So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 16: My Way of The Lurachnid


As soon as I woke up, I was greeted with familiar faces, whose I've been with most of the time

"About time you woke up!"


I was greeted by an angry tone from my teacher, who was seemingly looking at me with disgust


I wanted to get up quickly, but my actions were stopped thanks to the chains 

"Huh? W-What's with these chains?!"

I tried to get them off while they were staring at me the whole time, struggling

"Don't you get it? Its your day of the trial!"

A trial in a tribe is like a place that decides for our wrongdoings or sins that we committed. The chief of the tribe, alongside with his trusted men always governs and foresees every decision that has been made for the person in question...

...but the lingering problem is, why am I that person in question right now?

"Why?! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"That's where you're very, very wrong, young Lura!"

 It was my teacher who stepped in, who is obviously not on my side

"T-Teacher...what did I do? What did I do to deserve this?!"

As if he got a few screws loose on his hand, he laughed hysterically at my question


I got taken aback by his words, confused by his actions. As the people around me got more chaotic, calling me names and such, It was then that my confusion was replaced with anger

"What...are you even talking about?"

He smiles widely at my question

"Young Lura, daughter of the Honorable Guard, as well as the holder of such infectious disease! How do you plea?"

"Infectious disease?! I don't such thing! You gotta believe me!"

I look the people around us, which were full of distrust and disgust at me...

...even the ones I helped along the way were uncertain on who to believe, on which is which

"Oh but you do! The irrefutable evidences says otherwise!"

He says back to me as he slammed down the stack of papers on me


'Daughter of the former Honorable Guard...confirms that she has Indomitable Infectious Curse of Poison?!'

'Indomitable Infectious Curse of Poison...harmful to Lurachnids, stay away from whoever has it?!'

'Chief of the Lurachnids takes action on the probable imminent downfall of the Lurachnids?!'

A mix of emotions came through me right as I saw different posters facing different issues about me. These news clearly wants to ruin my image, but why? Why me?! Is it because I'm the daughter of the former Honorable Guard, or is it something else? Or is it both?

Feeling sense of distraught, I let out a statement

"T-This is fake! Someone's making this up! Teacher! Surely you of all people know this! Don't tell me you believe this crap!"

I was hoping to get the response that I wanted, but turns out that my teacher right now, wasn't the teacher that I know at all

"Oh I do, young Lura, I believe every word of it"

"Lurachnids tend to fool one another! Wasn't that your teaching?! Weren't you the one who said it?!"

He looked at me which a surprised face

"Teacher...? I was never your teacher"


"Oh my! Did that infectious disease of yours already getting into your tiny brain?"

"What's wrong with you!"

"There's nothing wrong with me, you're the one who's messed up"

I don't get it, why's he acting like this?! Was everything that we spent together just nothing to him?! Why?! 

"! My caretaker! Surely he can attest to this! Where is he?! Did he came back?!"

Several days had passed when he supposedly went off on a scouting mission, I was sure that he would come to my aid when I needed him the most...

...until then, my Teacher shut down my rebuttal

"You mean your caretaker that killed our one and only doctor?"


My caretaker...killed the doctor of our tribe...?

"H-He would never do anything like that!"

"Teenagers these days...look at those papers I gave you young Lura"

I then looked at them once again...until I was able to see something noteworthy buried in other papers

'A Reputable Honorable Guard Kills The Doctor of The Tribe! Witness Says Its All Planned' ?!

Why?! Why was the Honorable Guard, the caretaker killed doc?!

I don't get it, I don't know anything anymore! Why? Why? WHY?! 

I couldn't even got to see him after he got back, and now I couldn't even do anything for him! After all the time he took care of me...I couldn't even return the favor...

"Where is he?! I want to see him!"

"You can't, you're in the middle of a trial. Show some courtesy at least"

"Courtesy?! You call this courtesy?!"


He didn't stretch the conversation any further, and went on with the next topic

"It was sad to see the doc passed away, but I did make sure that all his research and progress we're safe before that despicable man got a hold of it. It was the only thing that we have memories of the doctor, so I will take care of it in the meantime"


My caretaker would never take interest in such thing! He respects the doc highly! There's no reason for him to kill doc!

