So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 13: The Demicat and The Lurachnid


While I was doing my routine, gathering food, materials such as herbs. patrolling and scouting the area, something caught my attention...

...It was a girl that was also gathering food, putting some sort of traps as she went on

At first, I thought she was a threat since someone like her shouldn't be wandering around this deep in the forest, but right after a few more minutes of following her beneath the shadows, there was something odd about her actions...

"Weird...Dad used to say that Lurachnids like her often use their skills to trick their opponents, but I haven't seen any signs of her using mana..."

Yes. This girl is from a Lurachnid species. Lurachnids look similar to humans my parents and I always met, but the only difference was that their hands and feet are darkened to the point that you can only see darkness from it. Lurachnids have also black hairstyle as well as black eyes, however my Dad said that they can easily change their appearance to fool those around them. They can easily do that because that's what they're good at. Lurachnids, according to Dad, are a species that excels in Deception and Illusions...

...If they truly excel at it...then why is she showing her true form to me...?

...Or is it possible that this isn't her and I'm already inside her illusion?

Many things came into my mind, but the only thing I've thought of is to prove whether or not I'm already in her skill or not...

...until when the girl turned into my way, I saw something devastating that only Rui sama can do. I quickly left the scene, hoping to not waste any more time before things could get worse, yet-

"Then there's no problem, let it do its thing" 

-Was the final answer that I got from Rui sama without any hesitation. Maybe I wasn't able to explain it properly, so I tried, but-

"Nope! If its not doing anything to us, then its best if we let it be" 

Rui sama didn't budge. Rui sama isn't a bad person, I know that to heart, its just that I wasn't able to say it properly to him that what he was thinking wasn't the case at all...

...So I took matters into my own hands and thought that if I bring that girl back instead, maybe Rui sama will change his mind. I'm afraid that I might break my oath of loyalty to Rui sama, that's why I asked for permission to go back to where the girl was...


Right after I got permission from Rui sama, I left in a hurry to catch up to the girl that I found on the southwest of the forest. Given that she wouldn't stay in one place because she was gathering food, I looked around to where she might be after

"I don't know your circumstances...and I know the chances are close to 0, but I know Rui sama will do something about this!"

I said to myself, looking every food source around the forest that's closest to that girl...


Until eventually, I saw her back, seemingly catching fish with her bare hands

"There she is!"

But how do I approach someone without alerting them? I don't have any intentions to fight whatsoever, so if possible, I'd like to have a chat with her, especially about her...


I thought of a way to approach her, but nothing comes to mind...till suddenly-

"I know you're hiding in there, show yourself!"

Oh no! How did she know?! Did I stepped on any of the traps on the way here?! She might think I'm here to fight her!

But I can't turn back now! I'll just talk my way out of it!

I then stepped down from the tree's branch to show myself to the Lurachnid

"Demicat? What's someone like you doing out here?"

That's what I should be asking you!

"I-I went out for a stroll"

The Lurachnid squinted her eyes, looking up and down on me

"Don't you Demicats live faraway from here? That's what my former trainer told me"


"Nevermind, I don't care about it anymore. I am making a small talk with you right now, but you do know us right?"

Right after as she said that, I noticed that something was off...

...After thoroughly checking up on her, I went on with her question 

"Lurachnids...capable of deceptions and illusions, or at least that's what my Dad told me"

"So you're not that dumb then. As for me, I know that Demicats are full blooded warriors, capable of defeating hundreds of humans and creatures thanks to your strength...So that alone makes me left wondering right now"


"Why is someone like you, A Demicat, is so interested in me? A Lurachnid? Aren't we basically enemies?"

The girl became dead serious right after that question

"Enemies? I have never seen you that way the whole time!"

The girl then looked at me carefully, then asked another question

"...What's your business with me then?"

I looked at her with sincere eyes

"'re hiding something this whole time, right?"



After a few seconds, the girl finally responded

"As if you can help me-"


The girl suddenly launched an attack at me, I was able to block it easily

"Tsk! As expected, you Demicats sure are strong!"

She then flips back, maintaining quite a distance from me

"Look, I'm here to help you!"

The girl didn't listen to me. She instead attacked me as swiftly as she can from all sides. Unfortunately for her, she was too slow for me to even land a scratch

Multiple clashing sounds can be heard, as she continuously strike an attack on me, I keep blocking it

It was a never-ending battle where she is the one losing


She was catching her breath right after she maintained her distance from me


I didn't want to prolong the fight any longer, that's why I tried to talk her out of it

"Don't Lurachnids excel in deception and illusion? Why aren't you using one?"

