Solving the Case: Anti-Fraud at the Start, I Signed In the Master Hacker

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Monitor Screen!

The last double-speed playback.

Under the propaganda of Wang Weiguo, everyone in the team knows it.


Chen Ye’s fame has been uploaded to the city bureau.

Li Zhiqiang heard that a big man in the Municipal Bureau admired Chen Ye very much and wanted to raise him to the Municipal Bureau.

Of course he liked it.

Such a genius.

In their Hongcheng police force, they will definitely not be able to keep it.

Might as well have a good relationship.

What’s more, even if this kind of thing is really mobilized, it can’t be decided in a day or two.

He smiled and said, “I heard from your master last time, but this time I have a chance to see it with my own eyes!”

Chen Ye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Team Li, it’s fine for other people to talk about it. Why are you still bragging? I’m just making a little noise. Who among the experts in the city bureau is better than me?”

Li Zhiqiang has not spoken yet.

Wang Weiguo boasted: “Don’t talk nonsense! I’ve already inquired about it, 16 times speed! 30 videos! Even the experts from the Municipal Bureau, only one can do this, you don’t know, the old leaders of the Municipal Bureau give it to me Call and ask if this is true or not.”

Chen Ye: “???”

He looked at the big screen with tears in his eyes and said, “Let’s investigate the suspect first.”

Li Zhiqiang sat in front of the computer and asked, “How’s the speed?”

Chen Ye glanced at it and said, “Play it at 16x speed, and play these videos together.”

Li Zhiqiang switched the screen to 16x speed.

next moment.

In the stunned eyes of the crowd.

Those pictures flickered like snowflakes.

Li Zhiqiang stared at the picture, then looked at Chen Ye, and muttered in his heart: Can you really see clearly at such a fast speed?

Wang Weiguo seemed to see through Team Li’s mind and patted his shoulder with a smile.

Both old partners are waiting for Chen Ye’s final result.

five minutes later.

Chen Ye, who had been watching intently, suddenly sat up straight.

He pointed to two of the screens and said:

“Screen 1, the time goes back to 7:30!”

“Screen 3, the time goes back to 9:20!”

Accompanying Chen Ye to speak.

Li Zhiqiang paused the screen and entered the relevant time on the keyboard.

Slap in the mouth!

He pressed enter.

next moment.

The same figure appeared on the screen.

It was Chu Nan!

Li Zhiqiang said in surprise: “Okay, your kid actually found someone.” Others were also shocked.

Chen Ye said modestly: “Team Li, from the current timeline, Chu Nan’s entry and exit time is 1 hour and 50 minutes. In such a short time, if the other party wants to implement a series of things such as stun + infringement, it must be done in advance. be ready!”

“The runway around the lake is closed at 10pm!”

“I suggest to move forward and backward for about an hour at this point in time, and not let any suspicious person go!”

“Especially here in the fish market, those seafood dealers are the first targets of our investigation!”

Li Zhiqiang nodded and said: “Then pick out all the people who appeared on the runway around the lake. Combined with these fishmongers, we compare them one by one, and we don’t believe that the other party can escape our big net.”

Chen Ye nodded immediately.


The picture is played frame by frame.

Nine p.m!

All stalls in the fish market are closed.

The gates of the walking track were also closed simultaneously.

Chen Ye picked out 5 people.

But he was still a little worried.

He expanded the time before and after.

Watch until 12 o’clock.

No one appeared on the screen.

He said: “It should be only these people.”

Li Zhiqiang looked at the people on the screen and called the security guard to ask, “Do you know all these people?”

The property security guard took a serious look and said, “I know! I know all of them. They are all renters of our booth. I still have their information here. Do you want to take a look?”

Li Zhiqiang nodded.

The property security took out the ledger from the cabinet.

He handed it over and said, “Several police officers, these are all leased ledgers, and all the people you want are in there.”

Li Zhiqiang took over.

Open the first page.

A man named Zhou Dahu appeared.

Li Zhiqiang glanced at him, then frowned and said, “This man’s photo is the man on screen 4, right?”

Chen Ye nodded and said, “It’s him!”

Li Zhiqiang squeezed the roster and said, “Everyone who went to the walking track last night is here, Lao Zhang, please help us call them all.”

The security guard said: “Ah? How can I call this?”

Li Zhiqiang said: “Just talk with them about the booth fee. The inspection of the civilized city is about to start, and the requirements for the inspection of each booth are higher. You want them to come and talk.”

The property security guard said nervously: “This, can this work?”

Li Zhiqiang said: “You just need to bring people over, and leave the rest to us.”

The property security guard said: “Then, let me try.”

He called according to the address book left on the ledger.


The first person to connect.

According to Li Zhiqiang’s teaching, the security asked the other party to come to the property center.

There is little doubt.

The other party walked over directly.

Li Zhiqiang patted the security guard on the shoulder and said, “Well done, don’t be nervous, just follow the rhythm just now.” The security guard nodded and said, “Hmm, um.

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