So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Burdens of Leadership


Days...and more days, had passed. For others, it feels like time flies so fast, but the saying can't be said to this place in particular...

...unrest, anxiety, stress, and injustice, can be felt from the hundreds of refugees. Of course no one raises their voices to the higher ups, but the leader knows. Hikari knows...

Behind those "sincere" smiles, speaks "better livelihood" for not only for themselves, but for the next generations as well

The night today, unlike any other days, was colder than usual, everyone had a relief expression on their faces as they sleep on their temporary camps that they set up to shelter them in any cases of bad weather to come

It was a short while relief, but Hikari and the others knew that they have to find a long term solution for such common and daily problems of the citizens...

"Hey man, you can take a rest for a while. Us pillars can handle the area"

Ignis said to Hikari, as Hikari meticulously read every reports in his desk

"I'm fine. Moreover, I need to take care of these first as soon as possible"

"*Sigh*...You're overdoing it. Take a breather once in a while. I know that we aren't in a position to dilly dally right now, but its also not good to push ourselves too far" 


Hikari's hand stopped writing, he then started writing again a few seconds after

"If its for the betterment of the citizens, then I wouldn't mind sacrificing my rest"


Ignis then moved closer to Hikari's desk, taking the stack of papers away from him


"Work is faster when more people are doing it, right?"


He stopped looking at Ignis, and continued writing


Ignis replied back with a sly smile on his face

They then meticulously scanned each paper

"Stock requests...Material Shortages...Security Measures...Scouting permissions...its just the same thing over and over again"

"That's just how it is for now"

"You deal with these stuff everyday? Its like watching the same damn parade"

"They are necessary requests that is needed to be look further by me. Without my permission, they can't do as they please"

"You say that but...?"

As Ignis shifted through each paper after paper, his hand stopped moving

"Is this also an everyday request?"

"What is?"

"Requests for scouting exploration as well as territorial control of the nearby waterfalls...or so what it says"

"Oh, that..."

As he filled up the whole paper, Hikari switched to another blank paper 

"...They keep giving me that kind of request ever since they heard of it from Aeris"

"That damn blabbermouth, she couldn't even kept it confidential from those adventurers!"

"Reports from Aeris stated that most adventurers that we stationed from each borders are getting tired of patrolling the area everyday. I did take it into consideration such as implementing rotational stations, but according to Aeris, that didn't improve the adventurer's motivations"

"So the reason why she gave the info is to keep them at bay? Well if you ask me, that just made those adventurers pester you now everyday!"

"It may come off as a nuisance, but I didn't mind one bit. It was quite an unfeasible plan that Aeris took, but it did keep the adventurers to stay here until they get my approval"

"And thanks to that, you got the same requests but each of them are in different format..."

Ignis said as he collected the similar requests into one collection

"...It might be ill of me to speak of this to other pillars, but I think Aeris had another thing in mind when she did this"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Aeris is the type of pillar that won't give away an info without any exchange. So to speak, she probably has something in plan"

"And you don't have any means to stop her?"

"Unless its detrimental to us, I let all pillars to do as they please"

"What if you approve those requests and something happens to them, won't it be problematic for you?"

There will be more problems that'll arise in regards to security, hunting, and safety of the citizens if something bad were to happen to the adventurers. Hikari knows it too well, hence why he was able to answer it with ease

"It does affect us negatively if I were do to that, but never did I say that I would approve of their requests in the first place"

"I basically, they were hoping for nothing"

It might be a scummy way of doing things, but its one of the things that Hikari will do, if it means for the betterment of the citizens

"I don't have any desire to take control of that place anyways. Unless Aeris and Casa brings noteworthy of information, we won't be doing anything reckless"

"That place had an abundance of supplies right? It would've been beneficial to us if it weren't for the thing that you mentioned to us"

Yes, that thing is the "Heavenly Beasts". Since the top threat level in this world is known as "Calamity Class Threat", Heavenly Beasts were put on that category, but many people, including Hikari, knew that they're beyond that level. Trying to pick a fight with one of them is like asking death himself to come right through your doorstep

"It will take a while, but lets hope Aeris and Casa brings back some good insight"

"Yeah...I have hopes for Casa, but not for that witch"

Which he was referring to the Wind Pillar

Hikari didn't pay attention to Ignis' Banter. He moves the approved papers to his right side, and then continues on with his work

Ignis did the same, as he try to lower the burden on Hikari's shoulders...

...As the night was colder than usual, many people were sleeping peacefully in the amidst of countless problems

Countless problems that never ends. Ended problems that starts a new problem, a chain of problems, an endless cycle, yet a slight, temporary peacefulness from slumber makes it go away... 

...But it was never peaceful for those who serve and fulfill their duties...


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