"! T-That's because-"

"I know. Its not because you don't want to, its because you can't, right?"

"! H-How did you-"

I sat down, with my hands glued to each other in front of her to show that I have no intentions to fight

"I also know this is an illusion"

"! H-Huh-"

"Earlier...when I saw you, you had a small mark on your chest, the moment I didn't see that on you right now, make me think that I'm inside your illusion"


"The reason why you can't cast any more skills is because of...'that'...right?"



Right as she fell silent, the Illusion spell that she casted on me slowly turned into a mist...and then disappeared into nothingness

" did you know?"

The girl said, showing the real her. The fake illusion of her had similar appearance to the real her, the only difference was the mark on her chest, which gave me a clue earlier

"Because my Dad told me about it" 

My Dad used to tell me that back in his days, his parents would always tell him stories about many things, including other species, places, events, and such. It is a story, yet its a story that is based on everything that exists on this world. He doesn't have a copy of a said story since it was a word of mouth, but my Dad took it to heart, word by word, so that he would be able to share it with me

Since the knowledge he gave me was in a form of stories, I was able to understand and memorize most of it. It was so useful that even to this day, I'm still using the knowledge that he passed down to me...thank you very much Dad...

"You're Dad sure knows a lot huh?"

"Apparently, *chuckles*"

"...I know you're my enemy and all, but can you really help me...?"

"Like I said earlier, I've never seen you like that"

Well I kinda did...the first time I saw her...but that's beside the point!

"And yes, I know my Mas- Leader can help you!"

I almost forgot that Rui sama dislikes the title of 'Master' ! Its 'Leader' Mashiro, Leader, Leader!

"Leader? You have a leader? I didn't expect you have a Leader since you're this strong. I'm guessing he's stronger than you then?"

"Mm! He's super strong! He's kind, hardworking, good at cooking and- Uh-Ah, I said too much..."

My face completely got flustered as the girl got more intrigued about Rui sama

"Hm...sorry if I have such skepticism on you, but what do you gain from this? How does this benefit you?"

"Ah...Its simple, its because I've been on that situation before"


"Before I met my Leader, I had a horrible life. I had wonderful parents, but that place took them away from me..."


It seemed like the girl wanted to ask me further, but she restrained herself from doing so

"When I was alone, I wondered how I'll survive on my own. I've once thought of ending myself, but my Dad told me to live on, have a good life, and live for myself. They sacrificed their lives just to get me out of that place...when I thought of that, how could I waste their sacrifices?"


"So I lived for myself...until I met him...the one that my Dad said that I'm destined for"

"Your leader...huh?"

I gave a nod to her

"Our first encounter with each other wasn't that good, I even thought he wanted to kill me because of his overwhelming aura, but right after he took me to his home, he treated my wounds and took care of me like what my parents would do. Right then, I suddenly felt that he was the person that my Dad was talking about, that's why I didn't hesitated and took an oath of loyalty to him"

"O-Oath of Loyalty?! But that's-"

"I know, being a subordinate of his with him in control. Yet he was different, he never saw it as an advantage or anything, he even wanted to be in the same level of standing as me. Those reasons alone made me strive further to not let go of him, to not disobey him, and to never ever make him get rid of me"

"...Lemme guess...that feeling even developed even further?"

I shyly nodded at the truth she laid out on me

"I can't help it! He's so different than others! You'll get what I mean when you meet him!"

"Hm...but how does this benefit your Leader?"


"Let's say that he was able to help me, despite the odds, but what's in it for him?"

"He's not like that! I know because he took care of me without anything in return!"

"Sounded to me that he took a liking to you"


I got taken aback to what she said

"N-N-No way! He even brushed off my response to him earlier!"


While I was trying to get rid of my embarrassment, she got silent for a few moments, and then responded again

"I can't trust you that much nor your Leader, but I do need the help that I can get. As long as you guys don't do anything sketchy on me, I'll go with you"

My eyes perked up as I heard of her approval

"I promise! We don't have any harmful intentions!"

She just nodded in response

"If we follow this path, we should be able to get back in there quickly!"


Right as I was about to go up to the tree's branch, she suddenly called out on me


"...My name's Lura"

It was a late introduction between us, but I smiled at the thought of her sharing her name at me

"I'm Mashiro, nice to meet you Lura!"

Lura smiled back at me as a response

"I'm gonna lead the way, so be sure to follow me alright?"

"You better pick up the pace then, I'm quite fast you know?"


I said, as I quickly stepped on one branch after another, while Lura followed me behind...


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