Solving the Case: Anti-Fraud at the Start, I Signed In the Master Hacker

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 I Sent A Few Don’T!

Say goodbye to Chen Wanjun.

Chen Ye drove the tank SUV straight to the city bureau.

Arrive at the office.

Just sat down.

Chen Manting walked in in a hurry.

Chen Ye glanced at Chen Manting’s expression and asked in surprise, “There won’t be a new case, right?”

Chen Manting said: “That’s right! A disappearance case in the jurisdiction is rather tricky. Before announcing it, let’s talk about yesterday’s case.”

Chen Ye, Zhao Jun, and the others all listened attentively.

Chen Manting said simply: “Everyone knows about the case yesterday. The provincial bureau sent a special commendation to confer the honor of the first-class collective merit of our criminal investigation detachment. At the same time, Chen Ye, your personal second-class merit.

The application has also been approved, and it should be officially issued next week. ”

Chen Ye smiled and said, “So fast?”

Chen Manting said: “To recover the 500 million smuggled money for the country, I am not happy that Director Mao will not agree.”

Everyone laughed.

Chen Manting said: “In addition, the bonus in the bureau will be distributed first. The financial side has already made an account just now. I estimate that it will be here soon.” While speaking.




A few text messages.

Zhao Jun and Du Zhikang both looked at the phone. 26 Chen Ye also took out his mobile phone.

[Your bank card account ending in 9833 has received 200,000 yuan, and the current balance is 2,037,333.8 yuan.


Directly exceeded 2 million yuan.

Among them, there are 900,000 yuan of contract money yesterday.

Chen Ye took out 100,000 yuan.

As the mind of the second squadron.

Condolences to Li Fei’s family.

800,000 plus this 200,000 is exactly 1 million.

Earn 1 million in a day.

In particular, money is only incidental, and the sense of achievement at work is more important.

He put it back in his pocket with satisfaction.

Chen Manting said: “Next, I will inform you about the disappearance case.”

Come to the computer.

Simply call up the dossier sent by the district office.

Chen Manting said: “The more detailed dossier is still in the district bureau. Let me briefly explain the timeline of this disappearance case.”

“A week ago! Zhao Lihua, who lives in Jinxiu New Town, ran away from home. Her husband thought she was going to her parents’ house or looking for a friend to play with. At first, she didn’t take it seriously, because Zhao Lihua also had a record of not returning home before.”

“Three days ago! The wife sent a prestige letter and asked for a transfer of 500 yuan. The husband Chen Ming finished the transfer and told his wife to come back as soon as possible. Zhao Lihua has not returned.”

“Until yesterday, my wife still didn’t come back, which made Chen Ming a little worried.”

“Immediately, he read the text message sent by his wife three days ago and felt suspicious and called the police.”

“After receiving the alarm, the district bureau launched an investigation and found that the phone card had been removed and the suspect’s whereabouts could not be locked.”

Several people frowned.

Chen Ye asked, “What’s wrong with the text message?”

Chen Manting explained: “It’s a commonly used hometown language habit! Zhao Lihua is a native of Liancheng, and she never speaks badly, only one word for spring. In the chat record that day, her husband wanted to make a video with her, and Zhao Lihua sent a series of messages. A few don’t.”

“Chen Ming didn’t take it seriously at first. It wasn’t until yesterday that he reacted and provided suspicious information to the police.”

Chen Ye nodded.

Common phrases This habit everyone has.

And this habit is mostly subconscious.

Like a micro-expression.

Not easy to cheat.

Chen Ye asked: “Can it be determined now whether Zhao Lihua was killed or trapped?”

Chen Manting shook her head and said, “It’s hard to say at the moment. The police have investigated Zhao Lihua’s social relations and found no trace. At the same time, they have also checked Zhao Lihua’s phone call records during her lifetime, but they have not found any abnormalities. The district bureau forwarded this case to us.”

Chen Ye nodded.

A bold guess flashed in his mind.

But it still needs to be confirmed.

He said, “Then go to the district bureau to get a more detailed dossier?”

Chen Manting nodded.

The two cars are light and simple.

Go straight to the district office.

After a while.

Arrive at the district office.

District Bureau Captain Li greeted him.

Chen Manting came forward to greet each other, and then asked: “Li team, where are the family members of the missing person?”

Captain Li explained: “Chen Ming is a middle school teacher and is still in class. Do you think we will investigate now, or wait for him to make an appointment after class?”

Chen Manting considered the influence and said, “Then inform him and make an appointment after class.”

Captain Li said: “Okay, I’ll call him now.”

Chen Ye and others entered the conference room.

The relevant case records have been sorted out.

Chen Ye flipped through the transcript.

Especially Chen Ming’s record.

After a while.

He noticed a piece of sensitive information, which coincided with the speculation just now, and asked, “According to Chen Ming’s transcript, Zhao Lihua liked some social software during her lifetime? And she often traveled with some friends?”

Captain Li nodded and said, “How do you say it? According to our investigation, Chen Ming belongs to the type of scholar who is honest and polite.”

“And Zhao Lihua is a dance teacher. Sometimes 747 will also make a cameo appearance in a colleague’s live broadcast. We learned from the side that Zhao Lihua is more playful and often plays with colleagues until midnight.”

Chen Ye asked in surprise, “Live broadcast?”

Captain Li said: “That’s right! Dance teacher live broadcasts are very popular now. According to our survey, Zhao Lihua’s colleagues earn thousands of dollars in rewards every day. It can only be said that the profession is getting richer and richer now.”

Chen Ye said: “According to the records, Zhao Lihua went out for two or three days at most. Have you verified it?”

The main team player Qing. “The peace game is very bad; the right side of the 1% of the inch is stagnant for two or two days. One and one eye-knocks?

Chen Ye nodded.

In this way, the suspicion of Chen Ming’s intentional induction can be ruled out.

He looked at Chen Manting and said, “Team Chen, why don’t you remove the identity information first? Check her recent online activity.” Chen Manting said, “Okay.”

Accompanied by Captain Li, several people went to the household registration department.


ID card input.

The content of Zhao Lihua’s real-name registration on the Internet recently emerged.

Top position!

A very popular live chat software pops up.

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