So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 18: The Cleansing


Due to a more important thing that came up, lunch will have to be delayed. Mashiro of course understands this, hence why she took the necessary preparations for us to conduct the "Cleansing" for Lura as quickly, and smoothly as we can

Of course the food will get cold if we let it sit for a while, that's why I tried to warm it continuously using my earth and fire spells. With my earth spell surrounding and encapsulating the dishes, and my fire spell keeping my earth spell warm in the right temperature, I was able to create something that acts as a food chafing

This is also not a problem for me since the spells that I casted previously will not disappear until I make it to do so. I don't know why or how it works, but if I were using a mana for this, I think it'll be pretty consuming or taking a toll on me right now...

Now that has been taken care of, I headed inside our home, inside the room, to where Lura and Mashiro was...

...Right before I was able to open the door-

"W-Wha?! You really gonna do that?!"


Getting curious, I leaned my ear closer to the door

"Yeah. I figured that would be the best, plus it isn't so bad after all now that I think more about it"

"W-Why? I mean, do you really want to?"

"What's with that question? Of course I am! I would never make such rash decisions on the spot"

"I see..."





...It was hard to hear their next part of their conversation. Several seconds later, It was then that I thought they stopped talking that I let myself in

"! Rui sama!"

I was greeted by Mashiro, who stood up quickly, smiling as usual. Meanwhile, Lura was averting her eyes the moment I stepped in

"? Something wrong?"



Earlier, her personality resembles of those gals that I always see from my school way back in my old world, but right now, she acts like a shy girl, unable to socialize with anyone. I didn't pay more attention to it as I go over to the herbs that Mashiro gathered from my workshop

"Good, this should be enough, thanks Mashiro"

Mashiro nods as she happily waggles her ears and tail back and forth 


...I know I said that I think I can remove her curse earlier...

...But how do I exactly remove such thing?

Poison in my world, blocks certain parts in our body such as enzymes, receptors, and such, that makes it hard for us to breathe, increase heart rate, and other more possible symptons...

...but how do I, imagine it exactly as easy as how its portrayed in animes and games?

I grinded the herbs to form it into one big leaf, as I asked Lura more information

"Say, Lura, what do you feel when you feel the curse is doing its thing?"

"What do I feel...?"

She's lost in thought for several seconds, until something came into her mind

"Sometimes, whenever I try to use one of my skills for something, I feel a burning sensation from my chest to my hand, the source where I let my spells go to"


"Rui sama, any person that can cast a skill or ability should never feel a burning sensation within any part of their body. This is something that Lura should not also be feeling as well"

"I didn't even know that...ahaha"

Lura laughed it off as if her condition right now isn't any worse than it is

"Burning sensation..."

Poison in my world does also affect the body temperature of a person...

...but how does this help me in this matter?

"Well...I did have doubts at first whether its because of my curse that I'm feeling this way...but to think that it is, just shows how much my gut feeling was right after all. Its almost as if, its running within my veins"


There is a case of Blood Poisoning now that I think about it. That might be the thing I need to be able to do this!

"You say you feel it in your veins?"

" feels like it"

"Mashiro, One's mana does regenerate within the body and a part of a blood right?"

"Yes, Rui sama"

"I see...then that means her Indomitable curse wasn't indomitable at all"

"What do you mean...?"

"From the way I understand it, your curse blocks the regenerative part of your mana, hence why you can't no longer recover the mana that you lost. The burning sensation however...was probably because..."

Mashiro was the first one to get it

"! She has no mana left?!"

I nodded

"What?! That's impossible! How could I be able to still use my spells then?!"

"Thanks to that curse, it also probably acts as a 'mana receptor' that tricks your body to think that it still has mana to spend, but in reality, its not"

"B-But my teacher trained my harshly on mana conservation!"

"Lura...if that's the case, then you'd still be using mana, right?"


"Your teacher would've been wise enough to not let you use much mana if you had such condition. I'm afraid that...your teacher..."


Her silence speaks louder, leaving her shocked and confused

"...So he was already deceiving me from the wonder why he let me go so easily..."

