Slime Girl

Chapter 77


- Shari -


Relaxing in this tub worked well.
Too well!

I barely can move.
Or rather, I don't want to.
We all had these times when you simply cannot find the will to get out of your bed, right?
Well, I'm feeling that, and I'm practically glued to the surface.
At the moment, I dread how I might look from the outside.
Just some liquid stuffed in this container.
This gives me really bad vibes.

I have a kinda twisted relationship with what one might call my body.
At the moment, I am aware of all the mass I have linked to me.
It feels strongest around my core and the closer to my borders the weaker the sensation is.
Nonetheless, I am fully aware of every little bit.
Still, at the same time, it is a little as if I sunk deep below the surface of a lake.
Looking from below the surface to the light above.
I realize that my perception originates from the core.
Basically, I let go of my control and like this have this impression as if I'm floating.
Because I am.
Inside myself.

If the mental image of my current looks were not so disturbing, this might feel nice.
In some way, you might call it the ultimate dozing off.
However, I wouldn't want anyone to see me in this state.
Especially not Liqu.





Did I hear something?


"Hello? Anyone there? I'm coming in." (?)


I hear the voice of a female person.
But in my current state, my senses are clouded.


"Click, creak"


That was the door!
Did someone enter?


"Huh, no one here? Didn't they say that new knights were accommodated here? Did they leave? Well, there their clothes are on the ground. Ughh, they're wet!" (?)


Not good!
Not good!
I really don't want to be seen like this.

From the sound of it, I would think that this is a maid to tend to the guests.
Poor thing.


"I don't see a problem. Why was Ilana so reluctant about coming here? I mean taking over half of my chores for the day! Who would deny such an offer?" (?)


Furthermore, somehow this person managed to have no idea whose room she was entering.
And no one bothered to tell her.
Talk about lousy co-workers!


"Huh, did someone fill a tub?" (maid)


Now I see a foggy shape from my position.


"Is this a gem?" (maid)


Who is touching me?!


"Eh, what is this? That isn't water." (maid)


Wait, is she reaching out for my...

Oh no, not my core!
I refuse to get stored in a box as some piece of jewelry!


Startled like this I awake from my standby mode daze and am again completely in control of myself.

First, I move my mass inside me against her arm to pressure it away from the place of concern.


"Wha-" (maid)


Next, I feel how my face reshapes on the surface and my body forms an appendage to guide that intrusive arm away from my core.


"Aaaahhhhhh!!!" (maid)

"Sorry for the scare, but I would prefer it if you'd leave my core within me." (Shari)

"Ack, ackack!" (maid)


I put her arm a comfortable distance away and let go.




"Look, you are perfectly safe. I won't do anything to you." (Shari)


For her sake, I will assume that she was just curious about what a gem was doing in a filled bathtub and not trying to steal my stuff.
Let alone the center of my mind.
Talk about severe crimes.
My mass might look a bit too blue for water, but I guess there are all kinds of bathing additives.
At least for nobles.


"Y-you, you, you are..." (maid)

"Yes, go on. I looove that part." (Shari)

"A slime!!" (maid)

"And you're a maid who is rude to a guest! We both aren't perfect." (Shari)

"G-guest? Why?" (maid)


Tears stream down her eyes.
The best approach might be just to gloss over it.


"Because I've got a job. I don't know if "knight" is the right term, but it's something like that." (Shari)


I'm no monster, but a hard-working member of society.
Yet she still trembles and I really am at a loss.


"I would give you a hug to better your mood, but I don’t think that would help, right?" (Shari)

"You, you..." (maid)


Is she again going to point out the obvious?


"You are... a person?" (maid)


Okay, that took me by surprise.


"Yes... I guess you can say so." (Shari)


Don't know when the last time someone different from my parents addressed me as such.
Most people directly become aggressive or need a long time until they stop seeing me as a monster.
For example, Myra and Jacob were like this.
It took quite some time till they didn't just stay with me because they wanted to survive.

Kinda sad to think about them.
I should focus on the present.


"Just to say so, I won't keep you from leaving, but I might need some help." (Shari)

"H-help?" (maid)


Actually, there are two issues.
First, I really could need someone who has non-liquid hands to wash my completely soaked clothes.
And second, more importantly, would be to get something to eat.
I don't need much, as I didn't do much to lose energy, but the unpredictable slime next door worries me.
Especially when she's hungry.

Better safe than sorry.


