Solving the Case: Anti-Fraud at the Start, I Signed In the Master Hacker

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Every1 Gets Loot!

Time passed slowly.

three minutes later.

in the eyes of the crowd.

A file is downloaded directly.

Chen Ye sat up straight and opened the file seriously,


Li Zhiqiang’s expression suddenly changed, and he asked excitedly:

Chen Ye nodded and asked, “what’s the matter?”

Convey what’s inside:

‘You said the code name Eagle? ”

“The data has been downloaded, and according to the documents, this is a fraud gang code-named ‘Eagle’

Li Zhiqiang said: “This is an extra-large fraud gang entrenched in our Nanjiang Province. The amount of fraud is not less than 100 million yuan. Even the provincial department has not been able to catch it all at once. You actually found it?”

Chen Ye looked at the server.

He suddenly said: “No wonder! There are hundreds of millions of cash on this server.”

Li Zhiqiang asked, “Can the funds be withdrawn?”

Chen Ye shook his head and said, “The other party has set up a multi-level server. We can’t know the server address. Only by finding a person with higher authority can it be locked!”

Li Zhiqiang sighed and said, “Since that’s the case, let’s investigate this person first.”

Chen Ye looked at the document and said, “The fraudster should correspond to this J562767 document just now. His name is Zhou Hu, and the other party’s actual IP address is 192.168…the address is in Tiangang Garden Community!”


Everyone’s expressions changed.

“Tiangang Garden Community? Isn’t this in our Hongcheng! Chen Ye, are you sure?”

Chen Ye nodded and said, “It’s not wrong, all the information matches, it’s him!”

Li Zhiqiang said with a cold face: “I thought it was just a coincidence, but I didn’t expect that the other party was deliberately provocative, knowing that we were carrying out anti-fraud propaganda!”

“For the country, you immediately bring people, let’s go and capture this Zhou Hu!”

“And this eagle, this time we have to catch it all!”

Wang Weiguo nodded immediately.

He’s about to get together and set off.

Chen Ye interrupted: “Team Li, I have an idea.”

Li Zhiqiang had just seen Chen Ye’s technology and had a good impression of Chen Ye, and immediately said, “What are your thoughts, but it’s okay to say!”

Chen Ye said: “This is a big case and a special case. We can only say that we have completed the task when we catch the other party. If we want the people to trust us again, we must do it well!”

Li Zhiqiang pondered for a moment and asked, “What do you think?”

Chen Ye said: “Live video! We can shoot the relevant information and not release it first. Once the opponent is caught, we will directly put the picture on platforms such as Dousheng. This effect will be sensational.”

“The other party dares to defraud us in front of the people, and we have to let the other party know that the police are not something they can mess with; at the same time, we can also tell those residents that it is difficult to find the police.”

Li Zhiqiang thought for a while after hearing the words, and then praised: “This is a good way to treat others with their own way, Lao Wang, notify the propaganda department to follow up!”

Wang Weiguo nodded immediately.

Li Zhiqiang looked at Chen Ye again and said, “This time you follow along too!”

Chen Ye said in surprise: “Captain Li, I’m still in the internship period, isn’t it illegal to call the police?”

Li Zhiqiang laughed and said, “I don’t want you to arrest people, but just come out! Besides, how many interns have the ability like you?”

“Okay, just follow you when the time comes, just pay attention to safety.”

Chen Ye’s expression changed.

The police can be called on the first day of the internship.

Simply a great honor.

You must know that the internship period does not even have the right to enforce the law.

Being able to go to the police now means that he is recognized by Li Zhiqiang.

And Li Zhiqiang!

But the captain of the Hongcheng Criminal Investigation Team.

Several units of the police station have always prioritized criminal investigation.

Li Zhiqiang, the criminal investigation captain, ranks only behind several deputy directors in the bureau.

Hongcheng Police Station ranks in the top six!

On the first day of his internship, he was recognized by the top six police officers in the police station. Needless to say, his future future?

He smiled and got into the car with a few people.

The two cars are light and simple.

Tiangang Garden!

Wang Weiguo knocked on the door of the property office directly.

with the cooperation of the opponent.

Several people locked Zhou Hu’s residence at the beginning.

13 buildings!

Room 2501!

dong dong dong!

When the property knocks on each other’s door.

Zhou Hu is still teasing Wang Shan, a beautiful police flower.

“Who is it?”

Hearing the knock on the door, he sincerely apologized to Wang Tan, and walked to the door a little strangely.

According to the method taught by Wang Weiguo, the property manager said calmly, “My property owner, is the exterior wall of your bathroom leaking?”

Zhou Hu shook his head and said, “How is that possible? I’ve only been renovating for a few days!”

The property manager sighed: “Everyone has complained about our property. You should open the door quickly and have a look. If you are sure it’s not you, we have to go upstairs and go door-to-door to find it again. Don’t waste time.”

Zhou Hu thought for a while, made sure he didn’t leave any handles, and opened the door.


The door just opened a crack.

With the king at the head of the country, a group of people rushed in quickly.

Hold that man down!

at the same time.

Li Zhiqiang led people straight to the study.

in the study.

The phone hasn’t hung up yet.

Li Zhiqiang directly asked the phone: “Wang Tan, is that you?”

Wang Li heard Li Zhiqiang’s voice and quickly said: “Li team, have you caught someone?

Li Zhiqiang waved to the camera.

Colleagues from the propaganda department immediately filmed the entire room.

Especially Li Zhiqiang’s tall image.

He said with a serious expression: “Yes, we have arrested the fraudster and brought him to justice, and the relevant investigation will be officially launched when we bring the person back! This time, the Eagles team will wipe out all of them!”

talking room.

The camera also captured the overwhelmed man in the living room.

The whole picture is condescending.

The impact is very obvious.

hang up the phone.

Li Zhiqiang walked into the living room.

Looking at the middle-aged man with a cold face, he said solemnly: “Bring it back to me, and have a good trial! Old Wang, you leave two people down, and search the house for me in a carpet-like manner, and don’t let any clues go! ”



Several people nodded.

Li Zhiqiang looked at Chen Ye again.

He patted him on the shoulder and encouraged: “Chen Ye, you did a good job this time, whether it’s locking the other party’s address or thinking of using this method to promote it, you’ve done a great job!”

“This time when I go back, I’ll ask Bureau Zhang for credit, ask for a reward for you, and even turn it into a regular in advance!”


Chen Ye’s expression changed.

Correct in advance?

This is comparable to the amount of bonus money.

Know that he is still in the internship period.

Nominally a police officer.

In fact, there is no law enforcement power.

Once it is turned positive in advance, that is the real police!

Never worry about law enforcement again.

What’s more, step by step, step by step.

He turned positive three months or even six months in advance.

Compared with the same batch of incoming freshmen, it is a comprehensive lead.

He immediately said, “Thank you, Team Li!”

Li Zhiqiang patted Chen Ye’s shoulder and said, “Don’t thank me, if you don’t have the skills, I won’t approve even if I recommend it, okay, you and your master stay here, learn how to inspect the scene, and see if you can find useful ones. clue!”

Chen Ye immediately said: “Received!”.

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