much.
I feel uneasy, but at her expectant look, nearly bursting in anticipation, I can't possibly retreat anymore.
And I gave my word.
So I try to disconnect my visual input and extend forward until I feel contact.
And hell, how I feel it.


  • "I LOVE YOU!!!" (Liqu)
  • "I LOVE YOU!!!" (Liqu)
  • "I LOVE YOU!!!" (Liqu)


Immediately I cut the connection.
So much for that!


"Uhh, wasn't a little less possible?" (Shari)

"No!" (Liqu)


"Fine, you've got what you wanted, now keep your part!" (Shari)


I rub the tip of my finger which still tingles with some kind of reverberating sensation.
It's really a bit much.
A wave of emotions, that completely drown your own thoughts and makes it difficult to differentiate between yourself and the other.


"Yes! Sure! Whatever you wish for!" (Liqu)


It seems like she’s capable of listening.
That at least is a plus.
And she doesn't demand any more than this, which shows that I can trust her.

After this awkward episode, the rest of the journey proceeds smoothly.
Different from my other tours with Liqu, this time we are on a road that has actual traffic.
Like this, we see other people around.
The merchants on their carriages are a little suspicious of us because of our attire, but since we don't do anything to them it’s fine.
There are also some patrols on the way, but our guild cards work wonders for those.
Liqu got quite nervous with them, probably because she had previous encounters that didn't go so well, but not to the degree that we got into any problems.
It's not like they can arrest anyone on this road who looks even remotely suspicious.
Yet they probably could've demanded from us to take off the masks.
If anything, with this I could prove to Liqu that my actions until now had reasons behind them.

Eventually, we reach our destination; the waypoint to the count's estate!
This is a fairly frequently traversed road, which connects the capital and Ekoras.
There's a steady exchange of the riches of the Evergrove for supplies and common goods, which means there are reasons to keep it in good shape.
We’re quite a distance from both towns, and there is a third path from here that leads to an important person.
For this reason, it's not too surprising that a small settlement and tavern formed at this junction.
While I lack knowledge about the political influences in this area, it might even belong to the count, we are going to visit.

It looks at least better than my own village.
Some wealth must accumulate here with all the wares that pass through.
The houses look well-built, partly made of stone, and it’s clean, to a degree.
The local folk are still a worrisome kind, as we are just halfway gone from Ekoras, and these lands are still wild.
The capital doesn’t have the best reputation either.
I see some guards in blue uniforms, with black-golden emblems, but that doesn’t mean much regarding public order.
Especially not if I think about Ekoras.
In any case, it should be a distinguishable enough place to meet up with the others.

Since I cannot see Elin or Lidan I decide to enter this place to look for them.
Together with Liqu...

What could possibly go wrong?


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