That means-


"Hm? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, young Lura, I only got a hold of the information myself the moment my boy told me"


It was then that he showed up behind my teacher



He didn't speak a word to me, he just kept averting his eyes, unable to confront me



"Now, now, young Lura, its not nice to threaten someone especially when you're at trial"

"Shut up! You know this infectious deadly news thing isn't true! If that were the case, you should've gotten it sooner!"

He then tilts his head in confusion

"I'm really afraid I don't know what you're talking about, this is the first time we met I believe"

"?! WHAT?!"

"There were no records in the tribe's main hall of me being as your teacher no?"


"And everyone here can attest that this is our first conversation with each other!"


I see...I get it that's why all this time, we had to do the trainings in secret...where there's no people around...

...Just so he could execute this whole thing perfectly!

At this could I even defend myself? He already has everyone dancing on the palm of his hand

I let out my rage out of the window, slowly accepting my defeat

"Aren't you a crafty one?"

"I don't think myself as one, young Lura"

He then gets closer to my ear

"Its just how the way of Lurachnid does it. You deceive, fool, misinform, and manipulate people. Its simple really, and all it needs is a little shift of perception in one's view"

He then reminds me of the very first lesson that he taught me...'Perception'

"But why? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to us?!"

I said, hinting at the doc and my caretaker at the last part. He then shrugs it off

"I've taught you everything didn't I? Why don't you put what you learned into the test? Oh wait, you already failed at it!"


He then backs off, seemingly preparing for the next thing, it was then that all of the Lurachnids got silent, signalling the entrance of the Chief

"Chief! You've arrived! As promised, I present to you the Lurachnid in question!"

The chief looked at me from top to bottom

"Is it safe to get closer?"

"Why of course! I've completely nullified its effects thanks to my skill!"

Pfft, such bullshit

The chief praises him, and then walked closer to me

"Is it true that your Indomitable Curse of Poison is infectious and deadly that can kill any Lurachnid?"


What kind of question is that?! Even if I answer honestly, its not like you're gonna change your mind anyways!

"...What do you think?"


He then turns his back on me, seemingly satisfied with the half-hearted answer

"I, the 14th Ruler of the Lurachnid Tribe. Hereby declare that Lura, the Daughter of the Former Honorable Guard, guilty for willful omission, withholding vital information that can harm everyone when it should have been revealed"

"That's right!"

"She deserved it!"

"There's no place for you here!"

Wha-That fast?! Was trials in the tribe this fast?!

There were many different comments that can be heard from each Lurachnid, but most of them only leads to one message, they definitely don't want me in this tribe

On the other hand, My 'Teacher' smiles from ear to ear from what he heard

"I then hereby declare that the punishment to be passed down is expulsion!"

His smile faded, as if that's wasn't the last part he wanted to hear

"C-Chief, with all due respect, I believe that she should be executed to end this disease"

The Lurachnids behind his back supported his suggestion. The chief looked at him dead serious in the eyes

"You said that this disease can harm the Lurachnids right?"


"So it doesn't affect those who are not Lurachnids, am I wrong?"


The chief waited for a few seconds for his answer, but he didn't replied back

"I'll take it as a yes then. This trial is adjourned!"

He says, as he swiftly got out of the scene, seemingly in a hurry



"Tsk! Expulsion my ass! You're going senile as well old man!"

It was then that the guards were ready to kick me out of the tribe, when my 'Teacher' says his final words to me

"Last lesson for you, young Lura"


"...Learn the way of the Lurachnid"


And that...was last time I've seen him, as well as my last memories of that place...the caretaker...doc...everything...

...and that shaped the perception of my reality, that shaped the way of how I see around me, how I view others, and how I view the world...




For quite some time, I got used to being alone, trusting no one...

...until someone came in my way

"Look, I'm here to help you!"

It was a Demicat, a different species that reached out to me with sincerity. We did clash a few blows before I was certain that she weren't after my life. She also saw through my illusions, which I concluded that I had no more chance of winning when she's this strong...

...But what was more intriguing to me was she was still open to help me despite of what I did

"...I know you're my enemy and all, but can you really help me...?"

"Like I said earlier, I've never seen you like that"

It was warming, reminded me the days where I can trust other people very easily, which then brought me back to those days...of bad memories...

I was conflicted, undecided at that point of the path I should take...

...until eventually I gave in. It doesn't hurt a bit to trust a little bit now does it?

Even if I made the wrong decision again, I wont regret it. I'll find a way to get out of it

That's just how it is, that's how I'll do it...that's my way of the Lurachnid!


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