So You’re Saying S*x Makes Me Hotter?!

Chapter 1 – A Completely Unassuming Date

So there I was, entering the Italian restaurant that I was meeting someone I matched with on a dating site. She was pretty attractive based on the couple of pictures that she had on her profile, plus she was pretty good for conversation as far as first impressions went. I was looking forward to meeting her.

I shot a text to my date saying that I was inside and I would go ahead and grab us a table. Since the time we planned was still a good five minutes away, I figured she probably wouldn’t be here yet.

My assumption proved correct when she texted me back that she was on the way and would be there in a couple minutes. She also made sure to tell me that she was using talk-to-text. Bonus points for safe driving. 

A hostess approached and after a few exchanged words brought me to a table for two. It was a little square thing that truly would only fit two people, but it had a nice view of the street where the hustle and bustle of the place could be seen. This was a great spot for people watching.

Positioning myself to be on the side of the table that let me face the main entrance, I sat down and put my purse in my lap. This way I would be able to keep an eye out for someone that looked like her profile pictures. 

I looked down at myself, puffing my chest out a bit. Confidence was welling up in me. I was dressed nicely and I had done up my straight, shoulder-length black hair to get it some extra volume. My bold red blouse with a deep scoop neck to show off my assets fit snugly without being overly small. Sleeves that were barely attached to the thing poofed out to my mid bicep. It also cut off just above my navel, exposing my toned stomach to the world. Then there were my jean shorts, which were never going to pass any fingertip length tests and existed dangerously close to the realm of my cheeks peeking out if I moved around too much. My leather sandals had an array of swirly symbols along the light brown straps from some kind of European culture or something. My ensemble did an excellent job of letting me stave off the summer heat and look great doing it. 

All in all, I was ready. This date was going to be fun. I wouldn’t let it pan out any other way. And hey, maybe that fun would lead back somewhere more private? That would be a really nice cherry on top.

I didn’t have to twiddle my thumbs and be hot all by myself for long thankfully, since a familiar face walked in the front door at almost perfectly five o’clock. This girl was punctual, that was for sure.

Punctual wasn’t the only thing she had going for her though. She was tall, strong, and gorgeous. I was about five foot five (~165cm), and I could tell even without standing next to her that she was probably a whole foot (~30cm) taller than me. A couple inches came from her black heels, but the rest was all her. She looked the part of a supermodel who also could bend me in half. And if things went as well with her in person as they had over text, that was exactly how I wanted this night to end. 

She had wavy blonde hair cascading down to her upper back. Her cocktail dress was black and went down to about mid thigh, which showed off a lot of firmly muscled, smooth, creamy legs. It had a neckline a bit more modest than mine, yet still showed just enough to draw the eye. The absence of sleeves also did an excellent job of showing her strong arms, with biceps about twice as big as mine. Her big purse hanging from her shoulder would’ve looked massive on someone like me. With her though, it fit nicely and made sense for someone of her stature. Her makeup was also on point. The strong features of her jaw were smoothed by an excellently done full face with cherry red lipstick and dark mascara to cap it off. I was almost envious of her skill on that front since I never could get my head around the stuff.

As she looked around and quickly locked onto me, seemingly recognizing me from my profile pictures, I gave her my best smile and waved over to her. She didn’t waste any time and came straight over, showing off a gait that made her hips sway and swished the hem of her dress.

A lopsided grin made its way onto her face when she got close. “You’re Mia I take it?” Her voice was low, but she spoke with such a husky tone that it made my heart flutter.

I took a moment to casually let my eyes work her over top to bottom before meeting her eyes again. “The one and only. And I don’t think I could mistake you for anyone but Chloe. The pictures you used really didn’t do you justice.”

Chloe giggled sweetly, making transphobes weep off in the distance somewhere that a girl like her could be so damn hot and still have such a cute giggle. “I could say the same thing about you.” The way her eyes trailed over my body set me on fire in their wake. Thank goodness I had worn a thicker bra or I would have been giving her quite the show. 

