Solving the Case: Anti-Fraud at the Start, I Signed In the Master Hacker

Chapter 220

Chapter 220 Something Happened To Me!

According to the investigation, the two deceased in the fire, Li Wei and Wang Cuihua, and a daughter named Li Qian.

I was in high school at the time.

Living on campus narrowly escaped.

The arson case didn’t take long.

Li Qian moved to live with ~ grandparents.

However, when they got to college, their grandparents were in poor health and could not support Li Qian’s living expenses. Li Qian’s living expenses and tuition fees were always supported by her grandparents, and she was in touch with her grandparents – gradually decreasing.

At present, both grandparents and grandparents live in Haocheng.

Two adjacent villages.

Chen Ye immediately said: “Chen team, go to these two houses.”

Chen Manting said: “Okay! Team Wu, you take Du Zhikang and the two to visit Li Qian’s grandparents’ house to investigate, and Chen Ye and Li Chuang go to grandparents’ place?”

Wu Chenggang: “Okay!”

Chen Ye: “Good!”

The police car roared.

The two cars went straight to Huaihe Village.

It’s on the outskirts of the city.

Named for its proximity to the Huaishui River.

The new rural construction will repair the road directly to the door of each house.

When the two of Chen Ye arrived.

Li Chuang also arrived by car.

Chen Ye asked, “Did you bring the photo?”

Li Chuang immediately handed over the photo and asked, “It’s been so long, can it be useful?”

Chen Ye explained briefly: “According to the point of view of genetics, children will inevitably inherit the features of their parents, but this feature is actually a skeleton, and most people say that it is not like that because of the difference in fat and thinness, which hides itself. characteristics.”

“If you look at the facets of the whole, especially the skull, parents and children are very similar.”

Li Chuang said suddenly: “Sure enough, he is an expert in face identification! He is a professional.”

Chen Ye smiled and said, “Don’t flatter me, let’s go and see the situation.”

The three entered the village.

Village Chief Li has already received a call from the local branch.

Waiting at the village entrance.

Chen Ye smiled and shook hands and said, “Sorry! I bothered you about a case 20 years ago. The main reason is that the technical means are now advanced. We want to scan some doubts about the case again.”

Village Chief Li smiled and said, “Understood, then I’ll take you there now? But Old Li’s health is not very good.”

Chen Ye asked as he walked, “Do you know much about Li Wei’s family?”

Village Chief Li thought about it and said, “What should Li Wei’s family say? Back then, Old Li had a son and a daughter. Apart from Li Wei’s son, there was also a daughter, Li Rong, but Li Rong was famous in our village for his sharp teeth, and even I doubt… forget it! Don’t talk, don’t talk!”

Chen Ye smiled and said, “Cun Chief Li, we are just chatting, just say it, we will judge whether it is true or not.”

Village Chief Li was embarrassed and said, “It’s not a big deal. Didn’t Li Wei still have a daughter? It was a good one, but the old couple sent it to my grandmother in a daze.

Chen Ye asked: “Send it to grandma? Isn’t it because the old man is not in good health?”

Village Chief Li hummed: “What’s wrong with that? My daughters have gone to college, so they need to pay for living expenses every month, I heard…”

Glancing around. He lowered his voice and said, “It’s that aunt’s ghost.”

Chen Manting asked, “Eldest sister-in-law?”

Village Chief Li said, “Just Li Rong! I guess she has an opinion.”

Chen Manting asked, “They live together?”

Village Chief Li said: “It’s all in the same village, and usually you don’t see them when you look up and look down.”

talking room.

Several people arrived at a residence.

Village Chief Li pointed to the private house not far away and said, “Here! It’s there.”

Chen Manting caught a glimpse of a roadside supermarket.

He winked at Li Chuang.

Li Chuang went to the supermarket in the east of the village and brought two boxes of nutritional products.

Chen Manting said, “Village Li, we don’t want to disturb too many people, and we will say that we are coming from the town to offer condolences later.

Village Chief Li immediately said: “No problem! No problem!”

He stepped forward and called the door.

dong dong dong!

“Lao Li, are you at home?”

“Who, who?”

A trembling voice came.

Village Chief Li pushed open the door and walked in.

Chen Ye and a few people looked over.

An old man of about eighty years old sits on a rattan chair and basks in the sun.

Village Chief Li stepped forward and said, “This is from the town to condolences to you. Aren’t you getting old and wrestling? They sent some nutritional supplements, so just accept them.”

The elderly seem to have severe hearing loss.

Staring at a few people tremblingly opened their mouths.

Chen Ye stepped forward.

Just wanted to ask a few questions.

The elderly are in very poor condition.

…….. ask for flowers…

Talking is useless.

A sentence often takes half a day to answer.

Chen Ye shook his head and said, “Cun Chief Li, take us to Sister Li Wei’s house.”

Village Chief Li sighed and said, “Alas! Old Li was fine a few years ago, but he fell down some time ago, and now his condition is worse than this.”

Chen Ye asked, “He fell down a year ago?”

Village Chief Li said: “Otherwise, the state can be so bad? Let’s go, I will take you to Li Rong’s house.”

Just unfortunate.

A few people just went out.

Just a phone call.

Village Chief Li immediately frowned after a couple of conversations.

hang up the phone.

He said apologetically, “I’m sorry, there is a sudden emergency in the village. There is a conflict between the two families. We are going to fight. Do you want to go first? Or wait for me to mediate before taking you there?”


Chen Ye asked: “Is it serious? Do you want us to go out?”

Village Chief Li shook his head and said, “It’s just some war of words, I’ll just say a few words, you guys are going to make a big fuss.”

Chen Ye said: “Okay! Then you can tell us the address, we can go by ourselves.”

Village Chief Li told Chen Manting and others the location of Li Rong’s house.

Several people walked over.

Li Chuang said: “It seems that today is a waste of time.”

Chen Ye recalled the scene of the meeting just now, shook his head and said, “It’s not in vain! We may have a major discovery!”

Chen Manting asked in surprise, “You mean the faces don’t match?”

Chen Ye nodded and said: “That’s right! Didn’t I just say that? A person’s face will change to a certain extent with fat and thin, but bones will not! In addition to identifying those special features, such as black moles, our face identification , and also identify the contours of the entire face.”

“And the old man just now is not like Li Qian.”

Chen Manting’s expression changed.

A bold speculation flashed through her mind.

Chen Ye said with a smile: “Team Chen, it’s just speculation now, we’ll ask Li Rong some questions later, according to Village Chief Li, this Li Rong is a pungent master, we have to get ahead and suppress the other party, otherwise we’ll have to ask Li Rong some questions. Being walked around in circles by the other party.”

Chen Manting said with a smile: “Okay, you will come in later, I will take care of you if you have any questions.”

The three of Chen Ye came to a dwelling.

dong dong dong!

Chen Ye stepped forward and knocked on the door.

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