Solo Leveling: Ragnarok

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The Hyena Guild became widely known about a year ago. They were originally a gang of back-alley troublemakers in the Gwacheon area, but the story changed after their awakening. They started exaggerating their past and went around town claiming to be top gangsters.

Their shallow bravado was evident, but they actually engaged in more serious gang-related crime after awakening. For instance, they would lend money to lower-ranked hunters at exorbitant interest rates. In return for reducing the interest, they would send the debtors into dungeons and have them work the mines for free. It was something unimaginable now, but before the Hunter Association was established, there were no hunter-related laws to criminalize their wrongdoings.

Suho managed to find a peculiar fact about them when he was digging up their background. It seemed like a remarkable coincidence that these run-of-the-mill neighborhood troublemakers had awakened their abilities simultaneously one day. What was even more astonishing was that it had all happened on Gwanaksan.

Does that make any sense? Suho felt a sense of curiosity. A dungeon break had occurred a year ago on Gwanaksan. A group of grunts were sent by their gang to the mountain to bury a body. Much to everyone’s surprise, all the lowly errand boys somehow became awakened hunters who immediately formed an organization called the Hyena Guild and took control of the Gwanaksan dungeon. A year passed, but they continued to profit from mining mana stones.

Everything is just too coincidental. There was still much debate about the cause or catalyst of civilians’ awakening magic powers. Some argued it was down to genetics. There were also claims that it was purely down to luck like winning the lottery or getting struck by lightning. There was no way of knowing for sure, they could all be nonsense or they could all be true. The consensus was divided between genetics and luck. In the end, both shared the same conclusion—whatever it was, awakening led to gaining supernatural abilities.

Ultimately, each awakening is different, Suho thought. In the case of the Hyena Guild, it was likely that their members had awakened their abilities by drinking the blood of the Fang Clan, which would explain how they had all awakened at the same time. Then the real problem is... Who from the Fang Clan gave them their blood?

By either a stroke of good fortune or terrible luck, the identity of the Fang Clan member was about to be revealed. An intimidating presence was walking out of the gate on its own.


Shudder. He could hear the eerie sound of the beast’s breath. The malevolent aura contained within shook the air of the mist-covered mountain. In the face of such unmistakable malevolence, Suho turned his gaze away from the werewolves he was fighting and toward the gate.

“Young Monarch, this is dangerous...!” Beru whispered urgently into Suho’s ear as he perched on his shoulder. The ant had been relaxed as if he was on a leisurely stroll, but the appearance of the beast made him lose his composure. “We must get out of here as soon as possible. This level of opponent... I don’t think the Young Monarch can handle it yet!”

However, escaping now was easier said than done.

[Skill: “Ruthless Command” increases the werewolves’ stats by 50%.]

[Skill: “Ruthless Command” has a side effect that causes the werewolves to be afflicted by a curse of madness.]

Suddenly, the werewolves grew in size, and their movements became incredibly fast and powerful. In their madness, their intensity pressured Suho even more.

“Do you think we’ll let you escape?!”

“Die, die, die!”

“Kill that bastard!”

“Young Monarch!” Beru cried.

Due to the sudden turn of events, injuries began to accumulate rapidly on Suho’s body.

[Skill: The level of “Pain Tolerance” has increased!]

[Physical Defense +20% → +40%]

While the skill level had increased, it didn’t necessarily make the battle any easier.

“Tsk. I clearly warned you from the beginning. Things would get more dangerous the closer we got to the sanctuary.” Rakan’s Fang bore an inexplicable sense of discomfort. “This aura... Not only are there relics, but it seems like an unsavory mutt has been dwelling here.”

“A mutt?” Summoning all his strength, Suho managed to strike down one of the werewolves.

“Correct. Many minor clans followed the Fang Clan. And among them, there was one who emitted the same foul aura.”

Right at that moment, the roar of a fierce beast shook Gwanaksan.

“That’s right. It was that one. The leader of the Hyena Clan, Broki.”

Just then, a massive beast with dirty, mottled fur revealed itself. Its sharp, jagged teeth jutted out haphazardly. It was essentially a hyena the size of a small house.

[Merciless Commander Broki]

A red name tag hovered above his head. The color only meant one thing—the hyena was a powerful monster Suho couldn’t handle.

The dungeon’s boss is still alive... The pressure emanating from the creature sent shivers down his spine. It seemed like the Hyena Guild had intentionally kept the information hidden for a year. A field-type dungeon with a boss monster was the definition of a disaster. If other hunters had known the truth, they wouldn’t have left the place alone.

So that’s why the guild was named Hyena. It was truly absurd. Hunters who should be hunting magic beasts had become their minions instead. They had even brought their fellow humans and offered them as food. Suho gritted his teeth as everything became clearer to him.

In response, the gigantic hyena yawned, opening its jaws wide open. Then, it recognized Rakan’s Fang in Suho’s hand and let out a menacing chuckle.

“Hm? What’s this? I thought I sensed a familiar aura. Well, if it isn’t Rakan’s Fang!”


“What happened to you? How is the relic of the great Monarch of Fangs being held by a mere human?”