“Take a seat.” I finally said after maybe too long of us maintaining some very intense eye contact. “We can get some food ordered before we go back to getting ourselves all worked up.” I wiggled my eyebrow at her, which made her giggle again.

“Fine, we can put the flirting on hold while we get some dinner.” She sighed in mock disappointment.

I held my hands up placatively. “Woah woah woah, I never said we should stop flirting. Just that we should also do other things too.”

“You strike a hard bargain, but I think I can accept those terms.” She replied with a smug grin.

The both of us got a good laugh out of that, falling into a bit of a fit until our waitress came by and we tried to compose ourselves long enough to put in our drink orders. We both ended up sticking with water, and the waitress left us menus to peruse while she went to get the drinks.

Opening our menus, we looked through them long enough to know what we wanted when the waitress came back. And we did. We held ourselves back long enough to pick out what we wanted. The waitress came by to drop off our drinks and took Chloe’s order for chicken alfredo with a side of broccoli and mine for a shrimp carbonara with a caesar side salad.

Once the waitress walked off with our orders, Chloe and I spent a few seconds just staring meaningfully at each other. Something felt familiar about her, and I couldn’t exactly tell what. Maybe I had seen her around somewhere before? I feel like I would remember somebody with a presence like she had, but she’s not always dressed up for a date so she may be more subtle in her day to day life.

The meaningful staring only lasted a few seconds, then we moved onto the next step. Small talk. This would be the hardest part of the night to get through. Still, I was motivated and eager to talk more with her. There was no sense holding back.

“So, what do you do for a living?” I asked, ripping the bandaid off of our conversational pitfall.

“Asset protection at one of the local supermarkets. It’s pretty terrible, but it gets me decent money until I can find a position in the field that I really want to be in.” She answered good naturedly. “What about you?”

Smiling at how similar our situations are, I told her about my own situation. “I also sold my soul to retail as a stopgap. Until last year I worked a whole lot more, so I’ve taken this past year to settle down a little bit by working part time until I’m ready to get into massage therapy. I’ve been taking the courses, but it’ll be a few more months until I’m able to actually be certified.”

Chloe grinned a little wider. “I hate to sound typical, but I’m sure that you must have a lot of experience with working out…” Her eyes spoke of salacious intentions. ”tension then?”

Oh how I’ve heard that kind of line before. When you tell people you are or are planning to be a massage therapist their mind will go right down the gutter if they have anything to say about it. Plenty of guys and a couple girls had made crude comments or insinuations about me, and none of them really vibed with me. Chloe though… I don’t think I would mind letting her live out that fantasy playing out behind her eyes.

“A bit.” I said coyly. “Though right now any demonstrations would be purely off the record. I don’t have a license to practice.” 

“Oh no, an unlicensed massage. What a fate to have befallen those under your skilled hands. The masseusegeoisie will have your head.” Chloe’s deadpan delivery caused me to snort and then fall into giggles. Chloe herself laughed along a little, but mostly just seemed to be smiling wider as she enjoyed how well her joke had landed.

That did a good job of setting the tone for the rest of our dinner. We laughed, flirted, and threw around innuendos like they were going out of style. All the while we learned a little bit more about each other. 

I found out that Chloe had moved into town about a month ago, but she had actually grown up here and had just gone elsewhere to really work on finding herself once she found out she was trans. She was about the same age as me, which I already knew from her profile, with her being 29 and myself 28. If she grew up here, maybe we went to school together? There was more than one school though, and I doubt that I would be able to place who she was back that long ago. I didn’t really want to either. It wasn’t my place to figure out who she had been. The important part was the person that she was now. 

In return, I told Chloe about myself. How I had come out as trans after having a very enlightening first year of college. I never moved away though, so I ended up fighting an uphill battle against the image that a lot of people had of me during my transition. The old me. That struggle helped me build my confidence though, so it wasn’t all bad. Nowadays I don’t have as many problems with people, namely due to cutting them out of my life and finding the places that I belonged elsewhere. Things were a lot better for me and I was proud of how far I had come since then.