She laughs weakly, accepting utter defeat

"So...I've been using my life to cast my spells this whole time? Am I...done for?"


...No one in the room could answer her question

...Except for me of course

"No. In fact, I'm now one closer to getting rid of it"


"Rui sama...!"

Now that I got the gist of how the curse would work on her body, I think I can pull it out if my logical reasoning is correct

As I got done forming the grinded sets of herbs into one big leaf, I then put it above Lura's body. Covering her whole body but the head

"Are you ready?"

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then nodded. While Mashiro looks at us with anticipation


With the right materials, the right conditions, and the right timing, I then casted my spell


The leaf started to glow once again, as I had gone deeper into Lura's body analysis

Imagine it! Imagine the flow of one's mana!

...It was then that inside of her body, I was able to see the flow of blood within her veins... well as the flow of her mana, which can be seen blocked by the said curse

"As I expected..."

It seems that my theory was correct, the curse was indeed stopping and eating the mana flow, as it also acts as a mana receptor that uses the life force of an individual whenever that individual tries to cast a spell

"But how do I get rid of it?"

Replacing the heart, which is the pumper of blood and her mana, can work, but the blockage and the curse's mana receptor will remain still, as its not part of the heart...

...also, I haven't tried replacing a heart for reasons that I think its dangerous for me to try


"Rui sama...?"

I can feel Mashiro getting anxious over what's happening to me, but I smiled at her to reassure that everything's ok

...but what exactly can I do here? That blockage is within her veins all over her body! If only I can suck that thing out-

-Wait! I can! With the help of these herbs, I can definitely replace and fix the flow within her veins!

I then began to process the transference between the leaf and Lura

"Ngh! Agggh!"

It was painful, but it is something that she has to endure for a while

...Even Mashiro, who was silent, knew the pain, as she's also the one who got cured from it

One by one, the blockage from the curse got removed, damaging her veins in the process, until there was no more trace of them

I then slowly fix her veins as well as improving her regeneration thanks to the different herbs' effects


...Until Lura was able to breathe ease, and the big leaf turned into grey


"The leaf turned into grey...does this mean...! Rui sama!"

I looked at her with a satisfying smile on my end

It was a success. The long experiment on curing different status ailments as well as curing Lura's Indomitable Curse of Poison was a success


Lura, who got unconscious for a few minutes, woke up

"Lura! You did it! You did it!"

Mashiro said, as she hugged Lura in earnest, Lura looked instinctively to her chest, only to see the mark that resembles the curse was gone

"...So we did it...we really did it...I'm glad..."

Tears broke down from her eyes, as if she had been keeping it all this time

" can now live your lives to the fullest"


"I'm so glad can now live as long as you can before!"


She wiped her tears right after, whispering something to Mashiro

"Remember what I told you earlier, Mashiro?"


"Well...can I...?"

"You know I already agreed to it earlier right?"



What are they talking about?

I was about to leave, bringing the remains of the big leaf with me, when suddenly Lura reached out to me

" liege!"


Oh no...why am I feeling deja vu all of a sudden?!

"I, Lura, Pledging my body and soul to Rui Hanzawa-"

"Lura! Wait-"

"-I will do anything he asks me to. I will never betray him. I will not stand for any mockery, belittling, and anything harm against him. I will never let anyone take advantage of him I acknowledge Rui Hanzawa as my one and only liege!"

"Is this seriously happening- Achk!"

Again, just like what happened to Mashiro, another ball of light encapsulated Lura

Unable to stop the process, I sat down to my knees, accepting for what's about to come


Nobody wants my opinion on this?! Stop deciding on your own for god sake!

It was then that the ball of light slowly dispersed, showing the new form of Lura in the process


Just like Mashiro, her form changed. From teenager's body structure, to a more, seductive, appealing side of a young woman...

...if this doesn't fit the description of what Lurachnids should be and should look like, then I don't know what it is...

"My Liege...I've finished my transformation, I'm happy to announce that I've evolved to a higher level of Lurachnid species"




I shouted at the top of my lungs, as Mashiro and Lura seemingly got blown off at my sudden outburst


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