
Author Note/Update

Hey all! Jess here, just wanted to drop a little note here with some serious thanks. Slipspace has become so much more than I ever imagined it would be and it never would have happened without the help and encouragement I have gotten from you, my readers. 

As for the future of Slipspace? Well, good news and bad news. Good news is that things are chugging on along here. I am keeping up with my posting schedule and my buffer is still decently healthy. I have fully plotted out this story and I have all of the major beats planned. Therein lies the bad news though. Slipspace is soon coming to an end. 

There are currently just shy of 90,000 words in my documents so far and I am pretty sure I have another 10k to go, but that will be enough to close out this story. Have no fears though, its looking like this wont be the end of this universe or the end of Adresta, Vox, and Echo's adventures! The real good news is that I am currently working on the outline for BOOK 2!! 

From it's humble beginnings as a dream I had, where I saw the destruction of the Oxide, Slipspace grew into a full story at the prodding of some good friends. Then, it grew even more when I was asked to run a TTRPG game in the universe! And now, that expansion to the lore has turned into the beginnings of what is becoming a second book following the next adventures of our lead girls.


In light of all of this, I have some shoutouts that I simply have to make.

First of all, my amazing girlfriend PurpleCatGirl. Many of you already read her stories and she has been an amazing inspiration to me in my continued writing.

Next, Kathryn, It was your game, your creativity that sparked my imagination back into drive after years of dormancy, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Also my editors, Psiah and fellow author KristenOfTheCoven! Ideas, pointing out my silly mistakes, keeping me laughing at the jokes, you two have helped me to really take the rough idea I started with and turn it into a real story.

Trismegistus Shandy, you have been the final polish that made Slipspace shine! And I will never forget the stories I read all those years ago, showing me the path forward and introducing me to a world beyond the one I was raised in.

Can't forget my patrons either! When I first started this, I never even thought of myself as a real author. I was just a girl with some silly stories on the internet, but you all have given me the confidence to turn my hobby into something more. Tisha, PriyaKitten, Wyatt, Rachel the Shark, and so many more, Thank you!

And finally, to all of you. The readers here. I cannot even express what you have done for me. Every time I see another favorite, another follow, another comment, my heart beats just a little bit faster. You all are talking, theorizing, and enjoying something that I never thought would be anything special and yet we hit the front page last week. #9 on Trending. I am speechless. From the depths of my soul, you have my gratitude. If this story has touched you, please leave a comment below. Tell me your favorite parts so far. Tell me what you want to se moving forward. Your input is valued!

This one is for you.


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