Solving the Case: Anti-Fraud at the Start, I Signed In the Master Hacker

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Blood On The Doorknob!

Several were skeptical.

Chen Ye said slowly: “I understand everyone’s thoughts, in fact, I don’t quite believe it, but please see, this bloodstain is completely different from the others!”

Several people looked over.

Even Li Zhiqiang came over curiously.

Chen Ye pointed to the pool of blood not far away and said: “According to the analysis of the technical department, the victim should have died of carotid artery damage and blood loss, then with the pressure of the carotid artery, the blood should be splattered, which is also consistent with The shape of these bloodstains on the floor!”

Pointing to the ground.

Those bloodstains were all centered on the corpse.

forming a trend of outward expansion.

Li Zhiqiang nodded and said, “You observed very carefully, continue talking.”

Chen Ye pointed to the drop of blood on the ground again and said: “But this drop of blood does not disperse, it doesn’t look like it was splattered. Corey sampling and testing, maybe we can find something!”


Several people’s expressions changed.

They went to observe according to Chen Ye’s statement.

Those bloods are as Chen Ye said, they are completely two different things.

Li Zhiqiang stared at it for a few seconds, and then praised: “Chen Ye is right, this drop of blood is indeed different from the other drops, I was thinking, Chen Ye has just started work, you have to bring Chen Ye with you, but I didn’t expect to be taught a lesson by Chen Ye.”

“What does this mean? Don’t go to the survey site with habitual thinking, be sure to watch Changxin often!”

“Pharaoh, you inform the technical department and issue the test results as soon as possible!”

Wang Weiguo nodded immediately.

Others applauded.

“Team Li is right! I thought it was just an ordinary pool of blood, but I didn’t expect these!”

“I want to apologize to Chen Ye. It seems that we were arbitrary before. We can’t let go of any clues at the crime scene, and we can’t relax our vigilance just because someone else has checked it!”

Zhou Tai and Wang Yang apologized again and again.

Wang Weiguo even patted Chen Ye on the shoulder and said with a smile: “This pool of blood is really a suspect to be found out, and you have done a great job again!”

Chen Ye said modestly: “The important thing is to catch the suspect as soon as possible!”

Li Zhiqiang clapped his hands and said, “Chen Ye is right. The most important thing now is to arrest the suspect and bring it to justice. Let’s all take action.”

Several people immediately searched again.

Chen Ye applied: “Master, I want to go upstairs to have a look.”

Wang Weiguo took out a baton from his waist, handed it over and said, “Okay, go take a look if you want, but be careful.”

Chen Ye looked at the baton and asked hesitantly, “Master, I haven’t finished the formalities yet, isn’t it appropriate?”

Wang Weiguo smiled and said angrily: “What’s inappropriate? The application has been approved, and there is only one procedure left. Okay, you can take it. If something happens, it’s the master.” Chen Ye thanked “Well. “Sound, took it.

He came to the third floor.

Just as I was about to knock on the third-floor resident’s room, I saw something dark red on the doorknob.

These traces are very subtle.

If it is not preconceived, it will not be discovered at all.

His expression froze.

He subconsciously reached for the baton behind his waist.

Call the master’s phone.

After a while.

Wang Weiguo walked up lightly.

He lowered his voice and asked, “Have you found anything?”

Chen Ye pointed to the pale red bloodstain on the doorknob.

Wang Weiguo’s expression became solemn.

He motioned Chen Ye to step back.

Remove the assay bag from the jacket pocket.

Scrape the blood on the doorknob little by little with a special sticky cotton pad.

Just when it was all about to be done.


The door suddenly opened.

A middle-aged man showed his head and asked, “Who are you?”

Chen Ye hurriedly stood in front of the master, took out his work and said, “Yang Hua, right? We are detectives from Hongcheng Police Station. We came to you to learn more about the situation. I don’t know if it is inconvenient for you?” The middle-aged man heard this. , hurriedly said: “It’s a police comrade, it’s convenient, convenient, please come in!”

Chen Ye looked at the master.

Wang Weiguo has wiped off the last bit of blood at this moment.

He put the test bag into his pocket and gave Chen Ye a wink.

The two enter the house.

Take a glance.

The pattern of the entire room comes into view.

An ordinary two-bedroom house.

The overall decoration is slightly old school.

Three people are sitting in the living room.

Wang Weiguo asked straight to the point: “You reported the case downstairs to the police, right? Can you restore the scene with us?”

The middle-aged man sighed: “I was going to go downstairs to buy groceries. When I got to the second floor, I found the door was left open. I felt strange, so I knocked on the door and asked, and found no response, so I pushed the door and went in. Unexpectedly… ”

Chen Ye took out a pen and paper from his bag.

He asked, “Could you please describe the circumstances of the victim at the time? Where exactly was it?”

Yang Hua thought about it: “At that time, when I pushed the door and went in, I saw Zhang Caihong collapsed in a pool of blood. He was lying on the sofa with his head turned up. Other than that, I didn’t have much impression. All freaked out.”

Chen Ye briefly drew the scene at that time on the drawing, handed it over and asked, “Is that so?”

Yang Hua shook his head and said, “No, her head should have been more towards the balcony at the time, yes, that’s right…” As if she was afraid that she might not understand, she stretched out her hand and pointed directly on the drawing paper.

Chen Ye immediately looked over.

Both arms showed no signs of injury at all.

He glanced at the master and shook his head calmly.

Wang Weiguo continued to ask some questions.

Chen Ye stood up and asked, “Is it convenient for me to use your bathroom? It’s a bit uncomfortable to go out in a hurry.”

Yang Hua immediately said: “No problem, just over there, I’ll take you there.”

Chen Ye waved his hand and said, “No, no, I’ll just go by myself.”

Said to go to the bathroom.

Just came in.

Chen Ye immediately locked the door.

next moment.

He looked at the sink.

If the other party really wants to wash off the blood on his body, then the sink is likely to leave traces


The other party obviously took this into consideration.

The entire sink surface is as smooth as new, leaving no traces.

But Chen Ye didn’t give up.

it is summer now!

The other party will definitely take a bath frequently.

He crouched down.

Open the floor drain cover.


Some hair debris appeared before the eyes.

Chen Ye took out the test bag from the bag, carefully picked it up with the mirror, and put it into the bag.

three minutes later.

He flushed the toilet and walked out of the room.

Wang Weiguo looked over.

Chen Ye nodded calmly.

Wang Weiguo breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up, shook hands and said, “Since that’s the case, let’s learn about it today, and if there is any new situation, please feel free to contact us.

“Definitely – sure!”

Yang Hua sent the two out.

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