"I need someone to wash my clothes and clean the room. Also, I need some food. The one in the next room does as well. And yes, she's also a slime if you have to ask. And no, we aren't going to eat anyone, so please stop shaking." (Shari)


I have no idea if this works, but at least her trembling does lessen a bit, while she still stares at me with wide-open eyes.
The unusual point would be that she apparently forgot to follow her reflex of flight, which would be the common reaction I've got until now, aside from hostility.
Yet those who don't dare to be hostile are usually those who immediately dash to the exit and this girl really doesn't give me the impression of excessive confidence.
More as if she would never have stepped into this room if she would have known what waits in there and had any choice.


"How it comes that you have no idea about what to expect here? I am sure the people of the estate talk about nothing else at the moment." (Shari)

"No one told me!" (maid)

"No one said anything like "beware of the unusual residents in the cellar rooms" to you?" (Shari)

"N-now that you say it when Ilana asked me the others averted their eyes. But I thought it was just because it's not normal to exchange assignments and they didn't want to get involved. I-I am new and yesterday was my day off. I'm trying to gain favor." (maid)

"Sorry to hear that, but it's not like I'm happy to hear how far people go to avoid me. It's not like I harmed anyone. So it shouldn't be that bad for you." (Shari)

"For-Forgive me! I didn't want to upset you." (maid)

"Once more, I am quite civilized. You really don't have to be on edge. I wouldn't do anything even if I would be angered. Liqu is maybe a bit wilder, but wouldn't harm you without my consent. You are fine." (Shari)

"L-Liqu?" (maid)

"Yes, that's the name of the one next door. As a tip, check the ceiling when entering. Also, my name is Shari, by the way. And yours?" (Shari)

"I, I am Elara." (Elara)

"Alright, Elara. If you help me out I promise to be as compassionate and supportive toward you as possible. If you think about it, this might be beneficial on your side too. If you're fine with taking advantage of the fact that no one else is willing to come down here. They have to send someone, so you might ask for respective compensation." (Shari)

"You, you are different from what I thought." (Elara)

"Believe me, you won't survive long in my position if you're not cunning. Now to warn you in advance, it feels strange to have this talk while I'm inside a tub, so I will get out now. Don't panic." (Shari)

"O-okay." (Elara)


Standing up, I become aware that the form of this container makes it difficult to form legs, as the slime flows together in the middle.
I would have liked to take the human approach and step out with one leg after the other, but this seems too complicated.
Instead, I will try something I don't really like to do, but have witnessed several times by now.
I concentrate on my body and the ground in front of me.
Mark it as my destination and let myself flow in the intended direction.
In the same way, I formed appendages yesterday to fight I let mass rush out and gather at the location.
Soon I feel the drain.
I know it works when my core is affected and flows along with the rest of the mass.
For a moment, I am just some unformed mass in this place, but I quickly reassemble, greatly accelerated by my disdain for this state.

Exactly like Liqu.
It's this flying reassembling she does to quickly close distances and jump over obstacles.
Effective, but I really hate it to leave my human form behind.
Yet I wouldn't have known how to get out of the tub in a dignified manner and if I would have clumsily fallen on the ground the state I had ended up in would have been the same.

More as some kind of morning ritual, I stretch my newly shaped arms to make sure that they are properly attached.
Also, it might make me look more human in front of that still rather tense maid.
At least she looks impressed by my performance.
Or frightened that I am now roaming around.
One of the two.


"See, I'm perfectly normal if you get used to the appearance. Also, I'm neither bloodthirsty nor ferocious. You can be at ease just like you would be with other humans. The chance I harm you is the same as with any other person you encounter in this estate. You aren't panicking with them, right?" (Shari)

"N-no." (Elara)

"Then you can grant us the same. And I won't pressure you to shake hands." (Shari)

"Us?" (Elara)

"The one next door as well, she... Okay, I'll be honest, she is jumpier and maybe a little ferocious, but under control... Uhh, maybe not totally under control, but she can be nice, at times. And she wouldn't attack you just like that, I think. You are safe, hopefully." (Shari)

"That sounds... special?" (Elara)


I could clearly perceive how much she was trying to find a neutral word.
It took her quite a while.
And should be utterly unwilling to enter that room.


"You wouldn't know how "special". If you're scared I could introduce you." (Shari)

"You would?" (Elara)

"Sure, I have nothing else to do. Let's just..." (Shari)




Why is there slime falling from the ceiling?
Right, why bother pretending I don’t know?