At some point during our conversation the food had arrived. It was good, just like it always has been since my parents brought me here as a kid. Shame that my parents are on rocky ground since they can’t seem to respect their daughter and keep insisting that they have a son somewhere.

Nostalgia didn’t stick around for long. I had other things that were more important in front of me. Chloe was warming up to me very quickly. The conversation flowed naturally and our shared interests kept lining up in some very appealing ways. Our exchanges weren’t all horny. Okay, most of them had some kind of horny undertone but we still had other things going on!

For instance! Chloe and I both grew up around here, so we were able to talk about some of the fun stuff that you can do around here. I also had some enjoyment out of getting her up to speed on a few things that had changed. That annoying light near the courthouse that never synced up properly with the other intersection that was only twenty feet further down the road? They finally fixed the thing! It changes at the same time! It’s a miracle!

All in all, things were going really well. Soon enough we did run into our next big step though. The food was eaten and we had each paid for our own meals. The sun was setting and cast a lovely red hue over the land. Now we had to decide what to do next. I had my hopes as to where this could go. I was also a little nervous. I had a reasonably good idea that she would say yes if I asked her to keep the night going at one of our places, but that didn’t mean that it was guaranteed. Fuck it, bite the bullet.

“Did you have anything else planned for tonight?” I asked with a flutter of my eyelids that I hoped communicated my less than wholesome intentions.

Chloe grinned as she said, “Planned? No. But there was something I was really hoping to do tonight.”

Alright, she piqued my interest. I could see where this was probably going and played along. “Oh? And what might that be?” I inquired with feigned ignorance.

Her demeanor took on a distinctly seductive quality. Chest pushed out, eyes half-lidded and filled with promises, her bottom lip pushed out slightly as she smiled softly. 

“You?” suggested Chloe breathily.

It took a great deal of willpower to not appear too eager at her proposal. We were still in public afterall. “Me.” I teased while smiling impishly. “Yeah, I think that could be arranged.”

Chloe’s grin widened and her eyes spoke a hidden message that I was more than glad to pick up on. “We can go back to my place? I only live about ten minutes away by foot. No roommates. We would have the place all to ourselves.” I bit my bottom lip, already thinking about how we could use my nice, big, queen-sized bed.

“That should do nicely. Do you need a ride?” Chloe was already gathering her purse. She was clearly ready to get going.

“Yes.” I grinned a grin filled with mischief. “Also, I walked here so if you’ve got a car would you mind if I tagged along?”

Laughing in a way that really got my stomach fluttering, Chloe stood from the table. “I suppose I can give you a lift.” 

“Nice!” I giggled, happy that my lame puns were working. “I wouldn’t mind a lift either. We have to make it to my place first though.”

Chloe just rolled her eyes as she kept on smiling. “Let’s get going. We don’t have… well I guess we do have all night. Still, no sense wasting time that could be spent much better.”

“Yes ma’am.” I agreed happily. 

This was going amazingly so far. This hot amazon of a supermodel was totally into me, and would be into me less metaphorically soon from the sound of things. I swear, if I had a tail it would be swishing behind me happily as we walked to her car. I was excited in so many ways, and I couldn’t wait to find out what kind of fun Chloe was going to have with me. 

Here we go! This is a story concept I've been brewing for a while and finally had the time and energy to start working on it. As I have stated in the synopsis, this is a secondary project. My main project, I Had Sex With a Werewolf and Now I’m Her Pet, will take precedence over this one. This story will be updated when I have extra time left after getting my chapter done for the week of the main project.

Where do you think this story is going to go? What do you think of the characters so far? Is there anything that you might already be looking forward to? Let me know what you think! This story is going to be a bit less serious than the other, so there's room for plenty of gags and other fun things to happen.

I hope you've enjoyed the beginning of this new journey, and until next time I hope you have a gargalistical day!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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