The sword felt a sense of humiliation. It had been wildly swinging at the mercy of Suho’s grip, and the fact stung even more now that it realized it was used against the lackeys of a scum like Broki.

“You don’t look so great either. Did you lose your original strength entirely?”

“With our Monarch gone, we’re both just lost soldiers, aren’t we?”

They don’t seem like friends. As the two acquainted themselves, Suho was still engaged in a fierce battle with the werewolves. A new problem arose, even if he managed to kill all the werewolves, he still had the giant hyena to deal with. With the Monarch of Fangs gone, Broki’s power had diminished compared to its original state, but even then, Suho was still much weaker. That doesn’t mean I’m going to die willingly. Even in this dire situation, the Young Monarch kept his nerve and assessed the situation with a composed gaze.

[The werewolf has been defeated.]

[Enemies to Eliminate: 10]

[Eliminated: 9]

He had only one more werewolf to slay. However, Broki didn’t even bat an eyelid at the sight of his henchman’s death.

“Tsk. Weak fools. They can’t even handle one human.” He mocked their deaths and made a proposition to Rakan’s Fang. “This is a great opportunity, Rakan’s Fang. I will kill that human for you if you join me. I need a useful tool, so I am willing to become your new master.”

“Nonsense. You think a mongrel like you could become my master? How dare you? My only master is Monarch Rakan.”

“But Rakan is already dead, don’t you know?”

“Wh-what did you say? How dare you!”

“Don’t get so upset. Weaklings are meant to die. Those who survive are the strong ones. Like me.”

Rakan’s Fang snapped in anger at Broki’s sinister laughter. The sword shouted, “Human! Kill that bastard! Insert my blade into the throat of that mongrel who insulted Monarch Rakan!”

“Haha! Your nonsense is hilarious. Go ahead and try whatever you want! He’s such a weakling...”

Before the giant hyena could even finish its words, Rakan’s Fang shot forward in a straight line from Suho’s hand. The cold blade pierced through Broki’s laughing throat.

“What... the heck?”

A deflated voice escaped from the beast’s lips. In its expanded field of vision, Suho came into view. He stood ready, his sword poised, and gazed intently in its direction. With his other hand, he gripped the throat of the remaining werewolf tightly.

“How do you like that?”

Broki’s eyes curved like a crescent moon. “You’re an interesting one, I’ll give you that.” The beast seemed relaxed even with Rakan’s Fang in its throat. “But you couldn’t possibly kill me with such an attack...”

“I know, but I can still hurt you.” Suho gestured with his hand. Ruler’s Authority. Spin.

Rakan’s Fang, lodged in Broki’s throat, began to rotate ferociously like a drill.

“Wh-what?!” Feeling the pain in his throat, Broki jerked in surprise. The sword spun even more violently, sinking even deeper into the beast’s throat.

[Skill: “Storm Slash” has activated.]

“Argh... You son of a...!”

Rakan’s Fang fiercely whipped through Broki’s body like a violent storm. The more it struggled, the more the beast writhed in agony.

“You’re starting to grow on me.” Rakan’s Fang’s faint chuckle reached Suho. “But do you think you’ll be okay?”

Despite his successful attack, killing Broki at Suho’s current level was impossible. Even though the hyena beast was weaker than its past self, the monster’s regenerative abilities far outstripped Suho’s offensive power. But the Young Monarch still found the battle thrilling.

“But Rakan is already dead, you know?”

The sword was furious that the former servant dared to mock the death of his Monarch. It was a sin Rakan’s Fang wasn’t willing to forgive, it wanted Broki beheaded immediately. But it had to contend with reality and at least enjoy the pain it was inflicting upon the hyena. The result was devastating.

“Ahh! You fool! I’ll kill you!”

Suho was about to bear the brunt of Broki’s wrath, who was now a wounded beast. The hyena emanated a ferocious aura as it lunged forward. The tremendous power was enough to shake Gwanaksan. A massive pressure, akin to a falling boulder, pressed upon Suho.

“I’m sorry... but I’m also grateful to you. Thank you for letting me preserve the last shred of dignity I had left as a soldier of the Monarch of Fangs,” Rakan’s Fang’s resolute voice rang out.

“Huh?!” Broki’s body momentarily froze just before it was about to trample its opponent. “Rakan’s Fang... You fool! Argh!”

“Run! I’ll do my best to buy some time here!” the sword cried out urgently to Suho as it forcibly stalled the beast’s movements.

Suho, who should have fled, had no intention of backing down as the last werewolf’s breath ceased in his grasp.

[Enemies Eliminated: 10]

Then came the following messages.


[Emergency Quest: “Defeat the Enemies” has been completed.]


[Level Up!]


[The following reward will be given.

Reward 1. Ability Points +5

Reward 2. Title: “Wolf Slayer”]

“Reward accepted.”


[Title: “Wolf Slayer” has been acquired.]

Suho picked up a fallen werewolf’s weapon from the ground. Now holding two swords, his eyes gleamed like a hunter about to strike his prey.

[Title: Wolf Slayer

This is a title awarded to skilled hunters capable of capturing wolves. When facing beast-type monsters, all stats increase by 40%.]

“Time to start hunting,” Suho declared as his entire body became engulfed with intense determination.

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