Solving the Case: Anti-Fraud at the Start, I Signed In the Master Hacker

Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Father And Son

Most of the people who come to play are students.

They are far more innocent and less vigilant than adults who have not yet entered the society.

Chen Ye showed his work permit.

Just ask a few questions.


After a brief surprise, someone spoke.

Claimed to have an impression of the old man.

Still wondering why the old man hasn’t come these two days?

Chen Ye asked, “Do the old people usually come here at noon or in the evening?”

See the Courage Award!

The young man thought for a while and said, “I remember it was noon! It’s really unbearable to return him on a hot day. We all put a plastic bottle for him.”

Chen Ye said: “You are doing the right thing! The old man actually has two children who are studying in college, and the family burden is relatively heavy, so he has to come out to find some extra money. By the way, you just said that he came at noon, according to “Seven “We understand that the last time he came was three days ago, on the 18th, were you playing here?”

“Three days ago?”

The young man thought about it seriously, nodded and said, “I should be there.”

Chen Ye asked, “Did you notice anything wrong at that time?”

“What’s wrong?”

The young man asked lately, “What do you mean?”

Chen Ye gave a simple example: “For example, the expression and state of his picking up the bottle, such as whether he said anything.”

The young man thought about it and shook his head: “Then I really didn’t pay attention, what happened to this old man?”

Chen Ye said: “It’s nothing, we just know about it routinely.”

The young man nodded.

Others are calling him to play.

He waved: “I really don’t remember the rest, let’s go play first.”

Chen Ye nodded and said, “OK!”

Young people appear.

A few people walked out with nothing.


Chen Ye’s ears moved.

not far away.

There was a murmur of whispers.

“Dad, why don’t you let me talk?”

“You are still young and don’t know the complexity of society. Let’s not cause trouble for ourselves.”

“How can this be called causing trouble? They are the police.”

“Listen to Dad, play your ball well.” “,,

Chen Ye looked sideways.

The middle-aged man who had just entered the field was talking to his son.

Both of them kept their voices low.

For fear of being heard.

But Chen Ye has already activated the hearing function.

He glanced at the man, and immediately rushed to Chen Manting, Wu Chenggang and others: “Team Chen, Team Wu! Found something suspicious.”

Several people looked stern.

Chen Ye walked up.



After a simple greeting.

Chen Ye showed his work certificate and said, “That’s it, we are investigating a criminal case and want to ask you to understand a few questions. I don’t know if it is inconvenient for you?”

The man just shook his head.

Chen Ye said lightly: “It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police in the investigation according to the law. You won’t set a wrong example in front of your children, right?”

The man’s face was a bit waxy.

After glancing at a few people, he shook his head and said, “No problem!”

Chen Ye immediately winked at Wu Chenggang and said, “Team Wu, I think we shouldn’t disturb the children playing basketball. Let’s go outside the court and ask? What do you think, big brother?”

Wu Chenggang immediately said: “Yes, yes!”

Said to pull the man out of the basketball court.

Du Zhikang followed.

The man looked back in anxiety and asked, “Why didn’t they come?”

Wu Chenggang said with a smile: “they usually like to play basketball. I guess they are addicted to watching? Let’s leave him alone, let’s go, and ask the same question.” He pulled the man out of the basketball court.

Chen Ye looked at the young man in his twenties and said, “What weird things did you say you saw?”

The young man swallowed, wanting to deny it.

Chen Ye said lightly: “You should know that it is illegal to deliberately lie to induce the police, on the contrary! If you provide clues to help us solve the case, we will give you an award for being a good citizen; in addition, there will be some bonuses, at least It’s also a few thousand yuan, don’t you want to participate in such a thing?”

The young man asked in surprise, “Can you really get it?”

Chen Ye smiled and took out the work card from Chen Manting’s arms, handed it to him and said, “This is Captain Chen of the Municipal Bureau. Do you think we will deceive a young man who is still in college?” The young man looked at the work card in surprise. , looked at Chen Manting again and dared not believe: “It’s actually the captain? Sister, you are so beautiful, I thought you were a college student who just started working?” Chen Manting was so heroic at the moment…

Plus charming red lips.

It’s almost a surefire way to kill such a young man who hasn’t left school yet.

Chen Manting smiled lightly and said: “Really? I have been working for three years, thank you for your praise! I can assure you that if the clues you provide are useful, we will give you a reward for righteousness and a bonus of about 5,000 yuan, Do you have anything to say?”

The young man glanced at the place where his father disappeared, struggled for a while and said, “Yes!”

Chen Ye and Chen Manting both changed their expressions when they heard the words.

Chen Ye turned on the camera on his shoulder.

The youth organization said: “How do you say it? I was throwing the ball when the old man came to collect the plastic bottles. I told him that the plastic bottles were all collected on the other side of the field, and he thanked me a few words.”

“I didn’t take it seriously at the time and continued to serve.”

“The old man has a habit. Every time he collects the ball with the snakeskin pocket, he will sit there and watch us play. I feel that he may regard us as his children, and he thinks of his own children when he sees us.” 3.3

“Seeing things and thinking people!”

Chen Ye nodded affirmatively and said, “The old man has two children, the older one is studying for a doctorate and the younger one is studying at university, and they are about the same age as you.”

The young man suddenly said: “No wonder, anyway, he usually watches for a long time. Sometimes he can sit there for half an hour, but it was strange that day. He suddenly left after watching it for two minutes.”

Chen Ye was keenly aware of the problem in the middle and asked, “Has anything strange happened in the middle?”

The young man shook his head and said, “No? I don’t remember anything.”

Court VI/Xiang. “What about the person from Right Yan You Gu Zao II?”

The young man nodded and said, “Yes!”

Chen Ye: “…”

Chen Manting: .

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