"Okay Elara, I want you now to stay calm and come here to my side. And by all means, don't look up." (Shari)

"Wh-what is..." (Elara)




"Don't look! Just make those steps please." (Shari)


At least she follows orders.
Yet I guess this is something one should be able to expect from a maid.
Also, she trembles again.
I might have been a bit too ominous here.


"P-p-please. I, I am scared. Why can't I look. What is up there?" (Elara)

"Sigh! Liqu." (Shari)

"Yes?" (Liqu)


The answer comes from above, where a face appears in the middle of the completely slime-covered ceiling.
Our little maid at this can't help it at this point but has to look up, followed by a slight panic attack.


"Wha-, Waaaaaaaahhh!!!" (Elara)

"Liqu, could you please get down here, without covering everything, with... well, you." (Shari)


Again we have this eerie dropping down.
The maid by my side stopped screaming, but I am rather sure she is by no means calm.


"Okay, this is Liqu. As I said, she's a little weird." (Shari)

"Hello!" (Liqu)


She is beaming, totally elated.
Like she's always when she can talk to people who aren't running at her appearance.
Yet this time it might be more because she is effectively blocking off the only exit.


"Liqu, how many more times do I have to tell you that people won't shake your hand! It means for them that they could lose the very same!"  (Shari)

"I wouldn't do something like this. That would be low." (Liqu)

"As honorable this way of thinking might be, I believe most people won't take chances on that matter."  (Shari)

"Hmph, that's rude."  (Liqu)

"You mean like sneaking in someone's room without permission?"  (Shari)

"I wanted to look for you." (Liqu)

"You just wanted to satisfy that creepy stalker habit of yours. Also, you scared the maid. How are people supposed to ease up if you pull off something like this?" (Shari)


I turn to the poor, trembling maid.


"I am very sorry, Elara."  (Shari)

"It's... It's fine I think. B-but how did she get in here?" (Elara)

"Huh? I think she followed you. She notices stuff that happens around her."  (Shari)

"No, no. The door was locked when I came and I closed it directly behind me when I entered. I am sure of it. It's still closed." (Elara)


She's right.
The door is closed and not even this slime can sneak this fast through a gap, while someone is watching from the inside.
That leaves...


"Liqu!"  (Shari)

"Yes?" (Liqu)

"Since when were you inside?"  (Shari)

"Ehm, do I need to tell?" (Liqu)

"Yes!"  (Shari)

"The whole morning. It wasn't bright yet when I started." (Liqu)


The whole time!
This damned stalker slime!


In the calmest tone possible I start,


"Alright, I don't feel like scolding you in front of an uninvolved maid. We will have a long talk later."  (Shari)

"Yay!" (Liqu)


Urgh, Liqu-headache.
And I thought I had overcome this.
I tend to that maid.


"You see, she's a bother, but not malicious. Just the most annoying thing you will ever encounter."  (Shari)

"Can, can I leave now?" (Elara)

"Sure. It's not like we are going to stop you. But like I said, please wipe the room down. I like it clean and don't want the stain. I guess Liqu doesn't need it, right?"  (Shari)

"Why would I want to lose slime?" (Liqu)

"As I said. This and bringing us food. Can you do that much?" (Shari)


She nods.
Maybe while glancing a little uneasy to Liqu, but this counts as consent.


"Great. Now if we can be of any help to you, just let us know. Think of us as your allies. If for example your colleagues again want to take advantage of you."  (Shari)

"Huh? But... Why? You don't even know me." (Elara)

"Why not? It can't be bad to have friends. Also, you are the one to bring us food. You don't bite the hand that feeds you."  (Shari)

"What does that mean? Why not take both?" (Liqu)

"Because Liqu, the hand won't bring you something again if you do that. So please stop making such utterly stupid comments."  (Shari)


She looks dejected.
Probably because it was some time since her last scolding.
But if I don't stop her now she might say something similar to the lord.


"Sorry about that. Liqu's common sense, at times, basically doesn’t exist. I will make sure to force that into her core. You don't need to worry."  (Shari)

"Uhm, thank you."  (Elara)


With this, she scurries quite fast out of the room.
She must be still scared.
However, since she thanked me I'd say our relationship improved a little bit which might be because I kept Liqu at a distance from her.
This might have built a weird kind of trust through dependency.
For this, I might even have to thank Liqu since I believe this maid will follow up on our agreement.

Now you might ask yourself why I went so far to curry favor with a maid, which might have tried to take my core and has apparently a bad standing among the staff.
The reason is just that I might need allies more than she does.
And now I have someone in this estate to poke for information.
Now that she's gone I can address my private issues with Liqu.


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